HomeBlossomChapter 10: Mother

Chapter 10: Mother

Shuangzhi looked at Dou Zhao with a hint of fear in her eyes after hearing his words. Dou Zhao paid no mind to it. As long as his mother and elders didn’t become suspicious, the servants’ gossip would remain just that – gossip.

Dou Zhao instructed Tuo Niang to carry him back to his room. The West Dou household had simple affairs, and although the tense atmosphere at Heshou Hall made the servants nervous, it was far from causing panic.

When Shuangzhi mentioned that Tuo Niang and Xiangcao were assigned to serve in Dou Zhao’s room, everyone’s attention quickly shifted to the two of them. Some jokingly scolded, “That little minx Xiangcao finally got her way. I wonder whose strings she pulled?”

More people, however, greeted Tuo Niang, introducing themselves: “I’m Yinxing,” “I’m Dingxiang.” Someone asked, “Sister, which room were you serving in before? How did you suddenly get assigned to the Fourth Young Miss’s room?”

Tuo Niang, unaccustomed to such enthusiasm, mumbled her responses. When they learned she was a rough maid from the laundry room, everyone exchanged glances, unsure how to react. Seeing this, Tuo Niang became even more reserved.

“Alright,” Shuangzhi smiled, coming to Tuo Niang’s rescue. “You can talk more later. For now, let’s help Tuo Niang get settled.” She then pondered, “There are two spare beds in my and Sister Hanxiao’s room. We don’t know when Seventh Madam and the others will return today, but Fourth Young Miss can’t be left without attendants. I think Tuo Niang should sleep in our room for now, until we receive instructions from Seventh Madam.”

Tuo Niang breathed a sigh of relief. The others came to their senses, some volunteering to help Tuo Niang pack her things, while others offered to make her bed.

Tuo Niang refused to leave Dou Zhao’s side: “Who will attend to the Young Miss? I’ll wait until Xiangcao arrives before deciding.”

Dou Zhao smiled slightly. Tuo Niang was stubborn in her ways. When Dou Zhao had married into the Jining Marquis’s household with an uncertain future, she hadn’t dared to bring Tuo Niang along. By the time she had established herself and wanted to bring Tuo Niang over, Tuo Niang had passed away from illness.

Thinking of this, her eyes reddened slightly, and she gently squeezed Tuo Niang’s hand.

Tuo Niang looked at her solemnly and said with gravity, “Fourth Young Miss, don’t worry. I’ll stay by your side every step of the way.” Her words made it sound as if everyone else was untrustworthy, causing the others in the room to darken their expressions and look at Tuo Niang with disapproval. Tuo Niang, however, remained oblivious, standing steadfastly by Dou Zhao’s side.

Shuangzhi had no choice but to reluctantly instruct a maid to inform the laundry room and prepare a resting place for Tuo Niang.

As everyone dispersed to their tasks, no one else attempted to engage Tuo Niang in conversation. Dou Zhao and Tuo Niang were left staring at each other in the inner chamber.

Soon, Xiangcao came running in: “Fourth Young Miss, Seventh Madam, and Granny Yu have returned!” However, she didn’t mention Dou Zhao’s father.

Dou Zhao’s heart sank, and she asked, “Father?”

Xiangcao wiped the sweat from her forehead and replied, “Seventh Master, Old Master, Third Master, and Third Madam are still at Heshou Hall.”

Were they discussing the matter of taking a concubine? Or were they trying to persuade Mother to agree?

Dou Zhao grew anxious. With Tuo Niang’s help, she got off the kang bed and ran outside. Tuo Niang and Xiangcao followed closely behind her.

Mother, with a grim expression, entered the room supported by Granny Yu, her face devoid of emotion.

“Mother, Mother!” Dou Zhao rushed towards her.

Mother’s expression softened slightly as she bent down to pick up Dou Zhao, kissing her little face before handing her to Hanxiao behind her. “Go play cat’s cradle with Fourth Young Miss.”

Hanxiao quickly took Dou Zhao, but the child clung to her mother’s clothes, refusing to let go.

