HomeBlossomChapter 41: Shaking the Tiger

Chapter 41: Shaking the Tiger

Ji Shi simply stated that Yuzhen was unsuitable to serve on Dou Zhao’s side and instructed her to send another maid instead.

Madam Yu understood this was Ji Shi’s way of forcing her to deal with Yuzhen. The maids and servants in the Western Mansion curried favor with her in hopes of gaining benefits. Now, not only could she not protect someone who had erred, but she also had to personally punish those who had once flattered her. Who would dare approach her in the future?

However, if she pretended not to understand, would the Sixth Madam feel slighted and report this matter to the Second Madam? The mere thought of the Second Madam sent chills down Madam Yu’s spine.

She decided to deal with the immediate crisis first. Gritting her teeth, Madam Yu took Yuzhen back and, in front of everyone, gave her a sound beating of twenty strokes. She beat her until her skin split and flesh showed, leaving Yuzhen gasping for air. Fearing that the Old Master was already in a rage for some unknown reason and that anyone who approached him would suffer, Madam Yu worried that Yuzhen’s death might further provoke his wrath. She promptly called for a doctor to treat Yuzhen’s wounds while arranging for her to be married off to another family.

“The most important thing is to marry her off far away,” she instructed the matchmaker. “We don’t need her redemption fee; we’ll even provide a dowry of ten taels of silver.”

Such a good offer tempted the matchmaker herself. “I have a distant relative, a porter who works on the Grand Canal in Huai’an. He recently lost his wife. If this match works out, I’d be grateful for a few packets of tea as thanks. However, he is somewhat older and has two sons…”

Madam Yu cared little for these details. As long as Yuzhen could be sent far away, she agreed to the match without further questions. “I’ll inform the Seventh Young Master.”

The matchmaker sat there, sipping tea and waiting happily.

Dou Shiying was in the Hall of Crane Longevity. When Madam Yu rushed over, she was stopped at the door.

“The Old Master is discussing matters with the Seventh Young Master,” a servant whispered to her. “He ordered that no one should disturb them.”

Madam Yu waited in the courtyard.

Inside the study, Dou Duo, lying on a reclining chair, seemed to have aged ten years overnight, looking weary and haggard.

“Wanyuan, this time you must return as a successful candidate in the provincial examinations!” he said, his hand resting on his forehead, covering his eyes. His low voice betrayed a mix of helplessness and resentment. “The Dou family today is not the same as it was when your great-uncle was in charge. If you want to preserve our family’s legacy, you must prove yourself. Do you understand?”

Dou Shiying stood straight, silent.

Dou Duo suddenly sat up, shouting irately, “Did you hear me or not?”

“I heard,” Dou Shiying replied calmly, then asked, “What do you plan to do about the Wang family matter?”

Dou Duo sneered, saying coldly, “You need not concern yourself with this. As long as I’m here in the Western Dou household, I won’t let the Eastern Dou household push us around! You just focus on preparing for the provincial examinations.” Then he called out loudly, “Who’s on duty outside?”

“It’s your servant, Du An.”

“Go and invite the eldest son of the Wang family here.”

Du An acknowledged and left.

Dou Duo turned back to his son, who stood there quietly and said, “Go pack your belongings. You’ll set out for the capital early tomorrow morning.”

Dou Shiying bowed respectfully to his father and left the Hall of Crane Longevity.

Madam Yu hurriedly approached him, explaining the situation with the Eastern Mansion, and concluded, “…The Sixth Madam believes we can’t keep someone like her. For the sake of the late Madam’s reputation, it’s best to marry her off to a distant place.”

Fearing further complications, she invoked Ji Shi’s name.

Dou Shiying was stunned. After a long pause, he said, “If it’s the Sixth Madam’s wish, then follow her instructions!”

With this approval, Madam Yu hurriedly reported back to the matchmaker. That very night, Yuzhen was carried out on a wooden plank.

Dou Shiying stood rooted to the spot for a while, then instructed Gaosheng behind him, “Help me pack my things. I’m going to visit the Sixth Young Master and see Shou Gu.”

