Part Three

Zhen Zhen woke up to find the sun already high in the sky. After washing up, she went out to look for work. The money left in her pocket was only enough for a bowl of wonton noodles. Without an ID card, Zhen Zhen found it nearly impossible to secure a decent job. As she wandered through the crowd, she noticed a breakfast shop run by Northerners and went inside.

All five tables were occupied. Two middle-aged women were running the business, one frying dough sticks and the other serving bowls of tofu soup. Zhen Zhen bought a bowl of tofu soup and sat in a corner, sipping it slowly. Unbeknownst to her, on the second floor next door, sat Deng Ligang’s kidnapping and murder gang. Their pockets were bulging, and whenever a waiter pushed a cart by, they would immediately grab two dishes and place them on their table, which quickly filled up.

As Zhen Zhen finished her bowl of tofu soup, the lady boss came over to clear the leftovers. Zhen Zhen, perceptive as she was, stood up to help stack the dishes and carried them to the sink. The lady boss thanked her profusely.

Zhen Zhen said, “I have nothing to do, let me help you wash them.”

The lady boss immediately became wary and said, “Our shop is small, we can’t afford to hire anyone.”

“I don’t want money, just feed me,” Zhen Zhen replied.

“Do you have an ID card?” the lady boss asked.

Zhen Zhen shook her head, “No.”

“Then that’s not possible, off you go,” the lady boss said.

Zhen Zhen’s first job was in a small barbershop, washing customers’ hair. The barber, an Anhui native, patiently taught her the techniques. When there were no customers, he had her wash towels, shake them out, and hang them to dry. There was no salary here, just two meals a day.

Her second job was at a spicy hot pot skewer shop. The boss, a Huizhou native, was relatively easy to get along with. Here, Zhen Zhen earned her first paycheck. Most of the customers were young people, and the turnover rate was high. As soon as Zhen Zhen placed the skewers on the shelf, the boss’s wife would shout from behind, “No clean bowls, hurry and wash them!”

Zhen Zhen dashed into the kitchen. The sink was piled high with dishes, and she buried herself in washing them, the detergent foam engulfing her hands. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her arm, foam clinging to her hair.

The boss came in to hurry her, saying the skewers were running low, and she needed to get back to skewering.

Zhen Zhen negotiated with the boss, “Others get twenty a day, I only get ten, can you increase it a bit?”

The boss looked her up and down, “You say you’re eighteen, but I think you’re at most fifteen, and you don’t even have an ID card. I’m taking a risk employing you. If someone offers more, you should go to them.”

Zhen Zhen immediately lowered her head and continued working, not daring to say another word. As she skewered, she planned how to spend her ten yuan. Instant noodles were too extravagant; she’d switch to plain noodles, buy pickled vegetables, and make some egg sauce…

Qiu Feng was active at night, while Zhen Zhen was active during the day, so they rarely crossed paths. The traces of Zhen Zhen’s life left behind frustrated the tidy Qiu Feng. This girl never washed the dishes after eating, didn’t make her bed after waking up, and let the trash overflow without taking it out. Even after leaving notes for her, she continued her ways without any change.

One day, the hot pot shop closed late, and it was ten o’clock when Zhen Zhen headed home. As she passed by the entrance of the Lilac Nightclub, she unexpectedly saw Qiu Feng being harassed by a man. Qiu Feng, upon seeing Zhen Zhen, was initially startled but then quickly approached her. She said to Zhen Zhen, “Since we live under the same roof, I have a request. Clean the bathroom after using it; you need to think of others.”

The man standing on the steps shouted at Qiu Feng, “How about an extra two hundred?”

Qiu Feng shook her head at the man.

“Did you hear what I said?” she asked.

Zhen Zhen, aware of Qiu Feng’s disreputable job, looked at her with disdain and said nothing.

The male customer shouted at Qiu Feng, “I’ll add another hundred!”

Qiu Feng glanced at Zhen Zhen, then turned and walked towards the man, who wrapped his arm around her as they got into a taxi.

