HomeBlossomChapter 498: A Warning

Chapter 498: A Warning

Dou Zhao had already fallen asleep.

Awakened by Song Mo, she decided to put on a robe and sit up in bed, leaning against the headboard while waiting for him to retire for the night.

After washing up, Song Mo climbed into bed and said, “Twelfth Brother-in-law and Miss Ji are at the Great Xiangguo Temple!”

“The Great Xiangguo Temple?” Dou Zhao’s mouth gaped open in surprise.

The Dou family had nearly turned the capital upside down searching for Dou Dechang, only to find that he was right under their noses.

The Great Xiangguo Temple was the most popular in the capital. Wasn’t he afraid of being spotted?

As Dou Zhao silently criticized this decision, Song Mo chuckled and said, “Twelfth Brother-in-law has learned Sun Tzu’s Art of War well—hiding in plain sight. Who would have thought they’d take refuge in the Great Xiangguo Temple? Even if discovered, they could easily dismiss any questions with a simple ‘We’re here to worship Buddha.’ The temple, fearing damage to its reputation, would go to great lengths to prove the two have no connection. Twelfth Brother-in-law has made a clever move!”

No wonder they were able to marry in her previous life. It was clear that Dou Dechang wasn’t acting recklessly.

Dou Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “When should we report back to Father and Sixth Uncle?”

The sooner they informed the Dou family, while Dou Dechang and Ji Lingze’s elopement was still unknown, the better. With the Dou and Ji families working together, they could nip this matter in the bud. Given more time, it would become increasingly difficult to keep the situation under wraps.

Song Mo smiled and said, “I’ll go to Jing’an Temple Alley first thing tomorrow morning. After all, this is a Dou family matter. Even if the Twelfth Brother-in-law intends to marry Miss Ji, he can’t keep hiding like this. Since he dared to take Miss Ji to stay at the Great Xiangguo Temple, he should be prepared to face the current difficulties. Moreover, his position as a Shujishi in the Shujishi Hall is his greatest safeguard. If he loses this protection because of this incident, there’s no hope for his marriage to Miss Ji!”

In her previous life, Dou Dechang hadn’t abandoned his official post, which showed he clearly understood that without income and relying on the family for food and clothing, he wouldn’t have any say in his marriage.

She nodded slightly, and they retired for the night without further discussion.

Song Mo closed his eyes, but he could still hear the sound of the windmill turning in his mind.

He resisted the urge to move, finally managing to fall asleep when the third watch drum sounded.

To deliver the news to Jing’an Temple Alley before heading to the government office, he rose before dawn the next day. He kissed the still-sleeping Dou Zhao and left their chambers.

The Dou household was immediately thrown into chaos.

Torn between her niece from her maiden family and her son, Madam Ji fainted from anger.

Madam Han, however, was convinced that Ji Lingze had seduced Dou Dechang. She told the Fifth Madam, who had rushed over upon hearing the news, “Twelfth Uncle has barely reached adulthood. What does he know? If Ji Lingze hadn’t used some tricks, how could Twelfth Uncle abandon both his career and the West Dou family’s inheritance?”

The Fifth Madam, aware that this matter shouldn’t be publicized, reprimanded Madam Han, disregarding their difference in status: “What nonsense are you spouting? They’ve merely been discovered at the Great Xiangguo Temple. Are you trying to bring chaos to our family?”

Madam Han flushed red with embarrassment, unable to respond.

Madam Ji, who had regained consciousness, began crying silently and said, “What are we to do? Shou Gu has always been level-headed, and Zixian was found by Yantan. No one is more suitable to handle this than Shou Gu, but she’s pregnant and can’t risk getting upset…”

The Fifth Madam and Madam Ji had the same thought.

They both decided not to disturb Dou Zhao.

The Fifth Madam consoled Madam Ji: “Let’s see what the masters say. The West Dou family will rely on Zixian to uphold its reputation in the future.”