Gaosheng quickly replied, “Please return early, sir. We need to pay respects to the ancestors early tomorrow morning.”

Dou Shiying nodded and headed to the Eastern Mansion.

Dou Shiheng was packing books and scrolls to take to the capital. The study was somewhat messy. Seeing Dou Shiying arrive, he led him to the hall to sit.

“Shou Gu and your Sixth Sister-in-law went to visit the Second Brother’s wife,” he said, pouring Dou Shiying a cup of tea. “They should be back soon, judging by the time.”

Dou Shiying softly said, “Thank you for troubling Sixth Sister-in-law,” and fell silent for a long while, holding his teacup.

Dou Shiheng smiled, “What’s wrong? Finding home tiresome?”

Dou Shiying smiled faintly and asked, seemingly off-topic, “Sixth Brother, why did you speak up for the Zhu family when they wanted to break off the engagement?”

Surprised, Dou Shiheng replied half-jokingly, half-teasingly, “Your reputation is bad enough already. If the Zhu family were to break off the engagement, you might not find a good wife in the future.”

Dou Shiying pondered this for a moment, then suddenly broke into a smile. His features relaxed, like a slowly unfolding painting, with a natural, free-flowing grace.

Dou Shiheng stared, taken aback, as Dou Shiying raised his teacup slightly and said with a smile, “Sixth Brother, let me toast you.”

“Oh?” Dou Shiheng suppressed his unease and laughed, “What’s this about?”

“I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ to Sixth Brother!” Dou Shiying’s lips curved in a smile, but his gaze was solemn, surprising Dou Shiheng slightly. Just as he was about to ask what had happened, laughter rang out from outside.

“Shou Gu is back,” Dou Shiheng said, and they both left the side room.

Large red lanterns bathed the courtyard in a warm glow. A group of maids and servants surrounded Ji Shi and Dou Zhao as they entered. Ji Shi, head lowered, said something to Dou Zhao, who looked up at her, giggling. The small red gold clove-shaped earrings dangling from her ears flickered like playful, twinkling stars in the night sky.

Dou Shiying’s nose tingled with emotion.

If Gu Qiu were still alive… how happy she would be!

He couldn’t help but crouch down, opening his arms and calling out, “Shou Gu!”

Dou Zhao looked up and saw Dou Shiying with his sword-like eyebrows and star-bright eyes.

She stood quietly beside Ji Shi and slowly called out, “Father.”

Dou Shiying’s smile froze on his face, his arms feeling as if they bore a thousand-pound weight, slowly dropping to his sides.

Ji Shi quickly nudged Dou Zhao, smiling, “Your father is leaving tomorrow. He came especially to see you today.”

Pretending not to understand, Dou Zhao curtsied to Dou Shiying and bid him farewell in her crisp voice, “Father, have a safe journey!”

Dou Shiying couldn’t help but laugh.

Why was he taking issue with a child?

He stepped forward, smiling, and patted his daughter’s head. “Shou Gu, be good and listen to your Sixth Aunt while you’re here, alright?”

Dou Zhao nodded, grinning.

Dou Shiying bowed to Ji Shi, “I’ll trouble Sixth Sister-in-law to look after Shou Gu.”

Ji Shi hurriedly returned the gesture, “Seventh Brother-in-law is too polite. Shou Gu is well-behaved and sensible. We all adore her.”

Dou Shiying smiled and took his leave.

Dou Shiheng moved to see him out, but Dou Shiying stopped him, “Everyone needs to rise early tomorrow. No need for such formalities.”

Dou Shiheng, being straightforward, waved to Dou Shiying with a smile, “Then we’ll see each other tomorrow.”

He stood beside Ji Shi, watching Dou Shiying leave.

In the clear moonlight and gentle breeze, the branches swayed, and Dou Shiying’s silhouette looked lonely and desolate.

Dou Zhao turned her head away and pattered into the inner room.

