HomeBlossomChapter 377: Tracing the Roots

Chapter 377: Tracing the Roots

All the servant women in Duke Ying’s household had signed contracts of indentured servitude. If they escaped, they would become unregistered citizens. Once caught, their deaths would only result in a fine of a few taels of silver.

The second grandson of Manager Li had escaped, yet no one ever mentioned it.

Had someone concealed this for Manager Li? Or were there too many deaths that year to investigate?

Dou Zhao’s expression changed slightly.

Since taking charge of household affairs, she had access to the inner courtyard’s account books. She could uncover some old matters of Duke Ying’s household through the years of expenses. However, the outer courtyard’s accounts were managed by Song Yichun, leaving them relatively powerless regarding external affairs. They could only slowly gather evidence.

“If only we could get the roster of servant women from the outer courtyard!” Chen Qushui also found it frustrating. “At least we’d know who disappeared without a trace. Pulling out the radish brings along the soil – we might uncover more.”

Dou Zhao thought for a moment and said, “I’ll find a way to handle this. What else did Tailor Li say? How did a mere tailor find someone to vouch for a fugitive slave without household registration to go south and work on ships?”

Chen Qushui gave Dou Zhao a thumbs up, saying, “Madam’s thinking is as sharp as ever!”

Dou Zhao laughed, “There’s no one else here. Your praise is like wearing brocade in the dark. Let’s focus on the important matters!”

Chen Qushui chuckled a few times before composing himself and continuing, “Madam’s guess is correct. Two others went with Manager Li’s second grandson to work on ships – one was He Yuan, a third-rank manager from Duke Ying’s household affairs office. His father was once an accountant for Duke Ying’s household and was ordered by Madam Jiang to inspect the young master’s properties in Guangdong multiple times. Before officially working in the affairs office, He Yuan often accompanied his father to Guangdong for fun and made some friends there.”

“The other was Li Xiaoli. His father died early, and his grandfather was the doorkeeper manager. Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, he also worked as a doorkeeper and grew up with Manager He. They were very close. On the day Duke Ying’s household fell into trouble, they had drunk too much and were secretly resting in the gatehouse, thus escaping disaster.”

“Manager Li and He Yuan’s father were good friends. When Tailor Li came to settle accounts at the mansion, it was through He Yuan. The two were very familiar.”

“After escaping, He Yuan’s first contact was Tailor Li.”

“The idea to go south and work on ships was also He Yuan’s suggestion.”

“Tailor Li himself left the household early and didn’t know much about Manager Li’s situation. It wasn’t until his grand-nephew fled to him that he learned about the troubles at Duke Ying’s household. He tried to inquire in the city but couldn’t find out anything. He only heard that many people he knew had died suddenly, which frightened him. To preserve his brother’s bloodline, he agreed to let his grand-nephew go south with He Yuan.”

“He was initially worried someone would come looking, but no one paid any attention to them.”

“He’s been keeping an eye on Duke Ying’s household for years and has secretly inquired about the events of that year, but still learned nothing.”

“After going south, He Yuan indirectly sent two verbal messages, both asking about the situation in the capital and the state of Duke Ying’s household.”

“Tailor Li said that He Yuan and the others actually wanted to return to the household, but they didn’t know the current situation and had no way to return, so they could only continue drifting outside. He also mentioned that he was glad to hear that Madam needed help in her quarters and was selecting maids from various estates instead of using people from Zhending. He hoped these people could gain Madam’s favor, giving them something to look forward to.”

Dou Zhao was very surprised and looked out the window.

Outside, the weather was pleasant. Several young maids with their hair in buns were playing shuttlecock in the courtyard.

“The affairs of Daxing Estate have even reached the ears of a tailor in Wanping who left the household years ago due to a lame foot. He may truly not know much about Duke Ying’s household affairs, but I don’t believe he has no contact at all with these people from the household.” She turned back to Chen Qushui with a smile and said, “I originally thought I might find one or two useful clues from them, but I’ve been short-sighted and underestimated them. Now it seems you’ll need to investigate all these young ladies with the ‘Fu’ character in their names who are around me. I gave them almost two months to select people.”

Chen Qushui smiled and agreed.

When Song Mo returned, Dou Zhao told him about Manager Li’s situation.

Song Mo wasn’t particularly surprised upon hearing this. After a moment of silence, he said, “Although it was chaotic back then, it wasn’t to the extent that so many people died. It’s not surprising that some escaped.”

So Song Mo knew.

But why hadn’t he pursued the matter?

Dou Zhao suddenly understood.

Song Yichun wanted to frame Song Mo. Even if the servant women didn’t know before, they certainly knew afterward. But not one of them defended him, not one sought help from the outside world on his behalf, not even one spoke up for him. So when Song Yichun started slaughtering these people, he chose to stand by and remain indifferent.

He must have felt betrayed at that time.

That’s why he was so intent on only using people from Duke Dingguo’s household.

