HomeBlossomChapter 339: The Eastern Palace

Chapter 339: The Eastern Palace

The Crown Princess still had the Empress Dowager and Empress above her. Dou Zhao was pregnant, but the Empress Dowager and Empress hadn’t made any gestures yet. For the Crown Princess to send someone to care for Dou Zhao seemed a bit presumptuous and overstepping.

The Crown Princess pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, “That’s fine too. It’ll save you from feeling uncomfortable.”

And so the matter was dropped.

When the news reached the front hall, not only was Song Mo delighted, but the Crown Prince was also very pleased. He not only specially sent someone to inquire but also had the Crown Princess bestow some herbs for nurturing the pregnancy.

The side hall was filled with joy.

The young prince, wise beyond his years, stared at Dou Zhao’s belly and asked her, “Is Lady Dou going to have a little sister too?”

Before Dou Zhao could respond, the Crown Princess gently scolded him, “Lady Dou will have a little brother.” She then instructed a nearby palace maid, “Bring a few of Shou’er’s old clothes for Lady Dou.” Then she said to Dou Zhao, “I’ve heard that if you put a boy’s old clothes under your pillow, you’ll be blessed with a big, healthy son. When I was pregnant with Shou’er, I used the old clothes of Stone Yan, the eldest son of the Marquis of Changxing. You should try it too.”

The Marquis of Changxing’s family again!

Dou Zhao quickly smiled and expressed her thanks.

The young prince curiously asked the Crown Princess, “Why does Mother want to have a little sister, but Lady Dou wants a little brother?”

The Crown Princess patiently explained, “Because Mother already has Shou’er and Fu’er, while Lady Dou doesn’t yet have obedient and filial sons like Shou’er and Fu’er!”

The young prince beamed like he had just drunk a bowl of hot soup on a cold winter’s day, both happy and proud.

Dou Zhao smiled, pressing her lips together.

The Crown Princess humbly said, “This child is just mischievous. Lady Dou, please don’t take it to heart.”

Dou Zhao praised the young prince: “The young prince has a pure heart and is innocent and lively. How can that be called mischievous?”

The Crown Princess looked at her son with a slight smile, full of doting and love.

The young prince hugged his mother’s arm, his mouth curved in a smile.

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but think of her two sons from her previous life.

When her sons were around the young prince’s age, she seemed to have never treated them so gently. Every time her sons came to pay their respects, she was either busy calculating accounts with the steward or giving instructions to the stewards’ mothers. She never had the mood to speak softly with her two sons, always sternly inquiring about their studies, reprimanding them a few times, and then having the nannies take them away.

As the thought flashed through her mind, Dou Zhao’s heart faltered slightly.

Why was she thinking about those unpleasant experiences from her previous life again?

In this life, she had married Song Mo. She would surely have a different future!

She couldn’t help but gently stroke her belly, saying with a tone of admiration she hadn’t noticed, “I hope my child will be as clever and lively as the young prince.”

Dou Zhao’s heartfelt sentiment surprised the Crown Princess, who revealed a pleased smile: “Lady Dou is too kind. The eldest grandson of Duke Ying’s household will surely be a clever and lively child.”

Having received praise, the young prince’s gaze towards Dou Zhao suddenly contained a few more traces of warmth.

Dou Zhao then asked, “Does Your Highness hope for a little princess this time?”

“Yes!” The Crown Princess’s smile was full of maternal radiance. “A daughter is a mother’s closest companion. Both the Crown Prince and I are hoping for a little princess!”

But Dou Zhao knew she would have another son.

The eunuchs and palace maids escorted the young prince away.

Dou Zhao chatted with the Crown Princess, and before they knew it, it was almost noon.

The rules for palace meals were strict, and not everyone could handle them.

The Crown Princess, with two mothers-in-law above her, clearly understood this principle.

She served tea to see off her guest, excusing Dou Zhao from the formal farewell.

Dou Zhao breathed a sigh of relief but still insisted on performing the formal farewell. She was then supported by a palace maid as she left the side hall.

Song Mo had also come out from the front hall and was talking with Cui Yijun at the entrance of the Eastern Palace, waiting for Dou Zhao.

