HomeBlossomChapter 220: First Impressions

Chapter 220: First Impressions

Dou Shiying paced his study all morning before finally summoning Gao Sheng.

“Besides the murder you mentioned, did Tao Qizhong say anything else untrue about Duke Ying’s heir?” he asked Gao Sheng gravely.

Gao Sheng shook his head. “No! Everyone says the Duke Ying’s heir is as handsome as Song Yu and Pan An, excelling in both civil and military arts.”

“I see,” Dou Shiying replied, unwilling to give up so easily. After some thought, he decided to visit the Summer Palace himself. “Seeing is believing. To truly know someone, you must meet them in person.”

Gao Sheng strongly agreed, believing this was the best course of action for Dou Zhao. He eagerly offered, “I’ll go to Huaishu Hutong right away.”

Without an imperial summons, someone of Dou Shiying’s rank couldn’t enter the palace. He could only seek help from Dou Shizhu.

“No need,” Dou Shiying’s expression suddenly turned cold. In the eyes of those in Huaishu Hutong, Dou Zhao was merely an object. If not the He family, then the Wei family; if not the Wei family, then the Ji family. They only thought about how to sell her for a good price, never considering Dou Zhao’s feelings. Even a cat or dog would form an attachment after a long time, let alone Dou Zhao and Wei Tingyu, who had been betrothed since childhood. Yet they allowed Dou Ming to marry into the Jining Marquis’s family in Dou Zhao’s place…

Naturally, the Ji family could offer more benefits to the Dou family than the Duke Ying’s household. If Huaishu Hutong learned about the Song family, who knew what schemes they might concoct?

This time, no one would interfere with Dou Zhao’s marriage. He would make the decision himself!

Dou Shiying quietly instructed Gao Sheng, “You must not tell anyone in Huaishu Hutong about the Fourth Miss’s situation.” After a moment, he added, “Don’t tell anyone at all!”

Gao Sheng nodded repeatedly.

The matter was far from settled, so he wouldn’t spread rumors. Moreover, the Fourth Miss had just had her fiancé stolen by the Fifth Miss. Even if presented in the best light, discerning people would understand the situation. If the Fourth Miss’s marriage to the Song family fell through and word got out, how could she face others? It was best to follow the Seventh Master’s advice: wait until the two families formally exchanged betrothal gifts before announcing it to those who wished to see the Fourth Miss humiliated. That would be the proper way to restore her reputation.

He assured Dou Shiying, “I won’t even tell my wife.”

Dou Shiying nodded with satisfaction.

Gao Sheng quickly prepared a carriage and personally drove Dou Shiying to the Summer Palace by the Taiye Pool in the Western Gardens.

Dou Shi had a fellow graduate serving as an official in the Court of State Ceremonial. He decided to use this connection to draw out Song Mo for a discreet observation.

Gao Sheng parked the carriage opposite the side gate of the Summer Palace, next to a small grove. He took Dou Shiying’s name card to request a message be passed to his fellow graduate, while Dou Shiying waited in the carriage.

The warm autumn afternoon sun partially illuminated the treetops and the carriage.

Dou Shiying, who hadn’t slept well since discovering the sisters’ marriage swap, closed his eyes drowsily.

Perhaps half an hour passed, or maybe just a moment, when he hazily heard the sound of galloping hooves.

Any disturbance near the Summer Palace would cause alarm.

Dou Shiying lifted the carriage curtain to look outside. He saw several men in Five Armies Camp uniforms escorting someone in Golden Feather Guard attire, riding towards them.

He let out a surprised “Oh!” and leaned out further.

The Five Armies Camp was stationed outside the city, responsible for guarding the capital, while the Golden Feather Guard served as the emperor’s bodyguards. Though both were imperial guards, there was a vast difference between them. The Five Armies Camp had its pride and couldn’t be easily commanded by the Golden Feather Guard. For them to escort a Golden Feather Guard member like this, the person must be carrying out an imperial order.

The lone carriage parked in front of the Summer Palace’s side gate was impossible to miss.

Song Mo and the others on horseback couldn’t help but glance at it.

Song Mo nearly fell off his horse.

It was the Dou family’s Seventh Master!

What was he doing here?

The Dou family’s Fifth Master had stayed in the Forbidden City with Liang Jifen.

Should he go over and greet him? At the very least, if he needed to find someone, Song Mo would have an easier time of it!

The thought flashed through his mind, but he suddenly grew wary.

Could it be… he had come to see him?

As the idea struck him, he realized he was about to pass by Dou Shiying’s carriage. Without hesitation, he grabbed the jade pendant from his waist, crushed it with hidden force, and flicked the pieces towards the horse pulling Dou’s carriage.

The startled horse neighed and bolted.

Dou Shiying was thrown into the carriage by the sudden movement, his head spinning, though his mind remained clear.

This was trouble!

The emperor’s guards were known for their arrogance, not even respecting the vice ministers of the Six Ministries, let alone a mere fourth-rank Hanlin Academy scholar like himself!

Moreover, he was on the main road to the Summer Palace. If they wanted to make trouble, he couldn’t escape the charge of “spying on the imperial palace”!

Amidst his confusion, he heard a clear voice urgently shouting, “Quick! Stop the carriage! There’s someone inside!”

After a commotion, the carriage stopped to a man’s loud “Whoa!”

Dou Shiying, still dazed, tried to sit up.

