HomeBlossomChapter 300: Revealing the Truth

Chapter 300: Revealing the Truth

Chen Jia was stunned.

Song Mo’s willingness to see him again indicated great interest in what he had to say. This was Chen Jia’s trump card for survival, and he hoped to sell it at a good price. He had originally planned to force Song Mo to speak first, giving him the upper hand in negotiating terms.

However, he hadn’t expected Song Mo to turn hostile without saying a word.

Could it be that Song Mo truly didn’t care about the news he brought?

Chen Jia didn’t believe it.

He gazed into Song Mo’s eyes.

Song Mo’s pupils were dark and lustrous, like stars in the night sky. Though bright, they were cold, devoid of warmth. Like millennia-old frost, they exuded a bone-chilling coldness, revealing his ruthlessness and lack of emotion.

Chen Jia’s heart trembled.

Perhaps Song Mo was merely bluffing, but could he afford to gamble?

This imperial-granted estate in Daxing was Song Mo’s territory, where he kept his loyal assassins.

If he wished, he could have Chen Jia torn to pieces at any moment!

Chen Jia felt a bitter taste in his mouth as if he had swallowed gall.

But the situation left no room for hesitation.

He fell to his knees before Song Mo with a thud. “Young Master, it’s not that I’m being deliberately difficult. The matter is of great importance, and I was momentarily overcome with fear, unsure of how to proceed.” At this point, he dared not delay any further and hurriedly continued, “Four years ago, my adoptive father Chen Zuxun, and I were ordered to escort the Duke of Dinguo back to the capital from Fujian. Just as we left Fujian, Zhong Qiao, the then-Commander of the Northern Inspectorate of the Embroidered Uniform Guard, suddenly arrived with a few men and interrogated the Duke of Dinguo alone.

My adoptive father and I assumed he was acting on orders. Though we sighed inwardly, we couldn’t defy imperial commands and only lamented in private. I even discussed with my adoptive father about secretly obtaining some high-quality medicine for wounds, planning to apply it to the Duke of Dinguo when we were on duty. Unexpectedly, throughout the journey, neither my adoptive father nor I had the chance to approach the Duke of Dinguo. At that time, my adoptive father said that something was amiss about this situation.”

Chen Jia paused, as if recalling events from that time, and nervously licked his lips.

Song Mo’s heart leaped to his throat, but he maintained an outwardly calm demeanor, casually lifting his teacup and taking a small sip.

Seeing this, Chen He wisely retreated and carefully closed the door.

Song Mo and the Duke of Dinguo had a father-son-like relationship.

Behind the screen, Dou Zhao greatly admired Song Mo’s composure.

She stared intently at Chen Jia.

“Then the Duke of Dinguo met with misfortune,” Chen Jia said, lowering his gaze. “Logically, if they were acting on orders, Zhong Qiao and his men should have been at ease. But they appeared very flustered, not only strictly forbidding us from mentioning the matter but also secretly sending people to communicate with someone as if discussing something. My adoptive father and I grew suspicious. Upon entering the capital, we were immediately detained by the Eastern Depot, with Depot Superintendent Wang Yuan personally interrogating us.”

Was there such a thing?!

Song Mo’s fingers whitened as he gripped his teacup.

He had always believed this was the Emperor’s will and hadn’t dared to investigate deeper.

Under whose orders was Wang Yuan pursuing the cause of his uncle’s death?

“Zhong Qiao told us at the time that Wang Yuan’s actions were merely using the Duke of Dinguo’s matter as an excuse to find fault with our Embroidered Uniform Guard. He advised us not to speak carelessly and to think thrice before answering any questions from the Eastern Depot, cautioning us not to reveal anything about the Fujian trip.”

“The Eastern and Western Depots have long been at odds with our Embroidered Uniform Guard. Since Wang Yuan took on the additional role of Eastern Depot Superintendent, he had repeatedly joined forces with the Western Depot, causing great losses to the Embroidered Uniform Guard.”

