HomeBlossomChapter 36: Temporary Residence

Chapter 36: Temporary Residence

That evening, Wang Zhibiao and Gao Shi stayed at the Dou family home.

Dou Zhao didn’t concern herself with these matters; she was waiting for Tuo Niang to return.

“Yu Mama said she’ll send the items over first thing tomorrow morning,” Tuo Niang reported, returning a bit late.

Dou Zhao sighed in relief and instructed Tuo Niang, “Pack up our usual belongings. We might be staying at Sixth Uncle’s place in the East Mansion for a few days.”

“Why are we going to stay at Sixth Master’s house?” Tuo Niang’s mouth gaped open. “Is it because Concubine Wang is causing such a commotion at home?”

If even she knew about it, it was clear that everyone in the Dou household had heard.

Dou Zhao smiled, “No, it’s not that. Father is going to the capital for the provincial examinations. He’s worried there won’t be anyone to look after me, so he might send us to stay with Sixth Uncle for a while.”

No matter what happened, the examinations took precedence. Father would go to the capital for the provincial exams.

In her previous life, Madam Ding had successfully driven a wedge between Dou Zhao and her aunt. She had remained safely in the Dou household, with Dou Shengying helping to care for her in her old age. This time, she had lost her authority to manage the inner household, and Dou Zhao no longer had the protection of her elders. Given that the Grandfather didn’t favor the Grandmother, the Sixth Uncle’s proposal would be a perfect solution for the Father. There was a nine out of ten chance she’d be sent to stay with Sixth Uncle.

Dou Zhao was willing to stay at Sixth Uncle’s house.

The Sixth Aunt’s maiden name was Ji, and she was from Yixing County, Changzhou Prefecture in Southern Zhili. Her grandfather, Ji Nian, had been the top scholar in the Yichou year. Her ancestors had produced an imperial tutor and a grand secretary, making them one of the most prominent official families in Jiangnan.

Second Great-aunt had chosen the Sixth Aunt for her family background, relying on the fact that the Second Great-uncle had once done Ji Nian a favor when he was a censor. She had shamelessly sought this marriage for Sixth Uncle.

Compared to the Ji family, the Dou family’s prestige and wealth were far inferior at the time. Moreover, Jiangnan families were known for their refined lifestyle compared to those in the north. After the Sixth Aunt married into the family, the Second Great-aunt felt somewhat overshadowed by this daughter-in-law, becoming more cautious in her speech and actions.

Fortunately, the Sixth Aunt came from a noble family and was generous and calm. She didn’t become arrogant despite marrying beneath her station. She was respectful to her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law, and soon after entering the family, she became pregnant and gave birth to two sons in succession. Gradually, the Sixth Aunt became the Second Great-aunt’s favorite.

In her previous life, Dou Zhao hadn’t had much interaction with this Sixth Aunt.

However, before her marriage, Father had asked Sixth Aunt to tell her about matters of the boudoir.

She still remembered Sixth Aunt holding her hand and whispering advice before leaving: “Remember, after you’re married, the most important thing is to bear sons, then to flatter your mother-in-law. As for your husband, you just need to maintain your beauty in his eyes…”

This was the first time someone had stripped away the veil of wifely virtues and spoken so plainly about the ways of being a wife.

Dou Zhao was shocked.

But after the initial shock, she couldn’t help but carefully consider Sixth Aunt’s words. The more she thought about them, the more sense they made, and the more she followed them in her actions.

In her previous life, she had been too busy with her affairs to pay attention to others. Now, thinking back, she couldn’t help but be curious about the relationship between Sixth Aunt and Sixth Uncle.

Moreover, she had a favor to ask of her Sixth Aunt, so she looked forward to staying at her Sixth Uncle’s house.

The next day at noon, a large group from the Pang family arrived.

Perhaps because it had been decided to let Ji shi look after Dou Zhao for a while, or perhaps because he felt the atmosphere at home was not good, in the afternoon, Dou Shengying personally escorted Dou Zhao to the East Mansion.

Second Aunt and Sixth Aunt greeted them at the second gate.

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but observe Sixth Aunt.

