HomeBlossomChapter 357: Kuang Chao

Chapter 357: Kuang Chao

Though the winter sun shone warmly, the wind still cut bone-chillingly cold.

As Dou Zhao entered the small parlor, she saw Chen Jia sitting formally in the grand chair, wearing a bright blue brocade robe adorned with five bats and longevity symbols. Perhaps due to his smooth career progression, he seemed more composed and reserved compared to their last meeting.

He came forward and bowed respectfully to Dou Zhao.

For some reason, Dou Zhao suddenly recalled her past life, when she first saw him wearing the bright red python robe of the third rank, bowing to Song Mo. His current appearance bore some resemblance to that moment.

“No need for such formality, Minister Chen,” she smiled in greeting.

Chen Jia replied reverently, “Madam’s great kindness is unforgettable. It’s not an exaggeration to say you are like a second parent to me. I can only express my gratitude by pledging my utmost loyalty.”

Still referring to himself as “this official” when she wasn’t even his superior – he certainly didn’t hesitate to flatter.

Dou Zhao smiled wryly, worried that if she continued exchanging pleasantries, more compliments would follow.

They sat down as host and guest. After the maids served tea, she got straight to the point and asked about his purpose for visiting.

Chen Jia smiled and said, “A few days ago when I attended Miss Bie’s wedding, I heard that several of Madam’s senior maids have reached the age to be released from service. So I thought to find some capable young women like Miss Bie to serve as your attendants. As I’m in the Embroidered Uniform Guard, I recently had a colleague travel south on official business. He encountered a pair of sisters, only 13 or 14 years old, yet even 3 or 5 grown men couldn’t get near them. I immediately thought of Madam. If you’d like to see them, I can bring them in to pay respects. If you’re not satisfied, I’ll keep looking. Nothing is too difficult – we’ll surely find candidates to your liking.”

Dou Zhao was very surprised.

More than that, she felt deeply moved.

In her past life, hadn’t she also gone to such lengths to find a business that could support the daily expenses of the Jining Marquis household? It was only after much effort that she managed to connect with Madam Guo.

She immediately felt sympathy and said gently, “Thank you for your consideration, Minister Chen. However, as these would be personal attendants, I’ll need to discuss it with the Young Master before making any decisions.”

“Of course,” Chen Jia said excitedly, seeing that Dou Zhao was receptive to his suggestion. “It was thoughtless of me. Please forgive my oversight.”

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Dou Zhao saw him out with a cup of tea.

That day, Song Mo returned home later than usual.

Dou Zhao went to help him change clothes.

He refused, smiling, “You only need to take care of yourself.”

Dou Zhao laughed, “When Aunt left, she repeatedly instructed me not to overindulge in food and drink just because my morning sickness has passed. She said I should stay active and walk more. How could simply handing you clothes be too much?”

Song Mo laughed, realizing he was indeed being overly cautious.

He allowed Dou Zhao to direct the young maids to help him change. Then he led Dou Zhao to sit on the large kang bed by the window, asking about her day – what she did, if she ate well if she had a good afternoon nap, and so on.

Dou Zhao told Song Mo about Chen Jia’s visit and asked, “Do you think we can trust him in this matter?”

Song Mo pondered, “The guardians of those two girls were likely arrested by the Embroidered Uniform Guard. We’d need to find out exactly what crime their family members committed, and whether the women of the household were confiscated as state property, exiled, or sold off… Given your pregnancy, let’s consider this an act of benevolence for our child’s sake. As long as it’s not some major criminal offense, we should lend a hand. Even if they’re not suitable to serve you, returning them to their family would still save two lives.”

Dou Zhao nodded and instructed the young maid to bring in dinner.

Seeing it was more lavish than usual, Song Mo smiled, “Is my wife perhaps celebrating that from today onwards, all our clothing, food, shelter, and travel will be at her discretion?”

Dou Zhao laughed, “You’d better believe it! If you dare anger me, I’ll immediately reduce your meals!”

Song Mo burst out laughing.

After exchanging a few more jokes, they settled down to eat dinner.

After the meal, they moved to the large kang bed by the window in the inner chamber to drink tea.

Dou Zhao asked about yesterday’s events: “Did you remember what you promised Boyan? Should I go ask Twelfth Brother?”

“No need,” Song Mo smiled. “Fortunately Chen He was on duty yesterday, otherwise I really would have had to ask you to inquire with your cousin.” His brow then furrowed slightly as he asked, “Do you know what exactly is the relationship between that Kuang Zhuoran and Boyan?”

Hearing his tone, Dou Zhao quickly asked, “Did something happen?”

“Nothing major,” Song Mo’s expression was relaxed, but she could still detect a hint of gravity in his voice. “From Boyan’s tone, it seemed the Fan Shizhou that Kuang Zhuoran was looking for was the owner of a tea shop. But the Fan Shizhou I found out about is a eunuch manager in the Bureau of Wines and Vinegars. Not only that, he’s also the adopted son of Wang Ge and adopted grandson of Wang Yuan.”

As soon as eunuchs from the palace were involved, things became intricate and complex. Especially Wang Yuan, who in her past life had served as the Imperial Brush-holding Eunuch for over a decade and became the Chief Eunuch of Cining Palace after the Emperor’s death. This was enough to put Dou Zhao on high alert.

She said, “I’ll summon Boyan first thing tomorrow morning to ask him about this.”

Song Mo replied, “I’ve already sent someone to invite him. He should be arriving shortly.”

Dou Zhao instructed the maids to prepare Dou Qijun’s favorite Da Hong Pao tea, but Dou Qijun arrived with Dou Dechang.