The hot pot boss’s father was celebrating his seventieth birthday, so he closed the shop and took his family back to celebrate, giving the employees two days off. After so many days in Luan City, Zhen Zhen finally enjoyed a lazy sleep. After waking up, she took a refreshing shower. In the mirror, Zhen Zhen’s skin was glowing, and her eyes were bright. A fifteen-year-old can find joy easily. She stood at the stove and cooked herself some noodles, cracking an egg into the pot and adding a sausage. Just as she brought the noodles to the table, Qiu Feng limped in. Earlier, she had stepped on hair soaked in water in the bathroom and nearly injured her tailbone.

“I’ve told you countless times, after showering, wipe the floor dry. Why don’t you listen? The floor is covered in water and your hair. Look at how you’ve made me fall,” Qiu Feng said with a sullen face.

“I was going to clean up after eating. I didn’t expect you to get up now; don’t you usually get up after dark?” Zhen Zhen replied nonchalantly.

“This has nothing to do with when I get up; it’s about hygiene habits,” Qiu Feng raised her voice.

Zhen Zhen put down her chopsticks and bowl, got up, and walked out, “Fine, fine, fine, stop nagging. I’ll clean it up right now.”

Zhen Zhen squatted in the bathroom, wiping the floor with a cloth.

Qiu Feng stood at the door, “You said you’d clean it for me, but how is it for me? The bathroom is shared; have some public decency!”

Zhen Zhen didn’t lift her head, “You come in at three or four in the morning, making noise with the pots and pans. Why haven’t I tested you on how to write ‘public decency’?”

“Didn’t your mother teach you to wash dishes after eating and take out the trash when it’s full?” Qiu Feng asked.

Mentioning her mother angered Zhen Zhen, and she stood up, eyes blazing.

“Didn’t your mother teach you not to earn dirty money?” she retorted sharply.

Qiu Feng was taken aback, then raised her chin, crossing her arms, “There’s no reasoning with a clueless kid like you. I pay rent every month; you’re just freeloading, so you have no right to tell me what to do.”

Zhen Zhen said, “The house belongs to my friend, and she lets me stay for free. You have no friends, so it’s your fault.”

“So young, yet you don’t learn well?”

“You have no right to lecture me. No matter how bad I am, I’m better than you.”

“Not going to school when you should be, clearly not wanting to learn well.”

“Whether I go to school or not is none of your business.”

The two exchanged sharp words, saying things that could hurt each other’s pride, yet neither seemed affected.

Qiu Feng intensified her tone, “If I don’t show you some color, you won’t know where it hurts.”

“You want to hit me?” Zhen Zhen asked.

Qiu Feng snorted, “I can’t be bothered to lift a hand. This city will teach you a lesson. You freeload here, and if I leave, without rent income, let’s see how long your friend lets you stay for free.”

Qiu Feng slammed the kitchen door and went back to her room. Unable to sleep, she got up, washed up, and went downstairs to the game room to play mahjong. The stakes were small, and the owner provided lunch.

In the game room, the sound of mahjong tiles clattering filled the air. The owner, plump and fair like a Wuxi clay doll, greeted Qiu Feng with a smile as she entered.

“You’re early today.”

Qiu Feng said, “Couldn’t sleep, might as well play a few rounds. Your place is great, even provides meals. What’s for lunch?”

“Duck soup and braised beef with radish.”

Qiu Feng quickly joined three men for a game of mahjong.

The bald man asked the thin man opposite him, “Old Jin, how did you get out so easily today?”

Old Jin said, “I told my wife I had an urgent matter to attend to. She asked what was so important, and I said it was a four-person consultation, and if I was late, someone might die.”

Everyone laughed heartily. Qiu Feng’s luck was poor, her tiles scattered, and unable to form a set. Song Hongyu entered the game room and stood behind Qiu Feng, watching her play. They say luck follows the heart, and it was true. All afternoon, Qiu Feng kept losing. Song Hongyu naturally started advising her from behind, helping her strategize. Soon, Qiu Feng formed a winning hand, making up for all her losses.

Qiu Feng beamed and thanked Song Hongyu, “You’re a great advisor. Hey, you look familiar. Have we met before?”

