HomeBlossomChapter 54: Old Acquaintances

Chapter 54: Old Acquaintances

After observing Tuo Niang for some time, Grandmother found her honest and reliable, growing fond of her. She genuinely wanted to arrange a good marriage for her. So, when free, she would stroll through the village with Dou Zhao, paying extra attention to eligible young men, and asking more questions about them. Within days, villagers were saying that the Seventh Master Dou had asked Grandmother to find him a trustworthy attendant. When Grandmother and Dou Zhao went out again, they frequently encountered people who “coincidentally” brought their sons along.

Grandmother found this both amusing and frustrating, but couldn’t explain the real reason. She could only keep saying, “That’s not the case at all.”

Naturally, no one believed her.

It was at this time that Dou Ming met Zhao Liangbi.

The Zhao and Cui families were relatives, though Dou Zhao had never understood the exact connection.

That day, as they were having dinner in the courtyard, Zhao Liangbi’s father entered slowly, his hands tucked into his sleeves, his back hunched. Eight-year-old Zhao Liangbi followed behind, head down and dejected.

“Elder Sister,” Zhao Liangbi’s father called from a distance, forcing a somewhat eager smile on his thin, dark face. “Are you having dinner?” Zhao Liangbi crouched at the entrance.

Grandmother quickly put down her bowl and called out “Third Brother,” warmly inviting him: “Have you eaten? Join us!” She then called for a maid to bring a stool and add a bowl and chopsticks.

Zhao Liangbi’s father waved his hands repeatedly: “We’ve already eaten, we’ve already eaten!” Then, looking at Dou Zhao, he said, “This must be Fourth Miss? She’s so fair, like a figure from a New Year’s painting.”

Grandmother chuckled and instructed the maid to bring tea and snacks.

Zhao Liangbi’s father then shouted at Zhao Liangbi: “You little rascal, why are you crouching there? Hurry and come kowtow to Fourth Miss and your Great Aunt!”

Zhao Liangbi approached with a sullen face.

“Who is this?” Grandmother asked, puzzled, looking at Zhao Liangbi’s father.

“Elder Sister,” Zhao Liangbi’s father said with an awkward smile, “He’s a growing boy, eating us out of house and home. You know, my wife is bedridden 360 days out of the year. The little we make from farming barely covers her medicine. We really can’t afford to keep Gou Sheng anymore. I heard Seventh Master Dou is looking for an attendant…” He looked at Grandmother with a pleading expression.

Grandmother was stunned.

Dou Zhao was also taken aback.

In her previous life, Zhao Liangbi had only appeared when she was ten years old. At that time, Zhao Liangbi’s mother had passed away, and his father had decided to go to Fujian to work as a carpenter. He had entrusted the thirteen-year-old Zhao Liangbi to his Grandmother, while his nine-year-old sister was sent to be a child bride… In this life, because of Tuo Niang, he had appeared at the estate five years earlier.

Would fate be changed because of this?

Dou Zhao pondered.

She then heard Zhao Liangbi’s father stammer: “I know Gou Sheng isn’t much to look at and has no special talents. Seventh Master Dou probably won’t be impressed. But considering we’re relatives, could you please put in a good word for him…”

Before he could finish, Zhao Liangbi, who had been standing awkwardly to the side, loudly interrupted: “Father, I’ve told you so many times, precisely because we’re relatives, Great Aunt won’t recommend anyone to the Dou family. Why won’t you listen…”

Zhao Liangbi’s father angrily kicked him: “When adults are talking, children should stay quiet.” He then turned back to Grandmother with a fawning smile: “Elder Sister, don’t listen to this boy’s nonsense. I know you’re worried people might say you’re taking advantage of the Dou family…”

“Great Aunt,” Zhao Liangbi, who had been kicked aside, loudly interrupted his father again, “My father can’t support me anymore. Can you keep me here at the estate? I can do any kind of work, just give me food to eat.”

