HomeBlossomChapter 364: Spring Romance

Chapter 364: Spring Romance

Dou Zhao wished she could kick Song Mo out of bed.

“How could you casually talk about such things with others?” She sat up abruptly, forgetting she was naked, and glared at Song Mo with her almond-shaped eyes. “Now everyone knows about our private affairs!” As she spoke, tears of frustration began to fall.

“No, no!” Song Mo clumsily tried to wipe her tears with his undershirt, though his eyes couldn’t help but wander over her body. He found the scene more beautiful than any fine moment or scenery and became a bit distracted. “Only the Empress knows. She’s not one to gossip. She watched me grow up, like an aunt. She asked me because she was worried we young newlyweds might not know better and harm the child. It’s not what you’re imagining.”

Dou Zhao blushed and quickly wrapped a robe around herself.

That made things even more troublesome!

She was the birth mother of Prince Liao!

After her stepson was shot dead and her husband died, she still managed to live each day with vigor. How hard-hearted must she be!

Inexplicably, Dou Zhao began to cry. All the past lives hidden in her heart and the negative emotions with nowhere to vent burst forth like floodwaters through a broken dam, surging out with her tears.

In Song Mo’s heart, Dou Zhao was intelligent, quick-witted, and resilient. So when she cried, Song Mo was not only shocked but felt a piercing pain in his heart.

He hurriedly embraced Dou Zhao, apologizing repeatedly: “It’s my fault, it’s my fault! From now on, no matter who asks, I won’t talk about your affairs! Please don’t cry. It’s all my mistake this time. I’ll be more careful in the future!” His hands couldn’t help but caress her soft, smooth skin where they touched her. Feeling the coolness of her skin, he came to his senses and quickly wrapped her in a blanket, continuing to comfort her, “Don’t cry, don’t cry! It’s all my fault! I apologize!”

Perhaps because she knew Song Mo cared for her and would be pained by her sorrow, Dou Zhao cried even harder.

Song Mo could only keep comforting Dou Zhao until he performed a small magic trick, which finally made her laugh through her tears.

He breathed a sigh of relief and pinched her reddened nose, feigning a stern tone: “No more of this in the future. If you have something to say, say it properly!”

Dou Zhao nodded shyly, her usual spiritedness replaced by a girlish coyness.

Song Mo suddenly understood.

Dou Zhao was acting coquettishly with him!

He couldn’t help but smile, not finding it annoying at all. Instead, he felt a sense of satisfaction and joy at being needed.

Song Mo got up to call for hot water to help Dou Zhao clean up.

Dou Zhao held onto the blanket tightly: “I’ll do it myself.”

“Let me,” Song Mo said tenderly, pressing her back into the blanket. “You’re in a delicate condition and just exhausted yourself. Lie down.”

Dou Zhao still clutched the blanket tightly, saying softly: “Has… has my body changed?”

“Not at all!” Song Mo hadn’t noticed anything. “Didn’t the matron say the pregnancy wouldn’t show until five months?”

Other pregnant women would sleep separately from their husbands, only reuniting after the child was two months old. But she and Song Mo spent day and night together, so the changes of pregnancy couldn’t be hidden from him. Still, she didn’t want to be so exposed before Song Mo.

“Really?” Dou Zhao had felt her body becoming heavier lately. “I’d better do it myself.”

Song Mo remembered how she had just been drenched in sweat and then sat arguing with him for so long. Worried she might catch a chill, he didn’t argue further and instead handed her warm towels from the side.

Dou Zhao wiped herself down under the blanket while Song Mo wrapped her in his cloak. Ganlu and the others came in to change the bedding.

Her fair, slender calves peeked out from under the sapphire blue cloak, looking even more smooth and delicate.

Song Mo’s heart stirred at the sight.

After Ganlu and the others withdrew with blushing faces, he tucked Dou Zhao into the bed warmed by hot water bottles, taking the opportunity to slip in beside her.

“Let’s do it again,” he whispered against her cheek, his hand already caressing her breasts, which had grown noticeably fuller with pregnancy.

Half of Dou Zhao’s body went limp.

She felt both angry and annoyed. Angry at herself for being so weak-willed, her heart is completely devoted to Song Mo. Not only did she dote on him, but his touch also aroused her. She was annoyed that Song Mo showed no restraint, only knowing how to tease her without considering her pregnant condition.

Song Mo believed that with the guidance from Palace Matron Yan Xi, he couldn’t possibly make any mistakes. On such a cold night, cuddling together felt warm and cozy even if they just talked.

“I’ll be gentler this time,” he said, pressing against Dou Zhao like a ball of fire, making it difficult for her to breathe.

“Don’t…” she gasped, trying to push Song Mo away, but he had already trailed kisses down to her belly.

Dou Zhao was surprised, then understood.

Song Mo was greeting their child in his way.

In both her past and present lives, all she longed for was a warm family.

Just like what Song Mo was doing now – loving her, cherishing the child she carried.

Dou Zhao’s heart instantly melted.

But Song Mo straightened up and slowly but firmly entered her body.

Although they had just made love and her body still bore his imprint, the swollen fullness filling her made her let out a muffled groan as she grasped the blanket… Her body felt as if it had been set aflame…

In her hazy state, she couldn’t help but think that she’d need to find an excuse to stay home on the Lantern Festival.

In his current state, even if she tried to conceal their intimacy, the spring-like glow in her eyes and brows would give them away. With the Empress’s perceptiveness, she’d likely see through them at a glance.

Instinctively, she didn’t want the Empress to know.

But Song Mo turned her face towards him and said, “Don’t be distracted!” as if it were an insult to them.

