HomeBlossomChapter 508: Turning the Tables

Chapter 508: Turning the Tables

The Xiangshan villa was strewn with mutilated corpses and scattered weapons, the stench of blood permeating the air.

Gu Yu blocked Dou Zhao inside the room: “Sister-in-law, please stay inside to avoid being frightened. I’ll escort you, the elder madam, and young master Yuan out through the back door once they’ve cleaned up.”

With the Shenji Camp protecting them, they no longer needed to worry about their safety.

The battle must have been fierce, given the thunderous sounds of killing earlier.

Dou Zhao nodded slightly, still shaken and worried about frightening her grandmother and young Yuan.

Chen Jia requested an audience.

Eager to ask him many questions, Dou Zhao repeatedly urged, “Quickly, show him in!”

Considering Dou Zhao’s pregnancy and potential sensitivity to smells like Jiang Yan, Chen Jia removed his armor and washed his hands and face before entering the side room with Chen Xiaofeng.

Perhaps to prevent the bloody smell from wafting in, the front windows of the side room remained covered with felt blankets, while the small windows at the back were all open.

Upon seeing him, Dou Zhao rushed forward anxiously, asking in rapid succession: “Where is the heir now? How is the situation? Is his life in danger?”

Seeing the elder madam present, Chen Jia briefly paid his respects before explaining: “After Ayan was kidnapped last time, the heir took precautions. He assigned several highly skilled individuals to follow you, instructing them to rescue you if possible when in danger. If outmatched, they were to avoid recklessness and immediately report to the heir.

When Prince Liao’s men surrounded the villa, they were outnumbered, so they sent someone to inform the heir. Unfortunately, the heir was on duty in the palace today and couldn’t be reached, so they came to me instead. Coincidentally, Liu Yu had invited me for a drink.

Immediately sensing trouble, I urgently sent his messenger to inform Jiang Yi of the Five Districts Command. I then made an excuse to return to my room to inform Ayan and change clothes, leaving Liu Yu’s messenger waiting in the hall. I had Huzi hide Ayan in the hidden wall of our home while I slipped out the back door and rushed to the Shenji Camp.”

“Ma Youming showed no reaction, and without an imperial edict or the crown prince’s order, he couldn’t deploy troops past Wang Xu, the commander of the Shenji Camp who remained neutral. He could only send a group of his men to follow me quietly to Xiangshan villa…”

The rest was known to all.

Dou Zhao grew increasingly anxious: “So no one knows the situation in the capital?”

“Don’t worry, sister-in-law. I haven’t finished,” Chen Jia said with a smile. “Just as we arrived at Xiangshan villa, Ma Youming received a message from Jiang Yi stating that Prince Liao had rebelled. The palace was in chaos, with the heir leading the Imperial Guard and the Five Armies Camp in battle. Ma Youming was urged to bring reinforcements to save the emperor.”

“Ma Youming forcibly took Wang Xu’s command token. Wang Xu simply pretended to be coerced and stayed in his room, allowing Ma Youming to act freely. This enabled Ma Youming to mobilize the Shenji Camp smoothly.”

“That’s good, that’s good!” Dou Zhao sighed in relief.

Once the Shenji Camp and Five Districts Command joined forces, the Five Armies Camp stood no chance.

Chen Jia continued: “The Imperial Guards have all disappeared. Prince Liao likely has another plan. It’s too dangerous for you to stay here, sister-in-law, and this place is now defiled. It’s best if Master Gu escorts you to the Shenji Camp for safety. Once the capital is secure, I’ll come to bring you back.”

Dou Zhao nodded, cautioning him: “Be careful too, don’t be reckless!”

Chen Jia smiled and agreed.

Gu Yu, however, said: “I’ll go with you to the capital.”

“No!” Dou Zhao blurted out, then realized that if Prince Liao’s coup failed, wouldn’t Gu Yu become a relative of traitors? Forget about wielding power in the capital as in her previous life; his very life might be in danger.

Her face paled.

For Gu Yu, it was best to avoid involvement and seek no merit, only to avoid blame.

He shouldn’t be involved in this at all.

It would be best if he knew nothing…

Remembering Gu Yu’s temperament and his earlier anguished posture, Dou Zhao hurriedly ordered Duan Gongyi: “Quickly, tie up Master Gu for me!”

Everyone in the room was stunned, looking at each other in bewilderment.

Gu Yu, however, smiled faintly, his expression particularly bleak.

“Master Duan, I know you’re sister-in-law’s guard. I won’t make things difficult for you,” he said, extending his joined hands to Duan Gongyi. “I won’t run away. Just make it look convincing, don’t tie me up too tightly. I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life!”

Duan Gongyi chuckled and turned to find some hemp rope.

Gu Yu lowered his gaze and turned away, his back to Dou Zhao.

Chen Jia seemed about to speak but held back.

Chen Xiaofeng and the others stared at Dou Zhao without blinking.

The atmosphere grew strange.

Duan Gongyi, seemingly oblivious, tied up the unresisting Gu Yu.

Dou Zhao said to Duan Gongyi: “I remember the heir gave you a waist token that allows you to pass through the city without inspection. Take Master Gu back to Tianjin quietly now. Don’t let anyone discover he returned to the capital…”

The room was filled with astonishment.

Ignoring this, Dou Zhao continued instructing Duan Gongyi: “Master Gu’s situation is precarious, and we have no certainty about the heir’s status. If you can seek mercy from the emperor and crown prince, that’s good. If not, find a way to send Master Gu overseas. Let him hide for a few years until he’s grown taller and changed in appearance. Then he can return with a new name and identity…”

Duan Gongyi agreed with a smile, but Gu Yu began struggling vigorously: “I won’t go to Tianjin! At worst, I’ll trade my life for another. What do I have to fear? My aunt’s kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain. How can I abandon her at a time like this? There’s no place for me in the Yunyang Marquis’s mansion anyway. I refuse to live a life of cowardice! In twenty years, I’ll be a true man again!”

