HomeBlossomChapter 505: Palace Upheaval

Chapter 505: Palace Upheaval

The Prince’s expression wavered slightly at Cui Yijun’s words.

Indeed, Ji Yong was not on duty today. However, since the afternoon, Ji Yong had been discussing Yellow River management with the Prince in the Eastern Palace. The Prince, particularly attentive due to this year’s flooding, listened intently. Even as the palace gates were about to be locked, the two were still engrossed in conversation. Cui Yijun had instructed the attendants to prepare a room for Ji Yong in the side halls. When commotion erupted in Qianqing Palace at midnight, it was Ji Yong who urged the Prince to come to the Emperor’s aid.

Ji Yong, uncharacteristically embarrassed, said, “This token is fake! I had a skilled craftsman make it based on Song Mo’s token.”

The Prince and Cui Yijun were dumbfounded.

Fearing they might not believe him, Ji Yong handed the token to Cui Yijun.

Cui Yijun had only seen Song Mo’s token before and couldn’t truly distinguish its authenticity, especially not in this situation. He smiled and returned the token to Ji Yong, saying, “It looks identical to the real one. It even fooled the Golden Feather Guard.” Inwardly, he grew more vigilant. “Why did you forge Lord Song’s token?”

Ji Yong laughed awkwardly, “Song Mo and I have some personal grievances. I originally planned to use it to cause trouble for him, so naturally, I couldn’t let those people notice any issues with the token!”

The Prince and Cui Yijun exchanged glances.

Ji Yong’s casual use of Song Mo’s name indicated a clear animosity between them, yet now they had to rely on Song Mo’s protection.

Cui Yijun smiled, “What kind of grievance? Would you like me to mediate?”

“No need, no need,” Ji Yong said embarrassedly. “It’s just some minor issues.”

Cui Yijun didn’t press further.

The Prince said, “The Golden Feather Guard protects the imperial palace, a grave responsibility. Jianming, how could you do such a thing?”

Ji Yong quickly lowered his head and said, “This official knows his crime! It won’t happen again.”

Seeing this, the Prince’s voice softened slightly, “However, we’re fortunate to have you today. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have known about the incident in Qianqing Palace.”

Regardless of whether Ji Yong was aligned with Prince Liao or if there was a trap ahead, once he decided to come to the Emperor’s aid, he was already embroiled in the situation. Standing outside Qianqing Palace wouldn’t exempt him from danger!

The Prince took a deep breath and walked resolutely into Qianqing Palace.

The fake attendants had retreated to Kunning Palace, leaving Qianqing Palace littered with bodies. Song Mo, covered in blood, stood anxiously at the palace entrance. Seeing the Prince enter, he hurried forward to pay his respects, remorsefully saying, “Your Highness, it was this official’s negligence that allowed imposters to infiltrate as attendants…”

The scene of carnage and the strong smell of blood on Song Mo nearly made the Prince retch.

Wang Yuan crawled over, wailing through tears and mucus, “Your Highness, please save the Emperor! The Emperor has been taken hostage by Prince Liao!”

Although the Prince had already guessed, hearing Wang Yuan speak the name hidden in his heart still left him momentarily stunned.

Cui Yijun softly called out, “Your Highness.”

The Prince snapped back to reality.

This was his chance to assert authority!

Suppressing the turmoil in his chest, he gently consoled Song Mo, “Although you command the Golden Feather Guard, there are still places you can’t freely access. What happened isn’t your fault. Are you injured? Cui Yijun has excellent medicine for wounds, let him take a look!”

Song Mo didn’t stand at on ceremony. He respectfully thanked the Prince, removed his clothes to reveal a gaping wound on his back, and allowed Cui Yijun to apply medicine. He then addressed the Prince, “The palace gates are now locked, which prevents outsiders from entering but also keeps us from getting help. The Emperor and Prince Liao are both in Kunning Palace.

Prince Liao wouldn’t dare harm the Emperor, or he’d face retribution from the regional princes even if he managed to ascend the throne. However, Prince Liao isn’t rash. For him to risk everything today, he must have a foolproof plan. I fear the Divine Machine Camp and Five Armies Camp might be deceived by Prince Liao, using the pretext of ‘purging the court’ to force their way in.

Our urgent priorities are to send scouts, lead the Five Districts Command to guard the city and contact Chief Minister Liang to discuss our next move. I’ll stay here with the Golden Feather Guard to rescue the Emperor. Concealing the situation will only cause panic outside and give Prince Liao a chance to twist the truth, implicating Your Highness and shaking the foundation of the state!”

His words were diplomatic, but he was essentially telling the Prince to prioritize gathering the cabinet ministers to denounce Prince Liao’s treason over the Emperor’s safety. This would prevent Prince Liao from killing the Emperor and falsely accusing the Prince of plotting rebellion. With the cabinet ministers’ support, even if Prince Liao obtained an imperial edict, it would be seen as usurpation, making him a traitor to be condemned by all. Song Mo was willing to bear the blame for disregarding the Emperor’s safety.

Ji Yong inwardly scoffed.

Song Mo, that black-hearted scoundrel, was instigating the Prince to use others as pawns while maintaining a righteous facade of serving the country and people. No wonder he, despite being several years younger than Ji Yong, already commanded the Golden Feather Guard.

It seemed Ji Yong’s conscience was still too tender.

The Prince, however, was extremely moved.

By staying here, if Prince Liao, out of desperation, truly harmed the Emperor, Song Mo, as the commander of the Golden Feather Guard responsible for protecting the Emperor, would face severe consequences – at best, losing his position and being imprisoned; at worst, losing his life and that of his family!

Yet, the Prince had to admit that in this tense situation, following Song Mo’s advice was his only chance to contend with Prince Liao.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Yangtang, rest assured, as long as I live, you will too!”

