HomeBlossomChapter 523: The Final

Chapter 523: The Final

In Song Mo’s study, Lu Ming quietly conversed with him. “…I only released a few who usually sweep and water the flowers at Xiangxiang Courtyard. The others who served the Duke closely have all been dealt with. Especially Chang Huwei and Zeng Wu; I disposed of their bodies by throwing them into the river. They carried silver notes and bundles, so even if someone discovered them, they would think it was an accident and would never suspect anything else. As for Tao Qi, he died from exhaustion on the way back home.”

Song Mo always trusted Lu Ming’s handling of matters. He nodded slightly and smiled, “I have nothing else to attend to here. Do you have any plans? Joining the Jinyiwei or the Shenji Camp wouldn’t be difficult. Wuyi has gone to do business with Zhao Liangbi, but looking at your temperament, you don’t seem suited for trade.”

Lu Ming chuckled awkwardly, “I’d rather stay in the residence like Master Duan!”

The young master always had people to handle dirty work for him, and Lu Ming had grown accustomed to this lifestyle, preferring not to be constrained by others in the military.

Indeed, Song Mo needed him, and since Lu Ming expressed this, Song Mo did not press the issue further.

A few days later, an imperial decree arrived.

Gu Yushang was to marry Princess Jingtai.

Duke Xingguo sought to marry his third son to Princess Jingyi.

When the news reached Dou Zhao, he smiled faintly. No wonder the Duke of Ying fell behind; the Duke of Xingguo had become the first among the noble families.

It seemed the Duke of Xingguo had also noticed the situation with the King of Liao; otherwise, he wouldn’t have initially rejected his son’s proposal to marry Princess Jingyi.

Now that the King of Liao had failed, the Emperor still remembered Empress Wan and felt sorry for Princess Jingyi. The Crown Prince was also troubled by this matter. At this time, the Duke of Xingguo actively sought to marry Princess Jingyi, thus alleviating the Emperor’s worries.

Thinking about how Princess Jingyi’s wedding was set for the tenth of September, while Gu Yu’s was on the twelfth, she discussed with Song Mo, “Should we increase the wedding gifts for the Duke of Xingguo’s family by a few portions?”

Seeing the Duke of Xingguo’s influence, Song Mo pondered for a moment and replied, “Let’s add thirty percent.”

Dou Zhao gave the order.

Song Mo then inquired about Gu Yu’s wedding, “Is there any news from the Yunyang Earl’s residence?”

Gu Yu was still on her way back to the capital from Tianjin, but the Yunyang Earl’s residence had already received the decree, and relatives were coming to congratulate them. Dou Zhao had just visited the Yunyang Earl’s residence that morning.

“Since Cui Yijun delivered the message to the Yunyang Earl’s residence, Gu Yu’s stepmother has been like a wilted eggplant, completely deflated, and has been pretending to be ill in bed,” she laughed. “Gu Yu’s second aunt is in charge of the household expenses, and she seems quite shrewd, ensuring that everything for Gu Yu’s wedding is of the best quality.”

After all, the expenses for Gu Yu’s wedding were covered by public funds. If she overspent, she wouldn’t have to pay a dime, and if she underspent, she wouldn’t gain anything either. It was better to be generous and make the event splendid, earning herself a reputation for being virtuous.

Song Mo sighed in relief, “I need to think; if things aren’t handled well over there, I’ll find a way to save face for him!”

Dou Zhao knew that the person Song Mo was most concerned about was Gu Yu. She comforted him, “It’s clear that Gu Yu is fortunate; she always encounters good things at critical moments.”

Song Mo smiled and nodded.

When Gu Yu returned to the capital, she didn’t go to the Yunyang Earl’s residence first but headed straight to the Duke of Ying’s residence.

Upon seeing Song Mo, she knelt and clutched his thigh, bursting into tears.

Song Mo swore, “Empress Wan was not harmed by His Highness the Crown Prince!”

Gu Yu nodded through her tears, “I know. She was so strong-willed; how could she let herself live the second half of her life under others’ scrutiny? I just feel heartbroken for her, ending up in such a situation.”

Dou Zhao suddenly began to understand Gu Yu from her past life.

If Empress Wan and the King of Liao succeeded, he would feel equally displeased.

Dou Zhao couldn’t help but feel her eyes moisten. She thought of herself as a proud person; her marriage in her past life had never gone smoothly, and now she was marrying a princess. She wondered if he would feel humiliated. Wanting to offer him some words of comfort, she didn’t know how to start and could only sigh softly, turning to have a maid brew Gu Yu’s favorite jasmine tea.

