HomeBlossomChapter 3: Bitterness

Chapter 3: Bitterness

“How can we go back on Aunt’s word now that she’s spoken?” Dou Zhao smiled. “Just the other day, Lady Guo sent someone to express her desire for our families to be joined in marriage. That’s why I thought we could betroth Young Master Wei to the eldest granddaughter of the Marquis of Xuanning, proactively resolving this situation. It would also prevent Aunt from offending her father-in-law and making her life difficult.”

The mother-in-law nodded repeatedly, abandoning her usual indecisiveness, and decisively said, “Let’s proceed as you suggest. You and Lady Guo are close friends, and we’ve watched her eldest granddaughter grow up. Her character and appearance are exceptional, worthy of our Young Master Wei. We shouldn’t delay. In the next couple of days, you should send someone to propose to the Guo family.” Realizing that Dou Zhao was still bedridden, she quickly corrected herself, “Never mind, I’ll handle this personally. You just rest well. I’ll take care of everything!” She then left with Wei Tingyu to discuss Young Master Wei’s engagement in her quarters.

Dou Zhao felt slightly relieved and instructed Cui Leng, “Go and ask the Young Master to come see me!”

There were some things she needed to discuss with Young Master Wei!

Cui Leng acknowledged and left.

Feeling weary, Dou Zhao fell asleep.

In her hazy state, she heard a commotion.

“…Good sister, I’m not here to make a scene. I’m worried about the Lady’s illness,” Concubine Hu’s shrill voice pierced her ears. “Everyone in the household is saying that the Lady is on her deathbed. I just want to know the truth.” She then began to wail as if in mourning, “If anything happens to the Lady, how will the Third Master and I survive? I might as well go with the Lady…”

Wei Tingyu had four concubines. After Rui’er turned four, they had successively borne him four sons and four daughters.

Brothers fight tigers together, and fathers and sons go to battle side by side.

With her two sons grown, Dou Zhao didn’t mind these concubines expanding the Wei family lineage.

If these children were successful, they could assist Wei’er and Rui’er in the future.

This Concubine Hu was the first to give birth to a son.

Dou Zhao was still young then and felt quite proud for a while.

She remained silent and helped Wei Tingyu take in two more exceptionally beautiful concubines skilled in various songs, backgammon, and chess.

This suited Wei Tingyu’s taste perfectly.

He spent day and night with the two new concubines, hardly remembering Dou Zhao’s existence.

Concubine Hu finally realized that as long as Dou Zhao wished, she could make anyone favored or neglected!

She then washed off her makeup and began to ingratiate herself with Dou Zhao, keeping a low profile.

Dou Zhao then brought in another concubine for Wei Tingyu who excelled in the four arts: qin, chess, calligraphy, and painting.

The concubines, now aware of Dou Zhao’s power, no longer dared to put on airs or act pretentiously.

With their obedience, Dou Zhao naturally didn’t make things difficult for them. She arranged for the concubines’ seasonal clothing and accessories, as well as maids and servants for their children, all quite well – not much different from the main wives and legitimate children in other wealthy households. The concubines settled down, pleasing Dou Zhao, serving Wei Tingyu, bearing and raising children, and bringing peace and tranquility to the household.

“What nonsense is the concubine speaking?” Cui Leng angrily rebuked Concubine Hu. “Why are you always catching wind and chasing shadows, saying such inappropriate things? The Lord and Lady talked for half the night, and the Lady had just gone to rest. Do you want to wake her up?”

“No, no,” Concubine Hu hurriedly explained. “I, I’m just heartbroken… I wish I could take the Lady’s illness upon myself…”

She spoke with genuine emotion.

Dou Zhao believed she was speaking from her heart.

If she died, within a year at most, Wei Tingyu would remarry, finding new companionship; Young Master Wei was the heir to the Marquis of Jining and was about to be engaged – without his birth mother, he would still have his in-laws’ support; as for Rui’er and daughter Yin’er, with Young Master Wei as their legitimate elder brother, they wouldn’t be at a disadvantage; only the concubines, with young children and fading beauty, would be left without support!

“Even so, concubine, you shouldn’t be making such a commotion at the Lady’s door,” a voice both gentle and stern advised Concubine Hu. “If all the concubines were to act like you, wouldn’t the household fall into chaos? It’s early morning, concubine, you probably haven’t had breakfast yet. Why don’t you return to your quarters for breakfast, and come back when the Lady wakes up…”

It was Madam Zhu’s voice!

Dou Zhao’s heart jolted.

Madam Zhu was the wet nurse she had carefully chosen for her eldest son. She was pure, kind, gentle, and more patient and attentive to Young Master Wei than to her son. Most admirably, she was very responsible. When Young Master Wei made mistakes, she never let them slide just because she was his wet nurse, but always carefully taught and urged him to correct his ways. So much so that after Dou Zhao gave birth to her second son, she also entrusted Rui’er’s affairs to her care. This allowed Dou Zhao to free up her time to fully manage the household affairs of the Wei family.

The consequence of this was that while her two sons respected and obeyed her, they lacked the affection of a mother-child bond.

Dou Zhao was filled with regret!

First, she sent Madam Zhu to the Wei family’s villa in the Western Hills under the pretext of a comfortable retirement. Then she took care of her two sons’ daily needs, inquired about their studies, and persuaded Wei Tingyu to teach them horseback riding and archery…

But it was all too late.

