HomeBlossomChapter 221: Swift as Lightning

Chapter 221: Swift as Lightning

When Dou Shiying returned to Jing’an Temple Alley, the lanterns were just being lit.

He called out excitedly to Gao Sheng, “Do you know how to find Tao Qizhong?”

Gao Sheng immediately realized that Dou Zhao’s marriage prospects were looking promising. His face lit up with joy as he replied, “He didn’t leave an address, but since he works for Duke Ying’s household, I can go there to find him.”

In prestigious noble families like the Duke Ying’s, high-ranking stewards and advisors were well-paid. Besides having their quarters and servants within the estate, most would buy separate residences outside to house their families.

Dou Shiying nodded repeatedly, marveling, “I met the Duke Ying’s heir today. Indeed, as Tao Qizhong said, ‘Only the mediocre are free from jealousy.’ Song Yantang is not only handsome but also skilled in horsemanship and archery. He’s upright in character and highly valued by the emperor. Despite his illustrious background, he’s humble and courteous, maintaining good relationships with his superiors and colleagues. He truly embodies the saying, ‘A gentleman is humble and refined, like warm jade.'”

As he spoke, Dou Shiying recalled Song Mo’s beautiful face. Remembering that Dou Zhao was a year older than Song Mo and that women typically aged faster than men due to household duties and childbearing, he felt a twinge of regret. “I wonder if their temperaments are compatible? I was so focused on inquiring about his studies and official duties that I forgot to ask if he has any concubines or if he’s indulgent with women. When you go to the Duke Ying’s estate, you might as well inquire about that!”

But upon reflection, he realized that the Song family hadn’t yet proposed marriage, and it would seem too eager to ask such questions. If the Song family found out, they might look down on Dou Zhao. He quickly changed his mind, “Never mind, don’t inquire about concubines and such. We’ll discuss that after the Song family formally proposes.” Feeling that even seeking out Tao Qizhong seemed too hasty, he added, “Let’s not look for Tao Qizhong either. If the Song family truly values this marriage, they’ll naturally send him to mediate again.”

But what if the Song family considered Dou Zhao dispensable?

Dou Shiying found himself caught between hope and fear, unsure of how to proceed.

Suddenly, the sound of cheerful chatter came from outside.

Dou Shiying looked at Gao Sheng questioningly.

Gao Sheng smiled and explained, “It must be the Fourth Miss returning from her outing to Baiyun Temple with the Aunt and Miss Zhao. I’ll go see if the Fourth Miss needs anything.” His eyes brightened as he added, “Master Seven, isn’t the Aunt still here?”

“Of course! How could I forget?” Dou Shiying perked up at the suggestion.

Whether the maternal aunt was present or not, Dou Zhao’s marriage was certainly something to discuss with her. Rather than worrying alone, it would be better to consult with the aunt and make a decision together. They must ensure that Dou Zhao marries with dignity and honor.

He left the main hall, with Gao Sheng following closely behind.

They had bought many items, with seven or eight servants carrying things in a line towards the east wing.

Dou Zhao was chatting with Zhao Zhangru, her eyes curved like crescent moons, her cheeks slightly flushed. She looked like a child who had just eaten candy, laughing with unbridled joy.

Dou Shiying was momentarily stunned.

Was this Shou Gu?

He had never seen his daughter laugh so radiantly before!

A pang of sadness struck Dou Shiying’s heart.

If a simple outing could bring her such happiness, it was clear how constrained her daily life must be.

He silently vowed to himself.

No matter what, he would marry his daughter to a young man like Song Yantang!

If necessary, he’d increase the dowry.

Surely, even the wealthy Duke Ying’s household wouldn’t turn down additional money?

Dou Shiying took a deep breath and walked over with a smile.

Dou Zhao already knew that the Fifth Aunt had come to propose a match with Ji Yong, which her father had firmly rejected.

She was delighted.

Seeing her father approach, she didn’t wait for him to speak but greeted him cheerfully, “Father!” Then, she took a stone from her pouch and handed it to Dou Shiying. “I found this with my cousin at Baiyun Temple. It only cost fifty wen.”

It was a yellow-brown Shoushan stone.

The stone was smooth and fine-grained, with a solid, unpretentious quality. Unfortunately, there was a deep crack in the upper left corner, affecting its overall appearance.

Dou Zhao pointed to the crack and smiled, “Cousin and I both think it could be carved into a slanted gourd or a reclining Buddha.”

By skillfully carving around the flaw, it could become an excellent Shoushan stone seal, multiplying its value several times over.

Dou Shiying was skilled in seal carving and stone inscriptions.

He nodded with a smile, turning the stone over in his hands for a while before suggesting, “We could also carve a jade cicada resting on the stone.”

Dou Zhao giggled, “It’s a gift for you, Father. You can carve whatever you like!”

Dou Shiying was both surprised and delighted, repeatedly expressing his thanks.

The aunt and Zhao Zhangru covered their mouths, laughing nearby.

The atmosphere immediately became very cheerful.

Dou Zhao invited her father to sit in the hall.

Observing the propriety between men and women, the aunt and Zhao Zhangru excused themselves, claiming fatigue, and returned to their guest rooms.

Dou Zhao served tea to her father and sat down beside him with a smile. She took the opportunity to ask Dou Shiying, “Did Fifth Aunt come yesterday to arrange a marriage for me?”

Dou Shiying choked on his tea, exclaiming, “How did you know?”

“I heard it from someone,” Dou Zhao said without revealing her source. She continued, “Father, I don’t want to get married yet. Please don’t hastily arrange a match for me! I want to stay at home for a few more years. Look at Cousin Zhangru, she’s traveled to many places with Aunt. I want to do the same, to see the world. I don’t want to marry so early! If anyone comes to propose a match, you must tell me!”

