HomeBlossomChapter 48: Settling Accounts

Chapter 48: Settling Accounts

Pang Yulou had three older brothers: Pang Jinlou, Pang Yinlou, and Pang Xilou.

Pang Jinlou was capable, having taken control of the Pang family shops while his brothers were still naive. Pang Yinlou was shrewd, realizing he wouldn’t gain much by helping in the family shops, so he persuaded his father to give him some private funds to open a teahouse. Pang Xilou had always been a troublemaker, fond of fighting. He learned some moves at the county martial arts school, couldn’t help in the shops, and was unwilling to serve others submissively like Pang Yinlou. With only a meager monthly allowance, barely enough for food or drink, he eventually started a debt collection business with some martial arts school friends.

Dou Shishu immediately understood the Pang brothers’ intentions.

To curry favor with the Wang family, they had eagerly acted as their pawns. Now that the Wang family was to be allied with the Dou family through marriage, they feared being resented by the Dou family for their previous actions and abandoned by the Wang family. So they decided to put on this show of apologizing with thorns on their backs—thinking, “We’ve already humbled ourselves before the neighbors, surely the Wang and Dou families won’t destroy us now?”

Although he understood their motives, Dou Shishu was still somewhat surprised by the Pang brothers’ grasp of the situation, their decisive action, and their shameless disregard for reputation.

He had no intention of further interfering in the affairs of the West Mansion and the Wang family, but he was displeased that the Pang family had so quickly learned of the impending marriage alliance between the Dou and Wang families. He smiled meaningfully at the Second Madam, who was seeing him off with the family’s women, and said, “I wonder why the Pang family has suddenly become so humble after being so arrogant?”

The Second Madam pondered her son’s words for a moment before understanding his meaning.

She smiled and said, “Every effect has a cause, and every cause has an effect.”

Implying that she would investigate the matter.

Dou Shishu then said with a smile, “I don’t know how long Seventh Brother’s side will continue this commotion. Magistrate Gong is still waiting at the post station to see me off. I’ll wait for Seventh Brother there. It’ll give me a chance to chat with Magistrate Gong.”

Magistrate Gong was the newly appointed official of Zhending County.

Although Dou Shishu wasn’t the Dou family patriarch, he held the highest official position in the family. Normally, he should have mediated when there was trouble at the Dou family home. But considering why the Pang brothers had a conflict with the West Mansion… The Second Madam couldn’t help but think to herself, should her son, a dignified third-rank official, really get involved in such petty matters? Naturally, she hoped her son would leave this troublesome place as soon as possible.

She nodded eagerly, saying, “Although you’ve reached the third rank, a current official is not as influential as a current administrator. We still need Magistrate Gong’s support for family matters. Don’t become arrogant and offend Magistrate Gong. It would be even more inappropriate to keep him waiting!” With that, she urged Dou Shishu to go meet Magistrate Gong quickly.

Dou Shishu thought for a moment and said, “Sixth Brother, why don’t you bring Sixth Sister-in-law and Shou’gu with me to the post station?”

Dou Shiying hadn’t come, but Dou Zhao couldn’t avoid seeing Dou Shiying off. Since Dou Shishu had decided to make Dou Zhao closer to the East Mansion people, the less contact Dou Zhao had with the West Mansion, the better.

Lady Ji didn’t want Dou Zhao to be caught up in the disputes of these adults.

She held Dou Zhao, smiling at Dou Shiheng, looking ready to leave with Dou Zhao immediately if he agreed.

Dou Shiheng felt that this was ultimately the East Mansion’s affair. If Dou Shiying needed help, he would send a steward to ask for assistance. If Dou Shiying didn’t need help, he shouldn’t rashly go to support him. Seeing his wife looking at him, he smiled and took Dou Zhao, saying, “Shou’gu, shall we go with your Fifth Uncle to see the Zhending County post station?”

Dou Zhao giggled.

She couldn’t care less about the troubles between the Wang and Dou families.

