HomeBlossomChapter 469: Taking Sides

Chapter 469: Taking Sides

As October passed, households began preparing for the New Year celebrations. The palace was no exception. The Empress started arranging gifts for various estates, while the imperial consorts busied themselves with new clothes and jewelry. Dou Zhao carried little Yuan along the bluestone path of the inner court. Despite the biting cold wind, there was a palpable sense of joy and excitement for the approaching new year.

Snow had fallen the night before, making the morning particularly frigid when the sun came out. Dou Zhao paused to adjust her son’s fur cape, wrapping him more snugly. The wet nurse hurried forward, softly saying, “My lady, let me carry young master Yuan.”

Little Yuan, unfamiliar with the palace, clung tightly to his mother’s clothes. Dou Zhao, feeling tender towards her son, chose to carry him herself to Cining Palace.

Jin Gui and Yin Gui exchanged worried glances, also wanting to offer to carry Yuan. In the distance, they spotted a group of palace maids hurrying towards them.

“Is this the wife of the heir of Duke Ying?” asked the leading maid, a woman in her prime. She smiled warmly and said, “I am Lan from Cining Palace. The Empress Dowager was concerned and sent me to escort you.” She curtsied to Dou Zhao and reached out to take Yuan.

The child twisted away, burrowing into his mother’s embrace.

Dou Zhao recognized the woman as the Empress Dowager’s most capable maid. She was secretly surprised. She hadn’t expected the Empress Dowager to place such importance on the Crown Princess! She reassessed the Crown Princess’s status and smiled apologetically at Maid Lan, “I’m sorry, he’s a bit shy with strangers.”

Maid Lan didn’t mind at all. She stroked Yuan’s head, smiling, and said, “In that case, please follow me to the side hall, my lady!”

Dou Zhao agreed with a smile.

Yuan peeked curiously at Maid Lan from under his cape, his bright eyes adorable.

Maid Lan couldn’t help but smile kindly at him.

Yuan shyly buried his face back into the cape.

Maid Lan chuckled, “What a cute child.”

Dou Zhao smiled faintly, her gaze softening as she looked at her son.

Maid Lan suppressed a smile and led Dou Zhao and Yuan to the warm chamber in the rear hall of Cining Palace.

The Empress Dowager sat on the large kang by the window, with the Crown Princess holding the third prince’s grandson beside her. The Empress Dowager was entertaining the child with a rattle drum.

Seeing Dou Zhao enter, both women smiled.

After Dou Zhao paid her respects, the Empress Dowager beckoned her to sit by the kang and, smiling, pointed at the third prince’s grandson, saying, “Let’s compare the two children and see who’s taller.”

The Crown Princess placed the third prince’s grandson on the kang, smiling. Dou Zhao put Yuan next to him. The two chubby, rosy-cheeked babies lay side by side, similar in size.

The Empress Dowager laughed heartily, “Both children are well-nourished.”

Dou Zhao and the Crown Princess thanked her for the compliment. The two babies had turned towards each other, one grabbing the other’s collar, the other clutching at tassels, becoming entangled.

The Empress Dowager burst into laughter.

The wet nurses of Yuan and the third prince’s grandson were terrified and rushed forward to separate them.

The Empress Dowager waved her hand, stopping the wet nurses. “Children should roughhouse with their peers. Back when I hadn’t entered the palace, village children would wrestle and tussle, growing strong as young bulls. Palace children are raised too delicately; few can stand firm.” She sighed softly and instructed the wet nurses, “Leave them be. Let them play.”

A few days ago, the Emperor’s favored Consort Liu had finally given birth to a prince, but he passed away before reaching a month old.

The wet nurses quietly withdrew. Dou Zhao and the Crown Princess stood by the kang, watching over the children.

The two little ones tugged at each other’s clothes, giggling with delight, filling the room with warmth.

An hour passed quickly. The children were taken away to be fed, and the Empress Dowager inquired about Song Han: “I heard they’ve moved out and established their household?”

Dou Zhao understood the Empress Dowager’s intentions but didn’t want to get involved. She respectfully smiled and replied, “Yes.”

The Empress Dowager smiled, “As it should be! The child has grown up and should have his household. As his sister-in-law, don’t spoil them too much. Let them handle things on their own. With time, they’ll learn how to manage their lives—all children grow up this way.”

Dou Zhao felt sweat forming on her forehead.

Fortunately, the Empress Dowager didn’t pursue the topic further. She instructed Maid Lan to have Dou Zhao stay for a meal, then dismissed them.

The Crown Princess invited Dou Zhao to the outer chamber to talk.

Dou Zhao knew this was the main point of today’s visit and followed the Crown Princess out of the warm room with a smile.

Palace maids served tea and snacks, then quietly withdrew.

The Crown Princess then smiled and said, “Thank you to the heir for yesterday’s matter. If not for him, His Highness wouldn’t have known someone was so bold. His Highness wants to thank the heir but fears watchful eyes might cause trouble. So he asked me to convey his gratitude to you, my lady.”

Palace nobles were full of schemes. Anyone of status could bend low at crucial moments and liked to settle accounts afterward.

Dou Zhao quickly stood up, her expression showing a hint of panic. “Your Highness, your words are too kind to our heir. His Highness is a prince of the nation. Serving him is the duty of a subject. I am overwhelmed!”

A glimmer of satisfaction flashed in the Crown Princess’s eyes.

