HomeBlossomChapter 275: Fire Outbreak

Chapter 275: Fire Outbreak

Dou Zhao knew her stern demeanor alone wouldn’t compel the First Madam to hand over Duke Ying’s residence permit. With Song Yichun away in Xuantong for half a month, she had plenty of time.

She cheerfully welcomed Song Han home from his studies. “These are autumn pears from Shandong, pine nut candies from Suzhou, peach gate dates from Nanjing, and honey tangerines from Tangqi…” She pointed to the fruits and snacks covering the kang table. “I wasn’t sure what Young Master likes, so I prepared a bit of everything.”

Song Han’s mouth watered at the sight. “Sister-in-law, you’re so thoughtful,” he mumbled, munching on pine nut candy. “You even know the best pears are from Shandong and the sweetest tangerines from Tangqi… I was worried you wouldn’t understand much, coming from the countryside.” He flashed a dazzling smile reminiscent of Song Mo’s brilliance.

Song Han was handsome in his own right, but compared to Song Mo, he was like the morning star next to the moon – not in the same league. Of course, in Dou Zhao’s two lifetimes, she’d never seen anyone comparable to Song Mo, so she couldn’t fault Song Han.

This thought sparked a glimmer of sympathy for Song Han in Dou Zhao’s heart.

She brewed a pot of fresh Tieguanyin tea for Song Han.

The slightly bitter Tieguanyin paired perfectly with the sweet pine nut candy. Sipping tea and nibbling candy, Song Han looked utterly content.

Dou Zhao inquired about his daily life: “Who usually takes care of you? Are your servants obedient? How are your studies? Is your monthly allowance sufficient?” She exuded the concern of a caring sister-in-law.

Song Han didn’t mind and began sharing details about his household. The conversation gradually shifted to hunting, and Song Han grew animated: “…When I was nine, I shot two golden pheasants and a hare!”

This was one of Song Han’s proudest accomplishments, which everyone in Duke Ying’s residence had heard about. Naturally, Dou Zhao was already aware of it.

She expressed amazement, encouraging him further.

Emboldened, Song Han continued: “I had planned to participate in the autumn hunt at ten, like my brother, but mother passed away, and I had to observe mourning…” His face clouded with uncertainty as if he’d lost his sense of direction.

Perhaps Song Han’s constant competition with Song Mo was a way to prove himself to Madam Jiang.

Dou Zhao pondered, sighing along with Song Han. She consoled him, “Young Master, with your skills, you’ll have plenty of opportunities in the future.”

Song Han nodded, but his earlier excitement had faded.

Noticing the late hour, Dou Zhao invited Song Han to stay for dinner. “Young Master, please tell me more about the autumn hunt. I only know that to become an official, one must take the imperial examinations – civil exams for civil officials and military exams for military officials. This is the first I’ve heard of archery and horsemanship competitions leading to official positions.”

Song Han smiled and began explaining the autumn hunt to Dou Zhao.

Su Xin and several maids set the table in the hall.

Lü Zheng arrived to invite Song Han back to the main house for dinner.

Dou Zhao smiled, “I’ve already prepared everything here. Let Young Master dine with me!”

Lü Zheng looked to Song Han for guidance.

Engrossed in his explanation, Song Han waved Lü Zheng away.

Lü Zheng bowed respectfully to Dou Zhao and Song Han before withdrawing.

Dou Zhao pondered this exchange thoughtfully.

Song Han wasn’t restricted in his movements.

According to Song Mo, he and Song Han had been close since childhood. Their reduced interactions were due to Song Yichun’s disapproval, and Song Mo’s desire to avoid putting Song Han in a difficult position. Yet Song Han still showed affection whenever they met.

If so, why didn’t Song Han visit Song Mo more often?

She recalled her previous life, when despite her strict supervision and open disdain for Madam Zhu, Wei’er and Rui’er still found ways to see her… Shouldn’t someone who truly cares always want to be near their loved one? Especially in times of sadness and frustration, wouldn’t they seek comfort and advice from that person?

Yet Song Han seemed focused solely on being a filial son.

Perhaps in Song Han’s heart, his father outweighed his brother.

Dou Zhao tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Thinking of her past life made her feel Song Han had betrayed Song Mo’s brotherly affection.

Song Mo would return tomorrow. Should she tell him about this?

The thought of Song Mo being kept in the dark made her feel indignant on his behalf, further disturbing her rest.

She finally gave up, sitting up and putting on a robe.

Su Xin, ever attentive during night duty, heard the movement and sat up as well.

“My lady, shall I bring a lamp?”

A small octagonal palace lamp flickered on a low stool inside the curtains.

“No need,” Dou Zhao replied, somewhat dispiritedly. “I just can’t sleep, so I’m sitting up for a while.”

Su Xin acknowledged with a soft “Mm” and poured Dou Zhao a cup of tea.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted outside.

Both startled, Dou Zhao instructed Su Xin, “Go see what’s happening.”

Su Xin complied immediately.

The clamor grew louder, punctuated by women’s cries.

Dou Zhao frowned.

Su Xin returned quickly: “My lady, there’s a fire in the front stables.”

How careless!

