HomeBlossomChapter 374: Dissatisfaction

Chapter 374: Dissatisfaction

Dou Zhao felt both amused and exasperated. She turned to Su Lan and said, “What do you make of this situation?”

Su Lan smiled discreetly and replied, “Madam should be pleased. The relationship between the Duke and the young master is so good.”

“Indeed!” Dou Zhao sighed. “I’m not a good daughter, but thankfully we have the young master.”

Her mood lifted once again. She went to the kitchen to instruct the cook on preparing a feast, which she then sent to the outer courtyard.

Dou Shiying chatted with Song Mo for a while, greatly improving his mood. He stayed at Yizhi Hall until the lanterns were first lit before heading home. By the time Zhao Si’s family left the capital, he no longer dwelled on Zhao Si’s coldness towards him. If his sister had encountered such a situation, he might have found it difficult to let go as well.

No one can satisfy everyone in this world, so why not live openly and honestly? As long as one can face their conscience, that’s what matters! Yan Tang was right. As long as one has a clear conscience, how others view or think of you is their own business.

He felt refreshed, finally unburdening himself of the knot that had weighed on his heart for so many years. He prepared farewell gifts for Zhao Si and personally delivered them to Yuqiao Hutong. Amidst his aunt’s slightly apologetic expression, he calmly drank a cup of tea, chatted briefly with her, then took his leave.

His aunt went to the study. Seeing her husband agitatedly practicing calligraphy, she sighed softly and turned to check on Zhao Zhangrua, asking if she had packed everything properly: “…Don’t forget anything.”

Zhao Zhangrua seemed unconcerned, saying, “This is Aunt Shou’s house. Even if something is left behind, Aunt Shou will keep it for us. She has estates in Huguang, so she can have someone bring it to us there later.”

Her mother glared at her.

Just then, Song Yan entered. Learning of the situation, he laughed and said, “Mother, don’t worry. I’ll help keep an eye on things. We won’t leave anything behind.”

Zhao Zhangrua blushed and smiled at her husband.

Her mother couldn’t help but shake her head with a smile. It was fortunate they had Song Yan. Having grown up eating from many kitchens, he was meticulous and cautious, perfectly complementing her daughter’s carelessness. Conversely, her daughter’s liveliness and optimism balanced out Song Yan’s sensitivity. This marriage truly was an excellent match.

One must be neither deaf nor blind to be a good father-in-law.

She smiled and went to the main hall.

After seeing off her uncle’s family, Dou Zhao began preparations for Su Lan’s wedding. She prepared the same dowry for Su Lan as she had for Su Xin.

Chen He was very uneasy and wanted Su Lan to decline this dowry: “Brother-in-law’s situation was different. His family had little means, and he worked for Madam. I am the young master’s milk brother, and with the young master looking after me, such generosity isn’t necessary.”

Su Lan shook her head and said, “When elders bestow gifts, one dares not refuse. The same applies to what the mistress gives. We should accept it gladly. In the future, when dealing with others, we should remember how the mistress treated us. Then we’ll know how to conduct ourselves, what to do, and what not to do. That will be our way of repaying the mistress’s kindness.”

Chen He was surprised that the usually carefree Su Lan could express such simple yet profound wisdom. He began to see her in a new light and no longer treated her as just a naive girl to be coddled. From then on, he showed her more respect.

Seeing Chen He’s genuine affection for his bride, Chen’s mother thought of her deceased daughter Chen Tao. Realizing how unpredictable life’s joys and sorrows could be, she became more accepting of Su Lan. After the marriage, Su Lan’s unexpectedly happy life was something Dou Zhao hadn’t anticipated.

But that’s a story for another time.

Two days before Su Lan’s wedding, Old Lady Lü brought two young maids to the east wing of the upper courtyard to collect Song Han’s summer clothes. Hearing that Dou Zhao was in the back courtyard supervising the servants tending to the flowers and plants, she thought for a moment, then went to pay her respects.

Dou Zhao, now showing a slight baby bump, had been standing for a while and felt tired. She sat down on a nearby chaise lounge covered with a fur cushion. She casually took two Fujian tribute tangerines from a blue and white porcelain high-footed plate on the tea table and gave them to Old Lady Lü, saying, “Take these back for the children!”

Old Lady Lü thanked her profusely, then said in a low voice, “This servant heard from people in Xiangxiang Courtyard that the Duke intends to assign Chuan’er, who has served him closely, to the Second Young Master. But how can someone who has served the Duke intimately be placed in the Second Young Master’s quarters? I hope Madam can intervene in this matter.”

Served Sòng YíchÅ«n intimately? In what way? To be honest, she hadn’t managed to find out.

Dou Zhao pondered for a moment before saying, “I’ve said before that matters concerning the Second Young Master’s quarters are for him to decide. If this is the Second Young Master’s wish, I would certainly intervene.”

The implication was clear: if it was only Old Lady Lü’s concern, even if Chuan’er had indeed served Song Yichun intimately, she would turn a blind eye.

Old Lady Lü’s face turned crimson. After a long pause, she said, “Madam may not know, but that Chuan’er is bewitchingly beautiful. Any man who sees her is mesmerized. The Second Young Master is still young. If he learns that the Duke has assigned Chuan’er to his quarters, how could he refuse? Moreover, Chuan’er originally offended Miss Baizhi in the Duke’s quarters. Miss Baizhi turned the Duke against her, which is why the Duke angrily assigned Chuan’er to serve the Second Young Master. With such a person in the Second Young Master’s quarters, won’t it cause chaos?”