Gao Shi stood on the steps of the east wing of Qixia Courtyard. The heavy scent of jasmine flowers wafted over, and from the main room came Pang Shi’s coquettish laughter, seemingly pricking Gao Shi’s heart like a needle, unbearably irritating.

She suddenly felt restless and began pacing around the courtyard.

How did she end up as sister-in-law with Pang Shi?

She had seen shameless people before, but never one as brazen as Pang Shi. It felt like Pang Shi was throwing away all of their dignity.

Gao Shi had always carried herself with grace and propriety, never fearing to face anyone head-on. How had she come to this point where she couldn’t even walk without watching her feet?

She stood firmly in front of the veranda, fuming.

Regardless of what Wang Zhibing thought, she decided to return to Nanwa first thing in the morning. Then she would take their son to visit her father in the capital, never again to wade into this muddy water.

If Wang Zhibing was willing to lose face, she certainly wasn’t!

Having made up her mind, she felt slightly better. Just then, she saw a dark figure emerge from the nearby grove.

Startled, she looked closer and realized it was her husband, Wang Zhibing.

He walked with his head down, stumbling slightly, looking utterly distracted.

What had the Dou family’s Old Master said to him?

Gao Shi pondered, recalling how she had advised Wang Zhibing not to stay at the Dou residence yesterday, suggesting they could find lodging anywhere else for the night. Wang Zhibing hadn’t listened, and as a result, during breakfast this morning, the Dou family’s maids had looked at them as if they were poor relatives coming to beg. The frustration had stuck in her chest until the afternoon before gradually dissipating. Now, Gao Shi didn’t feel like acknowledging her husband.

She turned and went back to the side room.

Wang Zhibing gazed at the dim light spilling from the half-open door and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

He knew all too well how improper and awkward their stay here was, but if he didn’t remain, who would keep Pang Shi in check? Who knew what other outrageous things she might do?

He wondered who had arranged this marriage. It wasn’t just matchmaking; it was practically ruining their family.

To make matters worse, his younger brother was weak and incompetent, completely under his wife’s thumb. As the elder brother-in-law, he couldn’t very well intervene in his sister-in-law’s affairs over his brother’s head, could he?

With a splitting headache, Wang Zhibing entered the room.

Gao Shi didn’t say a word to Wang Zhibing, silently preparing water for him to wash up.

Wang Zhibing knew that his family’s situation had embarrassed his wife and felt very apologetic. He tugged at his wife’s sleeve and said with an air of mystery, “Do you know why Old Master Dou summoned me?”

Gao Shi responded perfunctorily, “What for?”

“Old Master Dou asked me if I wanted Father to be a virtuous official remembered in history, or a short-lived, outspoken official.”

Gao Shi was shocked, “What exactly did the Dou family’s Old Master say to you?”

“He told me some things we didn’t know.” Wang Zhibing hesitated for a moment before telling Gao Shi about Zhao Guqiu’s death.

Gao Shi turned pale, clutching her chest. Her lips trembled, and after a while, she stammered, “Could… could there be a mistake?” But she suddenly remembered an occasion when her mother-in-law had mentioned a family friend’s daughter getting married. They didn’t have money for a gift, so she didn’t want to attend. It was only after Gao Shi pawned one of her gold hairpins that Wang Yingxue went to the wedding banquet… Her heart began to believe it, and tears started falling uncontrollably. “What a terrible sin this is!”

“I never imagined this either,” Wang Zhibing’s eyes reddened. “Old Master Dou said that if he didn’t admire Father’s character, he would never have allowed Yingxue to marry into their family. He originally thought he was just looking after an old friend’s daughter, but he didn’t expect it to cause such trouble. Old Master Dou understands what Yingxue wants, but he also says that after the incident with the Zhao family, they would not agree to elevate Yingxue’s status. You know that without the Zhao family’s consent, even if the Dou family acknowledges Yingxue, it’s useless…”

For some reason, as Gao Shi heard these words, the phrase “diverting disaster eastward” suddenly flashed through her mind.

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