HomeBlossomChapter 372: Complaints

Chapter 372: Complaints

Ji Yong no longer wanted to continue his work. However, if he quit, his great-grandfather, despite always protecting him, would likely be the first to punish him. The family’s monthly allowance and resources would no longer favor him.

What could he do with just his title as the third-place imperial exam graduate and his experience editing the “Literary Grand Instructions”?

He pondered in the Hanlin Academy for a long time.

First, he couldn’t reduce his living expenses. What would be the point of life otherwise?

Second, he needed to maintain his servants. Surely he couldn’t be expected to serve his tea?

Third, he needed ample silver for his travels. He didn’t want to rely on meager income like writing fees and live at others’ mercy.

In the end, it all came down to money. How could he obtain more silver?

Ji Yong returned to Yuqiao Hutong, somewhat absentmindedly. On the way, he saw a household hosting a celebration.

He initially planned to take a detour. However, he overheard onlookers mentioning something about “an official from the northwest borrowing Duke Ying’s residence to find a son-in-law.” He recalled his mother’s vague words a few days ago about “such a coincidence, hope they don’t run into each other.” He paused to think.

It must be Dou Zhao’s uncle, Zhao Si, marrying off his daughter. Given Dou Zhao’s close relationship with her uncle, she would certainly be there helping.

Should he mention this to Dou Zhao?

As the thought crossed his mind, his feet had already led him through the festively decorated entrance.

To his surprise, he encountered Song Mo before seeing Dou Zhao. What rotten luck!

Ji Yong rubbed his slightly heavy forehead and asked the reception master, “Where is Lord Zhao? I have something to discuss with him.”

Knowing Ji Yong was from the prestigious Ji family of Yixing, a young top graduate with a promising future in the Hanlin Academy, the reception master dared not slight him. He quickly led Ji Yong to Zhao Si.

Zhao Si was talking with several of his fellow exam graduates when Ji Yong entered, much to his surprise. Fortunately, these colleagues were either working in the Hanlin Academy or as junior officials in the Six Ministries. As fellow scholars, they all knew Ji Yong, the young and successful graduate. Someone introduced Ji Yong to Zhao Si, while others greeted him.

Ji Yong responded with a gentle smile and humble gestures, embodying the demeanor of a well-educated noble family’s son. Zhao Si took a liking to him.

Ji Yong graciously requested to see Dou Zhao: “We’re cousins, but as we’ve grown older and my cousin is now married, we must be cautious of impropriety. Uncle, please have someone escort me to speak briefly with my cousin.”

A gentleman doesn’t deceive even in private. His forthright request earned silent nods of approval from those present.

Zhao Si showed some admiration but still said, “You can tell me what you want to say, and I’ll relay the message!”

Ji Yong replied, “His Majesty has commanded me to assist Lord Yu in revising the ‘Comprehensive Commentary on the Rites of Zhou.’ I remember seeing a book called ‘Annotations and Deletions on Ritual Etiquette’ on my cousin’s desk when I was young. I once tried to borrow it from my Seventh Uncle, but he said he didn’t have such a book. I want to ask my cousin if I misremembered or if it’s her private collection. If it’s the latter, may I borrow it? In ancient times, the coming-of-age ceremony was always held in the ancestral temple. The Emperor had four such ceremonies, but there’s only one record of the ritual. I couldn’t find the source and wanted to ask if my cousin has any recollection of this.”

Everyone in the room was astonished. Zhao Si exclaimed, “Shou Gu understands the Rites of Zhou?”

“Yes,” Ji Yong replied calmly, “Not only does she understand, but she’s quite proficient. I’ve been searching for books these past few days, losing my sense of direction. Lord Yu is pressing for results, and I’m at my wit’s end. I’ve come to take a shortcut.” He bowed to everyone and said, “I kindly request that the esteemed gentlemen keep this matter confidential.”

Who would want it known they sought advice on such scholarly matters from a woman?

Everyone showed understanding, unanimously agreeing to keep the secret. They looked at Ji Yong more warmly, with some even advising Zhao Si, “This is a legitimate matter. Just send a mature servant to accompany Ji Yong to meet your niece.”

Zhao Si agreed it was indeed a matter best kept quiet and saw no reason to refuse. He called for a loyal servant over sixty years old to escort Ji Yong to the east wing room and sent someone to fetch Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao arrived bewildered, even more surprised to see Ji Yong. The loyal servant quickly explained the situation.

Dou Zhao was furious but, mindful of the servant between them, could only glare at the nonchalant Ji Yong and whisper, “Are you trying to give me a reputation as a female scholar?” She couldn’t even deny her supposed expertise in the Rites of Zhou.

Ji Yong, unfazed, frowned and said, “I rarely get to see you. I have important matters to discuss. Don’t be like those vulgar women who only know how to get angry and can’t distinguish priorities…”

Dou Zhao raised her eyebrows.

Ji Yong continued complaining, “You have no idea what I’m going through now!” He exaggeratedly described his situation at the Hanlin Academy, then said, “I know you have many businesses with capable managers. I currently have about five thousand taels of silver in personal savings. Can you find someone to manage this money for me, ensuring my future livelihood?”