The curtain was lifted, and someone peered in. “Sir, are you alright?” A hand reached out to help him.

The voice was as soothing and pleasant as a gentle stream.

Dou Shiying looked up.

He saw a face as beautiful as a clear breeze and bright moon, especially a pair of eyes that seemed to contain the essence of the stars, their brilliance rivaling the moonlight.

Upon closer inspection, he realized the person before him was a youth of only sixteen or seventeen. His smile was warm, his demeanor steady, and his manners elegant. He possessed both the composure of a noble family’s scion and the bearing of a meritorious aristocrat, making him unforgettable at first sight.

Surely this was the kind of youth the books referred to as “handsome as Pan An, beautiful as Song Yu,” Dou Shiying thought to himself as he got out of the carriage with the young man’s help.

He then realized the carriage had only run a short distance and suffered no real damage.

As Dou Shiying sighed in relief, he worried about how to explain his presence to the emperor’s guards. Just then, he heard the Five Armies Camp soldiers gather around, laughing and addressing the youth as “Lord Song,” praising him: “We’ve long heard of the young master’s excellent horsemanship, and now we’ve truly witnessed it. Just your skill in reining in a horse is enough for us to study for a lifetime.”

So it was this youth who had saved him!

Dou Shiying smiled and looked over, his heart skipping a beat.

Surname Song… young master… sixteen or seventeen years old… as handsome as Pan An and Song Yu… serving in the Golden Feather Guard… Could this be Duke Ying’s heir, Song Yantang, Song Mo?

His gaze suddenly became intense.

Song Mo inwardly exclaimed, “What luck!”

The emperor hadn’t ridden or practiced archery for many years. Seeing the mounted prowess of his guards, he suddenly decided to go horse-riding with them in the training grounds every morning.

Who would dare let the emperor ride? Yet who could stop him?

Wang Yuan came up with a plan to assign a groom to each guard protecting the emperor and to have an exceptionally skilled rider help lead the emperor’s horse, thus controlling the emperor’s mount.

Seeing everyone arranged this way, the emperor didn’t object and went riding with them every morning, led by an attendant.

Song Mo had managed to make a “mark” on the emperor’s favorite horsewhip. As usual, when the emperor was about to raise the whip to urge on his horse, the whip broke.

Everyone was stunned.

The emperor was furious.

Song Mo seized the opportunity to pick up the broken whip.

Wang Yuan knelt before the emperor with a smile, “This old thing knows loyalty too, serving to the utmost until its dying breath. Your servant congratulates Your Majesty. With capable generals abroad and loyal ministers at home, the empire is at peace and the world is clear as jade…”

The other guards recovered their wits and joined in praising the whip’s “loyal service.”

The emperor burst into laughter, his anger dissipating.

Song Mo took the chance to say, “May this humble servant take it to the imperial workshop for repair? Afterward, it can be hung in Your Majesty’s study as a warning to future generations.”

The emperor nodded and casually pointed to a few Five Armies Camp members to escort him to the workshop.

That’s how he got this assignment.

With limited time to leave the palace, and Dou Shiying on sick leave at home, Song Mo had been worried about whether Master Yan could arrange a chance encounter with Dou Shiying. Unexpectedly, he met Dou Shiying just after leaving the palace.

Could this be fate?

His heart inexplicably raced.

He spoke even more humbly, “You brothers flatter me. I don’t deserve such praise.” Then, with a hint of concern, he asked Dou Shiying, “Sir, how are you? Are you injured? Should we call for a doctor?” He continued, “This area leads to His Majesty’s Summer Palace. Usually, a brief stop would be fine, but these days His Majesty is in residence. If you have no urgent business, it’s best not to linger here.”

Could this polite and modest youth be the rumored Duke Ying’s heir who killed without mercy?

Dou Shiying’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Someone nearby grew impatient and said, “You pedantic scholar, this is Duke Ying’s heir – Lord Song, Right Commander of the Golden Feather Guard’s Front Division. He just saved your life. Hurry up and thank him instead of dawdling here. You look like a scholar, yet you’re so ignorant of proper etiquette…”

Song Mo broke into a cold sweat.

Asking the Seventh Master Dou to thank him?

He quickly reprimanded the man, saying, “It’s a small matter, not worth mentioning. No need to dwell on it!” Then he turned to Dou Shiying and said gently, “We’re all on imperial business. Since you’re unharmed, we’ll be on our way.”

Some things were best left alone.

With that, he leaped onto his horse.

Dou Shiying, however, had a sudden inspiration and hurriedly said, “Lord Song, wait! I came here looking for someone. Since you’re a close imperial servant, could you perhaps help me pass along a message?”

Song Mo smiled, “It’s not convenient at the moment. I’ll have someone help you deliver the message.” He called over the soldier he had reprimanded earlier, “Please, brother, take this gentleman to find my attendant and have him help pass along the message.” He then whispered to the man, “The person he’s looking for serves in the Court of State Ceremonial. Here’s your chance to make amends. Don’t cause any more trouble.”

Song Mo was grateful for his good relationship with the Five Armies Camp members and for bringing along this somewhat rash individual.

There was no one better than him to inquire about Song Mo on Dou Shiying’s behalf.

Especially after he hints about “making amends.”

Song Mo rode off with a smile playing on his lips.

The grove was left with the crisp sound of hoofbeats and Dou Shiying’s cautious probing: “It seems you’re quite familiar with Young Master Song…”

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