HomeBlossomChapter 369: Passing the Test

Chapter 369: Passing the Test

Early plum blossoms heralded spring in Fucheng.

Though it was still the end of the first lunar month, a gust of wind made those standing outside the Fucheng Gate on the west side of the capital shiver with cold.

Zhao Si stood in front of the teahouse, gazing at the unfamiliar young woman with a drooping chignon hairstyle. His eyes involuntarily moistened.

More than a decade had passed in the blink of an eye. The little girl who once barely knew how to speak was now a wife and mother. What else had he missed during this time?

“Shou Gu!” he said, his hand trembling slightly as he gestured for Dou Zhao to rise.

Dou Zhao stood up and called out “Uncle,” and tears began to fall.

In her previous life, she had misunderstood her uncle’s restrained sorrow. In this life, it was her uncle who had helped her secure half of the Western Dou family’s property, allowing her to live so freely. In both lives, her uncle had never mistreated her. In contrast, she owed her uncle too much – the misunderstanding in her past life and her inability to help in this one. But today, she was living happily and could reunite with her uncle. What could be more joyous than this? She shouldn’t cry; she should smile.

Dou Zhao lifted her face, a radiant smile blossoming from the depths of her heart. “Uncle, since you’re being reassigned, will you be staying in the capital for a while?”

She exchanged polite greetings, but tears still blurred her vision.

Zhao Si made an affirmative sound, his eyes also glistening. “I’ll stay in the capital for ten more days. After your cousin’s wedding, we’ll set out for Huguang…”

He had many questions for his only niece, but given the propriety between men and women and their long separation, he didn’t know where to begin. Only such formal exchanges seemed appropriate.

Uncle and niece stood under the teahouse’s black lacquered gold-lettered sign, surrounded by bustling crowds, yet silent and somewhat at a loss.

The aunt, whose eyes had been brimming with tears, couldn’t help but chuckle at the speechless pair, breaking their silence.

“Look at you two. You miss each other when apart, but now that you’ve met, you’re lost for words.” She took Dou Zhao’s hand and said to her husband, “This isn’t the place to talk. Shou Gu has been waiting for you most of the day. Her son-in-law has rented us a house in Yuqiao Hutong. Let’s go home and talk there.”

Hearing that Duke Ying’s heir had rented them a house, Zhao Si’s brow furrowed slightly. But remembering this was a joyous day of family reunion, he quickly smoothed his expression, smiling and nodding at his wife. They boarded the carriage, following Dou Zhao’s to Yuqiao Hutong.

On the way, Dou Zhao was still immersed in the complex emotions of seeing her uncle. Zhao Zhangru whispered to her, “Are you disappointed? My father turned out to be such a stuffy old man.” She sighed, relaxing against the large pillow, and continued languidly, “Though it’s somewhat advantageous for me. He barely glanced at me today, so he’ll surely focus on you from now on. That’ll make things easier for me. I wonder if Song Yan will be intimidated when he meets Father. You don’t know, but last time, a scholar introduced to me was rejected by Father because he stammered and couldn’t speak properly when they met…”

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but laugh at Zhao Zhangru’s words, despite her many thoughts.

She teased Zhao Zhangru, “What? Having second thoughts? You’re already engaged. Even if Uncle leaves Song Yan speechless, you’ll still have to marry on the set date. Or are you worried Uncle will give Song Yan a hard time?”

After all, Song Yan was the one who would spend his life with Zhao Zhangru. How could she be indifferent?

Zhao Zhangru’s face turned as red as the morning glow. She reached out to pinch Dou Zhao’s cheek. “Stop talking nonsense!”

Dou Zhao dodged, laughing, “I’m pregnant now. If you bully me, I’ll tell Uncle and Aunt right away!”

“Is tattling all you know how to do?” Zhao Zhangru glared at Dou Zhao, her almond eyes wide.

Dou Zhao chuckled and said softly, “I also know how to save private money for my cousin.”

“Oh, you!” Zhao Zhangru’s face reddened again.

Her wedding date was officially set for the second day of the second lunar month. A few days ago, Dou Zhao had given her a trousseau gift – a four-courtyard, three-room residence, and a farm. Aunt thought it was too valuable and didn’t want to accept it, but Dou Zhao was displeased, saying, “Aunt, do you want to be so particular with me too?”

Aunt thought for a moment, then graciously thanked her and accepted Dou Zhao’s gift.

However, when Uncle inquired about Dou Zhao’s recent situation while changing clothes, she told her husband about this.

Zhao Si flew into a rage, saying, “How could you accept things from Shou Gu?”

Aunt knew her husband’s personality best. She knew that if he had heard about Dou Zhao’s trousseau gift from someone else, he would have been even more furious. It was better to tell him early and preserve Shou Gu’s good intentions.

She said disapprovingly, “Who is Shou Gu to you? You keep such a clear distinction from her, afraid of benefiting from her in the slightest. Don’t you worry about hurting her feelings? Why don’t you put yourself in her shoes? When did your heart become so narrow? We’re staying in a house provided by her son-in-law. Are you going to move out immediately too? Even friends share their wealth. Is Shou Gu not even as good as your friends? I consider her my daughter. I’m happy to accept anything my daughter gives me, no matter how small. Not to mention this is Shou Gu’s way of showing concern for her sister’s challenges after marriage, giving her sister some private funds to save face!”

Zhao Si fell silent.

