HomeBlossomChapter 500: Summer Retreat

Chapter 500: Summer Retreat

Seeing Song Mo busily coming and going, looking somewhat thinner, Dou Zhao felt a pang of concern and advised him, “Take a break! Can’t Twelfth Brother handle his wedding affairs? At the very least, he could ask Eleventh Brother to help!”

Both the Dou and Ji families had decided to keep the wedding simple, and the Dou household had plenty of stewards. What could be keeping Song Mo so busy?

This was exactly the opening Song Mo had been waiting for.

He smiled slightly and sat down with Dou Zhao on the large kang by the window. “It’s a pity you won’t be able to go to the Summer Palace for a while!”

With his adopted brother’s wedding being such an important event, their trip to the Xiangshan Villa would have to be postponed.

“Listen to yourself!” Dou Zhao playfully chided as she stood up to massage Song Mo’s shoulders. “If it weren’t for you running around on my behalf in the Dou household, how could I be sitting here so leisurely enjoying the cool?”

“You think I want to be running around in this heat?” Song Mo sighed. “I’m just worried the Ji family might stir up more trouble.”

Perhaps because the Ji family was the Sixth Aunt’s natal family, and she regarded the Sixth Aunt as a mother figure, Dou Zhao knew the Ji family was problematic but disliked the Han family even more. Nevertheless, it would be better to settle Dou Dechang’s marriage soon. Ji Lingze was capable, and with her managing the household affairs of the Western Dou branch, things wouldn’t be as chaotic as they were now.

She smiled coyly and teased, “Thank you, Young Master! When you have some free time, this concubine will treat you to some wine!”

Song Mo laughed, “When am I ever free? If you want to thank me…” He tilted his head and pointed at his cheek.

Dou Zhao’s face instantly flushed.

Ruo Tong immediately led the serving maids out of the room.

Only then did Dou Zhao, red-faced, plant a kiss on his cheek.

But Song Mo wasn’t satisfied. “That doesn’t count. You need to give me a proper kiss.”

What did he mean by a proper kiss?

Dou Zhao was exasperated. But seeing Song Mo’s expectant gaze, she couldn’t help but lean in… Suddenly, Song Mo turned his face… Their lips met… Dou Zhao’s eyes widened… Song Mo had already wrapped his arms around her…

By the time Song Mo left, Dou Zhao’s face was still burning red.

She was pregnant, and although Song Mo hadn’t done anything improper, what transpired was even more scandalous. Her whole body was covered in sweat, and she hurriedly ordered the maids to prepare water for a bath.

However, Ruo Tong came in to report, “The Marquis of Yan’an’s daughter-in-law has sent over a visiting card.”

Dou Zhao quickly had it brought in.

Lady An wanted to visit her tomorrow.

She sent a message back to dismiss the Marquis of Yan’an’s servant, but as she held the visiting card, she couldn’t think of any reason Lady An would need to visit her personally. She had the maids put away the card and spent the afternoon telling stories to Yuan’er.

The next day, Lady An arrived early. She seemed somewhat uneasy, but after sitting and drinking tea with Dou Zhao for quite some time, she still hadn’t stated her purpose.

Dou Zhao wasn’t in a hurry either and continued to make small talk. As lunchtime approached, Lady An finally couldn’t hold back anymore. She said bashfully, “I know it’s inappropriate to say this, but the Marquis of Jining has appealed to our Marquis, and our Fourth Young Master has been sitting in our Marquis’s study refusing to leave. If I didn’t come, it would be too inconsiderate…”

So it was about Wei Tingyu’s affairs!

Dou Zhao asked curiously, “What’s happened in their family now?”

“You don’t know?” Lady An’s eyes widened even more than Dou Zhao’s. “The Marquis of Jining’s concubine is pregnant. Your sister not only forced her to take abortifacients but also sold her to a brothel… This news is spreading all over Beijing…” She looked at Dou Zhao somewhat uncomfortably.

