HomeBlossomChapter 37: Night Whispers

Chapter 37: Night Whispers

A solitary full moon hung brightly in the sky, its pure light cascading down like quicksilver, casting dappled shadows throughout the courtyard.

Ji Shi sat on the edge of the kang by the window, gazing at the sleeping Dou Zhao. She sighed almost inaudibly, “This child is truly beautiful!” As she spoke, she gently brushed a few stray locks of Dou Zhao’s dark hair behind her ear.

After leaving Third Master Dou Shibang’s house, she had taken Dou Zhao to pay respects to several nieces-in-law. By the time they returned, the night was deep and quiet. After washing up, Dou Zhao had fallen asleep as soon as she lay down.

Wang Mama sat by the bed, fanning Dou Zhao. Hearing Ji Shi’s words, she couldn’t help but look at the sleeping girl.

The room was unlit, and in the moonlight, Dou Zhao appeared delicate as jade. Her small, red lips were slightly pursed, revealing a hint of a smile as if she were having a pleasant dream. The sight was enough to melt anyone’s heart.

“Indeed!” Wang Mama exclaimed involuntarily. “How could the Seventh Madam bear to leave Fourth Young Miss like this?”

Ji shi remained silent.

Wang mama continued, “When all is said and done, it’s all Concubine Wang’s fault. Despite being old acquaintances, she still had to entangle herself with the Seventh Master. How could the Seventh Madam save face? No wonder she chose this path.”

“She didn’t take her own life because of losing face,” Ji Shi responded wistfully. “She placed too much importance on Seventh Uncle. Even if it wasn’t Concubine Wang, any other woman – even a lowly prostitute – who could win Seventh Uncle’s favor would have been earth-shattering to her. She would rather die than witness it. Yet she didn’t consider what would happen to her child or the brothers who raised her. Her actions only brought pain to her loved ones and joy to her enemies. I don’t even know what to say! If she had a mother to guide her or a close friend to confide in, perhaps things wouldn’t have come to this. The saying ‘A widower with a young daughter should not remarry’ isn’t without reason. Poor Shou gu, I fear her days ahead will be difficult!”

Wang Mama disagreed, “Wasn’t it said that Fourth Young Miss was betrothed to the heir of the Jining Marquis’s household?”

“That was merely talk,” Ji shi sighed. “If the Wei family truly intended to honor this engagement, they would have sent more than just a steward when Zhao Shi died.”

Wang mama began to worry for Dou Zhao.

“Let’s not discuss these matters behind her back,” Ji shi said. “What about Mother-in-law’s side? Have they dispersed?”

She had already sent word to be informed as soon as the Second Madam’s gathering ended.

Wang mama quickly stood up, “I’ll go check!”

Ji Shi nodded, taking the fan from Wang Mama to continue fanning Dou Zhao.

Wang mama returned with news: “They say it hasn’t ended yet.”

Ji shi furrowed her brow, appearing somewhat anxious.

Wang mama hesitated, “Has… something happened?”

Ji Shi spoke softly, “I fear Mother-in-law is arguing with the Old Master of the Western Household about Seventh Uncle’s marriage!”

Wang mama was stunned.

The sleeping Dou Zhao turned over.

Ji shi gently patted Dou Zhao, and seeing no reaction, she continued in a low voice, “Grand Secretary Zeng dismissed Chen Jizhou and recommended He Wendao. What does this mean? It means Grand Secretary Zeng has firmly established his position at court.” Her voice was calm and rational, colder than the moonlight spilling onto the windowsill. “Grand Secretary Zeng is past sixty, his health and energy not what they once were. He can hold on for five or six years at most. Who will succeed him then?” She paused briefly. “If I’m not mistaken, Wang Xingyi should have been promoted to a sixth-rank official in the Six Ministries by now.”

Wang Mama pondered for a while before her expression suddenly changed. “You mean… Concubine Wang is to be elevated to principal wife?” Her voice trembled.

Ji shi nodded, her expression serious and stern. “My mother-in-law is most opportunistic. This time, the Old Master of the Western Household will have a headache.”

Wang mama remained shocked for a long while, unable to shake off her astonishment.

