HomeBlossomChapter 358: Spring Festival

Chapter 358: Spring Festival

Song Mo’s words left Kuang Zhuoran and the others dumbfounded.

“Young Master,” Kuang Zhuoran stammered, “Are you saying my father was deceived?”

Dou Dechang and Dou Qijun shared this thought. They gazed intently at Song Mo, eager to hear his explanation.

Their attentive expressions made Song Mo smile.

“Not exactly,” he said. “I just think their goal is clearly to take over the Kuang family’s assets. From my understanding of those eunuchs, they usually don’t have the patience to manage such enterprises. You should investigate whose protégé or colleague this newly appointed official Jiang Jie is. Only with such connections could he liaise with the eunuchs. Rather than seeking out Fan Shizhou, it would be better to uncover Jiang Jie’s true backer. With the Dou family’s connections in scholarly circles, you’d have a better chance of turning the situation around.”

Kuang Zhuoran and the others’ eyes lit up at this. Kuang Zhuoran bowed to Dou Dechang: “Twelfth Uncle, Boyan is about to take the spring imperial examinations. I’m afraid I’ll have to trouble you to help inquire about this matter.”

Though this was his first meeting with Song Mo, Kuang Zhuoran greatly admired the acumen he displayed. However, the gap in status and familiarity between them was too great for Kuang Zhuoran to make such a request directly.

When they couldn’t find anyone else, Dou Qijun’s first thought was Dou Dechang. The fact that Dou Dechang, knowing nothing of the situation, immediately agreed to help find someone just on Dou Qijun’s request showed not only their close personal relationship but also that Dou Dechang was a trustworthy person. So Kuang Zhuoran could only turn to Dou Dechang for help.

Song Mo and Dou Zhao, seeing that Kuang Zhuoran could still think of Dou Qijun’s interests while his own family was in crisis, couldn’t help but view him more favorably. Song Mo even said to Dou Dechang and Dou Qijun: “I think neither of you should get involved in this matter. Leave it to me.” He then addressed Kuang Zhuoran, “If you have any issues, come to me directly!”

Naturally overjoyed, Kuang Zhuoran thanked Song Mo, then Dou Dechang and Dou Qijun.

With Song Mo’s involvement, things would certainly go much smoother than their aimless efforts.

Dou Qijun was also glad to have Song Mo’s help. He happily thanked Song Mo and cheerfully took his leave.

Kuang Zhuoran returned to the inn with him, while Dou Dechang stayed behind.

The Kuang family’s affair involving a powerful eunuch like Wang Yuan had ignited Dou Dechang’s curiosity like a raging fire.

He whispered to Song Mo: “I hear the Imperial Guard hasn’t gone on holiday yet. Surely you can’t handle everything personally? Why don’t I run some errands for you?”

Song Mo knew that his father-in-law had once intended to adopt Dou Dechang into the West Dou branch. Although that plan had fallen through, his father-in-law still refused to take a concubine and was determined to divorce Wang Shi. While the Wang family had taken Wang Shi back, they kept deflecting whenever his father-in-law formally brought up the matter of divorce. This issue might drag on for years. His father-in-law was approaching forty; in a few more years, even if he wanted to have more children, it would be challenging. In the end, adoption might still be necessary.

Considering both closeness and kinship, Dou Dechang was the ideal candidate. Moreover, since Dou Zhao had grown up under Ji Shi’s care, Song Mo was happy to grow closer to Dou Dechang: “If it doesn’t interfere with your studies, you can help me run some errands!”

Song Mo now had people from all walks of life under him; what kind of task couldn’t he handle? But since Dou Dechang was curious, he decided to assign him a few tasks, treating it as a way to show Dou Dechang around.

Delighted, Dou Dechang quickly said: “The school is already on holiday until after the Lantern Festival. It won’t interfere with my studies at all!”

“That’s good!” Song Mo smiled and arranged to meet him at the palace gate at Chen hour the next morning.

Dou Dechang left in high spirits.

Dou Zhao asked Song Mo: “Do you think someone is using Fan Shizhou’s name as a front in this matter?”

“We don’t know yet,” Song Mo replied calmly and rationally. “We’ll have to investigate to be sure.”

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but purse her lips.

Song Mo smiled and pinched Dou Zhao’s cheek before heading to the washroom.

Dou Zhao’s thoughts went from Wang Ge to Wang Yuan.

She couldn’t believe that Wang Yuan hadn’t participated in the palace coup in her previous life.

But why did Wang Yuan believe that Prince Liao would succeed?

When did he ally himself with Prince Liao?

What conditions did Prince Liao use to win over Wang Yuan?

Dou Zhao thought of the items Yu Gui had taken from Prince Liao’s treasury and of Zhang Zhiqi from Risheng Silver Shop…

Rebellion requires money.

A lot of money.

Before success, it’s like a bottomless pit.

No amount of silver is ever enough.

And the Kuang family’s annual income of 30,000 taels of silver, from an established, profitable business, was exactly what Prince Liao needed.

Dou Zhao had long wanted to warn Song Mo about Prince Liao’s ambitions but never found the right opportunity.

She vaguely felt that if this matter truly involved Wang Yuan, it might be a chance for both her and Song Mo.

While closely monitoring the developments with the Kuang family, Dou Zhao began arranging the New Year celebrations for Duke Ying’s household.

From the sacrificial ceremony on New Year’s Eve to the palace feast that night, the grand court audience on the first day, visiting relatives on the second and third days, family banquets on the fourth and fifth, and spring banquets from the sixth day to the Lantern Festival – everything from the guest lists to the tea utensils had to be adjusted according to the occasion. For a noble house like Duke Ying’s, which participated in both royal celebrations and social engagements with peers, the tasks were numerous and as complex as those of a provincial or prefectural government during the New Year, far beyond what ordinary official families had to manage.