She knelt before Dou Zhao and pleaded, “I beg Madam to consider this servant’s sincere concerns.”

Baizhi? Wasn’t she a second-class maid in Song Yichun’s quarters?

When she last visited Xiangxiang Courtyard to tend to the ill, she had only seen the two head maids, Luoyan and Chenyu, along with a few young maids still wearing childish hairstyles. She had wondered then why Song Yichun had so few maids around him. It was only after reviewing the English Duke’s Manor’s servant registry that she discovered Song Yichun’s quarters had four head maids, eight second-class maids, twelve third-class maids, and numerous lower-ranking maids and women, totaling forty-four people.

She hadn’t had the chance to meet them all yet, but now, because of a second-class maid named Chuan’er, she was getting an early introduction to the maids of Xiangxiang Courtyard.

Dou Zhao said, “I will consider this matter carefully.”

Old Lady Lü left, disappointed.

Dou Zhao called out loudly for “Su Xin.”

Ganlu entered with a smile and responded, “Madam, how could you have forgotten? Sister Su Xin took Sister Su Juan to deliver fruit to the young nephew.”

Dou Zhao laughed at herself. Today was the third day of the provincial examinations, and as with the previous two occasions, she had prepared fresh fruit for Su Xin to deliver to the examination hall.

She had grown so accustomed to calling for Su Xin for various matters.

When Zhao Liangbi returned to the capital in the summer and Su Xin went back home, she realized she might not have a single maid left to confide in.

She would have to gradually get used to her trusted maids leaving one by one.

Dou Zhao thought of Chen Qushui.

No wonder men liked to use advisors. Apart from their broad knowledge and experience, the ability for master and guest to get along for long periods, becoming accustomed to each other’s habits and thought processes, and developing an increasingly tacit understanding were also an important factor.

She paced around the room for a long while before finally deciding to have Ganlu invite Chen Qushui over.

Chen Qushui sat across from Dou Zhao and got straight to the point with a smile, “Now that Su Xin has married, Madam must feel quite unaccustomed. You called for me because you have no one to discuss internal affairs with, right?”

Dou Zhao’s face reddened slightly.

Chen Qushui continued with a smile, “Actually, even if Madam hadn’t called for me, I would have come to see you.” His expression grew serious as he continued, “I still remember the first time I saw Madam. The Mistress of Bie Manor was gravely ill, and Madam walked in calmly wearing a plain red jacket. The bright color instantly lit up the room. When the Mistress asked me to beg you to take in the Bie sisters, you showed sympathy but still calmly weighed the pros and cons. That kind of self-assurance made you shine like a jewel among the rubble – even the slightest ray of sunlight would make you sparkle brilliantly. I thought then that this young lady must have been showered with countless blessings to have such grace and resilience.”

“After learning of Madam’s circumstances, I could only feel admiration.”

“So when Madam invited me to be a tutor, I was moved.”

“I will never again have the opportunity to be an advisor to a high-ranking official, but I could assist this young lady in becoming the mistress of a great family.”

“Madam has not disappointed me.”

“You assessed the situation rationally, gave up on the idea of remaining single, and became a loving couple with the young master.”

“But now, after rightfully gaining the authority to manage the English Duke’s Manor, you’ve begun to hesitate and waver. You’re keeping Master Duan and the others as ordinary guards and protecting me as if I were a frail old man, contradicting your initial decisions when you first entered the manor.”

“But I understand you.”

“Since you’ve decided to unravel the mystery of the father-son enmity for the young master, I’m sure you’ll see it through.”

“I just don’t know what new developments have occurred.”

“Regardless of what has happened, I want to tell Madam that we who came from Zhending share the same fate as you. If anything were to happen to Madam, even if I wanted to be like Cheng Ying, given my close relationship with Madam, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be possible.”

Dou Zhao trembled slightly.

Not possible?

Chen Qushui’s heart was churning like a stormy sea.

As expected, Madam had encountered a life-threatening situation.

He continued, “Even if Madam were to send all of us back to Zhending right now, who do you think would protect us rootless drifters?”

His words woke Dou Zhao from her dream-like state.

When she had Chen Qushui bring Duan Gongyi and the others to the capital, the fate of these people from Zhending became inextricably linked with hers.

It wasn’t something she could sever just because she wanted to.

She had indeed made a wrong decision.

Dou Zhao’s gaze became as firm as a mountain.

Chen Qushui smiled.

Dou Zhao stood up and said, “Sir, let’s go to the back garden pavilion to talk.”

The view there was open, and although everyone could see her with Chen Qushui, anyone approaching them would also be visible.

Chen Qushui nodded and accompanied Dou Zhao to the pavilion.

The spring breeze was still chilly, but Dou Zhao and Chen Qushui sat in the pavilion for nearly an hour before returning to the small flower hall to continue their conversation.

“So you suspect the Prince of Liao?” Chen Qushui’s face turned ashen, his gaze toward Dou Zhao becoming somewhat obscure.

Dou Zhao nodded slightly.

Chen Qushui lowered his head and remained silent for a long while.

The early spring wind blew past, causing the newly budding leaves outside the glass window to tremble slightly, already showing the softness of spring.

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