As Dou Zhao approached, Cui Yijun stopped talking, but she still heard the last sentence, “I’ll leave this matter to you, Young Master.”

She didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask what it was about. She and Song Mo bid farewell to Cui Yijun and were led by the Eastern Palace’s eunuch towards the West Straight Gate.

On the way, Song Mo quietly asked her, “Are you tired? If you’re tired, we can find a place to rest for a while.”

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but chuckle softly, saying in a low voice, “Can you find a place to rest in the palace?”

“Of course,” Song Mo whispered to Dou Zhao. “My position as the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard isn’t for nothing!”

Dou Zhao looked at Song Mo with a smile, saying softly, “I’m fine. I just want to get home quickly.”

Song Mo said no more, just gently squeezed her hand.

The two followed the eunuch slowly out of the palace and got into their carriage.

Song Mo immediately embraced her, saying, “Be careful not to bump or hit anything.”

The carriage wasn’t as smooth as a sedan chair, and when it hit bumps and potholes, the jolting was quite uncomfortable.

Dou Zhao, having walked for so long, was also a bit tired and allowed Song Mo to hold her.

Song Mo placed his hand on Dou Zhao’s abdomen, sighing, “I can’t believe we have a child now!”

This was the first time Dou Zhao had seen him with such mixed emotions. She felt playful and teased him, “What? You don’t like it?”

Song Mo suddenly patted her bottom and said, “You’re telling lies to fool me again!”

Dou Zhao was startled by Song Mo’s frivolous action. She let out an “Ouch” and glared at him.

Song Mo squinted his eyes and smiled, his face radiating a quiet elegance like fine jade.

Dou Zhao unconsciously leaned closer, until Song Mo’s warm breath fell on her face. Only then did she realize what she had done.

She hurriedly retreated, leaning into Song Mo’s shoulder. Trying to cover up her previous action and divert Song Mo’s attention, she asked, “What did Cui Yijun ask you to do earlier?”

Song Mo looked at her reddened ears, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly, but his voice remained as calm as ever: “It’s nothing major—he said winter is coming, and his old leg injury is acting up again. He asked if I could help him find some good-quality fur. He wants to make two knee protectors.”

Dou Zhao was dumbfounded. After a while, she said, “No wonder people call him ‘Cui Convenience.’ His vision is too narrow! He’s embarrassing the Crown Prince!”

She couldn’t imagine how the Cui Yijun from her previous life had managed to protect the Crown Princess and the three young princes as they fled the Eastern Palace, just as she couldn’t imagine when the Wang Yuan from her previous life had hooked up with the Prince of Liao and still managed to escape unscathed.

It seemed she needed to carefully consider the matter of the palace coup.

Dou Zhao’s hand tightened on Song Mo’s collar.

Soon, it was the fifth day of the twelfth month. Old Madam Lu passed a message to Song Yichun through her son Lu Shi: “For the birthday celebration of the Duchess of Duke Jing, many noble ladies of the capital will go to offer congratulations. Dou Zhao has never experienced such an occasion before. Let her go with me and the Princess of Ningde to Duke Jing’s mansion. It will be good for her to become familiar with the wives of the dukes, marquises, and ministers.”

Song Yichun frowned.

Tao Qizhong persuaded him: “For the birthday celebration of the Duchess of Duke Jing, it would be inappropriate for your wife not to attend. Not only would it offend Duke Jing’s household, but it would also offend Madam Lu and the Princess of Ningde…”

Song Yichun angrily threw the invitation from Duke Jing’s household onto the table.

Tao Qizhong gestured for Zeng Wu to pick up the invitation and send it to Yizhi Hall.

Dou Zhao received the invitation and discussed it with Song Mo: “Can I not go?”

Although her pregnancy had been diagnosed at the Eastern Palace, because the child was not yet three months along, they hadn’t announced it. They had only told her aunt and Zhao Zhangru. Her aunt was taking good care of Dou Zhao with nutritious food and drink every day, and Dou Zhao increasingly didn’t want to move. She spent her days eating and sleeping, and when awake, she would gather with her aunt and Zhao Zhangru to chat idly or do some needlework.