Dou Dechang also clamored to go but was held back by Nanny Liu on the Second Madam’s orders: “Your father and mother have important matters to attend to. Why are you trying to join in?”

Dou Dechang pouted, feeling wronged.

Dou Shiheng and Lady Ji ignored him, taking Dou Zhao into the carriage.

Magistrate Gong was a man about the same age as Dou Shishu, with a dignified appearance and an extraordinary bearing. He introduced himself as a Jinshi of the Xinchou year, four years junior to Dou Shishu, and showed great respect to Dou Shishu.

Dou Shishu’s attitude was very humble.

After exchanging greetings, Magistrate Gong, Dou Shishu, and Dou Shiheng talked in the post station’s hall, while Lady Ji withdrew, taking Dou Zhao to look at flowers and plants in the back garden of the post station.

It wasn’t until noon that Dou Shiying finally arrived.

He profusely apologized to Dou Shishu and the others.

Dou Shishu didn’t mind and introduced Magistrate Gong to Dou Shiying.

Magistrate Gong praised Dou Shiying’s talents: “Truly worthy of being a disciple of the Xie Hall.”

After Dou Shishu and Dou Shiying exchanged modest words, Magistrate Gong hosted a farewell banquet for Dou Shishu and Dou Shiying, with Dou Shiheng accompanying them.

Dou Shiheng had decided to study at home for three years before taking the spring imperial examination, so this time only Dou Shiying would accompany Dou Shishu to the capital.

This was the same as in Dou Zhao’s memory.

Lady Ji, dining in the back hall, saw that the dishes served were too oily and saucy. She only picked a few light dishes to feed Dou Zhao: “Bear with it for now. When we get back, Sixth Aunt will make you some lotus leaf soup.”

Dou Zhao was never picky about food. After finishing the dishes, she ate a steamed bun, feeling content and drowsy. She didn’t even know when they returned to the East Mansion.

As they got off the carriage, Caishu greeted them with a smile: “Sixth Master, Sixth Madam, Madam Zhao from An’xiang has returned from Ganquan and is talking with the Old Madam. The Old Madam asked you and Sixth Madam to bring Fourth Miss over as soon as you returned.”

Dou Zhao, Dou Shiheng, and Lady Ji were all surprised. Dou Zhao exclaimed excitedly: “My aunt is here? When did this happen? Who came back with her?”

Caishu quickly replied: “She arrived almost an hour ago and just had a meal in the Old Madam’s room. Madam Zhao came back alone and should be having tea with the Old Madam in the reception room now.”

Dou Zhao tugged at Lady Ji’s hand: “Let’s go quickly!”

Lady Ji chuckled and picked up Dou Zhao: “Let’s wash your face and change your clothes first, so your aunt doesn’t get covered in dust when she hugs you.”

Dou Zhao smiled sheepishly and followed Lady Ji to freshen up before going to see the Second Madam.

Her aunt looked thinner than when she was in An’xiang but seemed more energetic.

She threw herself into Madam Zhao’s arms, calling out “Aunt,” and then asked: “How is Uncle? How are my three cousins? Why did you suddenly return to Zhending?” The questions came one after another, her words sincere, moving her aunt almost to tears: “It’s only been two or three years, and our Shou’gu has suddenly become a young lady, knowing how to greet people properly.”

The Second Madam smiled and said: “For the past half year, Shou’gu has been with her Sixth Aunt—you know her Sixth Aunt, from a prestigious family in Jiangnan, the most virtuous person. She takes her everywhere daily, and to take good care of her at night, she even arranged for her to sleep in her gauze-curtained bed.”

Her tone was somewhat exaggerated. Madam Zhao listened with suspicion, but when she looked up and saw Dou Zhao’s fair and lovely little face, without even a mosquito bite after a whole summer, she thought that Lady Ji must indeed have taken very good care of Dou Zhao. It was only natural for someone to boast a little about their efforts.

She curtsied to Lady Ji: “Thank you for taking such care, Sixth Madam.”

Lady Ji hurriedly returned the gesture.

