HomeBlossomChapter 367: Sisters

Chapter 367: Sisters

Dou Zhao wrote down several names on the xuan paper: Prince Liao, the Empress, Wang Yuan, Wang Ge, the Emperor, the Crown Prince, Cui Junyi, Kuang Zhuoran, Jiang Jie, and Dai Jian.

She then fell into deep thought.

Several days passed, but she still couldn’t figure out the connections between these people. However, news came from Song Mo’s side first.

Wang Ge and Cui Junyi had entered the palace at the same time. Both were eloquent and good at pleasing their superiors. But Wang Ge was more flexible and often gave money to curry favor with the head eunuch. So when it came time to select an attendant for the Crown Prince, their superior recommended Wang Ge. However, because Wang Ge only knew a few simple characters at the time, the Crown Prince was dissatisfied and sent him back. When Cui Junyi learned that Wang Ge had used money to get this opportunity, he regretted not doing the same.

Knowing Wang Ge had been sent back, he borrowed some money and went to see the head eunuch. Soon after, Cui Junyi was recommended to the Eastern Palace. Later, because of his literacy, Cui Junyi was favored by the Crown Prince and quickly began serving in the Crown Prince’s study. Gradually, Cui Junyi became the Crown Prince’s confidant and a fourth-rank eunuch. Meanwhile, Wang Ge was still struggling at the seventh rank. If he hadn’t seized the opportunity to become Wang Yuan’s adopted son, he might still be cleaning toilets in some corner!

This was how the grudge between the two men began.

Suxin found it hard to believe: “Just because of this? They’ve been feuding for almost twenty years?”

“Isn’t that serious enough?” Dou Zhao smiled. “One rank higher can crush a person! The hierarchy among eunuchs is even stricter. One wrong move could cost you your life. Not to mention, Cui Junyi can now speak directly to Wang Yuan, while Wang Ge has to kneel and kowtow, calling Wang Yuan ‘father’. Just thinking about this must make Wang Ge unable to sit still or eat in peace!”

“But what does this have to do with the Kuang family’s affairs?” Suxin asked, confused.

Dou Zhao mumbled, “If I knew that, why would I be troubled?”

Suxin hesitated, “Why don’t you discuss it with Mr. Chen?”

Dou Zhao’s spirits lifted at the suggestion, but then she became dejected again.

The matter was too important. Chen Quishui was already nearing fifty. If the situation wasn’t clear before the palace coup, she was planning to entrust Chen Quishui and others like Duan Gongyi to Dou Qijun. She didn’t want to drag Chen Quishui into this and make him worry.

“I’ll think about it myself first,” Dou Zhao said, brushing off Suxin’s suggestion.

Ganlu came in and reported, “My lady, Mr. Chen from the Jinyiwei Zhenfu Division has come again, saying he wants to see you!”

These young maids all harbored some resentment towards Chen Jia.

The last few times Chen Jia came, he said a few words and got a house from the Young Master. They wondered what he would trick out of them this time!

Dou Zhao, however, felt that he wouldn’t come without reason, and it was probably about the two maids he had mentioned before.

If he could solve this matter, it would be like sending charcoal in snowy weather.

Dou Zhao began to admire Chen Jia a little.

She instructed Ganlu to invite Chen Jia to the small flower hall for tea. She changed her clothes and brought Suxin with her to the hall.

Chen Jia was still standing respectfully in the center of the small flower hall. Hearing movement, he glanced, then lowered his eyes and bowed to Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao gently invited him to sit.

Chen Jia didn’t stand on ceremony and sat down in the master’s chair near the door, far from Dou Zhao.

After the maids served tea, he began to speak: “The pair of sisters I mentioned to the lady last time have now entered the capital. If the lady wants to see them, I can call them over right away.”

They’re probably already waiting outside!

It was good that Suxin was here to help assess them.

Dou Zhao smiled, “Thank you for your trouble, Mr. Chen. Please bring them to Suxin to take a look.”

Chen Jia stood up upon hearing this.

Suxin followed him to the outer courtyard.

Half an incense stick’s time later, she came back to report to Dou Zhao: “The two young ladies are surnamed Li, from Wuyi. The older sister is called Jingui, who just turned fifteen; the younger sister is called Yingui, thirteen this year. They are only moderately good-looking, but their martial skills are excellent, much better than my sister and me. They also seem very honest. With careful training, they would be suitable to serve tea and such by your side…” At this point, she showed some hesitation and said, “The Jinyiwei specializes in spying on officials. Those who fall into their hands are usually not small matters. I’m afraid Chen Jia might have implicated their parents to find two suitable maids for you, or he might have taken them using the Young Master’s name. I asked the two girls about their background separately.”

“According to the girls, their family ancestors were lay disciples of the Southern Shaolin Temple, making a living by farming. They also own over 300 mu of good farmland. Everyone in the family practices martial arts. When the uncles and brothers come of age, they all go out to gain experience but never show their skills in front of the villagers. However, their grandfather was once the chief escort at the largest security company in Fuzhou when he was young, quite famous in the south, and thus took on a few disciples.”

“One of these disciples later became a bandit.”

“Last summer, that disciple suddenly came to their home secretly and found their father. He said their stronghold had been raided by the government, and he had barely escaped with his life. He was now wanted by the authorities and begged their father for some silver to flee. Their father, fearing trouble for the family, gave the man ten taels of silver. But before the man could leave their house, he was arrested by the authorities. Their family was implicated as a result, treated as accomplices, and all thrown into prison. Their property was also confiscated.”