“It’s best if you go,” Song Mo smiled as he took the bowl of yam, lily bulb, and goji berry porridge from the maid and handed it to Dou Zhao. “Old Madam Lu personally asked Uncle to speak with Father, and even mentioned the Princess of Ningde.”

“I know!” Dou Zhao drank the porridge and pouted, “I just don’t want to move!”

She looked like a little girl throwing a tantrum.

A faint smile appeared in Song Mo’s eyes. He coaxed her: “After you return from Duke Jing’s mansion, I’ll play chess with you.”

Dou Zhao smiled brightly, her eyes shining like jewels, radiant and dazzling.

Song Mo’s heart was instantly filled with tenderness.

He liked Dou Zhao like this, liked how she acted coquettishly with him… He thought of that day in the carriage when Dou Zhao, unable to contain herself, looked at him with affection. He couldn’t help but gently stroke Dou Zhao’s face, his voice low and filled with indulgence as he smiled and said, “Be good and socialize with them. I’ll come to pick you up later.”

Song Mo’s words pleased Dou Zhao.

She giggled and said, “Don’t try to fool me—for the Duchess of Duke Jing’s birthday celebration, Duke Jing is of the same generation and doesn’t need to offer birthday wishes. You’re of the younger generation, shouldn’t you go too? Yet you’re trying to coax me by saying you’ll come to pick me up!”

Song Mo said with a straight face, “We’ll make an appearance and then leave. If I don’t send someone to pick you up, how will you be able to leave?”

“Cunning!” Dou Zhao glanced at him.

That look, like the rippling surface of a summer lake, made Song Mo’s heart feel as if it had been lightly brushed by a feather.

“How can you say I’m being cunning?” His gaze fell shamelessly on Dou Zhao’s full bosom. “I’m worried about your health. There will be a lot of rich food at the birthday celebration, and you might feel unwell again.”

“Aunt told me to chew some tea leaves in my mouth,” Dou Zhao had intended to ignore Song Mo’s gaze, but it was too brazen, burning hot. She couldn’t bear it and couldn’t help but coquettishly scold, “I’m talking to you, where are you looking?”

Song Mo whispered in her ear, “I haven’t seen them for some days, naturally I miss them and want to take a look…”

This rogue!

Dou Zhao’s cheeks suddenly burned. Looking at Song Mo’s upturned mouth, her gaze shifted, and she glanced at Song Mo’s askance, softly asking “Is that so?” Then she bit his ear and started undoing her collar, “Then I’ll let you take a look.”

Song Mo’s face instantly reddened.

Dou Zhao laughed softly.

Song Mo pounced on her: “You think I wouldn’t dare!” He fiercely kissed her lips.

The inner chamber was filled with joyful laughter.

From outside the window came her aunt’s deliberate cough: “Shou Gu, it’s getting late. You should rest early! You have to go to Duke Jing’s mansion to offer birthday wishes tomorrow.”

The laughter inside abruptly stopped.

“I know,” came Dou Zhao’s calm and indifferent voice from inside the window. “I’ll rest now.”

Her aunt returned to the guest room with a smile.

A burst of silvery laughter rang out in the inner chamber.

Song Mo sprawled out, collapsing onto the kang bed.

Dou Zhao, her face like a blooming flower, lay down beside Song Mo.

“Tianci,” she lightly kissed Song Mo’s cheek, her hand slowly slipping into his collar.

Song Mo caught her hand, affectionately tapped her nose, and said softly, “I was just teasing you.” Then he sat up and said, “Let’s rest now!”

At first, he might have just wanted to tease her, but later, the situation seemed to get a bit out of control.

Dou Zhao hugged him from behind, leaning on his shoulder and blowing hot air into his ear: “You don’t want me to serve you? I just studied that book called ‘Hua Ying’ very carefully…”

Before she could finish speaking, Song Mo had her half-pinned beneath him…

Dou Zhao’s clear laughter rang out from the inner chamber again, along with Song Mo’s grumbling complaints.

In the early winter night sky, a few stars hung like the enchanting eyes of a beauty, twinkling with captivating brilliance.

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