Dou Zhao felt both angry and amused. “What does Wei Tingyu want? Does he expect me to persuade Dou Ming?”

At this, Lady An’s face turned as red as the morning sun. She mumbled, “I know I shouldn’t ask. But you see, the Marquis of Jining is several years older than your sister and is an only child. Your sister has no children and doesn’t allow the household maids to get pregnant. The Marquis had no choice. They say only you can control your sister in the Dou family…”

Dou Zhao interrupted Lady An’s words with displeasure, “There’s no reason for a sister-in-law to meddle in her brother-in-law’s bedroom affairs. Go back and tell Wei Tingyu that he should clean up his mess and stop expecting others to fix things for him.” She added, “If you’re here because of their family matters, please don’t bring this up to me again. If you’re here as a guest, I’ll certainly welcome you warmly.”

Lady An felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

However, Dou Zhao didn’t mean to blame her.

She knew about the friendship between Wang Qinghai and Wei Tingyu. In her previous life, these two had done many ridiculous things for each other.

But Dou Ming’s fierceness was beyond Dou Zhao’s expectations.

She didn’t want to bother with these matters. She opened up the family storerooms and picked out several pieces of jewelry to add to Ji Lingze’s dowry.

The Ji family was tight-lipped about Ji Lingze’s remarriage. Dou Dechang, fearing the Ji family might change their minds, asked Dou Zhao to lend Jin Gui and Yin Gui to serve Ji Lingze. Dou Zhao thought that the Ji family probably wouldn’t properly prepare a dowry for Ji Lingze, but she couldn’t let her sister-in-law enter the family too poorly equipped, especially since Dou Dechang’s generation already had twelve sisters-in-law, and the Eleventh Sister-in-law had once been Ji Lingze’s sister-in-law.

Ji Lingze accepted her jewelry without a word, but Su Xin, who delivered the gifts, told her that the Ji family had arranged for Ji Lingze to stay in a remote courtyard, with no festive decorations or dowry preparations. Even the things left to Ji Lingze by her maternal grandmother had been withheld by the Ji family. Su Xin added, “Miss Ji is very strong-willed. Jin Gui said she hasn’t shed a single tear and didn’t argue with the Ji family over those belongings.”

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but sigh.

In her previous life, she had been just like Ji Lingze, eager to marry into the Wei family. Apart from the things her mother had left her, she didn’t want anything else, only wishing to leave the Dou family as quickly as possible.

She discussed with Song Mo and prepared two small farms for Ji Lingze.

Dou Dechang insisted on not accepting them.

Dou Zhao said, “Would you rather see your wife enter the family empty-handed and unable to hold her head high among her sisters-in-law?”

Only then did Dou Dechang gratefully accept the land deeds and send them to Ji Lingze.

On the second day of the sixth month, the Dou family’s bridal sedan quietly brought Ji Lingze out. The firecrackers only started crackling after they left Yuqiao Hutong.

Lady Ji only shed tears as she watched, but fortunately, Ji Yong escorted the bride from the Ji family, saving some face for Ji Lingze.

When Ji Lingze returned for her three-day visit, Grandmother held a banquet in the back temple alley to entertain her.

Ji Lingze was grateful for everything the Dou family had done for her and was very respectful towards Grandmother. It was also the first time Dou Dechang felt like a true member of the family.

Dou Zhao privately remarked to Song Mo, “I suppose there are gains and losses in everything!”

Song Mo nodded with a smile and took Dou Zhao’s hand. “Shall I take you and Yuan’er to Xiangshan Villa tomorrow? Do you want to invite Old Madam An to go with you?”

Dou Zhao nodded repeatedly, feeling that Grandmother should enjoy her twilight years and travel around while she was still able.

Grandmother, however, was a bit hesitant.

She had never wanted to be a burden on her descendants’ reputation and didn’t like to travel much.