In her heart, however, she was pondering the Second Madam’s words.

It seemed that her mother-in-law still wanted her to help the West Mansion raise the child!

Dou Zhao also caught the hint. After helping her aunt settle in the guest room of the East Mansion, she said to her aunt: “…Great-grandmother asked if I liked Sixth Aunt and if I wanted Sixth Aunt to stay with me forever!”

Madam Zhao didn’t want to see anyone from the West Dou family. When the Second Madam invited her to rest in the East Dou’s guest room, she immediately agreed.

Hearing Dou Zhao’s words, she kept only Nanny Peng by her side, then held Dou Zhao’s hand and asked seriously: “Do you like your Sixth Aunt?”

“I do!” Dou Zhao smiled, “She buys me puppets, makes me new clothes and socks, fans me at night, and even paints my nails.” She held out her little hand for Madam Zhao to see, “Aunt, isn’t it pretty?”

Madam Zhao’s heart ached as she listened.

These were all things that Gu Qiu should have been doing, but now they were being done by a distant aunt.

Nanny Peng quietly said from the side: “It wouldn’t be bad if Miss could stay with that Sixth Madam. It’s better than having to bow and scrape before Wang Yingxue.”

“Pah!” Her aunt said angrily, “As if she would dare to give Shou’gu any attitude!” But in her heart, she knew Nanny Peng had a point. “Children take after those who raise them. Even a random person from the East Mansion would be better than Wang Yingxue. However, this matter needs careful consideration. I still need to see what the Old Madam’s intentions are. With half of the West Dou’s property as a dowry, Shou’gu is no longer the same Shou’gu as before.”

Nanny Peng sighed upon hearing this: “The Master’s move was too risky. I’m really afraid Miss might be spoiled.”

“This was a necessary measure!” Madam Zhao also sighed, “We didn’t expect the Dou family to agree.” She paused briefly, then continued, “When the Master received the letter from Shou’gu’s Fifth Uncle, he immediately said it was bad. He said Shou’gu’s Fifth Uncle never speaks falsely, and since he asked us to bring the consent letter back quickly, he must be confident that he could persuade Shou’gu’s grandfather to agree to our conditions… And sure enough. Fortunately, we also made backup plans.

The Master brought along the county’s financial advisor. Otherwise, with just us women and children, how could we figure out exactly how much money the Dou family has? Which estates have good harvests? Which shops are profitable? If they tried to fool us with barren land, we might not have been able to tell. These few days, we’ll carefully negotiate with the Dou family, and let Master Tang secretly assess the Dou family’s assets. This way, we won’t be completely in the dark, accepting whatever the Dou family says, and Shou’gu won’t bear the name of ‘having half of the West Dou’s property’ in vain.”

Just then, a young maid called from behind the curtain: “Madam, Gao Sheng’s wife from the West Mansion is here with some maids and servants to pay her respects to you.”

Gao Sheng was Dou Shiying’s attendant.

Madam Zhao was puzzled: “Even if it’s just to pay respects, it should be Nanny Yu coming to greet us. Why is she getting involved?”

Ever since Zhao Guqiu passed away, the Zhao family has been very resentful towards the people of the West Dou family.

Nanny Gu advised: “We might as well see them. If you like what they say, listen; if not, just ignore it.”

Madam Zhao nodded.

Nanny Gu went to bring in Gao Sheng’s wife.

Gao Sheng’s wife was a fair and clean-looking young woman, with a proper appearance, seeming to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

She shyly greeted Madam Zhao and Dou Zhao, then took out a thick letter from her bosom: “This is what the Seventh Master specifically instructed my husband to have me bring to you when he left.”

Dou Zhao was startled upon hearing this.

Did Father already know about Fifth Uncle’s arrangements?

She leaned on her aunt’s shoulder, wanting to see what was written in the letter.

The New Year is approaching, and there are many household matters to attend to. Today’s chapter was written in a bit of a hurry, so there might be some errors. Please bear with it for now, and I’ll come back to fix them soon.

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