Fortunately, Dou Zhao was well-versed in these matters, and no task was too difficult for her.

The senior maids in charge first witnessed Dou Zhao’s methods, then her household management skills. They became cautious, not daring to be careless. Dou Zhao also spread the word that she had no intention of making major changes – those who could perform their duties would stay, while those who couldn’t, regardless of their connections, would be dismissed without exception. None of the senior maids wanted to be made an example of, so they put in their utmost effort to keep their positions. Within just two days, Dou Zhao’s words carried more weight than an imperial edict, and she had everything arranged properly.

Dou Zhao took out her savings and rewarded each of the capable senior maids with ten taels of silver, while those who had performed their duties without errors received two taels each.

Suddenly, the entire household of Duke Ying was praising Dou Zhao as if she were a bodhisattva.

Song Yichun felt as if he had been slapped in the face.

The reason he had so easily agreed to hand over the authority of managing the Duke’s household to Dou Zhao was not only due to the pressure of circumstances but also because he wanted to see Dou Zhao, who had no experience managing a duke’s household, struggle and fail to please anyone.

However, he never expected that he would end up benefiting Dou Zhao instead.

Song Yichun was angry and frustrated. On the way to the New Year’s Eve dinner at Baohe Hall, he kept a stern face and didn’t even glance at Dou Zhao and Song Mo.

Song Mo pretended not to notice, and Dou Zhao cared even less.

It was like a defeated general who had completely lost the ability to resist – who would still care whether he was happy or angry?

In the main hall of Baohe Palace sat the Emperor’s favored civil and military officials and royal relatives, while the rear hall was presided over by the Empress Dowager, with the Empress and various titled ladies, both internal and external.

Dou Zhao had no intention of getting involved with the Empress Dowager, Empress, or Crown Princess. She wore the formal attire appropriate to her rank and sat quietly in her assigned seat, occasionally exchanging a few quiet words with her neighbors, the Marquis Changxing’s daughter-in-law and the Duke Xingguo’s wife. Her behavior was entirely proper, without drawing any particular attention.

However, some things cannot be avoided no matter how much one tries to keep a low profile.

A palace maid from the Crown Princess’s entourage brought a large cushion to Dou Zhao, saying softly, “The Crown Princess says to use this to avoid back pain.”

Dou Zhao quietly expressed her thanks, but when she looked up, she found herself the center of attention.

She quickly lowered her head.

But the Empress Dowager still pointed at her and asked, “Isn’t that Tianci’s daughter-in-law?”

The Empress smiled and said, “Your eyes are as sharp as ever, Mother. She is indeed the Duke Ying’s daughter-in-law, Lady Dou.”

The Empress Dowager smiled, “I remember.” Then she added with interest, “Since there’s a Big Lady Dou, there must be a Little Lady Dou. Who is the Little Lady Dou?”

“She’s the Marchioness of Jining,” the Empress replied with a smile. “She and the Duke Ying’s daughter-in-law are half-sisters. The Duke Ying’s daughter-in-law is the eldest daughter of Hanlin Academy’s Dou Wanyuan, while the Marchioness of Jining is his second daughter.”

The Wei family didn’t yet have the status to attend such banquets, so Dou Ming was not present in the hall.

“Is that so?” The Empress Dowager’s interest was piqued. “Who arranged the marriage for Big Lady Dou? And for Little Lady Dou?”

“Little Lady Dou’s engagement was arranged in childhood, while Big Lady Dou was personally chosen by Duke Ying,” the Empress said, glancing at Dou Zhao with a smile.

The Empress Dowager looked Dou Zhao over carefully and said with a smile, “This child is quite good-looking. Next time at the grand court assembly, point out that Little Lady Dou to me.”

The Empress agreed with a smile, saying, “There’s one more thing you might not know, Mother – Big Lady Dou is already with child, and her due date is very close to the Crown Princess’s, just a few days apart.”

“That’s wonderful news!” At her age, the Empress Dowager loved hearing about new additions to families. She bestowed upon Dou Zhao a string of sandalwood prayer beads, a pair of peace knots, several bolts of plain silk for children’s clothes, and a piece of red silk embroidered with a hundred children at play, suitable for making a baby’s swaddling cloth.

Dou Zhao came forward to express her gratitude.

The Empress Dowager smiled and waved her hand, signaling Dou Zhao to step back. She then turned to discuss with the Empress which play to watch. Meanwhile, the Marchioness of Changxing, who had earlier been chatting exclusively with the Empress Dowager and Empress, paying little attention to others, suddenly became noticeably warmer towards Dou Zhao. Even the usually reserved Duchess Xingguo gave her a few extra glances.

Dou Zhao nodded kindly to the Duchess Xingguo.

In her previous life, even after Dou Zhao had revitalized the Jining Marquis’s household, it still paled in comparison to noble families like Duke Xingguo’s. She had no personal connection with the Duchess Xingguo then. However, she knew that after Duke Ying’s household had been stripped of its title, Duke Xingguo had maintained a low profile and bided his time until the Marquis Changxing family fell from grace, becoming the preeminent noble family in the capital.

Having received the Empress Dowager’s gifts, Dou Zhao first thanked the Empress after the New Year’s Day court assembly, then went to Cining Palace to express her gratitude to the Empress Dowager. By the time she left the inner palace, it was already noon.

Du Ming was anxiously waiting for Song Mo in the small study.

Seeing Dou Zhao arrive with Song Mo, he bowed respectfully and got straight to the point: “Young Master, Madam, I’ve discovered that this Jiang Jie is the nephew of Minister Dai Jian’s wife’s cousin, and a protégé of Minister Mu Chuan, the Vice Minister of Works and Grand Scholar of the Zhongji Hall.”

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