The three men entered the small study. Dou Zhao was somewhat concerned, and after some thought, followed them in.

Song Mo didn’t try to exclude her. He helped her sit in the grand chair beside him while continuing his conversation with Dou Qijun: “…So from what you’re saying, experienced boatmen are hard to find, and those people were actually after the Kuang family’s fleet. Although eunuchs are greedy for money, they can’t leave the palace at will. Most would rather extort a large sum than seize someone’s business – what use would it be to them when they can’t manage it themselves? I’m afraid there’s more to this, and it’s most worrying if it involves palace affairs. The currently favored Noble Consort Jing is from Guangdong. Who but locals would know about that remote corner of Panyu? If you trust me, why not have Kuang Zhuoran come see me? You needn’t concern yourself with this matter – just focus on preparing for the spring imperial examinations next February.”

Now knowing Fan Shizhou’s identity, Dou Qijun also sensed the delicacy of the situation. After some thought, he said, “Perhaps we should ask Fifth Great-Uncle about this? To avoid implicating you as well…”

Song Mo frowned, “We’re family. There’s no need for such formalities. When it comes to dealing with palace people, I’m more adept than your Fifth Uncle.”

Dou Qijun recalled Song Mo’s expression when helping Dou Zhao sit earlier and couldn’t help but smile wryly.

He had prided himself on being astute, yet there were still things he failed to see clearly.

It was clear that Song Yantang was going to such lengths for Fourth Aunt’s sake. He had mistaken him for someone overly eager to help…

“Then many thanks, Fourth Uncle!” Once he understood, Dou Qijun became decisive. He cupped his fists towards Song Mo without hesitation, “Time is of the essence. Why don’t I go fetch Kuang Zhuoran now? I’m also curious to know what other inside information there might be.”

Song Mo nodded.

Dou Qijun and Dou Dechang left for the inn in Yuanen Hutong.

Song Mo instructed servants to set up a folding screen in the small study. He smiled at Dou Zhao, “When we talk later, you can listen from behind the screen.” Then he sighed, “I should be taking you out for walks, but I’m too busy with official duties at the moment. You must be very bored at home. Listening to these matters can at least help pass the time.”

Dou Zhao felt conflicted.

She had never imagined that by marrying Song Mo, she would one day receive far more than she gave!

She wrapped her arms around Song Mo’s waist and rested her head on his shoulder.

Song Mo was slightly startled, but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips.

He embraced Dou Zhao in return, savoring his wife’s tenderness. It was intoxicating, like drinking pear blossom wine.

Unfortunately, such wordless intimacy always felt fleeting. By the time Dou Qijun and Dou Dechang entered with a pale-faced Kuang Zhuoran, Dou Zhao was already seated behind the screen.

After somewhat dazedly paying his respects to Song Mo, Kuang Zhuoran’s face grew even paler.

He murmured to Dou Qijun, “So the Duke Ying’s household is related to your family by marriage! I had no idea your family had such illustrious connections!” He continued, “How is this possible? We’re merely a notable family in Panyu. How would the nobles in the capital know of us?” He seemed so shocked that he still hadn’t regained his composure.

This was also what everyone else wanted to know.

Dou Qijun began gently questioning Kuang Zhuoran about the cause and effect of the situation.

Naturally aware of the gravity, Kuang Zhuoran took a sip of tea to calm himself. He then carefully answered each of Dou Qijun’s questions.

The matter became quite simple. The Kuang family were among the biggest landowners in Panyu. The newly appointed Panyu County Magistrate had reassessed the tax registers, making the Kuang family major taxpayers. Dissatisfied, the Kuangs approached the Prefect, with whom they had longstanding ties. The Prefect intervened to lower their tax bracket from first-class to second-class. Soon after, someone set their sights on the family business.

After listening, Song Mo and Dou Qijun exchanged glances.

This time, it was Song Mo who spoke.

“When the new official took office, did the Kuang family not pay a courtesy call?”

“We did,” Kuang Zhuoran replied uncomfortably, but honestly, “Though our attitude was somewhat arrogant.”

“After the tax registers were revised, did you take the opportunity to mend relations with the official?”

Kuang Zhuoran’s face flushed red as he said softly, “My grandfather has quite a temper, and my sister was already betrothed to the Prefect’s second son, so…”

So they decided to give you a hard time, Song Mo and Dou Qijun thought as they lowered their heads to sip tea.

Dou Dechang, listening on the side, couldn’t help but interject: “Our Dou family has produced countless scholars and officials over the generations. We even hold a seat in the Grand Secretariat now. Yet when a new magistrate takes office, we never dare to slight them. Whenever the county has any affairs, we’re always the first to donate money and goods. ‘A county magistrate can bankrupt a family, a prefect can destroy a clan’ – don’t you understand even this basic principle? How did your family become the wealthiest in Panyu? I really can’t fathom it!”

However, Kuang Zhuoran was shocked by the words “Our Dou family has produced countless scholars and officials over the generations. We even hold a seat in the Grand Secretariat now.” He turned to Dou Qijun and exclaimed, “Could it be that Brother Boyan is a scion of the Dou clan of North Tower?”

Dou Qijun looked at Dou Dechang, inwardly sighing, and said, “Indeed, I am a member of the Dou clan.”

Kuang Zhuoran immediately fell to his knees before Dou Qijun: “Brother Dou, please save our Kuang family!”

Dou Qijun hurried to help him up: “We’re friends. There’s no need for this.”

Kuang Zhuoran stood up, feeling both ashamed and guilty.

Song Mo, stroking his chin on the side, remarked: “I think you’ve got the wrong person!”

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