HomeBlossomChapter 313: An Unexpected Visit

Chapter 313: An Unexpected Visit

Dou Dechang hurriedly recounted the events, leaving Dou Shiying stunned and speechless.

“Could it be that Yan Tang saw it elsewhere?” he murmured, frowning. “But even if he did, he wouldn’t need to make such a fuss about it. And why did he test Song Qianli?”

Dou Zhengchang and Dou Dechang were equally baffled.

Dou Shiying said, “I’ll call Yan Tang tomorrow and ask him directly!”

That was the only option left.

Dou Zhengchang and Dou Dechang exchanged helpless glances. Dou Shiying sent Gao Sheng’s wife to ask her aunt: “What is Aunt Shou doing back?”

With no concrete plan yet, the aunt offered the pre-arranged excuse: “We’re discussing plans to visit Kaiyuan Temple on the tenth day of the tenth month.”

Dou Shiying nodded, pondering how to approach his son-in-law about the matter the next day.

After escorting Dou Zhao back to Duke Ying’s residence, Song Mo headed to the temporary lodging where Song Yumin was staying.

Song Yumin had just arrived and hadn’t had time to change clothes, so he went out to greet his guest still in his visiting attire. Seeing that Song Mo was also wearing the same clothes from Jing’an Temple, Song Yumin grew uneasy and suspicious.

Song Yumin’s friends were from modest households, with only two or three servants to manage. Despite staying with Song Yumin, his daily needs were still handled by Song Yan.

After they had taken their seats, Song Yan brought in tea. Song Mo glanced at Song Yan and said to Song Yumin, “Mr. Song, I have something I’d like to discuss with you privately…”

Recognizing the formality, Song Yan withdrew. But before he had left the room, Song Mo added, “This matter involves your nephew…”

Under normal circumstances, Song Yan would have ignored such a remark. However, the situation was unusual: first, Song Mo’s unexpected examination, and now this half-spoken comment, made him hesitant and he stood outside the door, listening intently.

Song Mo’s voice was clear: “I wish to ask for your nephew’s hand in marriage!”

Both Song Yumin and Song Yan were taken aback, instantly understanding the earlier odd behavior of Song Mo.

Song Mo’s status prompted Song Yumin to respond cautiously, “I’m not sure which family you’re referring to. Though our Song family in Quzhou has a good reputation, we are still a small household. It might be too much to hope for such an alliance.”

As an uncle who saw himself as both a mentor and father figure, Song Yumin felt that a simple scholar’s daughter would be a fitting match for Song Yan, and the lofty position of the Duke’s heir seemed out of reach, making the prospect unthinkable.

Song Mo seemed to ignore this, smiling, “The lady in question is someone you know—she is the third miss of the Zhao family from Anxiang Village.”

Having spent five years as a tutor in the Dou family, Song Yumin knew well of the Zhao family from Anxiang Village.

He was immediately affronted. The Zhao family was known for marrying off daughters rather than taking sons-in-law!

Did this mean that, simply because the Song family was a minor household and Song Yan was an orphan, he was expected to become a son-in-law to another family?!

Before he could respond, Song Mo continued with a smile, “I believe you’re aware of Mr. Zhao’s character. He once gave up the chance to take the imperial examination to attend his sister’s funeral. When the Wang family offered him promotions and wealth to make their daughter his legitimate wife, he declined. How could he treat your nephew poorly?”

Mr. Zhao’s character was indeed impeccable, something Song Yumin couldn’t dispute.

“Moreover, Miss Zhao’s appearance and character are well-known. She would be a worthy match for your nephew.”

While gender roles were different, Song Yumin had seen Miss Zhao from afar on a few occasions and knew her to be a lady of outstanding grace.

Yet, Song Yumin still hesitated, “But can we consider letting Qianli become a son-in-law just because of this?”

Song Mo looked down at his tea, but his peripheral vision caught the edge of a pair of blue cloth shoes peeking through the door.

Smiling slightly, he said, “Your nephew is an orphan, raised with the help of relatives, while you are only an academy tutor. The Dou family’s support, though generous, amounts to only a few hundred taels of silver. With you providing for him, the cost of his clothing and living expenses must be considerable.”

“Today, I tested your nephew’s skills in making regulations. His work was correct and smooth, and with proper training, he could very well become a scholar within ten years.”

“From Quzhou to the capital, the cost of traveling back and forth is said to exceed a hundred taels of silver. With your savings, I wonder how many years you could support him once you return home.”

“Moreover, in our dynasty, the south and north are distinct, and Jiangnan has a strong tradition of scholarly pursuit. Among ten scholars, only two may become provincial graduates, and among ten provincial graduates, only two might become jinshi.”

“But being a son-in-law to the Zhao family is different.”

“Given the Zhao family’s wealth and Mr. Zhao’s character and scholarship, though it might be slightly harder for your nephew to become a jinshi due to his son-in-law status, with diligence, he could still achieve the status of a provincial graduate.”

“The Zhao family is a scholarly household. Even if your nephew does not succeed in his career, his descendants will certainly fare well.”

“And considering the three-generation return-to-ancestry practice, what more could you possibly find unsatisfactory?”

The so-called three-generation return-to-ancestry refers to when the son of a son-in-law reaches the third generation, or according to custom, the youngest of that branch, whether a son or daughter, would follow the original grandfather’s surname and return to the ancestral lineage.

