HomeBlossomChapter 471: Marriage

Chapter 471: Marriage

Raising an eyebrow, Song Mo let out a cold laugh. He took the baby Yuan from Dou Zhao’s arms and strode into the room. Wu Yi and the others didn’t dare to speak, following behind them with lowered eyes.

Dou Zhao silently mourned for half a quarter-hour for the person who sought Song Han’s help – given Song Mo’s hatred for Song Han, it would have been better if they hadn’t asked for Song Han’s intervention. If they did, they might never have a chance at a position in the Five Cities Military Command.

However, to both Song Mo and Dou Zhao’s surprise, Song Han didn’t intervene. Instead, Miao Anping privately approached Jiang Yi, saying the person was his cousin and asking Jiang Yi to help arrange a position. He hinted that if successful, he’d be willing to thank Jiang Yi with 5,000 taels of silver.

If it were someone else, they might have eagerly arranged the position and then found an opportunity to mention it to Song Mo, forcing him to be grateful regardless of his feelings, especially with 5,000 taels of silver to gain. But Jiang Yi knew about the Song brothers’ discord. Upon inquiry, he learned Miao Anping was just an idle helper. He wondered if Miao was using Song Mo’s name falsely, and if he helped Miao Anping while Song Mo remained ungrateful, wouldn’t it be a huge loss?

Jiang Yi found an opportunity to visit Yizhi Hall and tactfully asked Song Mo if he knew about this matter.

Song Mo hadn’t expected Miao Anping to be so bold. His face turned slightly green, and Jiang Yi understood without further questioning that Miao Anping was trying to get something for nothing. He went back and rejected Miao Anping, saying, “Matters of the Five Cities Military Command are decided by Lord Song. Since you’re relatives, why not ask Lord Song for a note? You could then choose any good position. Why seek help elsewhere?”

Miao Anping was distressed. He had received 6,000 taels of silver from someone, guaranteeing success. Now with no progress and having already spent 200-300 taels, how could he fill this hole?

Miao Anping had no choice but to seek help from Miao Ansu.

Pressured, Miao Ansu went to Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao laughed upon hearing this, saying, “You know I never dare to interfere with the Young Master’s external affairs. I especially wouldn’t dare to speak about matters of buying and selling official positions.” She added, “This isn’t befitting of a virtuous wife, sister-in-law. You should be more cautious.”

Miao Ansu said with a bitter expression, “It’s truly a close relative, and I couldn’t refuse. That’s why I came to you, sister-in-law. Please help by mentioning it to my brother-in-law. We can discuss the money later.”

Dou Zhao just smiled and poured some tea.

Miao Ansu left, dejected.

When Song Mo learned of this, he was furious. “If Madam Miao bothers you with such matters again, just tell her to come to me! I’ve seen plenty of such deceptions. Miao Anping’s little tricks aren’t enough to fool me. Let him save face and stop embarrassing himself.”

Dou Zhao smiled, handed him a cup of tea, and said gently, “Don’t be angry. We don’t need to concern ourselves with the affairs of the Fourth Alley.” She then changed the subject to Jiang Yan’s marriage: “You can’t show a sour face when the Chen family comes to urge for the dowry.”

Mentioning his sister’s marriage, Song Mo’s expression softened involuntarily.

He smiled, “When have I ever shown a sour face? I do whatever you tell me to do. Have I ever said ‘no’?”

Dou Zhao snorted, “You may not have said anything, but your expression shows your reluctance. You might as well stay in your study and not come out. Otherwise, a joyous occasion becomes cold and cheerless, and no one dares to even tell a joke.”

“I’ll make sure to have a smile on my face then,” he said, pushing Dou Zhao onto the bed. He whispered, “Why get upset over outsiders’ affairs? Let’s focus on enjoying our own little life together.” As he spoke, his hand mischievously slipped into Dou Zhao’s clothes.

Knowing he was in a bad mood, Dou Zhao allowed him to have his way.

On the fifth day of the twelfth month, when the Chen family came to urge for the dowry, although Song Mo’s face bore no smile, his expression was very gentle, much to the relief of the Chen family representatives.

Dou Zhao invited Madam Cai to be the woman of full fortune for the bride’s side.

After Madam Cai left with Yinghong to prepare the bridal chamber in Yuqiao Hutong, Lady Ji, and the others also took their leave.

Dou Zhao went to see Jiang Yan and shared some advice on marital relationships.

Jiang Yan had been married before, so Dou Zhao didn’t speak about bedroom matters. Instead, she reminded Jiang Yan about managing household affairs. Jiang Yan’s face turned as red as fire, looking at Dou Zhao with words on the tip of her tongue.

Dou Zhao smiled, holding her hand, and asked gently, “What’s wrong?”

“I… I…” Jiang Yan lowered her head, mumbling anxiously, “Will he… will he despise me?”

Understanding Jiang Yan’s concerns, Dou Zhao gently stroked her dark hair and smiled, “He won’t. You’re gentle-natured and beautiful, Ah Yan. It’s Chen Zanzhi’s good fortune to marry you. How could he despise you? If you don’t believe me, we can have a private talk when you return for your first visit home.”

Jiang Yan’s face was flushed as she whispered, “Twelfth Sister said the same thing.”

Dou Zhao encouraged her, “Then you should be in high spirits and focus on living well with Chen Zanzhi.”

Jiang Yan nodded shyly.

A loud cough came from outside the door.

Dou Zhao knew immediately it was Song Mo.

