HomeBlossomChapter 338: The Royal Audience

Chapter 338: The Royal Audience

Princess Chen, the Crown Prince’s consort, hailed from Tongzhou. Her father, Chen Ke, was a tribute student, while her mother, née He, was the daughter of a provincial graduate. Selected as the Crown Prince’s consort in the tenth year of Chengping, she was well-educated, reasonable, and exceptionally beautiful. She bore three sons for the Crown Prince. During the palace coup in the twentieth year of Chengping, the Crown Princess and her three grandsons were trapped in Zhongcui Palace, where they starved to death.

It was said that before her death, the Crown Princess had cut her flesh to feed her children.

Dou Zhao walked silently along the path to Zhongcui Palace, feeling as if a heavy stone was pressing on her chest.

Song Mo gently squeezed her hand and softly comforted her, “Don’t worry, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess are both very approachable.”

Dou Zhao took a deep breath and smiled at Song Mo, saying quietly, “I’m fine, you don’t need to worry.”

Song Mo nodded, but the concern in his brow didn’t dissipate.

He couldn’t help but ponder silently. Dou Zhao might be pregnant, and it was the crucial first trimester. Sedan chairs weren’t allowed in the palace, so was it appropriate to bring Dou Zhao to pay respects to the Crown Princess at this time? But if they didn’t come, it might seem disrespectful. Once the Crown Princess became the mother of the nation, Dou Zhao, as a first-rank lady, would have to enter the palace to pay respects to the Empress and Empress Dowager during festivals and on the first and fifteenth of each month. Who could guarantee that today’s Crown Princess, tomorrow’s Empress, wouldn’t make things difficult for Dou Zhao?

The mere thought of it made his heart ache.

He needed to find a way to reduce Dou Zhao’s future palace visits.

Lost in their thoughts, they silently followed the eunuch into the Eastern Palace.

Cui Yijun, the Crown Prince’s chief eunuch, was already waiting at the entrance of the Eastern Palace.

He was in his thirties, slender and refined, with a gentle smile, but he was very respectful towards them.

Dou Zhao had only heard of this man before. In her two lifetimes, this was the first time she was dealing with him.

In her previous life, when the Crown Prince was shot dead, he had protected the Crown Princess and the three young princes as they fled the Eastern Palace, intending to seek help from the Empress Dowager in Cining Palace. They were shot dead by the Imperial Guard along the way, resulting in the Crown Princess and the three young princes being trapped in Zhongcui Palace.

Dou Zhao looked at Cui Yijun, who was exchanging pleasantries with Song Mo, feeling quite strange.

Suddenly, Cui Yijun glanced over, nodding at her with a smile in his eyes, looking every bit like a well-read scholar, without a trace of the typical eunuch’s obsequiousness.

Dou Zhao thought of his nickname “Cui Convenience,” and then of Wang Yuan – Wang Yuan had a kind face like a magnanimous elder, but in reality, he was more narrow-minded and vindictive than anyone else.

She couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

It seemed that regardless of who they were, those who reached the top were not ordinary people, and one shouldn’t judge them by appearances.

Dou Zhao didn’t dare to be careless. She slightly bent her knees and curtsied to Cui Yijun.

Cui Yijun was quite surprised, but quickly composed himself, smiling amiably as he invited Song Mo and Dou Zhao into the Eastern Palace.

Song Mo followed Cui Yijun to the front hall, while a palace maid led Dou Zhao to the side hall where the Crown Princess usually resided.

This was Dou Zhao’s first time meeting the Crown Princess.

She was in her prime, with a slender figure, wearing a casual sapphire blue embroidered wide-sleeved jacket, as radiant as a pearl in the morning dew, delicate and beautiful.

Dou Zhao glanced at her briefly before lowering her gaze, respectfully curtsying to the Crown Princess.

The Crown Princess instructed a palace maid to bring a brocade stool for Dou Zhao, and said with a smile, “I’ve long heard that the Dou family of Beilou is a prestigious clan in North Zhili. Now that I’ve met Lady Dou, I see the rumors were true.”

With just one sentence, Dou Zhao was already moved.