Mother suddenly became impatient: “Child, why are you being disobedient? Mother has things to attend to. Go play with Hanxiao.” Then, noticing Tuo Niang and Xiangcao, she pointed at them and said, “Or go play with those two.”

Dou Zhao knew her mother wasn’t in the mood to comfort her, so she obediently allowed Hanxiao to carry her away. Once Mother and Granny Yu entered the inner chamber, she slipped out of Hanxiao’s arms and ran towards the room.

The maids on duty didn’t dare stop her, and she easily made her way into the inner chamber.

Mother was crying, bent over the kang table: “…You saw it yourself. The woman hasn’t even entered the household, and he’s already protecting her like this, afraid she might suffer the slightest grievance. What more can I say? I might as well give in to his wishes and let that woman enter our home! I want to see what skills she possesses, what tricks she’s using to bewitch him so thoroughly that he’s willing to disregard his parents, wife, children, reputation, and principles!”

Granny Yu’s eyes flickered as she said in a low voice, “Seventh Master taking a concubine is neither a small nor a large matter. Perhaps we should send someone to inform your brother…”

“No!” Mother abruptly raised her head before Granny Yu could finish, urgently saying, “Brother is set to go to the capital for the spring imperial examinations at the beginning of the year. He’s currently secluded, focusing on his studies. If he learns that I’ve been married for just three years and Wan Yuan is already taking a concubine, with my brother’s temperament, he certainly won’t let the matter rest.

We can’t jeopardize his prospects for my sake.” She repeatedly instructed Granny Yu, “You served my mother. For other matters, I wouldn’t hold it against you if you acted behind my back, knowing you have my best interests at heart. But this matter is of utmost importance. Our Zhao family hasn’t produced a jinshi in forty years. If you cause any trouble because of this, you’ll be forcing me into an unjust position and making me a sinner in the Zhao family for generations to come!”

Granny Yu nodded, turning away to wipe tears from the corners of her eyes.

Is Uncle really that great? Dou Zhao pouted, silently addressing her mother: You might as well go and disturb him. He’s a jinshi from the Dingwei year. Moreover, as soon as he obtained his official rank, he secured a post in the Northwest and took his entire family there, never returning to Zhending.

She had only met her uncle once, on her wedding day.

Mother had an uncle. When bidding farewell to her relatives, out of respect for her mother, she had kowtowed three times to her uncle with utmost reverence.

Uncle seemed very emotional, looking at her with an expression that gave her the impression of “Our family’s daughter has come of age.” She was overjoyed at the time, thinking that since Uncle was an official in the Northwest, the distance made communication difficult. Her stepmother only cared about her brothers, and her Uncle, being a scholar, was probably too proud to suffer the humiliation of visiting the Dou family. The fact that Uncle had rushed back from his post to see her off showed that he still cared for his niece. She had even planned to use this reunion as an opportunity to show her filial respect to Uncle and ask him about her mother’s past.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she left, Uncle returned to the Northwest, and from then on, she never received a single word from him.

If Uncle had been considerate of her stepmother before, what was holding him back after she had married into the Jining Marquis’s household?

Dou Zhao couldn’t understand it no matter how hard she tried.

Later, her eldest cousin from her Uncle’s family, Zhao Biru, who was living in the capital with her husband on an official assignment, visited her. Dou Zhao had dismissed her with three cups of tea.

Could such a person be relied upon?

Dou Zhao doubted this as she pondered, hidden behind the curtains of the floor screen.

Since Mother had agreed to Father taking a concubine, could it be that the stepmother was being elevated to the position of the principal wife?

But every time the stepmother spoke of it, she referred to herself as “the one who entered the Dou family through proper matchmaking, welcomed with an eight-bearer sedan chair,” and no one ever contradicted her words!

The stepmother could dismiss Mother’s loyal servants and threaten or bribe the Dou family’s maids, but surely she couldn’t make all the prominent official’s wives in Zhending County turn a blind eye to the truth!

Could there have been another woman in between?