She muttered to herself, “After Grand Secretary Zeng was forced to retire, all his disciples fell out of favor, with only the Fifth Master able to protect himself. Before Grand Secretary Zeng’s reinstatement, they all relied on the Fifth Master… Now that Wang Xingyi has been reinstated, if he were just a small county magistrate, it wouldn’t matter much. But to be promoted to a sixth-rank official in the Six Ministries within half a year shows that he’s also highly regarded by Grand Secretary Zeng… No matter how capable the Fifth Master is, he doesn’t have Lord Wang’s reputation. If this continues, he’ll inevitably lose out… If Concubine Wang is elevated to principal wife, the Wang family will owe the Dou family a favor. Lord Wang certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable competing with the Fifth Master for party leadership, and might even help the Fifth Master secure it… But Concubine Wang’s character is so poor, even if she could bear sons, she probably couldn’t raise them well… That would ruin the Western Household… The Old Master would never agree to this…”

She shook her head vigorously, “No, no, that’s not right. If even I can understand this, surely the Old Madam and Old Master know it too. How could the Old Madam convince the Old Master to agree to elevate Concubine Wang?”

“That’s why I’m worried!” Ji Shi exhaled deeply, her gaze falling on Dou Zhao. “I fear the Sixth Master’s good intentions might backfire!”

Wang Mama looked confused.

“The Western Household is indeed in some turmoil now, and I feel for Shou Gu, losing her mother at such a young age,” Ji Shi explained slowly. “When the Sixth Master asked me to look after Shou gu, I agreed without hesitation. It seemed like a good deed, but now the situation has changed. If the Old Madam uses this as a reason to have me help raise the Western Household’s eldest grandson… Remember, the Dou family’s property was originally divided equally, and then jointly managed. Seventh Uncle alone could claim half of the Dou family’s assets. Who wouldn’t be tempted? Not just the Wang family, but even members of the Dou family might become envious. We’d be caught in the middle, with no peace at home!”

“What should we do?” Wang Mama asked anxiously. “If you’re asked to raise the Western Household’s eldest son, Concubine Wang is still his birth mother. Surely she can’t be kept away all year round? Just thinking about dealing with such a despicable person makes me sick. Besides, ‘like father, like son’ – what kind of good child could she raise? It would be terrible if our Hui’er and Zhi’er were corrupted. Sixth Madam, if the Old Madam mentions this to you, you absolutely must not agree! As for Fourth Young Miss,” she glanced at Dou Zhao, “I think she shouldn’t stay either. You could say the weather is too hot and you’re not feeling well, and send her to the Old Madam. Whoever wants to take care of her can do so. She won’t lack food or clothing anyway.”

Hui’er and Zhi’er were the eldest and second sons of the Sixth Household.

“Don’t ever say such things again!” Ji shi said disapprovingly. “She’s not a pet to be kept when we like and discarded when we don’t. She’s a living, breathing child!”

“But…” Wang Mama hesitated.

“This is all just my speculation,” Ji Shi interrupted. “Even if I’m right, this matter can’t be settled overnight. The marriages of the various families need to be addressed, don’t they? We need to get approval from Uncle Zhao, don’t we? And we need to find a way to make Wang Xingyi feel indebted, don’t we?”

“That’s true!” Wang Mama calmed down. “Not to mention, the Zhu family is quite prominent in Zhending County. The Dou family would have to offer substantial compensation for them to agree to break off the engagement.”

“You’ve got that wrong,” Ji Shi smiled. “Of these three issues, the easiest and simplest to resolve is the marriage with the Zhu family. Think about it – earlier, the Zhu family heard rumors that Seventh Uncle had unresolved issues with his concubine. Despite Third Sister-in-law finding so many people to mediate, the Zhu family refused to agree to a May wedding. This shows they truly care for their daughter. If they learn of the Wang family’s fierce behavior, they certainly won’t want their precious daughter, raised with such care, to suffer like this. The Zhu family will likely initiate breaking off the engagement before the Dou family even brings it up.”

