HomeBlossomChapter 119: Negotiation

Chapter 119: Negotiation

The girl before him appeared to be only fourteen or fifteen years old. Her fair, snow-like complexion was accentuated by two long, arched eyebrows that drew attention. She wore a dark green, cross-collared top that was both elegant and composed, with yellow-green floral trim that added a touch of liveliness. Her black hair was simply styled in a bun, and she adorned her ears with delicate earrings featuring pink pearls and silver magnolia flowers. At first glance, she seemed like a well-educated young lady from a prominent family, but the calmness and poise she exuded were qualities not typically found in ordinary girls. He had only seen such demeanor in the current Empress Wan and his mother, Jiang. Yet, how could she possibly compare to the Empress, who commanded the respect of the entire court, or to his mother, who stood behind the Duke Ding?

Song Mo considered the skilled guards surrounding her, the advisor comparable to Zhang Yi, and the maid who had managed to snatch a child right under his nose. A vague understanding began to dawn on him.

Dou Zhao smiled as he scrutinized her, but her thoughts were focused on the two individuals he had brought with him. She had brought Chen Qu Shui and Duan Gong Yi, the former being her strategist and the latter the best fighter. He had brought Yan Chao Qing a small, slender man. Yan Chao Qing needed no introduction, but was this small man truly the best fighter on his side? She had thought he was referring to the so-called “treasure sword hidden in a box.”

It seemed she needed to reassess Song Mo’s capabilities. She wondered who was the better fighter between this small man and Duan Gong Yi. If he charged at her, how many moves could Duan Gong Yi block?

As she pondered this, Dou Zhao caught a glimpse of Su Lan standing beside her, holding a tray with a vigilant expression. This sight calmed her slightly. She then heard Song Mo say, “This lily fragrance is rich yet not overwhelming. If I’m not mistaken, it should be the secret Tianfu Xuanbao from the Great Xiangguo Temple in the capital, right?”

Since this was a negotiation, a friendly and warm atmosphere was essential. Starting with a compliment was always a good choice. When you seek something from a stranger, beginning with a commendable detail can create a pleasant topic, easily bridging the gap between you and the other person, and paving the way for your upcoming requests. Dou Zhao had mastered this skill during her time as the Lady of the Marquis.

She perked up, smiling as she exchanged pleasantries with Song Mo. “Young Master Mei is truly well-informed. This is indeed the Tianfu Xuanbao from the Great Xiangguo Temple, specially brought back by my father from the capital. The weather has been humid lately, and the scents of osmanthus and jasmine are delicate, while the lily fragrance is rich. It would be better to use osmanthus or jasmine, but I usually reside in the city and only occasionally accompany my elders to the estate for a few days. We only have half a box of lily fragrance left from last New Year’s, so we must make do for now. The place is simple, so I hope Young Master Mei can be understanding.”

This was her way of setting the tone!

This girl was indeed very clever!

Song Mo’s gaze involuntarily flickered over Dou Zhao’s face.

“Miss Dou is so modest that it makes me feel ashamed,” he replied with a smile. “This is all a misunderstanding—Mr. Chen from your household once served as an advisor under the fleeing Governor Zhang Kai of Fujian. Later, the Duke Ding, recognizing he was not the main culprit, allowed him to leave. Mr. Chen was the first to depart Fujian, and he subsequently informed Miss Dou of our whereabouts. We were unaware of his intentions and felt uneasy, but we never intended to harm Miss Dou.

We simply wished to conceal our movements and thought it best to leave Miss Dou at the estate for a while. I understand that there are hidden talents in the martial world, far beyond what my guards can compare to. However, we carry military bows and arrows, and several of my guards are skilled archers, which gives us some advantage. Otherwise, those arrows wouldn’t have landed accurately at the feet of your guards, nor would I have ordered them to shoot.”

His words were sincere.

Duan Gong Yi nodded in agreement.

But Dou Zhao scoffed inwardly.

No wonder you quickly found your footing in the Liao Wangfu after being expelled from Duke Ying’s residence. With your talent for spinning lies and distorting the truth, you are unmatched.

“It truly is a misunderstanding,” she said, maintaining a serious expression and nodding earnestly. She gently patted the sleeping child in her arms and continued, “Since Mr. Chen has leaked your whereabouts, it is only natural that you would prefer to kill rather than let him go. However, if the rain stops and the sun comes out, the villagers will surely come out to bask in the sun.

With insufficient manpower, it would be quite difficult for you to carry out a massacre, and such a large case would not only the county and state offices but also the Board of Revenue, the Board of Punishments, the Commander’s Office, and even the Supreme Court. This would be very unfavorable for you. It would be better to take advantage of the rain to eliminate witnesses quietly and efficiently. However, your words remind me—why not keep us here at the estate for a while until you’ve left?”

“Typically, when traveling south from the capital, one would pass through Zhen Ding. By the time we report to the authorities, you would have already flown away like a dragon in the sky or returned to the sea like a fish. By the time the officials find your home, you would have everything arranged, and even the Jinyiwei would be unable to uncover the truth.”