The father glared at his son, who stared back defiantly.

Grandmother smiled and said, “Third Brother, if you trust me, leave the child with me. He certainly can’t work for the Dou family, but I can ensure he’s fed and clothed.”

As Zhao Liangbi’s father was about to say something, Zhao Liangbi loudly agreed.

Grandmother quickly settled the matter, arranging for Zhao Liangbi and his father to rest, then instructed Hong Gu: “Third Brother and his son probably haven’t had dinner yet. With Shou Gu here, I was afraid she might find them dirty, so I didn’t invite them to eat with us. Go to the kitchen and make them a large bowl of noodles with meat slices. Use plenty of meat, 70% fat and 30% lean, piled thickly on top of the noodles, understand?”

Hong Gu nodded with a smile and went to the kitchen.

Early the next morning, Zhao Liangbi’s father left for home, carrying a basket of pancakes Grandmother had given him. Without being told, Zhao Liangbi swept the entire courtyard clean, front and back. After putting down the broom, he went to cut grass to feed the horses.

Dou Zhao practiced calligraphy inside, but her mind was on Cui Shisan.

The Reception Office was a place only found in the homes of high-ranking officials, responsible for managing social engagements and daily visitors. In lesser official families, long-term advisors handled these duties, often failing scholars or those who had passed lower-level exams… If she didn’t marry into the Ji’ning Marquis’s family in this life, where would Cui Shisan’s future lie?

In her previous life, Cui Shisan had been the backbone of the Cui family.

If Cui Shisan ultimately remained an obscure farmer in his hometown, how would the Cui family’s future change?

Should she help Cui Shisan? And if so, how?

Dou Zhao lowered her head in deep thought.

From outside came Zhao Liangbi’s sweet voice: “Sister, this teapot is a bit heavy. Let me carry it in for you?”

“Look at your hands, they’re filthy,” said Haitan. “If you carry this teapot in, how could our young miss drink from it?”

“Then, I’ll go wash my hands,” Zhao Liangbi said, running off with quick steps.

When Dou Zhao saw him again, even the spaces under his nails were clean, and his whole person looked refreshed.

He efficiently helped Haitan and the others tidy the room.

Haitan asked him: “Did you sweep the courtyard clean?”

“Yes, it’s clean!”

“Did you feed the young horse?”

“I did!”

“Did you cut the grass?”

“I did.”

All these tasks had become Zhao Liangbi’s responsibility.

He picked up some of Dou Zhao’s discarded practice sheets, examining them front and back with an envious expression: “Fourth Miss’s handwriting is so beautiful!”

Haitan and the others covered their mouths and laughed: “You can read it?”

“No, no I can’t,” Zhao Liangbi, usually thick-skinned enough to laugh along with anything, blushed red with shame for the first time.

Dou Zhao had an idea. She asked him: “Would you like to learn to read?”

His face lit up: “Yes, of course I would.” Then his expression darkened again, “But my father has no money.”

“Then I’ll teach you to recognize characters,” Dou Zhao smiled. “If you learn well, I’ll ask Grandmother to send you to school.”

Zhao Liangbi grabbed Dou Zhao’s sleeve: “Fourth Miss, you must keep your word.”

Dou Zhao smiled, pressing her lips together.

Who knew what the future would hold, but starting with literacy, starting with education, surely his path would be easier than in the previous life!

From then on, after finishing his chores each day, Zhao Liangbi would lie on the veranda of the main house to practice writing.

When Grandmother found out, she had someone go to Zhending City to buy a basket or two of tracing paper. She cut it and placed it under the shrine in the main hall, for anyone who wanted to use it.

No wonder the people on the estate were grateful for Grandmother’s kindness.

Dou Zhao carefully pondered Grandmother’s actions.

Soon, the twenty-second day arrived.

As usual, Dou Zhao woke up early and walked around the vegetable garden with Grandmother, picking some fruits to bring back. After bathing and having breakfast, she began practicing calligraphy.