Dou Shiying felt he could understand Dou Zhao’s feelings.

Dou Zhao’s marriage prospects had become complicated due to the Eastern Dou branch’s interference.

When Dou Ming was young, Dou Zhao even cared for her. Yet Dou Ming had acted so ungratefully. No wonder Dou Zhao was heartbroken and reluctant to discuss marriage. She feared her father might hastily marry her off, making her future life even more difficult.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry!” Dou Shiying hurriedly assured Dou Zhao, “I certainly won’t treat your lifelong happiness lightly.”

He thought that if he approved of the young man, finding him not only handsome but also exceptionally talented, surely Dou Zhao would be willing to consider the match.

He very much wanted to tell Dou Zhao about Duke Ying’s heir, but realizing that nothing was certain yet, he worried that getting her hopes up only to disappoint her later would be even more embarrassing for her.

After much internal struggle, Dou Shiying kept the information to himself. He chatted briefly with Dou Zhao before returning to his study.

He quietly summoned the aunt and told her about Tao Qizhong’s matchmaking efforts.

It wasn’t surprising that Tao Qizhong, as an advisor to Duke Ying’s household, would try to curry favor with Dou Shiying by arranging a match for Dou Zhao.

She only doubted Dou Shiying’s judgment: “Did you go to see him yourself?”

“Would I lie to you about such an important matter?” Dou Shiying lowered his voice, as if afraid someone might overhear and report to Huaishu Hutong, even though no servants were present. “I even visited my fellow graduate, who said he often sees Song Yantang serving by the emperor’s side. He’s always polite, humble, and respectful. Though his personality is a bit cold, he never gossips about others. He’s a young nobleman who knows his place and understands propriety.” He added, “People outside may spread unsavory rumors about our Shou Gu, but you and I know she has nothing to do with this affair. As they say, ‘Rumors stop with the wise.’ Nothing could be clearer.”

When one’s heart is biased, it’s easy to unconsciously speak well of someone and make excuses for them.

The aunt was still somewhat uneasy and said, “Matchmaking is a delicate matter. We should also consider the character of the matchmaker. If Tao Qizhong comes to our house again to discuss this, let me meet him as well.”

Dou Shiying nodded in agreement and worried aloud, “Who knows when Tao Qizhong will come again? Since my fifth elder brother has set his sights on the Ji family, he’ll surely try to persuade me to agree. We need to act quickly on this matter while keeping it hidden from Huaishu Hutong…”

Before he could finish, a servant entered to report, “Master, the Ji family’s Old Master has sent an invitation for you to attend a theater performance in Yuqiao Hutong tomorrow. He mentioned that several senior officials from the Hanlin Academy will be there and insisted on your attendance!”

Dou Shiying and the aunt exchanged a meaningful glance.

Another servant came in to report, “Master, that Mr. Tao who previously visited with Mr. Xu has come again…”

“Quickly, invite Mr. Tao in!” Dou Shiying and the aunt exclaimed in unison before the servant could finish speaking.

“How is it? How is it?” Song Yichun had been reviewing potential families in the capital who might agree to a marriage with the Song family. It wasn’t that they couldn’t find families as suitable as the Dou family, but they had already invested so much time in the Dou family that changing course now might be too late.

Hearing that Tao Qizhong was seeking an audience, he didn’t hesitate to greet him personally.

Noticing the servants nearby, Tao Qizhong, with a beaming face, bowed to Song Yichun and said meaningfully, “Congratulations, Your Grace.”

Song Yichun immediately felt as refreshed as if he had drunk a bowl of iced mung bean soup on a hot summer day. He let out a long sigh of relief.

“Thank you for your hard work, sir!” He clapped his hands joyfully and ordered a servant to brew a pot of his prized Taiping Houkui tea.

This was a reward for Tao Qizhong.

Tao Qizhong felt elated.

After pretending to be an obsequious flatterer in front of Dou Shiying for so long, he could finally speak straightforwardly.

Song Yichun quickly dismissed the servants in the room and began a private discussion with Tao Qizhong.

“Master Dou intends to keep the exchange of birth dates and such discreet, but the betrothal ceremony must be grand. He wants to write the marriage contract and set the wedding date at the same time as the betrothal,” Tao Qizhong said softly. “I believe the Dou family likely wants to marry off their Fourth Miss before news of the sisters’ marriage swap spreads. This way, they can save face and avoid gossip. This aligns perfectly with our plans.”

Song Yichun nodded continuously, feeling that this was truly a “match made in heaven.” He said, “I’ve received word that the emperor will return to the palace on the twelfth. We must complete the betrothal before then. Any other family might think this too rushed, but since the Dou family wants to quell the rumors about the sisters’ marriage swap, they’ll surely agree. By the time the emperor returns to the palace, it will be a fait accompli. How could the emperor take away a subject’s son-in-law? If the emperor inquires, I can say that while he was at the Summer Palace and I was in the Forbidden City, I heard no such rumors.

Surely the emperor can’t charge me with disrespect? At worst, it might displease him slightly. We can then increase our visits to the Empress and even ask Prince Liao to intercede on our behalf. The matter should then be settled—after all, the emperor intends to marry Song Mo to Princess Jingfu, snubbing Consort Ning. The Empress probably won’t take it too seriously.” He then instructed Tao Qizhong, “Time is of the essence. Discreetly arrange all the details for the engagement with the Dou family. I’ll personally visit the Dou household first thing tomorrow morning. Seeing our sincerity, Master Dou should readily agree to this marriage.”

Tao Qizhong stood up, smiling, “I’ll go send an invitation to the Dou family right away.”

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