Madam Zhu’s conduct was as clear as a cloudless sky, beyond reproach. Ten-year-old Wei’er and nine-year-old Rui’er were not only aware but also understanding. Her actions not only failed to bring her sons closer to her but made them even more silent in her presence.

She knew her two sons resented her for sending Madam Zhu away.

But who could understand the heart-wrenching pain of a mother becoming estranged from her children?

Perhaps women understand women best. Madam Zhu vaguely sensed her inner conflict and after going to the country estate, never actively contacted Wei’er and Rui’er, let alone return to the mansion uninvited like this.

What was Madam Zhu here for?

As Dou Zhao pondered, she heard a soft exclamation outside: “Wet nurse, why are you here? The road from the estate to the capital is so bumpy. Why didn’t you tell me? I could have sent a carriage from the mansion to pick you up.”

The clear, pleasant voice of a young man – it was her son, Young Master Wei.

Since she fell ill, she had wanted the children to attend to her, but fearing they might catch her illness, she only allowed them to pay their respects morning and evening as usual. He must have come to greet her at this time.

As the eldest legitimate son of the Marquis of Jining, he had been groomed as the heir from a young age. With Wei Tingyu as an example, Dou Zhao had been stricter with him than most noble families were with their children. As he grew older, he became increasingly steady in his conduct, earning praise from many elders, which had made Dou Zhao secretly proud.

Making such a fuss like a child – was this her composed and reserved eldest son?

Dou Zhao did something she had always despised.

She got up, put on her robe, and peeked through the window lattice at Madam Zhu and her son.

Perhaps fearing to disturb her, Madam Zhu lowered her voice: “…I heard the Lady was ill, so I came to see. Don’t worry, I’ll just pay my respects to the Lady and leave.” Then she asked him, “How have you been these days? I heard from the Second Master that you went hunting with the young masters from the Duke of Jing’s family. Did you catch several golden pheasants?”

Young Master Wei looked embarrassed and called out “Wet nurse” with dissatisfaction: “Cousin caught several rabbits!”

Madam Zhu chuckled: “What’s so great about catching a few rabbits!” She gently dusted off Young Master Wei’s spotless clothes and sighed, “Our young master has grown up and can ride horses and hunt like the Lord. This time you caught golden pheasants, next time you’ll surely be able to bring back a roe deer like the Lord.”

She raised her chin slightly, her expression full of pride and shared glory.

Young Master Wei was stunned for a moment, then smiled shyly but with great joy, saying, “Wet nurse, are you comfortable living on the estate? How is my milk brother? Should I tell the household manager to transfer him to work in a shop in the capital? I’ve started helping Mother manage household affairs now. Back then, my milk brother was even better at arithmetic than me, he’d be more than capable of managing a shop…”

“Nonsense,” Madam Zhu gently scolded Young Master Wei, but her eyes held undisguised comfort. “The household has its customs and rules. Although he’s your milk brother, he’s still in your service. Where your milk brother works is for the Lady to decide. You’re the heir to the Marquis of Jining, not a child from an ordinary family. You need to think more carefully about what you do and not break rules just because of your personal preferences…”

“I know, I know!” Young Master Wei responded impatiently but affectionately linked arms with Madam Zhu. “I’ve finally met you, can’t you say a little less? Oh right, last time when my second brother went to see you, he told me your hands were frostbitten. Let me see… The day before yesterday, I went to the Imperial Hospital to get you a jar of frostbite ointment. I heard it’s a recipe used by the founding emperor, very effective. I was about to send it to you, but I didn’t expect you to come to the mansion…”

Dou Zhao couldn’t bear to listen anymore.

She merely had frostbitten hands, and you eagerly went to the Imperial Hospital to get her an imperial remedy; I’m nearly on my deathbed, have you ever personally brewed a bowl of medicine for me?

A sharp pain spread from her chest.

Dou Zhao stumbled back to her inner chamber, not knowing how she climbed back into bed, only aware that when she came to her senses, her back was drenched in sweat.

She called loudly for Cui Leng to come in: “Ask Madam Zhu and the Young Master to come in.”

Seeing Dou Zhao’s poor complexion, Cui Leng looked at her anxiously before going to relay the message.

Soon, Young Master Wei and Madam Zhu entered.

They stood respectfully, one in front and one behind, as if to avoid suspicion. One lowered his eyes and called “Mother,” while the other curtsied respectfully, addressing her as “Lady.”

Dou Zhao felt a chill in her heart and couldn’t even be bothered to respond. She directly told her son about the impending marriage alliance with the Guo family – after all, even if she avoided telling Madam Zhu, either the eldest or second son would inform her anyway.

Perhaps caught off guard, Young Master Wei looked bewildered, while Madam Zhu was greatly surprised, then showed joy on her face, on the verge of tears.

Her son hadn’t yet grasped the deeper meaning, but Madam Zhu understood.

Dou Zhao suddenly felt disheartened and simply said to her son, “Your wet nurse has nursed you, if not meritorious, at least laborious. Relay my words: let Madam Zhu return to serve in your quarters, and your milk brother can work under the general manager in the household affairs office.”

“Mother!” Young Master Wei was both surprised and delighted. Without thinking, he knelt by Dou Zhao’s bedside and kowtowed heavily several times. “On behalf of my wet nurse and milk brother, thank you, Mother!” His face was full of excitement.

Madam Zhu was greatly alarmed and hurried to pull Young Master Wei up: “Young Master, this is not proper, not proper at all!”

Even a wet nurse knows what’s improper, how could the son she had so carefully raised not know?

It was simply that he couldn’t contain his emotions!

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