Nevertheless, Song Yumin politely declined, “Qianli has been studying with me for many years and should first have the chance to test himself. Matters of marriage are best postponed for a few years.”

Song Mo glanced again at the shoes under the curtain and said calmly, “A forced marriage seldom ends well. Please consider it carefully. If you change your mind, just send someone to the Duke Ying’s residence.” He then shook his head and rose to leave, lamenting, “You treat your nephew even better than your son, providing all your savings for his education…”

Song Yumin pretended not to hear and courteously saw Song Mo at the door.

Behind the large locust tree at the entrance, Song Yan emerged, looking pale. He watched as Song Mo’s carriage disappeared into the distance and stood there for a long time.

After Song Mo’s carriage had vanished, a figure turned and went down a nondescript alley in the south of the city.

“Brother Chen!” The person knocked on the door, “It’s me, Huzi!”

The door creaked open to reveal Chen Jia’s ordinary yet sharp gaze.

“Come in!” Chen Jia, though calm in demeanor, spoke with a hint of urgency. “Has anyone noticed you?”

“No!” Huzi whispered, “I followed from a distance. They didn’t spot me.”

Chen Jia nodded and led Huzi inside. After they each drank two large bowls of water, Huzi reported Song Mo’s recent activities.

Chen Jia looked puzzled. “So, it turns out that the other day, the person accompanying the heir to the estate was indeed the lady?”

Huzi nodded vigorously, “And lately, it seems the heir has been busy dealing with matters related to his wife, summoning over twenty guards, then abandoning them to accompany his wife back to her family. He has been interacting only with her relatives.”

This situation complicated matters!

Chen Jia paced around the room. He believed that if he truly wanted to, he could befriend anyone, but dealing with women and children was another matter.

Huzi suggested, “Sir, why not remarry? If you did, you could at least establish some connection with the dignified ladies around the lady, creating some social ties.”

That was a good idea.

Chen Jia’s eyes lit up as he came up with a plan. He instructed Huzi, “I’ve heard that the lady is the fourth miss of the Dou family from the Northern Tower and that the daughter of the Yunnan governor, Wang, is her stepmother. Wang resides with the Dou family in the capital, while the fourth miss has been in Zhen Ding. At the time of her marriage, she was even replaced by her half-sister. Go to Zhen Ding and find out more about her background—who among her acquaintances can speak on her behalf? What are her likes and dislikes? Gather as much information as possible.”

Huzi agreed enthusiastically and, after having dinner at Chen Jia’s place, left for the capital that night.

Dou Zhao waited for Song Mo to return until it was nearly dark. When Song Mo finally came back, she hurriedly went out to greet him, eager to know, “What did the Song family say?”

“They haven’t changed their minds yet,” Song Mo replied with a smile. “By tomorrow, I’m sure they will come around.” He added, “If not, we might need to consider another plan for my cousin.”

Dou Zhao didn’t understand.

Song Mo, with an air of mystery, said, “You’ll find out tomorrow!” Then he instructed Dou Zhao, “Please ask the kitchen to prepare some food—something like what we had at Jing’an Temple.”

Dou Zhao was surprised, “You haven’t had dinner yet?”

Song Mo laughed, “I went straight to the palace after

 leaving Mr. Song’s place. I had to present the list of people to the Emperor to ensure no one could make trouble for me in front of him.”

The mention of the Emperor’s review caught Dou Zhao’s attention. “What did the Emperor say?”

Song Mo smiled, “The Emperor had the same idea as us—he selected the same three candidates.”

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but laugh.

Song Mo sighed, “If only Aunt didn’t have those prejudices! For a scholarly family to marry, changing the surname might be seen as forgetting one’s roots, and even if they can participate in the imperial examinations, no one would want to acknowledge them as disciples. But for noble families, it’s different. They come through favor and are more accepting, even allowing the wife to inherit a title…”

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have thought of finding a suitor for Zhao Zhangru among the Imperial Guards first.

Dou Zhao linked her arm with his and teased, “You’ve worked hard, my lord!”

“It’s good that you know!” Song Mo playfully complained, “Today has been exhausting!”

Su Xin and the others who had accompanied Dou Zhao out couldn’t help but lower their heads and smile.

After dinner, they cleaned up and changed, and lay side by side on the bed, whispering.

“Why did you decide to test Song Qianli’s skills in regulation?”

“After the first attempt failed, I couldn’t let the second one also fail,” Song Mo laughed. “Since Aunt wants a scholar’s child, what if she decides to test someone’s scholarship on meeting them?”

Dou Zhao smiled and said, “The imperial exams also test poetry and essays. Why not test his literary skills as well?”

Seeing her charming smile, Song Mo couldn’t help but playfully pinch her nose. “I would like to, but judging by his clueless expression, how could he compare to composing a poem for my wife?”

Dou Zhao teased him further. “And what about writing a poem for me? Let me hear it!”

Song Mo loved this playful side of Dou Zhao. He turned her over and whispered suggestively, “Do you want me to compose a poem?”

“Really!” Dou Zhao replied, looking at him with a sideways glance.

Song Mo chuckled and began reciting, “In the flourishing branches, leaves easily fall…” as he gently removed her clothing, his hands exploring her softly… “Tender buds discussing their delicate bloom.”

In moments, Dou Zhao’s face flushed with the glow of dawn…

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