Since she was already awake, Dou Zhao slipped on her shoes and said, “Let’s take a look!”

Su Xin agreed and accompanied Dou Zhao out of the main room.

The fire raged fiercely, illuminating half the sky. Men’s shouts and women’s wails created a chaotic cacophony. Even standing under the veranda of the main house, they could sense the panic and disorder in the front courtyard.

Everyone in Yizhitang’s main courtyard had been roused. Maids and older women emerged in their robes, gathering in small groups to discuss the situation.

Seeing Dou Zhao, they all curtsied, their faces etched with worry.

Dou Zhao looked up at the sky and then gauged the wind direction. She addressed the crowd: “We’re in the north, and today’s wind is from the north. The fire can’t spread here. Even if the wind changes direction, Yizhitang isn’t connected to the front courtyard buildings, so we’d have enough time to fight the fire.” She instructed Su Xin: “Go ask Mr. Yan what exactly happened. Is anyone injured or missing? A fire in the Duke’s residence is a serious matter – has the Shuntian Prefecture been notified?

When will they arrive?” She then ordered Su Lan, “Tell Wu Yi to gather all the manservants from the main courtyard at the main gate. If the wind changes and the fire spreads, they should report to me immediately.” She also selected several strong women and put them under the leadership of a clever-looking young woman: “Check if the water vats in the corners are full. If they are, wait there for further instructions to help Wu Yi and the others fetch water. If they’re not full, go fill them now.”

Yizhitang’s main courtyard had a small kitchen.

Though called small, it was fully equipped with a Seven Star stove, firewood storage, and a well.

“As for the rest of you,” Dou Zhao called to Gan Lu and Su Juan, “each of you take half the people back to rest. Come out to help with firefighting if needed.”

Seeing her calm demeanor, thorough consideration, and orderly arrangements, everyone felt reassured and began following her instructions.

Dou Zhao stood under the veranda, observing the fire’s progress.

The clever-looking young woman brought over a chair, saying solicitously, “My lady, please rest. With Sisters Su Xin and Su Lan leading us, everything will be fine!”

Impressed by her quick thinking, Dou Zhao asked, “What’s your name?”

The woman quickly replied, “My husband is Lu Yi. My father-in-law was once the steward of the Anliang estate. My husband used to drive for the young master after joining the household and now works at the general store in the capital.”

The Anliang estate was part of Madam Jiang’s dowry.

No wonder this woman was assigned to the main house.

Dou Zhao nodded slightly.

The fire grew more intense, spreading to the east wing where the servants lived.

Fortunately, the wind direction remained unchanged.

Su Xin hurried back: “My lady, Mr. Yan says they don’t know yet how the fire started in the stables. The fire is still fierce, and it’s unclear if anyone is hurt. They’ve sent someone to notify the Shuntian Prefecture, but there was an incident at the prefecture jail tonight – it seems there was a jailbreak, so they might not be able to spare manpower for firefighting soon.

Mr. Tao has taken the Duke’s calling card to the Five Cities Command, and they should send help soon.” She added, “Mr. Yan is now leading Mr. Xia and other guards to fight the fire. Mr. Tao suggested opening the hanging flower gate to let guards fetch water from the back garden lake. Mr. Yan disagreed, preferring to tear down two rooms of the east wing instead. In the end, Guard Chang is leading the Duke’s household guards in fetching water, while Mr. Yan is directing our people in demolishing the wing rooms.”

Neither Mr. Yan nor Mr. Tao had thought to involve Song Han.

Dou Zhao found this strange.

The fire continued to rage, filling the air with smoke. Cries for help and shouts echoed intermittently. Everyone looked solemn. In this grave atmosphere, Dou Zhao couldn’t help but chuckle at the stark division between Duke Ying’s household and Yizhitang.

She wondered what Song Yichun would think upon seeing this chaotic scene.

Su Xin and Lu Yi’s wife exchanged puzzled glances.

Dou Zhao quickly explained, “It’s nothing. I just thought of Mr. Yan and Mr. Tao… I agree more with Mr. Yan’s idea. Lu Yi’s wife, please go about your duties. I’ll return to my room to rest. With Mr. Yan and Mr. Tao in charge, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

Lu Yi’s wife respectfully acknowledged and went to check the water vats.

Dou Zhao and Su Xin returned to their room, but Dou Zhao still couldn’t sleep. They sat on the kang, chatting idly: “From what Young Master said, it seems Madam Jiang originally chose his servants. After her death, Duke Ying’s household dismissed all those who had served Madam Jiang, and his current staff are all new from the past two years. Later, tell Mr. Yan to investigate for me – find out where those dismissed servants are now and what they’re doing.”

Su Xin nodded, pondering, “Do you suspect someone might know about Madam Jiang’s affairs?”

“It’s just one lead,” Dou Zhao mused. “There are still some things I haven’t figured out. I’d like to find someone to confirm a few details.”

Su Xin never pried when Dou Zhao chose not to elaborate, and this time was no exception.

Suddenly, a thunderous knocking echoed from outside.

A young servant boy started to answer, calling out “Who’s there?” But Wu Yi held him back.

“Who is it?” Wu Yi demanded gruffly, sounding somewhat aggressive.

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