HomeBlossomChapter 499: Accomplishing the Task

Chapter 499: Accomplishing the Task

The news that his widowed great-granddaughter was to remarry left Old Master Ji breathless. He fainted on the spot.

Ji Song and Ji Qi were terrified, their hands and feet turning cold. They rushed forward in panic, one pinching Old Master Ji’s philtrum while the other loudly ordered a servant to fetch a doctor.

After a while, Old Master Ji regained consciousness and immediately asked where Ji Yong was. “…He frequents Cat Alley. How could he not know about this?”

Ji Qi quickly defended his son: “Jian Ming just arrived at the Household of the Heir Apparent. He’s been busy socializing with colleagues these past few days and hasn’t been home at all. How could he know about matters in the inner courtyard? Even we didn’t know that Ling Ze disappeared while out buying a hairpin…”

Old Master Ji slapped Ji Song across the face. “Useless thing! You can’t even keep track of what’s happening in your household. No wonder Dou Wu pushed you out. You’re destined to be nothing more than a Vice Minister in this life!”

The Ji residence in Jade Bridge Alley in the capital was managed by Ji Song’s wife.

Ji Song covered his face, not daring to utter a word in his defense.

Old Master Ji raged, “As long as I live, there will be no remarrying widows in the Ji family! Go tell the Dou family that they may have no shame, but we Ji’s still want to maintain our dignity. If they want to marry, let them take Ling Ze’s spirit tablet… No, we have no remarried daughters in our family. Their affairs have nothing to do with us!” He then pointed at Ji Qi, “Take Ling Ze back to Yixing and drown her in the pond. I’ll deal with her parents myself. Back then, they said their daughter was having a hard time in the Han family. I pitied her for being widowed at such a young age, so I argued with the Han family to bring her back home. And now look what she’s done, secretly carrying on with her cousin. This shameless creature deserves to be condemned by all!”

With his elder brother already slapped, Ji Qi naturally didn’t dare speak. He hurriedly agreed and went to negotiate with the Dou family.

Ji Yong, hearing this, was greatly surprised. “You say Zi Xian and my cousin have already been found? How so quickly?”

The servant cautiously replied, “It was the heir of Duke Ying who helped find them, along with the Dou family’s Seventh Master. They brought the young master and Miss back to Jing’an Temple Alley. The aunt just invited an official matchmaker to propose marriage between the young master and Miss. The old master was furious and even slapped the eldest master… The old master also said he wants to drown the miss, and if the Dou family wants to marry, they can take the miss’s spirit tablet…”

“Why are you so talkative?!” Ji Yong impatiently interrupted, “I ask you one thing, and you give me ten answers. Go to the Dou family again and find out for me how they agreed to this marriage.”

The servant respectfully agreed and left Ji’s residence.

Ji Yong paced back and forth in his study.

Dou Dechang couldn’t make the Dou family agree to this marriage, otherwise he wouldn’t have eloped with Ling Ze to the Great Xiangguo Temple. The only one who could stir things up to this extent was Song Mo.

He took advantage of the situation, forcing the Dou family to agree to Dou Dechang marrying Ling Ze. This not only pleased Dou Dechang but also demonstrated his abilities and tactics to Dou Shiying… And then there was Dou Zhao, who usually seemed to be at odds with Dou Shiying, but cared most about her father. With such an incident, Dou Shiying must have been anxious and at a loss. Song Mo solved the problem for Dou Shiying, and Dou Zhao must be incredibly grateful to him!

“Damn that Song Mo,” he thought, “he’s so cunning!”

He slammed his hand on the tea table.

The teacups and pot clattered, and his hand stung with numbness.

Ji Yong couldn’t help but curse under his breath.

A servant came in to ask Ji Yong where to set up dinner.

After a moment’s thought, Ji Yong said, “I’ll go have dinner with the old master!”

He strode towards Old Master Ji’s study.

Old Master Ji was roaring, “What? The Dou family refuses to release her. Are you all vegetarians? They say they won’t release her, and you just come back obediently, allowing the Dou family to detain her…”

“Great-grandfather,” Ji Yong strolled in casually, “you’re in your seventies now. Too much anger is bad for your liver!”

Seeing Ji Yong, Old Master Ji became even more furious. He turned away from Ji Qi and started berating Ji Yong: “Where have you been these days? Always out of sight! Did you know that Ling Ze eloped with Dou Twelve? If this gets out, where will we Ji family put our faces?”

Ji Yong laughed lightly, “If the Dou family isn’t afraid of losing face, what do we have to fear? Besides, Zi Xian isn’t bad. Your widowed great-granddaughter getting to remarry a two-time jinshi as his primary wife – what could be more advantageous? I don’t understand what you’re angry about! If it were me, I’d already be preparing Cousin Ling Ze’s dowry! The Dou family is determined to marry Cousin Ling Ze, so why do you insist on being the villain? “

This speech left Old Master Ji speechless and thoughtful.

Ji Qi couldn’t help but remind Ji Yong, “Although Han Liu is gone, Ling Ze is still his wife and the Han family’s daughter-in-law. Even if we agree, the Han family probably won’t, right?”

That would be Song Mo’s problem!

Ji Yong smirked, a hint of schadenfreude flashing across his face. “That’s why I say great-grandfather has become senile. A widow’s remarriage is her own choice. The Ji family is refusing to do the right thing, insisting on taking the lead for the Han family. We’re pleasing neither side and missing this opportunity.”

Old Master Ji closed his eyes and said nothing.

Ji Qi knew his grandfather had realized his mistake but was unwilling to admit it to Ji Yong.