“It was Mr. Chen who got the two sisters out of prison.”

“Mr. Chen also told the sisters that if they could gain your favor, their whole family would be safe; if they couldn’t please you, they would both be sent back to prison, and their family members would face whatever fate awaited them.”

“After I questioned the two sisters, they mistook me for you, clung to my legs, and cried for help, saying they would do anything, just begging to save the lives of their grandparents, parents, uncles, and siblings.”

At this point, Suxin couldn’t help but feel annoyed. She frowned and said, “What kind of situation is this? He’s not finding maids for you, he’s causing trouble for you! If what the two girls said is true, and we don’t keep them, wouldn’t we be dooming their entire family?”

Dou Zhao hadn’t thought that deeply about it. She smiled and said, “If that’s the case, we certainly have to keep them. Even if the two girls aren’t suitable to serve in my room, we can always find a place for them in the manor. But we need to discuss this with the Young Master first, to verify if what the two girls said is true. If we rescue them, is it proper? I’m just worried about causing trouble for the Young Master.” At this point, she couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

This Chen Jia was indeed skilled. With just a few simple words, he could intimidate the two young girls into never daring to have second thoughts for the sake of their parent’s and siblings’ lives.

Suxin said, “Then I’ll tell Chen Jia to take them back for now. I’ll say that since it’s for close personal service, the Young Master needs to approve.”

Dou Zhao nodded. When Song Mo returned, she told him about this matter.

Song Mo was quite surprised and pondered, “I was wary of the many entanglements among martial artists, fearing they might cause you trouble later. I was planning to find two trustworthy people from the escort agencies for you… If what those two girls said is true, they could be useful. If nothing else, at least they won’t harbor other thoughts.”

Dou Zhao asked, “Should we investigate further?”

“I’ll mention this to Du Wei. You don’t need to worry about it,” Song Mo said, looking somewhat lazy.

Thinking he was tired, Dou Zhao smiled and agreed, “Alright.” She brought him some casual clothes and called for a young maid to help him wash up.

Song Mo came out of the side room, found a book on the kang table, got into bed, and leaned against the headboard to read.

Dou Zhao didn’t disturb him and sat nearby doing needlework.

The room was quiet and peaceful.

Dou Zhao was secretly puzzled.

Usually, at this time, Song Mo would chat with her for a bit, but today he remained silent.

She looked up and realized that Song Mo’s eyes were fixed on the book, but he hadn’t turned a page for a long time. He was deep in thought, his mind not on the book at all.

Everyone needs time alone sometimes.

Dou Zhao continued her needlework, occasionally glancing up at Song Mo.

The sound of the night watch drum came from outside.

Song Mo seemed to wake up as if startled.

He put down the book and only then noticed that Dou Zhao had been doing needlework all along. He frowned slightly and said, “Why are you doing needlework again at night? It’s bad for your eyes. If you have anything that needs doing, just give it to the sewing room. I keep them to serve people, not to just sit around catching mosquitoes. If these people aren’t suitable for you, feel free to change them.”

Dou Zhao sensed that Song Mo’s mood was a bit agitated.

She took his hand and, looking into his eyes, asked, “Do you want to talk to me?”

Dou Zhao’s gaze was sincere, her expression serious. Song Mo could feel her genuine concern and care.

He thought for a moment and said softly, “I sent people to investigate Wang Ge’s properties today. They found that apart from a small two-courtyard house in Shayi Temple Hutong, he has no other fixed assets. But the money he’s demanded in recent years would be more than enough to buy a large five-courtyard, three-lane mansion in Yuming Fang. Where do you think all his money has gone?”

Dou Zhao sat up straight.

Prince Liao!

His money must have gone to Prince Liao!

It was because he was collecting money for Prince Liao that he dared to refuse Song Mo.

Song Mo’s fifth uncle, Jiang Baisun, was still exiled in Liaodong under Prince Liao’s rule.

So he knew Song Mo wouldn’t dare to offend Prince Liao.

Moreover, if he was helping Prince Liao amass wealth, the Empress would naturally support him.

Was it because he was someone who did the dirty work that Prince Liao not only didn’t use him after ascending the throne but also conveniently got rid of him?

But how did he become Prince Liao’s running dog in the first place?

In Prince Liao’s treasonous plot, what role did he play?

Something flashed through Dou Zhao’s mind, but when she tried to grasp it, it vanished without a trace.

She could only suggest to Song Mo: “Yantang, do you think Wang Ge might just be a puppet?”

Song Mo’s expression changed slightly. After a long silence, he said softly, “I think so too. But whose puppet is he? And who could be so desperate for money that they would rob from the people?”

How many people could make Wang Ge refuse Song Mo?

Or perhaps he had suspicions too but didn’t dare to think too deeply about it.

Dou Zhao looked at Song Mo’s slightly pale face, guessing his thoughts.

“Then we’ll investigate slowly,” she said, gently caressing Song Mo’s hand. “If something was done, there will be traces left behind. It’s just a matter of when we discover them. But you must be careful not to get yourself entangled in this.”

Song Mo didn’t respond, but his gaze seemed extremely distant.

Dou Zhao said, “Let’s sleep. Maybe we’ll have discoveries when we wake up tomorrow morning.”

Song Mo kissed Dou Zhao’s face and blew out the light.

In the darkness, he tossed and turned a few times.

Dou Zhao held him in her arms, gently stroking his back as if to comfort him.

Song Mo murmured “Shou’gu” softly.

Dou Zhao’s movements became even gentler.

Soon, Song Mo’s breathing became deep and steady.

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