When a woman marries, she takes her husband’s surname. However, if her maiden family is illustrious and she holds an imperial title, she is usually addressed by her maiden name as “Lady,” just like Madam Jiang in the past. Because she came from the Duke of Dinguo’s family and was herself the Duchess of Duke Ying’s household, people in the capital called her “Lady Jiang” rather than the Duchess of Duke Ying.

The Crown Princess’s words not only elevated Dou Zhao but also complimented the Dou family. No wonder she had a reputation for being “knowledgeable and reasonable.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness,” Dou Zhao stood up and thanked her humbly.

“You don’t need to be so formal,” the Crown Princess smiled and asked Dou Zhao to sit down and chat. “Once you start coming to the palace more often, you’ll see that my place is the most casual.”

There were many two-faced people in the palace, and Wang Yuan often said he was the most easy-going.

Dou Zhao inwardly scoffed but smiled and said, “Yes.”

The two engaged in casual conversation.

One was friendly, and the other was attentive, creating a very harmonious atmosphere.

Suddenly, a commotion of footsteps came from outside.

Dou Zhao was secretly surprised.

The footsteps grew closer, accompanied by anxious soft calls.

“Your Highness, Your Highness, please slow down!”

A small figure in imperial yellow ducked under the warm curtain of the side hall.

“Mother, Mother!” The small figure threw itself into the Crown Princess’s embrace. “Look, I caught a sparrow!”

A small, chubby hand tightly gripped a gray little bird, holding it up proudly for the Crown Princess to see.

The Crown Princess frowned slightly, but her voice remained gentle as she said, “How can you be so naughty? I told you not to tease those pheasants, and now you’re catching sparrows to play with. Haven’t I told you before? Every sip and peck is heaven-sent, and we mustn’t harm these little creatures carelessly…”

The child lowered his head dejectedly, softly uttering an “Oh.”

Dou Zhao saw that the child was only about five or six years old and realized this must be the eldest imperial grandson.

She smiled and stood up to curtsy to the young prince.

The child looked at her curiously.

The Crown Princess said, “This is the wife of the heir of Duke Ying’s household.”

The child’s eyes immediately lit up like the sun.

“You’re Song Yantang’s wife?” He circled Dou Zhao, looking at her as if she were some strange curiosity. “You’re not as pretty as Song Yantang, how did he end up marrying you? Song Yantang won first place in the autumn hunt when he was twelve. I’m learning horseback riding and archery with my tutor now, and Grandfather Emperor says I can participate in the autumn hunt next year…”

She’s not as pretty as Song Yantang…

Dou Zhao was embarrassed, not knowing how to respond.

“Shou’er, don’t be rude!” The Crown Princess’s face darkened. “Quickly apologize to Lady Dou!”

Dou Zhao wouldn’t dare let the imperial grandson apologize to her. She quickly smiled and said, “The young prince is innocent and lively. Your Highness needn’t be too strict.”

The Crown Princess’s expression dimmed slightly, and she let out a long sigh. She didn’t insist on her son apologizing to Dou Zhao but admonished the young prince for a few moments before instructing the attendants to take him back to the warm chamber in the rear hall to study: “…Your grandfather will be checking your lessons in a few days. Be careful not to be punished with kneeling if you can’t answer.”

The young prince shuddered, clearly showing fear.

He nestled against his mother, reluctant to leave.

The Crown Princess shook her head with a smile, her doting evident. She instructed a palace maid to give the young prince some of the new pastries recently presented by the imperial kitchen.

The palace maid smiled, curtsied, and responded, “Yes.”

The Crown Princess thought for a moment and added, “Also, bring some for Lady Dou to take back and taste.”

Dou Zhao quickly stood up to express her gratitude.

The palace maid went to fetch the pastries.

A scent of osmanthus wafted through the side hall.

For some reason, Dou Zhao felt a tightness in her chest and was about to vomit.

She quickly took a deep breath, trying to suppress the discomfort in her chest.

Unexpectedly, the Crown Princess also clutched her chest and covered her mouth, looking as if she was about to vomit as well.

All the attendants in the room changed color, calling out “Your Highness” and hurriedly bringing over a basin.

The Crown Princess started vomiting with a “Wa” sound.