Song Mo’s expression darkened as he replied, “Your Highness, there’s a man named Jiang Yi in the Five Districts Command, transferred from the Divine Machine Camp. You might send him with your orders to the Divine Machine Camp. At the very least, it could divide and restrain them. If the Five Armies Camp turns, the Five Districts Command’s forces can hold out for three to five days by staying behind closed gates. By then, the news will have spread, and the Western Mountains Garrison and other military posts will surely come to support the rightful ruler.”

The Prince nodded repeatedly, “I’ll send for Jiang Yi right away!”

Song Mo solemnly fastened his clothes and led the Golden Feather Guard towards Kunning Palace.

Ji Yong quickly said, “I’ll go notify the ministers on duty.”

The Prince nodded gravely, “Make sure to find Minister Liang!”

Although movement within the inner palace was restricted at night, urgent messages could be passed through doors.

Ji Yong took the Prince’s written order and hurried to Longzong Gate.

The guards, having heard the commotion and seeing Ji Yong with Song Mo’s token, quickly instructed someone outside to send a message to Liang Jichang’s residence.

Uneasy, Ji Yong climbed onto a guard’s shoulders to peer over the wall. He saw the gate guards outside huddled together, laughing and whispering, with no one leaving to deliver the message.

His heart sank. He quietly asked the Golden Feather Guard inside, “Is there any way to send a message outside without the Five Armies Camp noticing?”

The guard shook his head regretfully, “The gates are locked. Even with an imperial edict, they won’t open until dawn.”

Ji Yong pondered for a moment, then went to the cabinet’s duty room.

The minister on duty was Dai Jian.

A young eunuch told Ji Yong that Dai Jian was sleeping.

Such a commotion was heard even in the Eastern Palace, yet Dai Jian remained oblivious…

Ji Yong left the duty room without showing any reaction.

For the first time in his life, he realized this wasn’t a game he could simply call “stop” to at will.

Ji Yong ran back to Qianqing Palace.

The Prince stood under the corridor, surrounded by loyal attendants.

“Your Highness!” He hurried over, “The message can’t be sent out!”

The Prince’s expression changed slightly. After a moment’s thought, he said, “Let’s go find Song Mo!”

Due to the constraints of his position, sometimes the Prince’s verbal orders carried less weight than Song Mo’s instructions.

Ji Yong supported the Prince as they passed through Jiaotai Hall.

In front of Kunning Palace, the two sides were at a standoff.

Song Mo quietly reassured the Prince, “I’ve had men surround Kunning Palace. Unless Prince Liao uses the Emperor as a shield, he won’t escape.”

“But the Five Armies Camp guarding outside has betrayed the Emperor,” the Prince said worriedly. “I fear they might cooperate from within and without…”

“We just need to hold out until dawn,” Song Mo reassured the Prince again.

Just as he finished speaking, a commotion erupted outside the palace.

A Golden Feather Guard ran up, sweating profusely, “Lord Song, the Five Armies Camp has begun attacking the gates!”

Before Song Mo could respond, the doors of Kunning Palace burst open, and the fake attendants who had just battled with Song Mo and his men charged out recklessly.

“Quickly, escort His Highness to the side hall!” Song Mo shouted, drawing his sword to meet the enemy.

The group pushed and pulled the Prince into the side hall. Song Mo and the Golden Feather Guards surrounded the hall. Song Mo fought like a fierce tiger, swinging his sword relentlessly, killing and wounding several attackers.

Someone shouted, “Song Yangtang, aren’t you worried about your wife and child’s lives?!”

Hearing this, Song Mo’s hand faltered, nearly getting stabbed in a vital spot.

Seeing their threat was effective, the attackers shouted even louder, “There are carrier pigeons in Kunning Palace. With one order, your wife and child will be beheaded. We’ll hang their heads on the city wall, denying them a proper burial…”

Song Mo’s eyes reddened, but his strikes became faster, more precise, and more vicious.

Those surrounding him had to keep retreating to avoid his fierce attacks.

Behind him, the door of the side hall creaked open slightly, and Ji Yong slipped out.

“What’s going on here?” He recklessly tried to grab Song Mo’s collar, nearly getting injured by his side.

Song Mo grew furious, “Get back inside the hall and stay put!”

Ji Yong sneered, “Where are Shou Gu and Yuan’er?”

Song Mo pressed his lips together, saying nothing.

Their attackers laughed loudly, “Lord Song’s wife and child are guests at Prince Liao’s residence!”

Ji Yong lunged at Song Mo with gritted teeth, “You bastard! How could Shou Gu have married you? You’d sacrifice your wife and child for promotion and wealth…”

Song Mo’s body stiffened slightly, and Ji Yong’s punch landed squarely.

Someone pulled Ji Yong away.

The Prince walked out.

He asked in bewilderment, “What happened?”

“Lord Song’s wife and child have been kidnapped by Prince Liao to threaten him…” a guard mumbled.

“Yangtang!” Both the Prince and Cui Yijun, who had followed out, looked shocked.

Song Mo smiled bitterly.

That hairpin was part of Dou Zhao’s dowry.

It was said there wasn’t another sapphire of the same size in the world.

He recognized it as his wife’s possession at a glance.

Shou Gu, where are you now?

Was she taken to Prince Liao’s residence? Or was she hiding somewhere with the child?

A small glimmer of hope still flickered in his heart.

But he understood all too well that if Prince Liao wanted to deal with Dou Zhao, he would have sent military troops.

Although the people around Dou Zhao were skilled, they were no match for battle-hardened, well-trained soldiers.

However, if he were to side with Prince Liao now, becoming his subordinate, Dou Zhao’s situation would become even more perilous.

The only thing he could do now was to keep Prince Liao confined within the palace.

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