Dou Zhao ignored him and said to Duan Gongyi: “See how childish he sounds? I’m entrusting him to you for this journey! Once you reach Tianjin, don’t rush back. Stay with Master Gu for a while. Wait until the heir’s situation is settled before deciding what to do next!”

Duan Gongyi smiled and said: “Rest assured, madam. I will escort Master Gu safely back to Tianjin.”

Dou Zhao nodded.

Gu Yu was still shouting, but his eyes had turned red as he looked at Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao said: “Gag him.”

Gu Yu’s eyes widened.

Unfortunately, Duan Gongyi only listened to Dou Zhao. Without hesitation, he gagged Gu Yu and kindly changed him into a guard’s blue clothes, saying: “If anyone asks, I’ll say he injured his leg and needs to set the bone quickly.”

“Good idea!” Dou Zhao praised. Chen Xiaofeng and the others collectively sighed in relief, showing faint smiles.

Duan Gongyi left with Gu Yu.

Chen Jia escorted Dou Zhao and her family to the Shenji Camp.

Those remaining at the Shenji Camp were all Ma Youming’s trusted men.

Wang Xu, only pretending to be confined to his room, heard that Dou Zhao and her son had arrived. He had his personal servant offer Dou Zhao his prized Da Hong Pao tea.

Dou Zhao appreciated his gesture and sent Chen Xiaofeng to thank him.

By noon, news arrived from the capital.

The Five Armies Camp had only partially guarded the imperial palace. The Five Districts Command and Shenji Camp joined forces, quickly defeating the Five Armies Camp. The Imperial Guard escorted Prince Liao and the empress, taking the emperor hostage and retreating to Yuquan Mountain. Liang Jifen and Dou Shizu soon arrived at Yuquan Mountain to persuade Prince Liao to release the emperor. The later arrivals, Yao Shizhong and Mu Chuan looked grim, while Dai Jian, looking dispirited, guarded the duty room of the Grand Secretariat.

Wang Xu shook his head with a bitter smile.

At this point, the emperor’s fate was no longer important.

Who would have thought Ma Youming would succeed?

Perhaps there were too many people like him, unwilling to offend Prince Liao yet afraid to help the crown prince.

He lay in his rocking chair, swaying back and forth, calculating who would be meritorious this time.

As for himself, his career was over.

However, at least he had managed to withdraw safely with his wealth and life intact, unlike Shi Chuan who had lost everything.

He sighed again.

Song Mo was eager to receive Dou Zhao.

Cui Yijun urgently said: “The palace is still in ruins…”

“With all the princes and ministers present, nothing will go wrong,” Song Mo said firmly. “I don’t even know how my wife is doing!” His eyes reddened as he spoke.

Cui Yijun frowned.

The crown prince spoke gently: “Go then! Remember to comfort Madam Dou well. She has also suffered because of me!”

Song Mo bowed gratefully and hurriedly left the palace.

Cui Yijun couldn’t help but mutter: “How can the heir disregard the affairs of the state?”

The crown prince glanced at him and sighed: “Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult to reconcile. His behavior shows he is a sincere person.” He paused briefly, then continued, “If he were to disregard his wife and child at this time, focusing solely on achieving merit, would you dare to be his colleague? And how could I trust him?”

Cui Yijun thought carefully and smiled, saying: “Your Highness is indeed wise.”

The crown prince remained silent.

Ji Yong appeared before the crown prince, panting.

He asked around: “Where did Song Yantang go?”

“He spoke briefly with His Highness and then left,” someone said, “but I don’t know where he went.”

“Then which direction did he go?”

Someone pointed the way.

He thanked them and hurried off in pursuit.

The crown prince pondered for a long while, then instructed Cui Yijun: “Go and investigate what grudge exists between Ji Jianming and Song Yantang.”

Cui Yijun acknowledged the order.

Ji Yong ultimately failed to catch up with Song Mo.

But he dared not pursue further.

Several Grand Secretaries were discussing how to write a manifesto. His uncle had previously lost to Dou Shizu in the competition for Grand Secretary of the Cabinet. Now that Dai Jian was in trouble, and Mu Chuan might also be forced to retire, this could be an opportunity. He needed to find a way to push his uncle forward.

He sent his son to inquire about Dou Zhao’s news at Duke Ying’s mansion, while he headed to the duty room of the Grand Secretariat—he needed to have the crown prince review the manifesto written by the Cabinet before it could be issued.

When Song Mo arrived at the Shenji Camp, the sun was already setting.

Dou Zhao stood smiling in the garden, watching her grandmother teach young Yuan how to dig for wild vegetables.

Song Mo’s eyes instantly moistened. He stood in the garden’s covered walkway, his feet seemingly filled with lead, unable to move.

It was young Yuan who first spotted him, dropping the flowers and grasses in his hands to run over with a big laugh.

“Father, father!” He threw himself into Song Mo’s arms.

Dou Zhao walked over smiling and said: “Have you finished all the business in the city?”

There was no panic, no anger, no blame, no resentment. It was as if he had just gone out and come back.

Did she have such confidence in him?

Believing that he would protect her, that he would safely overcome the crisis, that he would surely give her a stable future.

This must be why he was so deeply in love with her.

Song Mo fiercely embraced Dou Zhao, ignoring the exclamations around them. He hugged Dou Zhao with all his might.

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