Aunt went out to instruct the maids to set the table, then stood in the corridor waiting for her husband’s anger to subside.

Soon, Zhao Si emerged with a slightly guilty expression. He stood beside his wife in the corridor, pretending nothing had happened, and said, “When’s dinner? I’m starving! These days it’s been nothing but dry rations or those awful things at the post stations. I haven’t had a proper meal in ages!”

Aunt smiled, suppressing her amusement, and instructed a maid, “Go invite the young miss and her cousin for dinner.”

The little maid responded and left.

Aunt adjusted her husband’s collar, then turned and entered the hall.

Zhao Si hurriedly followed.

When Dou Zhao and Zhao Zhangru entered, Uncle and Aunt were sitting amicably at the table, chatting, with no trace of their earlier disagreement.

Uncle sincerely thanked Dou Zhao and said, “Your mother only has you, and I only have Zhangru and her two sisters. In this world, you are the closest to each other. You should support one another in the future.” He added regretfully, “Your eldest sister wanted to come too, but your brother-in-law failed the imperial examination last September and is feeling down. I didn’t let her come.”

Dou Zhao knew that three years later, her eldest cousin’s husband would successfully pass both the provincial and imperial examinations, becoming a Hanlin Academy scholar and serving in the Ministry of Works.

She comforted her uncle, “I’m sure my brother-in-law will succeed in the future. Don’t worry. Life can’t always be smooth sailing. He’s still young, and more experience will only benefit him.”

Uncle chuckled and said, “You’re so young, yet you speak like an adult. You even understand that life can’t always be peaceful and successful!” He seemed to underestimate her a bit.

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but pout.

Seeing her rare childlike expression, Aunt and Zhao Zhangru both laughed.

The atmosphere immediately lightened, and Dou Zhao felt her relationship with her uncle had grown closer.

Everyone chatted casually until the little maid set out the chopsticks, and they quieted down.

Just then, a servant came to report, “The heir of Duke Ying has arrived.”

Dou Zhao was startled. Song Mo should have been on duty in the palace today.

Zhao Zhangru, however, winked at Dou Zhao.

Aunt’s face lit up with joy as she stood and said to Uncle, “Yan Tang must have heard you’re in the capital and took leave especially to welcome you!”

Because this marriage was Dou Shiyong’s idea, and despite his wife’s letters saying Dou Zhao’s marriage was happy, he still harbored doubts. Moreover, news of Song Mo easily suppressing martial artists from various regions, like “two peaches killing three warriors,” had reached the northwestern army, causing him to feel some dissatisfaction towards Song Mo as well. Hearing that Song Mo had come, he pondered for a moment before telling the servant, “He’s not an outsider. Invite him to the hall to dine with us.”

The servant, who was from Yizhi Hall, immediately ran off and soon returned with Song Mo.

Song Mo respectfully greeted Zhao Si.

Zhao Si felt even more conflicted.

Handsome appearance, and ruthless methods – how could Shou Gu be his match?

He nodded slightly, ignoring the maid about to serve tea, and said to Song Mo, “Come with me to the study.”

Song Mo obediently followed him to the study.

Zhao Zhangru immediately moved closer to Dou Zhao, “Oh no! Father must be going to test the heir’s knowledge! Even my eldest brother-in-law was defeated before Father, let alone the heir!”

Dou Zhao glared at her, “Have some faith in the heir, will you?”

She wasn’t worried about Uncle testing Song Mo’s knowledge, but rather that Uncle might have preconceived notions about Song Mo because of her father, causing Song Mo to be mistreated.

However, how did Uncle become like this?

Dou Zhao pondered.

Zhao Zhangru said, “What good does my confidence do? He needs to pass the test!”

Overhearing their whispers, Aunt scolded Zhao Zhangru, “Always making a fuss over nothing. Is your father the kind of person who lacks discretion?”

But she still worried that Song Mo might not be knowledgeable enough and embarrass himself before her husband. She couldn’t help but glance towards the study.

If only the heir had some real talent, as Shou Gu said!

Zhao Zhangru gave Dou Zhao a meaningful look, then sat up straight and said no more.

For a moment, the hall was silent.

By the time the tea in the cups had cooled, Zhao Si and Song Mo emerged from the study, one after the other.

Dou Zhao looked at her solemn-faced uncle and let out a long sigh of relief.

No change was the best outcome.

She glanced at Song Mo and indeed saw a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Dou Zhao finally relaxed completely.

The aunt also felt relieved.

She knew her husband’s reservations about Dou Shiyong. Since he didn’t seem to dislike Song Mo, their conversation in the study must have gone well.

“Let’s eat, let’s eat,” she said with a smile. “We can talk more after the meal.”

Song Mo sat down cheerfully at Zhao Si’s left, helping him pour wine.

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Si’s face.

Everyone enjoyed the meal with smiles and laughter.

After dinner, they moved to the western room to drink tea. Zhao Si even discussed various generals from the Northwestern army with Song Mo.

On the way home, Song Mo pretended to wipe sweat and sighed, “Uncle is much tougher to deal with than Father-in-law!”

Dou Zhao giggled.

Song Mo suddenly said, “I’ve decided. If we have a daughter in the future, I’ll treat her like your father treats you. If we have a son, I’ll treat him like Uncle treats me.”

Dou Zhao laughed so hard she nearly cried.

But inside, she felt a pang of sorrow.

Song Mo wanted to be a good father but could only use her father and uncle as references.

Song Yichun would be of no help at all.

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