She hurriedly pulled Dou Zhao back to her seat, smiling, “I’m telling you this to avoid misunderstandings. If it makes you uneasy, I’ve only succeeded in being too clever for my good.”

Dou Zhao understood that the Crown Princess was using her to question Song Mo!

She half-sat on the embroidered stool, humbly saying, “It’s my ignorance for not understanding Your Highness’s good intentions.”

The Crown Princess nodded with a smile, invited Dou Zhao to have tea, and began talking about child-rearing, no longer mentioning the Crown Prince’s summons of Song Mo.

Dou Zhao chatted with her for a while, had lunch at Cining Palace, and then left the palace with Yuan.

Song Mo had already made preparations.

Though he didn’t know what the Crown Princess had said to Dou Zhao, he knew every detail of her visit to the palace. Seeing his wife and son safely exit the palace, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking the increasingly sturdy Yuan, Song Mo and Dou Zhao boarded their carriage.

Dou Zhao quietly relayed everything the Crown Princess had said to Song Mo.

After a long silence, Song Mo said, “You should pay New Year’s respects to the Crown Princess this year.”

Was this a move to align with the Crown Prince?

Dou Zhao was surprised.

Song Mo smiled, hugging her, “Where are your thoughts wandering? His Highness has shown us kindness; we can’t remain indifferent, can we? As for Prince Liao, we’ll send New Year’s gifts as usual.”

After discovering Shi Chuan’s actions, Song Mo couldn’t possibly align with Prince Liao. Otherwise, people might think Song Mo feared Prince Liao, and he would lose all credibility. Anyone would feel free to step on Song Mo then.

Dou Zhao smiled and agreed.

Upon returning to Duke Ying’s mansion, they encountered Gao Sheng at the entrance.

Gao Sheng smiled, “Tomorrow, the twelfth young master will officially be adopted into the family. The old master asked me to remind the young master and mistress not to forget to attend the celebration at Jing’an Temple Lane tomorrow.”

Song Mo smiled in acknowledgment and instructed Gao Sheng to take a few jars of imperial pear blossom wine back for Dou Shiying.

Gao Sheng left, expressing profuse thanks.

The next day, Song Mo and Dou Zhao, dressed in their finest, took Yuan to Jing’an Temple Lane.

Dou Shiying couldn’t bear to let go of Yuan once he held him.

As guests arrived, they couldn’t resist coming forward to play with the adorable child in Dou Shiying’s arms.

The hall soon filled with joyous laughter.

Someone asked, “Why haven’t we seen the fifth son-in-law and his wife?”

Dou Shiying, fearing Dou Ming might cause a scene and embarrass Dou Dechang, had only informed Wei Tingyu. Whether he came or not was his own business.

Seeing that Wei Tingyu hadn’t shown up, Dou Shiying felt a bit displeased.

He frowned slightly, about to explain when Wei Tingyu rushed in.

Wei Tingyu wore a new sapphire blue brocade robe embroidered with light blue floral patterns and a dark blue-gray squirrel fur cape. Upon entering, he bowed to everyone, apologizing, “Sister Ming originally wanted to come along, but she caught a chill yesterday and felt unwell today. The doctor prescribed some medicine, which made her drowsy, so I let her rest.”

No one minded.

Dou Ming hadn’t returned to her maiden home for some time. The Dou family would only inform Wei Tingyu of any major events, leaving it to him whether to attend or not, without insistence.

Dou Zhengchang and others smiled and exchanged greetings with him.

A young maid came to take Wei Tingyu’s cape.

Dou Jichang’s sharp eyes noticed several scratch marks on Wei Tingyu’s neck.

He exchanged a glance with Dou Dechang.

Dou Dechang coughed lightly, signaling him not to interfere.

Upon returning home, Dou Jichang told his wife about this incident.

His wife cautioned him, “This is Marquis Jining’s family matter. Pretend you didn’t see anything.”

Wei Tingyu returned to the Marquis Jining mansion and hurried to the courtyard where Lady Tian lived as a widow.

Maids rushed forward to help him remove his cape.

He pushed the young maid aside and anxiously asked Granny Tian, “How is she?”

Granny Tian’s eyes dimmed as she lowered her voice, “The doctor said if she can make it through tonight, both mother and child will be safe. If not…”

Wei Tingyu’s face changed drastically upon hearing this. He gritted his teeth in anger, “How could she be so cruel? One bowl of medicinal soup nearly cost my child’s life!”

Granny Tian lowered her head without a word.

Wei Tingyu strode into the inner chamber.

The room, warmed by the floor heating system, felt like spring.

On the large kang by the window lay a pale-faced young woman – the maid who had served Wei Tingyu in the study that day.

Lady Tian sat by the kang, fingering Buddhist prayer beads.

Hearing movement, both looked over. The young woman called out “My lord” tearfully, struggling to rise.

Lady Tian gently pressed her back down, saying softly, “Lie down, be careful not to disturb the baby.”

The young woman gazed longingly at Wei Tingyu and obediently lay back down.

Wei Tingyu sat beside Lady Tian, asking the young woman with concern, “Are you alright?”

She nodded.

Wei Tingyu’s expression eased slightly.

Lady Tian turned away, her eyes moist, and asked softly, “How do you plan to deal with Ming’er?”

Wei Tingyu looked lost and replied, “Ming’er is still the principal wife…”

He had been in the wrong for taking a maid as a lover. He accepted Ming’er’s anger, but she shouldn’t have been so heartless as to try to abort his child… Dou Zhao’s child was almost six months old, while he still had no heir…

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