In recent years, Ji Yong has been advancing steadily in his official career, calculating every move. Though his words were as sharp and venomous as ever, he knew to take care of his family when good opportunities arose. Being young, his reputation in the Ji family was rising daily, and many people were beginning to look up to him, while Old Master Ji’s influence was gradually waning.

He said, “According to you, what should we do now?”

“Naturally, I should go negotiate with Aunt,” Ji Yong said brazenly. “As long as the Han family agrees, what reason does our Ji family have to disagree?”

Hearing this, Old Master Ji opened his eyes and gave Ji Yong a cold look. “I see you just want to go curry favor with the Dou family.”

“You’ve seen through me,” Ji Yong said nonchalantly. “I am a Ji after all. You’ve played the bad cop, now I’ll go play the good cop. We won’t offend either the Dou or Han families. Isn’t that better?”

Old Master Ji let out a cold “hmph.”

Ji Yong smiled, “Then it’s settled. I’ll go to Cat Alley now, lest Aunt can’t sleep tonight.” Then, ignoring Old Master Ji’s thunderous expression, he walked straight out the door.

When Ji Yong told Madam Ji that the Ji family’s uproar was just for show to appease the Han family and that they welcomed another marriage alliance between the Ji and Dou families, Madam Ji was overjoyed. She knew her grandfather wouldn’t have suddenly changed his mind, and this outcome must be the result of Ji Yong’s mediation. With tears in her eyes, she grasped Ji Yong’s hand and choked out, “I just didn’t want to ruin Zi Xian’s future!”

“I know,” Ji Yong said. “I feel quite sorry for Zi Xian. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so why must he marry Cousin Ling Ze? But since things have come to this, we can only try to contain the situation and prevent it from damaging Zi Xian’s reputation.”

Madam Ji nodded repeatedly, feeling that Ji Yong was unprecedentedly considerate.

She sighed, “The Dou family elders originally didn’t agree either. It was all thanks to Yan Tang’s mediation. For the Han family matter, we’ll probably have to trouble Yan Tang again.”

“He’s known for his resourcefulness in noble circles,” Ji Yong’s eyes sparkled, “It’s most appropriate for you to entrust this matter to him.”

Madam Ji nodded repeatedly. The next day, she went to Duke Ying’s mansion and told Song Mo the whole story.

Dou Zhao frowned as she listened, “Yan Tang is your son-in-law. Is it appropriate for him to intervene?”

If the Han family were reasonable, they wouldn’t have forced Ling Ze to enter the family when Han Liu was critically ill.

Madam Ji blushed and said, “I’m just afraid that delays might lead to complications. It’s just that your sixth uncle refuses to handle this matter…”

“It’s alright,” Song Mo interrupted Madam Ji. He gently squeezed Dou Zhao’s hand and said, “We can’t expect Father-in-law to negotiate with the Han family, can we? I’ll handle this matter!”

“Yan Tang!” Madam Ji’s face was full of gratitude.

Dou Zhao tightly gripped Song Mo’s hand.

Wanting him to humble himself before the Han family, this must be Ji Yong’s idea, right?

Song Mo inwardly snorted and gave Dou Zhao a confident smile.

He had no intention of resolving this matter peacefully with the Han family. Instead, he sent people to investigate the Han family’s affairs.

The Han family was a renowned clan from Jiangnan, with a history spanning over a hundred years and numerous descendants. How could they not have some dark secrets?

Song Mo sent a letter to the Han family, and they quickly agreed to Ling Ze’s marriage. Then Song Mo began busying himself with arranging Dou Dechang’s wedding. From confirming auspicious dates with the help of the Imperial Astronomy Bureau to arranging other details, he was running around in circles.

Dou Shiying praised him to everyone he met: “If it weren’t for my son-in-law, our family would have been in chaos.”

Everyone knew about Dou Dechang being kidnapped and rescued by Song Mo, and they all praised Song Mo for being filial and capable.

Dou Shiying took the opportunity to invite everyone to the wedding feast: “The date is set for the second day of the sixth month. The Imperial Astronomy Bureau says it’s an auspicious day. The bride is from the Ji family, Zi Xian’s cousin.” As for who exactly she was, the scholars from the Hanlin Academy didn’t dare to inquire further.

When the news spread, Ji Yong was so angry his liver ached. He thought bitterly, “That fool Dou Dechang got lucky!”

To make matters worse, his mother, who was crying her heart out, pulled him aside to complain: “Your uncles blame me for not keeping Ling Ze in check, but I’m just her aunt by marriage. How could I keep an eye on her every moment? My sixth uncle forced an innocent girl into prostitution and caused her death. He did something that angered both heaven and men and when he was caught, instead of reflecting on his actions, he blamed our Ji family for not helping him… And that Song Yan Tang, why does he have to be so ruthless? Doesn’t he fear that the tables might turn one day and he might fall into the hands of the Han family?”

“Please, say no more!” Ji Yong said with disgust. “The way things are going, the Han family is only headed for decline. How could they possibly contend with Song Mo? Keep dreaming!”

His mother was displeased hearing this and scolded, “You child, instead of speaking up for your uncles, you’re siding with Song Yan Tang. Whose surname do you bear?”

Ji Yong rolled his eyes and left his mother alone.

His mother hurried after him.

Ji Yong had already disappeared.

Confused, his mother asked a servant, “What’s wrong with him?”

The servant could only reply, “Perhaps there’s too much work at the Household of the Heir Apparent!”

He no longer dared to report anything to Ji Yong’s mother.

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