Although there were no lanterns or decorations at the Dou family home in the west of Zhending County, all the household members had changed into new clothes, giving a refreshing appearance.

Seeing that it was getting late, Madam Ji went to the Second Madam’s room. She found Second Madam still lounging on the kang bed, listening to her maid read “The Five Knights-Errant.” Madam Ji smiled and said, “You’re so calm. I was afraid of being late, so I changed into my clothes early.”

Second Madam looked up at her with a smile and said, “You’re of the same generation, and the Western Mansion is short-staffed, so you should go join the festivities. I’m old and widowed; it’s not auspicious for me to attend someone else’s happy occasion. I won’t go.” Then she instructed her maid, “Go to my box and take out the red gold and green jade longevity hairpin. Put it in a box for Sixth Madam to take over. That will be my congratulatory gift.” The last sentence was directed at Madam Ji, “As for Ming’er, let her stay here with me. When Wan Yuan returns to the capital, he can come to pick up Ming’er then.”

This way, neither Shou Gu nor Ming’er would have to kowtow and serve tea to Madam Wang.

Madam Ji saw that although the Second Madam’s tone was casual, her gaze was cold as ice. She knew Second Madam was determined to put Madam Wang in her place. Not wanting to get involved, she smiled, took the box, and left.

Meanwhile, First Madam had already finished dressing and was about to check the welcoming gifts for Madam Wang. When her trusted maid told her that Second Madam wasn’t going and had mentioned being a “widow,” she thought for a moment, then called a young maid to remove her hairpins and jewelry, leaving only a pair of pearl flower hairpins as a welcoming gift. She asked her maid to have Second Madam take them along.

Third Master Heng Shibang and Third Madam were helping manage household affairs at Dou Tuo’s request. Seeing the women from the Eastern Mansion arrive, they hurried to welcome them.

Second Madam, who was leading, smiled and said, “Those who could come have come, and those who couldn’t have sent welcoming gifts.”

Third Madam was a very astute person. With a glance, she knew who hadn’t come, but didn’t ask further. She smiled and led everyone to the flower hall, while the male guests sat in the main hall in front.

When the auspicious hour arrived, Wang Yingxue, wearing a golden phoenix headdress adorned with pearls and filigree, and dressed in an auspicious red robe, was radiant as Third Madam, a woman of good fortune, supported her to pay respects to the ancestors alongside Dou Shiying. After three rounds of drinks, everyone moved to the flower hall to sit. Dou Shiying and Wang Yingxue served tea and acknowledged their relatives. Afterward, Wang Yingxue was escorted back to Qixia Courtyard, while Dou Shiying and the others went to Heshou Hall.

Second Madam and the others remained in the main flower hall, drinking tea and chatting.

The third Madam looked helplessly at the Sixth Madam for assistance.

According to custom, the women should visit the newlyweds’ room to chat, as a way of warming their new home.

Sixth Madam pretended not to notice.

She didn’t want to draw attention to herself.

With no other option, Third Madam called to her second sister-in-law: “Let’s go see Madam Wang.”

The second sister-in-law, always one to follow the crowd, agreed with a smile. The third and fifth sisters-in-law, along with several respectable elderly maids, went together to Qixia Courtyard.

At this point, Second Madam asked, “Why is Madam Wang still living in Qixia Courtyard?”

“It was Seventh Master’s decision,” answered a maid from the Western Dou family, eager to curry favor with Second Madam. “He said the main room still contains belongings of the former Seventh Madam and Fourth Miss. Fourth Miss has gone to the country estate to care for the ill, and there hasn’t been time to pack things away. He said they’ll discuss it when Fourth Miss returns in a few days.”

Second Madam responded with an “Oh.” When the Third Madam and the others returned, she made an excuse that there was no one to attend to the Old Madam and headed back to her residence.

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