Once Gu Yu was married, Dou Zhao and Song Mo hosted a banquet at home for her and Princess Jingtai.

Princess Jingtai, with her oval face and apricot-shaped eyes, had a graceful figure and was a beauty. While sitting in the flower hall drinking tea with Dou Zhao, she occasionally glanced at Gu Yu, who was speaking with Song Mo outside.

Dou Zhao’s anxious heart finally settled.

Princess Jingtai smiled, “Are you worried I might act like a princess in front of my cousin?”

Dou Zhao hadn’t expected Princess Jingtai to call Gu Yu “cousin” like Princess Jingyi, nor had she anticipated her to be so straightforward and candid, her cheeks slightly flushed.

However, Princess Jingtai didn’t mind. Looking at Gu Yu outside, she whispered with a smile, “You might not know, but my cousin often played in the palace when we were young. Although he has a sharp tongue, he has a good heart. I break out in rashes when I eat almonds. Empress Wan was so dignified that she wouldn’t remember such trivial matters. My mother, though skilled in socializing, was merely a powerless concubine with no children, always wearing a smile in Kun Ning Palace. Once, my mother took me to pay respects to Empress Wan, who had someone serve me freshly made almond soup. I didn’t dare refuse. My cousin snatched the almond soup from my hands, claiming he was thirsty, and had the maid serve me Longjing tea instead. The next time I went to Kun Ning Palace, the almond soup Empress Wan offered had turned into soy milk…” She lowered her gaze, her voice growing softer, “For this, I will be grateful to him for a lifetime and will always respect him…”

There was something no one knew.

When her mother began to worry about her marriage, she had secretly prayed to the God of Marriage, hoping Empress Wan would show mercy and grant her Gu Yu… She would certainly be as virtuous as Princess Yongping of the Yongcheng Earl.

Dou Zhao was dumbfounded.

Could this be considered a fortunate coincidence?

After sending Gu Yu and her husband off, she shared this story with Song Mo, curious, “Do you remember this incident, Song Mo?”

“I don’t,” Song Mo replied, finding the story quite interesting. “Gu Yu only felt that Jingtai was as capable as Concubine Shu. It’s said that within days of her marriage, Gu Yu’s relatives praised her, and some even suggested letting Jingtai manage the household expenses of the Yunyang Earl’s residence. Gu Yu’s stepmother could no longer lie still; she hurriedly claimed she was well and wanted to reclaim her authority over the household, but Princess Jingtai easily persuaded the Yunyang Earl to let Gu Yu’s second aunt continue managing the household. Now, Gu Yu’s second aunt is very close to Jingtai, discussing everything with her, effectively sidelining Gu Yu’s stepmother.”

Dou Zhao’s eyes widened, “So Gu Yu must be very happy?”

“Indeed!” Song Mo chuckled, “He realizes that his previous confrontational attitude towards his stepmother was too simplistic and blunt, which is why others looked down on him.”

Perhaps this was the wife Gu Yu truly needed?

Dou Zhao laughed softly.

Suddenly, Sun Luo rushed in with an unusual expression, “Young Master, Madam, Young Master Shen from the Huichang Earl’s residence is here to visit.”

Shen Qing?

Dou Zhao and Song Mo exchanged glances.

What was he doing here?

Song Mo went to the flower hall.

As soon as Shen Qing saw him, he dropped his teacup and rushed over, “Yantang, help me! My father wants me to go to the Xishan Army Camp. You need to find a way to get me into the Jinyiwei or the Shenji Camp! I’ll owe you a favor, and you can ask me to do anything in the future!”

Song Mo rubbed his brow, “The Xishan Army Camp is quite good. I have an acquaintance there. I can write a letter for you to ensure he looks after you…”

“Yantang, Yantang!” Shen Qing interrupted, grabbing Song Mo’s sleeve, “Even if you have an acquaintance there as a deputy, can he exempt me from drills? You can’t just stand by and watch. Am I not worth less than Gu Yu? You helped Gu Yu so much; can’t you help me a little?”

Song Mo’s heart skipped a beat, “How did I help Gu Yu?”

Shen Qing pouted, “If it weren’t for you, could Cui Yijun have delivered a message to the Yunyang Earl’s residence? You don’t know; Gu Yu’s stepmother has been groveling in front of my mother, hoping my cousin can support her son. Now that my mother knows Gu Yu’s situation is the Crown Prince’s doing, she won’t even see Gu Yu’s stepmother anymore. Otherwise, how could Gu Yu’s stepmother have settled down so easily?”

This was the first time Song Mo had heard of this.

Shen Qing continued, “Will you help me? If you do, I’ll find a way to pressure my mother to keep Gu Yu’s stepmother in check!”