“We didn’t suspect anything.”

“Moreover, we understood clearly. If we let slip any information in front of the Eastern Depot’s people, even if we managed to keep our lives, the Embroidered Uniform Guard wouldn’t spare those who betrayed them, and our families might be implicated as well.”

“During the Eastern Depot’s interrogation, we all kept our mouths shut. As Zhong Qiao had instructed, no one dared to reveal any specific details about the Duke of Dinguo’s death.”

“After questioning us for several days without obtaining any useful information, Wang Yuan released us.”

“Ah!” Dou Zhao couldn’t suppress her surprise and let out a low gasp, but realizing her mistake, she quickly covered her mouth.

It was too late, however. Chen Jia, already on high alert with his hair standing on end, immediately realized there was someone behind the screen.

And it was a woman!

But he dared not raise his head.

He didn’t know Song Mo’s intentions, nor who was behind the screen…

Large beads of sweat dripped from Chen Jia’s forehead.

Seeing Song Mo calmly drinking tea, he dared not remain silent and forced himself to continue: “My adoptive father and I found this too bizarre—how could Wang Yuan, having intervened, give up so easily? I had an ominous feeling and privately contacted a few others who had gone to Fujian on official business with us, asking what the Eastern Depot had questioned them about. They all said that the Eastern Depot initially only inquired about the cause of the Duke of Dinguo’s death, but when they couldn’t get any information, they simply asked who had gone to Fujian and then released them. It seemed they were only confirming who had been to Fujian, not investigating the Duke of Dinguo’s death as Zhong Qiao had claimed.”

The mysterious person hiding behind the screen behind Song Mo made him very uneasy.

“I told my adoptive father about this. He felt that Wang Yuan was likely using this as a pretext, with his real target being someone else, and that there was probably some more severe measure waiting for the Embroidered Uniform Guard. Since we had been to Fujian, if something were to happen, we would likely be the first sacrificial lambs. He told me to investigate who Zhong Qiao had been secretly contacting at the time, hoping to uncover some clues.”

As he spoke, he looked up at Song Mo, revealing complex emotions of hesitation and struggle.

Song Mo’s heart stirred, and his perfect mask showed a slight crack: “What did you discover?”

His cold voice gave Chen Jia infinite hope.

“I discovered that after the Duke of Dinguo’s death, Zhong Qiao had contacted Ding Wei, the Military Governor of Shaanxi.”

Chen Jia’s voice was somewhat hoarse, but it made Song Mo’s hand holding the teacup tremble slightly.

Ding Wei was the Emperor’s chief eunuch during his time as crown prince and had served as the Grand Secretary of the Imperial Ceremonial Court. Later, due to his advanced age, he was outmaneuvered by the younger and more capable Wang Yuan, who took his place as the Emperor’s confidant. Angered by this, Ding Wei went to serve as the Military Governor of Shaanxi. Despite this, the Emperor still held him in high esteem, inquiring about him from time to time. He remained one of the most influential eunuchs in the court.

“Is this true?” Song Mo stared at Chen Jia, a flash of killing intent crossing his brow.

Looking at him, Chen Jia almost burst into tears.

He had inexplicably offended Wang Yuan, and his once-close colleagues now treated him like a dead man, keeping their distance. Even those who sympathized with him merely advised him to “accept his fate.”

Only Song Mo was different.

Upon hearing that Ding Wei was involved, Song Mo showed no fear at all.

He had chosen Song Mo, and it proved to be the right decision!

When the Duke of Ying’s mansion caught fire, Song Mo rewarded those who provided information about the thieves with a thousand taels of silver.

Having provided clues about the Duke of Dinguo’s unjust case, Chen Jia was sure that someone of Song Mo’s character wouldn’t treat him poorly.

Given Song Mo’s relationship with Wang Yuan, if Song Mo was willing to put in a good word for him, he might even turn misfortune into blessing and possibly gain Wang Yuan’s favor…

The more Chen Jia thought about it, the more excited he became. He hurriedly said, “This is true! Not only that, I’ve also uncovered the cause of the Duke of Dinguo’s death!”