Dou Zhao’s expression immediately softened.

Usually, he would thrust into her forcefully until he reached her depths, making her beg for mercy. But now, mindful of the child, he didn’t dare to be too rough.

Dou Zhao’s earlier worries vanished like smoke.

With Song Mo here, what did she have to worry about?

He would protect her completely.

Thinking this, Dou Zhao relaxed.

She wrapped her legs around Song Mo’s waist, closed her eyes, and enjoyed this gentle intimacy.

They had been quite vigorous, and the next morning, Dou Zhao felt drowsy and tired even lifting her arm. She just wanted to sleep.

Song Mo affectionately kissed her cheek and called in Ganlu, who managed the household tokens, to ask about any matters in the inner courtyard.

Ganlu was surprised.

Song Mo had already said, “The madam is pregnant and needs more rest. If there are any trivial matters today, come report to me!”

Ganlu silently lowered her head and murmured an agreement.

Song Mo went to the outer courtyard in high spirits.

Today, Duke Ying’s household was hosting Song Yichun’s old friend, the Third Prince Consort Shi Conglan, and his family, along with several friends of similar status to Shi Conglan.

The Third Princess decided to stay home at the last minute: “With Dou shi managing the household at Duke Ying’s mansion and her being pregnant, if I go, she’ll have to stand on ceremony to serve me. Although I don’t like Jiang Shi, I have no reason to make things difficult for Dou Shi. You go by yourself!”

She didn’t want to get involved in the conflict between Song Yichun and his son.

Song Yichun invited Shi Conglan to his mansion for a spring banquet every year on the sixth day of the lunar new year. He hadn’t thought much about it and, finding it troublesome to bring children, went to Duke Ying’s mansion alone.

Song Yichun was very surprised not to see the Third Princess.

Shi Conglan had to make the excuse that they had guests at home and couldn’t get away.

Song Yichun couldn’t force the Third Princess to come as a guest, could he?

He could only suppress his disappointment and accompany Shi Conglan to the study.

Soon after, the other guests arrived intermittently.

None had brought their womenfolk.

The excuse was almost uniformly that they had guests at home.

Song Yichun was exasperated.

Song Mo personally invited everyone to the flower hall for tea and wine.

The guests exchanged pleasantries with Song Mo as they went to the flower hall together.

The weather in early spring was still very cold, with the wind cutting to the bone. The latticed doors of the flower hall were tightly shut, and with the floor heating on, it was as warm as spring inside. After a few drinks, everyone became more talkative.

One asked Song Mo what he had been doing recently.

Another asked about Song Mo’s relationship with the Marquis of Dongping, saying his cousin’s third son worked at the Five Cities Military Command and asking Song Mo to put in a good word with the Marquis of Dongping for some support.

Someone else asked Song Mo: “The Marquis of Dongping is only temporarily serving as the Commander of the Five Cities Military Command while also holding the position of Seal-Holding Commander at the Five Armies Command. After the new year, he should return to the Five Armies Command, right? Is there a chance you might advance further to the Five Cities Military Command?”

Song Mo responded respectfully and modestly: “I’m still young and need to learn more from all of you. It’s too early to talk about positions like Commander of the Five Cities Military Command.”

His answer was impeccable, neither humbly denying his ambitions nor failing to point out his shortcomings. This made several older guests stroke their beards and nod approvingly, feeling he was honest and steady. They couldn’t stop praising him, congratulating Song Yichun on having such a worthy successor.

Song Yichun’s smile was stiff, but fortunately, the opera was about to begin, and everyone moved to the warm-curtained veranda to watch.

Shi Conglan fell back a few steps to walk with Song Yichun and whispered: “What’s going on between you and your eldest son? What man doesn’t make mistakes? Even if he took someone from your household, it’s been years now. You shouldn’t keep holding onto it. How can women be more important than the family business?”

Song Yichun could only smile bitterly.

Seeing this, Shi Conglan’s heart stirred, and he lowered his voice even further: “What? Is there some inside story?”

Song Yichun seemed about to speak but held back.

Shi Conglan waited patiently.

Finally, Song Yichun sighed and pulled Shi Conglan to the veranda.

In the inner courtyard, Dou Zhao was quite surprised to hear that none of the guests had brought their womenfolk. When Song Mo returned in the evening, she asked him what had happened. Song Mo smiled and said, “You’re not in a condition to entertain guests now. Should we have made them sit with the household matrons?”

Dou Zhao giggled and couldn’t help but pat her belly: “This child certainly has a grand presence!”

Song Mo kissed Dou Zhao’s cheek and then touched her belly before going to the washroom to clean up.

Dou Zhao spent the next few days very comfortably, only coming out to socialize briefly on the tenth day when hosting the Dou family elders. On the Lantern Festival, Song Mo again requested special permission for Dou Zhao to stay at home, citing the noise and bustle of the lantern market.

Dou Zhao had originally worried that the Emperor would be displeased, but the Crown Prince made the same request for the Crown Princess. The Emperor suddenly felt that the royal family’s prosperity was a good omen. Not only did he grant Song Mo and the Crown Prince’s requests, but he also bestowed yuan xiao dumplings, lanterns, and other items for Dou Zhao and the Crown Princess to celebrate the festival.

This news was relayed to the Dou family by Duan Gongyi, Chen Xiaofeng, and others who were escorting the aunt, Zhao Zhangru, and the Dou family women to see the lanterns. Everyone was happy for Dou Zhao, especially the aunt, who remarked to Ji Shi: “Shou gu has married such a good son-in-law. It seems her bitter days are finally over.”

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