Dou Zhao immediately understood his intentions.

She considered carefully and said, “Editing books isn’t like other tasks. Even those top scholars in the Hanlin Academy might not be up to it without extensive reading. I’m afraid with your reputation, the Emperor will think of you whenever he wants to compile a book. You might find yourself trapped in the Hanlin Academy, unable to escape. If so, it would indeed be a waste of your life…”

Ji Yong was delighted to hear this and excitedly asked, “I knew you’d understand, unlike others! So, which manager do you think could help me manage my assets?”

Dou Zhao coldly replied, “None of them are suitable!”

Ji Yong was stunned.

Dou Zhao continued, “Do you think running a business is easy? It requires full dedication, like your studies. You need to think about selling umbrellas on rainy days and repairing them on sunny days, constantly planning the movement of goods between north and south throughout the year…”

Ji Yong grew irritated, “After all that talk, you’re just brushing me off!”

“You want to be independent but can’t handle differing opinions. What do you expect me to say?” Dou Zhao said coldly. “I think you shouldn’t compare your strengths to others’ weaknesses. Since you excel in your studies, you should focus on your official career. Your great-grandfather is right; this is an opportunity for you. If you can help the Emperor compile books, you might get close to him. It depends on whether you see yourself as just a scholar who can only edit books or as a capable official who understands the law and can solve problems for the Emperor!”

Ji Yong wanted to speak but hesitated.

Meanwhile, Zhao’s loyal servant had been listening in bewilderment, unsure how to react.

Dou Zhao felt she had said all she needed to say. How to proceed now depended on Ji Yong’s choice.

“If you insist on using your savings for business, you can send me another message later,” Dou Zhao said as she left the room.

Ji Yong sat in the armchair, deep in thought.

A young servant peeked through the curtain, signaling to the old servant, who finally reacted. He tiptoed over and whispered, “What’s the matter?”

The young servant spoke even more softly, “The master asks how the conversation between Young Master Ji and Miss Dou went. Why hasn’t Young Master Ji returned to the study?”

The old servant quickly replied, “Go tell the master that Miss Dou has long returned to the inner quarters. Young Master Ji is sitting in the chair, lost in thought. I’m waiting here in case he doesn’t know the way to the study!”

In reality, he was monitoring Ji Yong to ensure he didn’t wander off.

The young servant understood the old servant’s implication and went to report to Zhao Si with a smile.

Zhao Si also heard from the maid he sent to check on Dou Zhao that she had returned to the inner quarters and was talking with the sixth and fifth madams of the Dou family. Relieved, he instructed the young servant, “Go tell Old Luo to take good care of Young Master Ji!”

The young servant went to the side room, smiling.

Zhao Si’s fellow graduates took turns complimenting him on having such a good niece and inquired about which family she had married into and who her husband was.

Zhao Si answered their questions.

They all expressed regret.

Someone even said, “Why didn’t you choose a scholar for your niece back then, Lord Zhao?”

Zhao Si thought of Dou Shiyong and felt irritated, his tone becoming harsh, “I was an official in the northwest. My niece’s marriage was arranged by her father, Dou Wanyuan.”

These men naturally knew Dou Shiyong as well.

Someone exclaimed, “Oh? How is Dou Wanyuan your son-in-law? Wasn’t he Wang Yousheng’s son-in-law?”

Zhao Si replied irritably, “My sister was his original principal wife. After she passed away from illness, he took Wang Yousheng’s daughter as his second wife.”

The atmosphere in the room suddenly cooled.

Fortunately, a servant came to announce that the groom’s sedan chair had arrived.

Everyone cheerfully urged Zhao Si to welcome the new son-in-law, heading to the main hall for the ceremony with laughter and chatter.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds entered the bridal chamber and drank the ceremonial wine. The groom then came out to toast the guests.

The hall was filled with joyous laughter and a festive atmosphere.

Song Mo found Dou Zhao watching the festivities from the corridor. He helped adjust her wind bonnet and smiled, “Why aren’t you in the bridal chamber? Do you want me to escort you in?”

Dou Zhao touched her belly and smiled, “I’m afraid of jostling the baby.”

Song Mo considered this and, not wanting to risk it, gently guided her towards a nearby tea room. “Let’s sit over there. I’ll pour you some hot tea. We’ll head back after they finish the wedding night festivities and return early tomorrow morning.”

Dou Zhao nodded and followed Song Mo to the tea room. Sitting on an embroidered stool, she sipped the tea he poured and told him about Ji Yong’s situation. She sighed, “When someone is too clever, everything comes easily to them, and they don’t know how to cherish opportunities. He’s so brilliantly talented that the Ji family must be losing hair worrying about him.”

Song Mo felt his hair stand on end, but his expression remained calm. “You shouldn’t always treat him like a child. He’s come of age now. You can’t spend your whole life cleaning up his messes. You need to let go and allow him to grow up.”

Dou Zhao laughed, “You have a point. If he wants to do business, I’ll introduce him to a good manager. As for other matters, we can’t interfere.”

Song Mo grumbled inwardly.

What do you mean by “we”? It’s just “you”!

I never intended to help him!

If he resigns and returns to Jiangnan, that would be for the best!

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