Dou Zhao felt the turbid qi rolling in her chest and quickly took out a handkerchief to cover her mouth.

A palace maid had already noticed her discomfort and quickly said, “Lady Dou, what’s wrong?”

Dou Zhao didn’t dare speak, fearing she would vomit if she opened her mouth. She shook her head at the palace maid.

The maid was very astute and quickly brought a basin for Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao also started vomiting with a “Wa” sound.

The Crown Princess was stunned. After rinsing her mouth with warm water, she smiled and said, “You’ve been married for over four months now, right? Could it be that you’re with child?” Her smile was now different from her earlier polite one, instead beaming with genuine warmth and joy.

Dou Zhao’s heart stirred, and she said, “This humble servant has no elders at home, so I’m not sure.”

The Crown Princess paused briefly, then instructed a nearby palace maid, “Go, invite Madam Wu in.”

Dou Zhao rinsed her mouth with the help of a palace maid.

A sturdy woman in her forties entered with the palace maid.

The Crown Princess instructed the woman, “Check the pulse of the wife of Duke Ying’s heir.”

The woman respectfully responded “Yes,” and a palace maid had already brought over a pulse pillow, a tea table, and a brocade stool.

Dou Zhao extended her arm for the woman to check her pulse.

The Crown Princess introduced the woman to her: “…She was recommended by Imperial Consort Shi. She delivered both Shou’er and Fu’er.”

Imperial Consort Shi was a daughter of the Marquis of Changxing, from the Shi family.

Dou Zhao politely addressed her as “Madam Wu.”

Madam Wu repeatedly said, “I wouldn’t dare,” and smiled as she gestured for her to switch hands.

The side hall fell silent.

The young prince’s voice was particularly clear and loud: “Mother, is Lady Dou sick too?”

The Crown Princess gently stroked her son’s head and softly instructed him, “Don’t talk now, Madam Wu is checking Lady Dou’s pulse!”

The young prince pressed his lips tightly together and nestled in the Crown Princess’s embrace.

Madam Wu finished checking the pulse and stood up. She respectfully curtsied to the Crown Princess and said softly, “The pulse is like rolling pearls. Lady Dou is most likely with child.”

Although it was expected, receiving such a definitive diagnosis from the midwife still caused Dou Zhao to feel a small surge of excitement.

The Crown Princess was even more delighted, saying, “This is wonderful news! Now you’ll have a companion.”

Dou Zhao feigned surprise.

The Crown Princess smiled and said, “I’m also with child! But it’s still early, and I haven’t told the Empress Mother and the Empress Dowager yet.”

Her face radiated a quiet yet compelling glow, like the moon.

This must be the joy that only a mother can experience.

Dou Zhao sincerely offered her congratulations.

“Congratulations to us both!” The Crown Princess smiled softly as if peeling off another layer of her mask. Her gaze towards Dou Zhao was warm with a hint of intimacy. She instructed a palace maid, “Quickly go inform the heir of Duke Ying, let him share in the joy as well.”

The palace maid responded with a smile and left.

The pastries were taken away, and palace maids brought in fruit bowls containing apples, citrons, and Buddha’s hand fruits.

The room was filled with the fresh fragrance of fruit.

The Crown Princess fell silent for a moment, lost in thought, then smiled and said, “The young duke is too careless. How could he let you come to the palace for an audience at such a time? Here’s what we’ll do: my attendant, Madam Wang, is very good at taking care of people. I’ll send her to stay at your residence for a few days to help train two experienced women to look after you. That way, you’ll have someone to take care of you in the future…”

Dou Zhao’s forehead broke out in a sweat.

The Crown Princess was well-informed about her situation, assuming that neither Duke Ying’s household nor her maiden family had close female elders who understood these matters of childbirth. So she sent her experienced attendant to guide the people in Dou Zhao’s household. This was a great favor, but it was also troublesome – from now on, how could they distance themselves from the Crown Prince?

Dou Zhao quickly smiled and said, “How could we dare to trouble Your Highness’s attendant! This humble servant was just caught off guard. Once my family elders receive the news, they will surely send someone to take care of me.”

It might offend the Crown Princess, but it was better than getting entangled in the struggle for succession!

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