Dou Zhao felt a pang in her heart. She hugged him sympathetically and said, “They were just servants with limited understanding. They only knew to follow the Duke’s orders to avoid mistakes. When disaster struck, they only knew to flee like animals, how could they have considered anything else? Now that people have calmed down, don’t they regret it? Otherwise, when Mr. Chen went there, without threats or bribes, he just told Mr. Chen everything about that year, like beans spilling from a bamboo tube.”

“I made mistakes, and you forgave me.”

“These people are even less worth your concern.”

“Don’t think about the past anymore.”

“If there are useful ones, we can use them for now. If not, we can pretend we don’t know about this. Those who escaped have no household registration and can never come into the light. What good life can they have? Consider it as heaven punishing them on your behalf.”

Song Mo laughed, “Don’t make up all sorts of reasons just to comfort me.” He held Dou Zhao’s shoulders and looked into her eyes, “When did you ever make a mistake? I don’t know about that. How can those people compare to you? They’re not even worthy to tie your shoes! I’ve only ever compromised for you in my entire life. What right do they have to such favor?”

Well, the more she said, the more Song Mo seemed to resent them.

Dou Zhao could only resort to playful banter: “Anyway, you said you’d let me handle this matter. Whatever I say, you can only agree!”

Song Mo truly didn’t take these people to heart.

Would a tiger care about rabbits?

Even if occasionally a wolf in rabbit’s clothing appeared among them, it would only require a bit more effort.

If it weren’t for the fact that his methods hadn’t uncovered the cause of his mother’s death, he wouldn’t have even agreed to let Dou Zhao handle this matter.

However, if these people cooperated obediently with Dou Zhao, he would also pretend not to know and let them fend for themselves, without holding grudges!

People who relied on Duke Ying’s household for survival were nothing without it. But Duke Ying’s household, even if severely weakened without them, could slowly recover.

Not wanting to upset Dou Zhao because of these people, Song Mo smiled and said, “So what do you want me to do?”

“Find a way to get me the roster of servant women who have worked in the front courtyard over the years,” Dou Zhao said, blinking at him.

Song Mo said solemnly, “I’ve seen those before. There seem to be several boxes. Are you sure you want to look for clues there?”

Dou Zhao teased him, “Looks like someone investigated for years without results. The method was ineffective!”

“Oh, you dare mock me!” Song Mo went to tickle Dou Zhao.

“That’s not fair!” Dou Zhao laughed as she dodged.

Song Mo persisted.

The two dissolved into laughter.

Fufeng, passing by the eastern wing’s corridor, blushed and said to Fuye with a smile, “The young master and madam are so good together!”

Fuye’s little face remained tight as she said, “Whether they’re good or not, we’ll have to wait and see after twenty years.”

Fufeng couldn’t help but click her tongue, saying, “Sister, your words are so harsh!”

Fuye glanced at her and turned to walk towards their resting quarters in the back.

Fufeng wrinkled her nose and quickly followed.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps came from behind.

Fufeng turned to see Ruozhu rushing into the main room.

“The young master is in the inner chamber,” she murmured to herself. “I wonder what urgent matter has come up?”

In such situations, servants wouldn’t easily disturb Song Mo and his wife unless it was urgent.

She stood in the corridor, looking like she wanted to know but didn’t dare ask. After a while, she sighed softly, somewhat regretfully turning back. Suddenly, she noticed a figure quietly watching her from across the way.

Fufeng was startled and was about to cry out when the figure quickly approached and covered her mouth.

“What are you doing?” An exasperated voice whispered in her ear. “If you disturb the young master and madam, you’ll be in for it!”

Hearing the figure speak, Fufeng relaxed, realizing it was Fuye who had covered her mouth.

For a maid, being easily startled was a big taboo.

She smiled sheepishly and asked curiously, “Didn’t you already go past the side room? Why did you come back?”

Fuye said irritably, “You disappeared while following me. How could I not come back to find you?” Then she added, “Why are you still standing there like a fool? Come back with me!”

Fufeng smiled ingratiatingly at Fuye and followed her out of the main courtyard.

She didn’t notice that just as they were about to leave the main courtyard, Fuye thoughtfully glanced back at it.

In the inner chamber, both Dou Zhao and Song Mo looked displeased.

“A doll with Chuan’er’s name on it, pierced with silver needles, was found in Baizhi’s room?” Dou Zhao asked Ruozhu sternly. “The housekeeper in the Duke’s quarters is Huang Qing’s sister, Tang Huang. What did she say?”

Ruozhu replied, “Madam Tang was terrified, just shouting for someone to find the Duke. It’s caused a commotion throughout the household. Unfortunately, the Duke has gone to the Third Princess’s residence and we don’t know when he’ll return…”

As she spoke, she glanced at Dou Zhao.

It seemed there was more to this story!

Although this was a good opportunity to sweep through Song Yichun’s rear court, it could also easily bring trouble. Better to let Song Yichun worry about it himself!

After all, she was just a daughter-in-law!

Fearing Song Mo might interfere, Dou Zhao took his hand and smiled, “Isn’t the head steward still here? With the Duke away, shouldn’t he handle such matters? Go quickly and ask the head steward what exactly happened in Xixiang Court.”

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