She smiled and lifted the curtain.

Song Mo entered with a stern face.

Jiang Yan looked at him timidly, twisting the hem of her clothes.

Song Mo took a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it to her, “This is the deed for two shops on West Street. It’s not on the dowry list. Keep it yourself. If there’s anything in the future you don’t want Chen Zanzhi to know about, you can use the income from these two shops.”

Jiang Yan couldn’t understand the phrase “anything you don’t want Chen Zanzhi to know about.”

She looked bewildered at Dou Zhao, then at Song Mo, stammering, “Brother and sister-in-law have already prepared a dowry worth 20,000 taels of silver for me. I don’t need money for anything else. I can’t accept this deed. Please keep it for little Yuan!”

Song Mo was furious. He glared at Jiang Yan, slammed the deed on the table, and stormed out, sweeping the curtain aside.

Jiang Yan turned pale with fright. She tugged at Dou Zhao’s clothes, looking to her for help.

Dou Zhao sighed, “Your brother is just preparing for the worst. After you’re married, won’t you need to reward the Chen family’s old servants? Won’t you need to take care of Chen Zanzhi’s attendants? If you need to send a message to your maiden home, won’t those servants run faster if they receive some silver?”

Jiang Yan suddenly understood, then looked ashamed, “Sister-in-law, I should apologize to my brother.”

“That’s not necessary,” Dou Zhao said, putting the deed in Jiang Yan’s hand. “Keep the deed safe, and don’t lose it. Your brother won’t blame you.”

Jiang Yan obediently replied “Mm” and put away the deed.

Dou Zhao stood up to leave, “Get some rest early. Tomorrow is your big day. You should be a beautiful bride!”

Jiang Yan responded with a “Yes,” her face red, and saw Dou Zhao out of Bishui Pavilion.

Dou Zhao returned to the main room.

Song Mo was practicing calligraphy in his study, clearly still angry.

Dou Zhao didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She said, “She’s innocent-minded and doesn’t understand your concerns. Instead of giving her private money, it might be better to give her a couple of capable maids and servants. Yuqiao Hutong is so close to our mansion, are you afraid Chen Zanzhi would dare to mistreat her?”

“I just don’t know how her brain works!” Song Mo said, exasperated. “I worried for nothing.”

Dou Zhao took his arm and said softly, “I know you’re worried that Chen Zanzhi might discover you’ve placed spies in his household, which could cause a rift between him and Yan. That’s why you gave her the two shops. Don’t be discouraged. She had no one to guide her before and was young, which is why she was easily manipulated. Now that she has us watching over her, she’ll gradually grow up.”

Comforted by Dou Zhao’s words, Song Mo’s anger slowly subsided.

The next day, when Jiang Yan left, he felt melancholic for a while.

Song Yichun didn’t participate in Jiang Yan’s wedding at all. He had already invited friends to go out of the city to enjoy the snow and only returned in the evening.

Seeing servants sweeping firecrackers at the gate, he asked Zeng Wu with a cold face, “Has the young miss left?”

Zeng Wu quickly bowed and smiled, “She left less than two hours ago.”

Song Yichun stood for a moment, then returned to Xiixiang Courtyard.

Song Mo’s words about “Prince Liao wanting to take Jiang Yan as his wife, and if it succeeded, you’d have a prince as a son-in-law” kept echoing in Song Yichun’s mind. At first, he thought it was just Song Mo’s way of angering him, but as Geng Li repeatedly visited Song Mo and urgent letters from Prince Liao arrived, he began to doubt. A few days ago, he finally couldn’t resist and sent someone to investigate.

To his surprise, it was true!

Upon hearing this, he became flustered.

If the child had grown up in the mansion, she would have been more than qualified to be Prince Liao’s princess. How could she now only be taken as a concubine?

He felt both regretful and resentful.

But these emotions flashed like fireworks and quickly dissipated.

In comparison, raising Song Han in the mansion, causing Madam Jiang heartache, gave him more satisfaction.

Song Yichun strode towards the main room.

The servant guarding the main room’s door saw him from afar and quickly came to greet him: “My Lord, the Second Young Master is here.”

Song Yichun was stunned.

The curtain of the hall was lifted high, revealing Song Han’s handsome face full of smiles.

“Father, you’re back,” he said respectfully, stepping aside to let Song Yichun enter.

Song Yichun gave an authoritative “Mm” and asked, “You came for the wedding feast?”

Song Han smiled, “I originally didn’t want to come, but I wanted to see Father, so I came over. Who knew Father had gone out to visit friends.” As he spoke, he helped Song Yichun sit down and took the tea from the maid’s hand to give to Song Yichun.

Song Yichun took the teacup and drank a sip before lazily asking, “What business do you have with me?”

Song Han smiled, “I’ve already established my household and can no longer be like when I was in the mansion, deaf to the outside world and only focusing on reading. I want to find something to do and hoped Father could advise me on what would be suitable?”

Song Yichun had been considering this matter as well.

Since he wanted to elevate Song Han, he couldn’t let him idle at home doing nothing.

He said, “It’s almost the end of the year. I’ll have more opportunities to enter the palace and see the Emperor. I’ll find a chance to ask for a favor for you then!”

Song Han hadn’t expected this matter to be resolved so easily. He was overjoyed and thanked Song Yichun profusely.

Song Yichun was very pleased with Song Han’s respectful and humble attitude before him. He said, “Just spend the New Year peacefully and wait for my good news.”

Song Han returned to the Fourth Alley, elated.

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