Song Mo replied, “Without you, Jingtai can also keep Gu Yu’s mother in check.”

Shen Qing slumped in disappointment onto a chair.

Song Mo looked at him, both amused and exasperated, “Are you really that unwilling to go to the Xishan Army Camp?”

“Yeah!” Shen Qing said with a bitter face, “We’re just distant relatives; we should enjoy our lives peacefully. Why fight for achievements with those noble families? My father has been blinded by wealth and power, not knowing his place.”

Song Mo’s gaze flickered slightly, “Since you feel that way, I’ll try to help you!”

Shen Qing jumped up, “You agreed?”

Song Mo smiled, “I only agreed to try.”

“Oh, my father will listen to you,” Shen Qing said happily. “My father admires how you dealt with the guards and still dared to display them in the courtyard, saying that’s what a true noble family does…” He quickly covered his mouth, cautiously adding, “I was just joking; you can pretend you didn’t hear that.”

Song Mo punched Shen Qing on the shoulder, “Get back to what you should be doing!”

“Okay, okay, okay.” Shen Qing dashed off.

The next day, Song Mo visited the Huichang Earl’s residence.

It was unclear what they discussed, but Shen Qing’s plans to go to the Shanxi Army Camp were shelved.

Shen Qing was overjoyed and sent two large carts of gifts.

However, a few days later, Shen Qing was appointed as a guerrilla general in the Fujian General’s Office by the Huichang Earl.

Shen Qing’s face turned green with anger as he rushed to Yizhi Hall to find Song Mo, “You didn’t keep your word! Return the gifts I sent you! I bought those with my private funds!”

Song Mo’s expression remained indifferent as he raised an eyebrow and instructed Chen He, “Return everything Young Master Shen sent.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Qing squatted on the ground and cried, “I don’t want you to return the gifts; I want you to get me into the Jinyiwei!”

Song Mo had Chen He escort Shen Qing and his belongings out.

Dou Zhao asked him, “Is this appropriate? Although Shen Qing is childish, he will eventually grow up.”

“I have my arrangements for this matter,” Song Mo replied cryptically, gently touching her belly, “Is the baby behaving?”

“The baby rolls over every afternoon; otherwise, it’s lazy and doesn’t move much,” she replied.

The couple spoke about their unborn child, smiles lighting up their faces.

Soon, the wind began to blow, carrying a biting chill.

The Duke of Ying’s residence also began preparing for Dou Zhao’s delivery. The Crown Princess even personally visited Yizhi Hall to check on Dou Zhao.

Suddenly, a piece of news spread through the capital.

The Huichang Earl recommended Wang Xingyi, the Governor of Yunnan, to be the Governor of Fujian.

Although the position hadn’t changed, he gained more real power.

Dou Zhao gazed at the withered yellow leaves, slightly dazed.

Song Mo smiled as he draped a fur coat over her, “Are you feeling a bit uncomfortable?”

Dou Zhao nodded.

Song Mo chuckled, “I suggested this to the Huichang Earl.”

Dou Zhao was taken aback.

Song Mo held her hand, speaking softly, “I know that in terms of personal virtue, Wang Youqing has no redeeming qualities; but in terms of ability, he is indeed talented. All those years you fought fiercely against the Wang family, you never considered Wang Youqing, simply because you saw he could still contribute to the country and the people. But I don’t want you to be unhappy. I recommended him to the Huichang Earl and arranged for Shen Qing to be placed in the Fujian Command, hoping Wang Youqing would make a suit for Shen Qing, allowing him to experience the feeling of having his achievements snatched away without a chance to complain…” By the end of his words, his expression turned stern, “The Huichang Earl wants to change the family’s status and hopes Shen Qing can be granted a title for his merits. If Wang Youqing isn’t a warrior and doesn’t win battles, then let him help the Huichang Earl; I’m sure the Emperor will remember his contributions.”

Everyone knew what kind of person Shen Qing was.

This way, as long as Shen Qing wanted to advance in his career, Wang Xingyi would never be able to leave Shen Qing behind, allowing him to serve the country while being overshadowed by Shen Qing for life.

Dou Zhao’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Yantang!” She cupped his face and kissed him fiercely, “You’re truly amazing!”

Song Mo smiled slightly, “Now you can rest easy, right?”

Dou Zhao pursed her lips, gazing at Song Mo with a radiant smile.

In Song Mo’s study, the palace lanterns glowed brightly, illuminating the red chicken-wing wood desk.

The news of Ding Wei’s gluttonous death lay firmly under the green stone paperweight.

(End of the entire book)

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