HomeChi Fan Pao Bu He Lian Ai

Chi Fan Pao Bu He Lian Ai


To say they didn't miss each other would be a lie. Thus began their long-distance relationship. Years later, when Ding Zhitong worked on a live-streaming platform...


Ding Zhitong wanted to say, "It's not like that. I don't want to be so clear-cut with you." As they were finishing their meal, Feng...


For a moment, she even wanted to strike a Superman pose somewhere, but unfortunately, there was no phone booth nearby. Gan Yang had interviewed with...


Ding Zhitong never imagined that the first time they'd say "love" to each other would be in such a mundane scenario, reeking of overtime...


A mix of excitement and worry filled the air. The Spring Festival of 2008 passed in a flurry of overtime work. The only notable difference...


Song Mingmei always believed that interactions between people must adhere to the economic principle of "Pareto optimization." The housewarming party ended relatively early. As Song...


Song Mingmei knew that someone like Bian Jieming would naturally be drawn to people similar to himself. It felt like admiring oneself from an...


The XP Energy project officially began. Due to the tight timeline, Ding Zhitong was still assigned to work under Deborah. There were two analysts...


"Drink more hot water. Mom loves you." The morning light crept through the curtain gap, tracing a golden line. It felt as if Gan Yang...


Eat, Run, Love. The meal was thoroughly enjoyable. Afterward, they cleared the table, went out to buy groceries, and restocked the refrigerator upon returning to the...


The old fish player is truly stable. Qin Chang led Ding Zhitong to a nearby small restaurant specializing in breakfast, open from 7 AM to...


She couldn't remember ever feeling this way about anyone before. However, plans often change. The XP Energy project quickly entered the investor visit phase. The...


Gan Yang always felt that Mr. Liu's business mindset was stuck in the 90s, while his family values belonged to the Qing Dynasty. The bathroom...


Ding Zhitong felt as if she had stepped into a utopia upon returning to Manhattan. A day in the mountains had passed, yet a...

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