She took a sip of tea before continuing, “The most difficult part will be getting Uncle Zhao to agree to elevate Concubine Wang to principal wife.” Her voice lowered, “Uncle Zhao must hate the Dou family now. If it weren’t for Shou Gu, he might even want to kill Dou Shiying. If the Dou family doesn’t ask for his consent to elevate Concubine Wang, that’s one thing. But if they do ask, they certainly won’t get it. Not only will they fail to get consent, but Uncle Zhao might also take the opportunity to do something to shame the Dou family.”

“Then what’s there for the Old Master to worry about?” Wang Mama laughed. “When the time comes, he can simply say that Uncle Zhao doesn’t agree to elevate Concubine Wang and arrange another marriage instead. Surely the Old Madam can’t force Uncle Zhao to write a letter of consent?”

“This might be exactly what the Old Madam wants!” Ji shi said, her gaze falling on Dou Zhao again. “The Old Madam can’t force Uncle Zhao to write a consent letter, but she can ensure that Uncle Zhao remains stuck in the Northwest indefinitely. With the mountains high and waters long between them, unless Uncle Zhao resigns his post and returns to sue the Dou family, Concubine Wang can openly bear children under the title of principal wife with the Dou family’s support. But if Uncle Zhao does resign and return to sue… Without his official position, do you think he could win against the Dou family? Not only would he lose, but he’d likely end up destitute, unable to support his descendants in their studies and official careers, no matter how clever they might be…”

Wang mama shuddered, “The Old Madam… isn’t this a bit too cruel?”

“This might not be entirely the Old Madam’s idea,” Ji shi breathed. “Our Fifth Uncle always likes to say half and leave half unsaid.”

Wang mama felt sympathy for Dou Zhao: “Both sides are family. Fortunately, Fourth Young Miss is too young to understand, sparing her from being caught in the middle.”

“You think Shou gu will have it easy?” Ji Shi lovingly stroked Dou Zhao’s head. “If you were Shou Gu, and one day someone told you that Concubine Wang was responsible for Zhao Shi’s death, what would you do?”

“I would certainly seek justice for my birth mother,” Wang mama replied without hesitation.

“Exactly,” Ji shi’s voice was long and low, like an old erhu, mournful and desolate. “Uncle Zhao won’t write a consent letter, leaving him at an impasse with the Dou family. If Wang Xingyi remains loyal to Fifth Uncle, that’s fine. But if he wavers, when Shou Gu grows up, the Dou family only needs to tell her the truth. If Shou Gu marries well, she could persuade her husband to support her cause. With one lawsuit filed in court, Concubine Wang’s illegitimate status would immediately cast her from the clouds into the mud. Even if Shou Gu marries into an ordinary family, with so many descendants in the Dou family, surely someone would stand by her side? They could still demote Concubine Wang from wife to concubine… Once Shou Gu files this lawsuit, Seventh Uncle couldn’t escape the crime of ‘treating a concubine as a wife’. If she doesn’t file the lawsuit, Shou Gu would likely remain resentful… If it truly comes to that point, it would be a knife to the heart for the Wang family, but merely a minor ailment for the Dou family. Others would only say that the Dou family considered their colleague’s feelings, while the Wang family failed to raise their daughter properly… Besides, Seventh Master isn’t originally from the Eastern Dou family…”

“How could our Old Master marry you into such a family!” Wang mama’s face turned pale. Despite the sweltering summer, she felt a chill in her bones. “Our Ji family doesn’t have such affairs.”

“Which great family doesn’t appear prosperous on the outside while being riddled with problems on the inside?” Ji shi said. “You simply don’t know about the Ji family’s affairs.”

Wang Mama fell silent.

A young maid reported, “The Sixth Master has returned!”

Ji shi gave Wang Mama a meaningful look: “Don’t breathe a word of this to the Sixth Master. Let him go to the provincial examinations in high spirits. We’ll discuss this later.”

“This old servant understands,” Wang Mama said solemnly, following Ji Shi out of the room.

The inner chamber fell silent and peaceful.

Moonlight shone on Dou Zhao’s face, the tears at the corners of her eyes like dewdrops on the petals of an epiphyllum, crystal clear and dreamlike.

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