This matter was now beyond their control.

Madam Ji nodded with tear-filled eyes, unsure of whom to blame.

In the end, Dou Shixu decided to “bring back” Dou Dechang and settle the matter. If anyone asked, they would say he had been kidnapped by ruffians and Song Mo had intervened to rescue him. As for Ji Lingze, they would continue to treat her as a cousin.

Madam Ji felt heartbroken.

After this incident, Ji Lingze’s fate seemed sealed.

But in this life-or-death situation, she had to harden her heart and save her son first.

Song Mo, however, knew that this matter wasn’t as simple as the Dou family imagined. Moreover, he was counting on Dou Dechang to support Dou Zhao in the future. When the Dou family asked him to go and bring Dou Dechang back, he declined, saying, “As a brother-in-law, it’s not appropriate for me to go in person. I can arrange for people to bring him back, but I shouldn’t be the one to do it.”

Dou Shixu thought about it and agreed that it wouldn’t be proper for Song Mo to go. However, the Dou family was still keeping this matter under wraps, so sending anyone else would be even more problematic.

Dou Shiheng exploded in anger: “This unfilial son! I’ll go fetch him myself!”

Seeing that Dou Shiying had been left out, Song Mo quickly caught his eye and said, “I think it would be better if Father-in-law went.”

After all, Dou Shiying was now Dou Dechang’s father.

Dou Shixu and Dou Shiheng felt embarrassed and nodded repeatedly.

Dou Shiying had always been kind to his nephews and nieces. When Dou Dechang was adopted into his family, he simply thought of it as having a nephew to keep him company and hadn’t yet adjusted to thinking of him as a son. Even when Song Mo spoke up for him, he hadn’t fully processed the situation. However, trusting Song Mo’s judgment, he agreed to go “fetch” Dou Dechang, despite feeling it was inappropriate. Once they left Cat Alley, he quietly said to Song Mo, “Are you worried that Sixth Brother will beat Zixian? He’s not that kind of person!”

Song Mo was both amused and exasperated. Without explaining, he smiled and asked, “What do you think about this situation?”

“Me?” Dou Shiying asked, puzzled. “I don’t have any particular thoughts.”

Song Mo was momentarily speechless. After a while, he said, “If the Twelfth Brother-in-law insists on marrying Miss Ji, would you be willing to have her as a daughter-in-law?”

Dou Shiying smiled and said, “It’s his life to live. If he thinks Miss Ji is good for him, what can I say? It’s Sixth Brother who probably won’t agree.”

Song Mo smiled and said, “As long as you agree, that’s what matters—Miss Ji would be the future matriarch of the West Dou family.”

Dou Shiying, who had already given half of his family property to Dou Zhao, wasn’t particularly concerned about family legacy. He laughed and said, “The West Dou family is already in a mess. What right do we have to be picky about others?”

With a stepmother-in-law like Wang Yingxue, it was indeed quite chaotic.

Song Mo’s eyes flickered slightly as he smiled and said, “Since you don’t mind, I know what to do now!”

While Dou Shiying was still confused, Song Mo had already led him off the carriage.

Dou Dechang had been under surveillance by Song Mo’s people, so they went directly to find him.

Seeing Dou Shiying and Song Mo arrive together, Dou Dechang was visibly shocked. He immediately knelt before Dou Shiying and said, “It’s all my fault. I only beg Father to bring Lingze back to the Dou family with me.”

Dou Shiying, remembering Dou Shixu’s decision, hesitated. Song Mo, however, said, “Fifth Uncle and Sixth Uncle intended to ‘bring back’ Brother-in-law. But Father-in-law felt it wasn’t appropriate, so he asked me to accompany him personally to ‘fetch’ Brother-in-law. If you have anything to say, Brother-in-law, you should tell Father-in-law now. Once we return to the Dou family, you may not have such an opportunity, and even if you do, Father-in-law may not be able to make decisions for you.”