Ji Shi was only twenty-four or twenty-five years old at this time. She was fair-skinned and beautiful, with jet-black hair tied in a bun, adorned with two gold-wrapped jade hairpins. She wore a lotus-colored summer blouse and a white gauze skirt, with no other ornaments, appearing very elegant and simple.

She smiled and embraced Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao caught a faint scent of rose.

She recognized this fragrance.

It wasn’t an ordinary incense, but rose water from Arabia, costing fifty taels of silver for a small bottle, comparable to the price of gold, and only available in the largest shops in the capital.

Second Aunt smiled and patted Dou Zhao’s head, then said to Dou Shengying, “You should come with us to see the Great Madam as well!”

Grateful that the women of the East Mansion would help look after his daughter, Dou Shengying thanked them repeatedly. The group then went to see the Second Great-aunt.

The furnishings in the Second Great-aunt’s room were simple, yet each piece was antique and elegant, exuding luxury in a low-key manner. It reminded one of a storehouse for antiques, lacking vitality and permeating coldness.

The room matched the Second Great-aunt perfectly.

Thinking of her coldness and lack of feeling toward her mother, Dou Zhao inwardly criticized her.

After paying their respects, Second Madam grabbed a handful of candy for Dou Zhao, then asked Dou Shengying, “I heard the Wang family caused quite a scene?” Her casual tone carried a hint of sternness.

Dou Shengying blushed and said softly, “I will handle it soon.”

Second Great-aunt said, “You’re about to leave for the provincial examinations. I think it’s best to let your Second Sister-in-law deal with the Wang family on your behalf.”

It was a command, not a question.

Dou Shengying nodded sheepishly.

Second Great-aunt gave a satisfied “Mm,” then turned to Dou Zhao with a loving smile: “Come here, Shou Gu. Let Great-grandmother see if you’ve grown taller!”

Dou Zhao thought the Second Great-aunt was like a thousand-year-old demon. She had lived for another decade after Grandfather’s passing.

Having no desire to get close to Second Great-aunt, Dou Zhao didn’t go over when called. Instead, she held Sixth Aunt’s hand and said loudly, “I’m already five years old this year, of course, I’ve grown taller.”

Her clear, resonant voice startled everyone before they burst into laughter.

Second Aunt joked, “Second Aunt, you miscalculated! You should have kept the candy in your hand before calling Shou Gu over. Now that you have nothing in your hands, why would Shou Gu come to you?”

Everyone laughed again.

Second Aunt stood up and smiled at Dou Shengying, “You can rest assured leaving Shou Gu with Sixth Sister-in-law. We’ll all help look after her. It’s getting late, why don’t I go back with you? Zhending is so small, such a commotion makes everyone lose face.”

Dou Shengying patted his daughter’s head, instructed her to “be good,” and then left with Second Aunt to return to West Dou.

The second Great-aunt carefully inquired about how the Sixth Aunt would arrange for Dou Zhao before letting them leave.

Sixth Aunt took her to pay respects to First Aunt.

As a widowed woman like the Second Great-aunt, she lived in the courtyard next to Second Great-aunt’s.

The silent mansion, green curtains, black lacquered furniture, and pine shadows blocking the outside sunlight framed First Aunt’s haggard face, as pale as snow.

Remembering her once cheerful demeanor, Dou Zhao felt quite melancholic.

First Aunt smiled and embraced Dou Zhao, instructing her maid to bring in fruits and sweets to treat Dou Zhao: “Come visit First Aunt when you’re free.”

Dou Zhao smiled and agreed.

The Sixth Aunt chatted briefly with the First Aunt before taking Dou Zhao to bid farewell.

Stepping outside into the sunlight and hearing the noisy cicadas, Dou Zhao inexplicably felt relieved.

Sixth Aunt gently asked her, “Are you tired?”

Dou Zhao shook her head.

Sixth Aunt smiled, “Good, then let’s go pay respects to your Third Aunt.” She coaxed her, “After we greet your Third Aunt, we’ll go back and eat some ice-cold watermelon, okay?”

Dou Zhao nodded with a smile.

The third Aunt lived next door to the Sixth Aunt. When they entered, Third Aunt was scolding her eldest son, Seventh Cousin Dou Fanchang, who had just come of age: “…How can you compare to Qijun? He can stump the teacher with his questions, while you? You’re the one stumped by the teacher…”

He was Third Aunt’s eldest son; before Dou Fanchang, Third Aunt had given birth to three daughters.