That didn’t make sense either. The stepmother had entered the household already pregnant, and her younger sister Dou Ming was only two years and seven months younger than her…

The more Dou Zhao thought about it, the more confused she became.

Hanxiao entered the room.

“Seventh Madam,” she said cautiously, “Third Madam has arrived.”

Mother quickly wiped away her tears, instructing Hanxiao to “Please invite Third Sister-in-law to the inner chamber” while rising to greet her.

The third Aunt entered with a serious expression, escorted by two maids.

Seeing Mother, her eyes reddened, and she took Mother’s hand as they sat on the kang bed.

All the servants in the room tactfully withdrew.

Before Granny Yu could serve tea, Third Aunt said, “I know you’re upset. I won’t try to comfort you; if you want to cry, go ahead and have a good cry. But after you’ve cried, you need to pull yourself together. Judging by Seventh Uncle’s behavior, you have tough battles ahead!”

“I know!” Mother said, tears falling again despite herself. Instead of complaining, she apologetically addressed Third Aunt, “Please help me say a few words to Third Uncle on my behalf. I was furious and said those things to him in the heat of the moment. Please ask Third Uncle to forgive me, considering my youth and inexperience, and not hold it against me!”

“Don’t say such things; you’re making your brother and me out to be strangers,” Third Aunt said, also tearing up. “When all is said and done, it’s your Third Brother’s fault! If he hadn’t been so rash, Seventh Uncle wouldn’t have caused this commotion…”

“How is this Third Uncle’s fault?” Mother interrupted, sobbing. “They may be cousins, but Third Uncle treats Wan Yuan like a son. How could he stand idly by when Wan Yuan came to him for help? In the end, it’s Wan Yuan who’s in the wrong. He’s been bewitched… I just hate… We grew up together, and our bond should be stronger than other couples. If he wanted to take a concubine, why didn’t he discuss it with me first? If I disagreed, he could have knelt in the snow and refused to get up… The Old Master was forty-two when he had him as his only son. What does he take me for? And where does this leave me? The more I think about it, the more heartbroken I become…” She lay down on the kang table and began to cry again.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry!” Third Aunt embraced Mother. “In life, everyone has their ups and downs. Seventh Uncle is still young; he’ll inevitably have moments of confusion. I’m not afraid of you laughing at me but think about your Eldest Uncle. Isn’t he supposed to be steady and reserved? When he first became a jinshi, didn’t he follow others in publishing books and taking concubines? Your Eldest Aunt cried with anger at the time, but look at them a few years later. After that period of frivolity passed, he realized that home was best and devoted himself wholeheartedly to life with your Eldest Aunt. Your Eldest Aunt, nearly forty years old, even gave birth to Lan’er… You see, sometimes you have to use gentleness to overcome strength; you can’t always meet force with force!”

“I understand what you’re saying, Third Sister-in-law,” Mother said, sitting up straight and wiping her tears. “There’s something I want to ask of you.” She didn’t continue the previous topic with Third Aunt.

Third Aunt was somewhat surprised and quickly said, “Tell me. I’ll help if I can.”

“Since that woman is to enter our family, I should at least have a look at her, shouldn’t I?” Mother said. “I’d like to ask you and Eldest Sister-in-law to accompany me when the time comes.”

This was a custom in wealthy households. Even if a husband was allowed to take a concubine, the wife would first want to see the woman. If she turned out to be a woman of ill repute or questionable character, the wife could refuse her husband’s request without being labeled as “jealous.” Unlike the nouveau riche merchants who had no such considerations and would bring home anyone they fancied.

Third Aunt suddenly understood: “Of course, of course. I’ll go tell your Eldest Sister-in-law right away.”

“Then I’ll trouble you with this, Third Sister-in-law,” Mother said, standing up. “I’ll go tell Wan Yuan to bring the woman from the capital to Zhending.”

The third Aunt didn’t respond to this. She simply smiled and patted Mother’s hand, saying, “My little sister-in-law has grown up!”

Her tone was half sentimental, half approving.

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