As long as the Dou family was willing to bring Ji Lingze back with them, it would be tantamount to acknowledging the marriage.

Overjoyed, Dou Dechang began explaining to Dou Shiying how he admired Ji Lingze’s scholarship and felt sympathy for her situation.

Coming from a family with a rich scholarly tradition, Dou Dechang’s academic prowess was undeniable, having passed the imperial examinations. Determined to win over Dou Shiying, he spoke eloquently, moving Dou Shiying, who then looked hesitantly at Song Mo.

How could Song Mo spoil the mood? Smiling, he instructed a servant to prepare a sedan chair and arranged for a matron to help Ji Lingze into it.

Dou Dechang’s eyes moistened as he pressed his lips together and gave Dou Shiying a deep bow.

“What are you doing?” Dou Shiying was startled and quickly helped Dou Dechang up.

A barely perceptible smile flashed across Song Mo’s face as he escorted Dou Shiying and the others back to Jing’an Temple Alley.

When Dou Shiheng learned that Ji Lingze had also returned, he was so angry that his veins bulged. He said, “I knew it! Letting Seventh Brother handle this would surely mess things up! Why didn’t Yantan stop him?” He stood up, ready to rush to Jing’an Temple Alley.

Dou Shixu, however, held him back and sighed deeply, saying, “You shouldn’t interfere in this matter. Seventh Brother is Zixian’s father now!”

Dou Shiheng was stunned and said, “How can that work? You know Seventh Brother wouldn’t hurt a fly. Letting him discipline Zixian would be like letting sheep graze freely…”

Dou Shixu interrupted him: “Haven’t you realized? Song Yantan has been standing up for Seventh Brother all along!”

Dou Shiheng’s expression tightened.

Dou Shixu, looking somewhat weary, said, “Sixth Brother, now that Seventh Brother has Song Yantan as his son-in-law, we need to be more cautious about West Dou family matters in the future.”

Song Mo was using Dou Dechang’s marriage to warn them about who truly held authority in the West Dou family!

However, saying this outright would hurt their relationship, so Dou Shixu ultimately kept it to himself.

After a moment’s thought, Dou Shiheng understood Dou Shixu’s meaning.

His expression darkened as he said, “Does this mean Zixian will have to marry a widow as his first wife?”

Dou Shixu smiled bitterly and replied, “Unless you want to fall out with Seventh Brother!”

Dou Shiheng was speechless for a long while.

Meanwhile, Madam Ji, with mixed emotions, lay on her pillow and began to cry.

Song Mo came to ask Madam Ji to send someone to propose marriage to the Ji family. He said, “Both are equally dear to you. Apart from the fact that Miss Ji was previously married, she treats you like her own mother. Surely you can’t stand by and watch her meet a tragic end? Moreover, Twelfth Brother is already a two-time imperial examination graduate. If he can’t even manage his family affairs, how can he govern the country? Why not let Twelfth Brother try to handle this on his own?”

Madam Ji remained silent.

However, by the afternoon, she had invited an official matchmaker to Cat Alley.

When Dou Shiheng learned of this, he shut himself in his study, refusing to speak to Madam Ji.

Upon hearing this, Dou Zhao became worried and asked, “Should we ask Father to try and persuade Sixth Uncle?”

“That’s Twelfth Brother’s responsibility now!” Song Mo, exhausted from a day’s work, felt like his bones were about to fall apart. These family matters were no less complicated than affairs of state. “We’ve already helped him this far. If he still can’t manage the situation, I doubt he’ll have any peace even if he marries Ji Lingze. We can’t expect the West Dou family to thrive under his leadership. I was hoping the children would have a capable uncle!”

It would also prevent Ji Yong from constantly proclaiming himself as the children’s uncle!

He kissed Dou Zhao’s face.

How could he have ever thought that Dou Zhao’s life at home was merely about managing household affairs and living leisurely?

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