Dou Zhao’s heart began to race, and she clenched her fists.

Song Mo’s face turned cold as he stared at Chen Jia without speaking for a long time.

The room was filled only with the sound of Chen Jia’s heavy breathing.

“It’s true! Everything I’ve said is true!” Amid the room’s silence, he couldn’t help but exclaim loudly, “Ding Wei was originally from Wuyi, Fujian, with the surname Cheng. He was kidnapped as a child and sold to a family surnamed Ding. After his adoptive parents passed away, his clan uncle sent him to the palace. When he was in charge of the Eastern Depot, he discovered his true identity and found his only nephew, who was working as a servant in Quanzhou.”

“Ding Wei helped his nephew buy several thousand mu of good farmland in Quanzhou and open two businesses.”

“Some people, seeing his nephew’s sudden wealth, tried to curry favor with him.”

“His nephew, fearing others would look down on him, was unwilling to reveal who his uncle was. He only said that a long-lost relative who had become a high official in the capital had sent him a fortune to repay his ancestors’ kindness.”

“Those people then tried to use his influence, tricking him into engaging in maritime smuggling. As a result, he was caught by a deputy general under the Duke of Dinguo. Not knowing his identity, the Duke of Dinguo ordered him to be executed along with other ordinary wealthy merchants.”

The room fell into dead silence.

Dou Zhao clutched at the collar of her robe.

Song Mo’s face turned pale.

Chen Jia’s voice echoed in the room once again.

“From that point on, Ding Wei harbored a deep hatred for the Duke of Dinguo.”

“Zhong Qiao was a secret agent Ding Wei had planted in the Embroidered Uniform Guard when he was in charge of the Eastern Depot. Because Ding Wei went to the Shaanxi Military Command, Zhong Qiao’s identity was no longer useful. Zhong Qiao then used some information he had obtained while in the Eastern Depot to secure his position in the Embroidered Uniform Guard, gradually working his way up to become the Commander of the Northern Inspectorate.”

“When the Duke of Dinguo was being escorted, Ding Wei instructed Zhong Qiao to torture him.”

“After the Duke of Dinguo’s death, Zhong Qiao became somewhat panicked and sought help from Ding Wei.”

“Ding Wei reassured him, saying that the Emperor was suspicious of the Duke of Dinguo and had intended to deal with him, so there would be no investigation.”

“Indeed, the Emperor did not pursue the matter afterward.”

“Having glimpsed such a momentous secret, my adoptive father and I no longer dared to investigate further. We decided to keep this matter buried in our hearts, never to mention it again.”

“A few months later, Zhong Qiao was suddenly imprisoned for a minor offense and quickly died in jail.”

“The following year, my adoptive father inexplicably offended Wang Yuan and was executed by him.”

“It was then that I realized many of those who had gone to Fujian on official business with us had been executed for various reasons, either by the Eastern Depot or the Embroidered Uniform Guard.”

“I began to worry and fear for my life.”

“I secretly gathered those who had been to Fujian with me, intending to investigate what was going on.”

“Before we could uncover the truth, rumors spread that I had offended Wang Yuan.”

“I was isolated by the people in the Embroidered Uniform Guard, often given difficult tasks, and frequently made mistakes in my duties, nearly losing my position.”

“Five months ago, I was arrested by the Eastern Depot. Without any questioning, they immediately subjected me to severe torture. If it weren’t for Wang Yuan recently undermining the Embroidered Uniform Guard’s Commander-in-Chief Shi Chuan in front of the Emperor, allowing my brother to take advantage of the situation and report this matter to Shi Chuan, I might have died in the Eastern Depot’s prison.”

“What I can’t understand is, even if we knew the cause of the Duke of Dinguo’s death, it should have been Ding Wei who silenced us. How did Wang Yuan, who is at odds with Ding Wei, become involved?”

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