At first, Song Mo smiled leisurely, but upon hearing this, his smile faded, and a hint of coldness crept into his eyes.

Dou Zhao, however, was undeterred and decided to press on. “Oh dear!” she exclaimed, feigning shock. “Could it be that the person you entrusted with your secrets is nearby in Zhen Ding?” As she spoke, a glimmer of coldness flashed in her eyes. “The Emperor carefully considers his selection of trusted ministers. Harboring the son of a court criminal is not something just anyone would dare to do. Since this entrusted person cannot be easily replaced, it seems the only option left is to eliminate us all!”

Even the seasoned and cunning Chen Qu Shui and Yan Chao Qing could not help but show signs of shock at her words, let alone Duan Gong Yi and Lu Ming—both stared at Dou Zhao, dumbfounded.

The room fell into a dead silence.

Song Mo looked as if he had been struck by a punch, and a fine crack finally appeared on his calm facade.

His face turned ashen as he glared at Dou Zhao, his gaze sharp and icy, sending chills down her spine. Yet, she had no way to retreat; she could only gamble everything, putting herself in a position of no return.

“Let me think,” she said, forcing a relaxed smile. “You brought an accountant, yes, Mr. Yan is already here; two stewards, one with a simple face who was just beside you, and the other should be the one standing next to Mr. Yan; four guards, the ones who threatened me with bows earlier; a wet nurse, who should be silently crying in the warm room behind you; and an infant, who is sleeping in my arms. Everyone is accounted for. But you came in two carriages… Although the coachmen are the lowest of the low and usually sleep in the stables, they are still your people. Where have those two gone?”

Song Mo’s temples throbbed, and his glare at Dou Zhao became even sharper.

Dou Zhao feigned ignorance, calling out, “Su Lan! When you went to hold the young master, did you see the young master’s coachmen?”

“I don’t know if they were the coachmen,” Su Lan replied, playing along with Dou Zhao. “They didn’t know that the back window of the warm room could be opened from the outside. When I climbed in through the window, a big fool was standing with his back to me at the door of the warm room. I knocked out the wet nurse and quietly used the needle that Uncle Duan gave me, which was soaked in some kind of anesthetic, to stab that guy.

He was covered in needles and fell to the ground after staring at me a couple of times.” She then turned to Duan Gong Yi and complained, “Uncle Duan, didn’t you say that if someone was hit by that needle, even an ox would fall without a sound? That guy’s eyes were wide open when he fell, and he even grunted a couple of times when he saw me jump out the window with the young master. Your needle doesn’t seem to work very well!”

All eyes turned to Duan Gong Yi.

He suddenly felt as if he were under a thousand glaring lights, breaking out in a cold sweat. Realizing he was dealing with the orphan of the Duke Ding, he could not hide his anxiety and frantically wiped his sweat with his sleeve while mumbling, “It’s an heirloom, said to be for the protection of descendants. It hasn’t been used in decades, so it might not be very effective…”

Su Lan scolded, “Uncle Duan, how could you give me something so unreliable? If that thing fails, won’t I be caught by that big fool? If I get caught, it’s one thing, but if it ruins the young lady’s big plans, we might all lose our lives!”

“Indeed, indeed!” Duan Gong Yi’s sweat flowed even more profusely.

Yan Chao Qing, however, cast a deep glance at Dou Zhao, who sat there with a relaxed demeanor and a calm expression.

So this scheme was her idea!

He had thought it was Chen Qu Shui’s plan!

Su Lan’s playful banter surely infuriated Song Mo.

Dou Zhao was more than happy to see it.

But she couldn’t let Su Lan stray too far off-topic.

She timely continued, “Su Lan, the one you saw should be one of the two coachmen… But where did the other one go?” Dou Zhao speculated. “Could he have gone to inform the entrusted person?” As soon as she spoke, she suddenly exclaimed in fear, “Duan guard, where have our people gone? Young Master Mei must have felt he had the upper hand during the day but didn’t act because he thought he was too exposed and sent that coachman to seek help from the entrusted person. Perhaps they have already agreed on a time to act… This could be troublesome!”

Chen Qu Shui, Duan Gong Yi, Yan Chao Qing, and the others were all taken aback.

Only Song Mo calmly lifted his teacup, lowering his head to sip quietly.

Yet, the slight tremor in his hand as he held the teacup betrayed his anger.

What Dou Zhao relied on was merely the infant in her arms.

Having once been a mother, how could she truly harm this child?

What she relied on was nothing more than an illusion.

To make Song Mo face her, she had to continue provoking him.

“Alas!” Dou Zhao sighed. “Young Master is in the light while I am in the dark, which has its drawbacks— I know how many people you brought, but you don’t know how many we have. I wonder where my other maid has gone? If a large group rushes into the estate to kill and plunder, can she make it back from Zhen Ding in time?”

Song Mo raised his head, his expression solemn, his gaze calm and rational.

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