Seeing Ji Shi and Dou Zhao enter, the scolding naturally came to an end.

Dou Fanchang awkwardly smiled and greeted Ji Shi and Dou Zhao before leaving sullenly.

Third Aunt rubbed her forehead and instructed a maid to bring tea and snacks, then complained to Sixth Aunt: “I don’t know which deity we’ve offended. I finally had two sons after much difficulty. The elder is already twenty but still doesn’t understand things, only knowing how to play all day. The younger one is smart, but he just doesn’t like studying. Asking him to study is like asking for his life…”

In Dou Zhao’s memory, Third Uncle’s two sons indeed never amounted to much in their studies.

Dou Fanchang passed the county-level examination but then kept failing the higher-level exams. Dou Huachang switched to the antique business when he was over thirty, and Dou Zhao even introduced some heavyweight clients to him.

Sixth Aunt consoled Third Aunt: “He’s still young and unsettled. Things will improve once he’s married.”

Dou Fanchang was engaged to his cousin, with the wedding set for March of the following year.

Third Aunt sighed, “I hope so!”

Sixth Aunt took Dou Zhao to say goodbye.

As Third Aunt saw them to the door, she noticed Third Uncle hurriedly approaching.

“Shou Gu is here!” he called out with a smile from afar, cupping his hands towards Sixth Aunt and saying, “Sixth Sister-in-law.” He continued, “I have urgent matters to discuss with Mother. Why don’t you all come over for dinner tonight? Consider it a welcome dinner for Shou Gu!”

Third Aunt quickly added, “Yes, yes! Please come to our place for dinner!”

The East Dou family usually lived separately, with each household eating on their own except during festivals and sacrificial ceremonies.

They were inviting Dou Zhao, so Ji Shi didn’t stand at on ceremony. She smiled and agreed, then took Dou Zhao back to their quarters.

Ji Shi’s wet nurse, Madam Wang, had already settled Dou Zhao’s belongings and maids. Seeing Dou Zhao’s face flushed from the sun, she called for Tuo Niang, and together they helped Dou Zhao take a warm bath. They then applied some borneol powder, changed her into a white gauze blouse, and adorned her with a silver necklace and bracelet before taking her to see Ji Shi.

Ji shi had also bathed and changed clothes. Two maids were fanning her from both sides.

She held Dou Zhao’s hand and looked her up and down, nodding with a smile. She embraced Dou Zhao and sat her on the kang bed: “Now you look like a proper young lady!” She picked up a fan and began fanning Dou Zhao while instructing Madam Wang: “We’re dining at Third Brother’s place today. If the Sixth Master makes it back in time, tell him to go to Third Brother’s. If he can’t make it back, prepare dinner for him separately.”

Dou Zhao guessed that Sixth Uncle must have gone to her home with her father.

Madam Wang smiled and agreed.

A maid with peach-blossom eyes and apricot cheeks entered.

Seeing her, Madam Wang immediately led the other serving maids out.

The maid took the fan from Sixth Aunt’s hand and began fanning Dou Zhao, whispering to Sixth Aunt, “Third Master received a letter from Fifth Master, saying that Chen Jizhou was forced to retire, and Grand Secretary Zeng recommended Grand Secretary He Wendao to oversee this imperial examination. Fifth Master, in his position as Vice Minister of Personnel, is highly regarded by Grand Secretary Zeng. Upon hearing this, the Great Madam immediately sent someone to inform the Old Master in the West Mansion. When I came over, the messenger had just left.”

The Sixth Aunt responded with an “Mm.”

The maid then went to lift the curtain, and Madam Wang and the other serving maids filed back in, resuming their previous tasks. If it weren’t for the maid still fanning Dou Zhao, she might have thought she had been dreaming!

Sixth Aunt was indeed a hidden expert.

Dou Zhao felt embarrassed.

She couldn’t help but think about what she had just heard.

Zeng Yifen had forced Chen Jizhou to step down, and Fifth Uncle was highly regarded by Zeng Yifen. This was good news, wasn’t it? Why did the Second Great-aunt urgently summon Grandfather upon hearing this?

She pondered, unable to understand.

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