Song Mo persuaded her, “With Shou Gu taking the child alone, I’d be worried without you there to help!”

Grandmother chuckled at this and gladly agreed.

Ji Lingze personally helped Grandmother pack her things.

Grandmother was very pleased and patted Ji Lingze’s hand, rewarding her with a pair of mutton-fat jade bracelets.

Seeing that the bracelets were flawless and clearly antiques, Ji Lingze firmly refused to accept them. But Grandmother said, “Just take them. I have some other old things here that I collected myself. I had originally prepared them for your mother-in-law, but never got to give them to her. Ming’er probably wouldn’t care for them, so you and Shou Gu can split them!”

She was treating Ji Lingze like her own granddaughter, opening her heart completely.

Ji Lingze’s eyes reddened. When Dou Zhao’s carriage arrived, she helped Grandmother out through the festooned gate.

Dou Zhao smiled and greeted Ji Lingze, exchanging a few words before getting into the carriage with Grandmother and leaving the city.

Considering Dou Zhao’s condition, the carriage moved slowly, only reaching Xiangshan by dusk.

As soon as they alighted, a cool breeze swept over them.

Grandmother took a deep breath and smiled, “What a lovely place!”

Yuan’er struggled out of his wet nurse’s arms and ran to pluck some foxtail grass nearby.

Dou Zhao quickly had Ruo Zhu bring Yuan’er back, saying, “Be careful of insects biting you in the grass.”

Yuan’er tilted his little head and said, “This is a path, everyone walks here. There are no little bugs to bite me.”

“You little arguer!” Dou Zhao felt a warmth spread through her chest hearing her son’s clear voice. She gently patted Yuan’er’s bottom.

Yuan’er giggled.

The steward, maids, and servants who came to welcome them also laughed. The steward even praised Song Mo, “Young Master is truly clever!”

“He’s just talking early, that’s all.” Song Mo waved his hand dismissively, but couldn’t hide the pride and joy in his expression.

The steward and the head maid exchanged a glance before respectfully leading Song Mo and Dou Zhao into the villa.

In the middle of the courtyard stood a large grape trellis, lush with leaves and covered in unripe grapes, making one feel cooler just by looking at it.

Grandmother loved it and smiled, “It would be even better if there was a table here.”

The steward immediately said eagerly, “Old Madam is right! I’ll go fetch an eight-immortals table right away.”

Knowing that Grandmother still retained her habits from living on a farm, Song Mo suggested, “Would you like to have dinner under the grape trellis?”

“That would be wonderful!” Grandmother was indeed excited by the idea.

Dou Zhao smiled and went to freshen up before dining with Grandmother under the grape trellis.

The evening breeze carried the fragrance of tuberoses throughout the courtyard.

The chickens and ducks were raised on the estate, and the melons and vegetables had just been picked from the garden behind, fresh and delicious.

It was Yuan’er’s first time eating outdoors, and he was very excited. He insisted on using chopsticks himself, but his small hands lacked strength. After a few attempts, the chopsticks fell onto the table, spilling soup and water everywhere, even getting oil stains on Song Mo’s clothes.

Dou Zhao hurriedly called the wet nurse over, wanting her to set up a separate table for Yuan’er.

But Song Mo wouldn’t allow it. He laughed, “The point is to have a lively atmosphere. Don’t mind him, let him make a mess. Boys shouldn’t be too rule-bound, it’s good for them to be a bit rowdy.”

Grandmother smiled lovingly and said, “Boys should be managed by their fathers. Shou Gu, you shouldn’t interfere.”

The two of them teamed up to overrule Dou Zhao.

Yuan’er became even more unrestrained, using a spoon to scatter rice grains everywhere.

After finally finishing dinner, the astute steward had already prepared cool beds and watermelons chilled with well water. They sat on the cool beds, eating watermelon and chatting idly.

Dou Zhao let out a contented sigh, hoping that future days would be as joyful, warm, and satisfying as today.

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