Song Hongyu said, “I often go to the Lilac Nightclub to sing. My name is Fan Ying.”

Qiu Feng, shuffling the tiles, said, “Oh, no wonder. Do you live nearby?”

“I used to, but my partner didn’t like the orientation of the house, so we moved to the neighborhood across the street,” Song Hongyu said.

Qiu Feng said, “The rent there is much higher.”

“If a man can afford it, a woman can live in it,” Song Hongyu said lightly.

Qiu Feng couldn’t help but glance at her again. This woman, named Fan Ying, wore a black casual outfit, had delicate features, and long, rare black hair down to her waist. Seeing Qiu Feng looking at her, Song Hongyu smiled, but her eyes lacked any warmth. In the subsequent games, the two women teamed up, and Qiu Feng won another five hundred. She happily said to Song Hongyu, “Come upstairs and get to know my place. I’ll change clothes, and we can go out for dinner. My treat.”

Song Hongyu gladly accepted the invitation and followed Qiu Feng upstairs. Seeing the room’s decor and furniture, Song Hongyu’s eyes were full of envy. She asked, “Is this your place?”

Qiu Feng deflected, “The decor style is nice, isn’t it?”

Song Hongyu asked, “How much did it cost?”

“Money is meant to be spent. A woman should never wrong herself,” Qiu Feng said.

Song Hongyu nodded in agreement. The two women chose a Chaozhou restaurant on the food street, sitting down to eat and chat.

Qiu Feng said, “From your accent, you’re from the north.”

Song Hongyu didn’t answer her question, instead asking, “Where are you from?”

“Guangxi Hepu.”

“That place is known for pearls.”

“Yes, southern pearls. What do you do for work?”

Song Hongyu said, “How much can you earn from a job? My partner is wealthy and willing to support me.”

Qiu Feng’s eyes were full of envy, eager for her to continue.

“He gives me ten thousand yuan a month for living expenses. For other things like bags and cosmetics, he gives me extra money,” Song Hongyu said nonchalantly.

Qiu Feng asked, “Can you introduce your wealthy friends to spend at the nightclub?”

“A piece of cake. My partner’s business partners are in Luan City, and tonight, I’ll bring them to your place.”

When it was time to pay, Song Hongyu insisted on covering the bill, which further improved Qiu Feng’s impression of her.

That evening, as soon as Qiu Feng started her shift, Song Hongyu brought Deng Ligang and Shi Bi over. Song Hongyu introduced Deng Ligang as Mr. Wang and Shi Bi as Mr. Liu, saying they were business partners and wealthy bosses. Deng Ligang ordered expensive drinks and fruit platters and was generous with tips.

Shi Bi sang well, performing one sentimental old song after another.

Qiu Feng drank and played finger-guessing games with Deng Ligang and Song Hongyu. Seeing Song Hongyu drink slowly, Qiu Feng asked discontentedly, “Fan Ying, are you raising fish in your drink? Why are you reluctant to drink? Mr. Wang, you’re too slow with your gestures.”

Shi Bi came over and pulled Qiu Feng up from the sofa, “This song, we must sing together.”

He held Qiu Feng’s hand, and they sang “Are You the One I Love Most” with their heads close together at the microphone. The faint scent of cologne on this man-made Qiu Feng’s impression of him was even better. After the song, Qiu Feng, who had been through the nightlife scene, found herself somewhat moved by Shi Bi. Seeing the thin silver ring on Qiu Feng’s left middle finger, Shi Bi immediately took off his several-carat diamond ring.

He said, “It’s yours.”

Qiu Feng’s heart raced, and she declined, saying she couldn’t accept it.

Shi Bi insisted, pulling her hand over and placing the ring on her ring finger. Everything before her felt like a dream to Qiu Feng.

At two in the morning, Qiu Feng saw them out of the nightclub. Song Hongyu, holding Qiu Feng’s arm, whispered in her ear, “Come to my husband’s office for a cup of kung fu tea! It’ll sober you up, just five minutes across the street. Get familiar with the place today, and you can come anytime for tea, chat, or mahjong.”

Qiu Feng said, “It’s too late, I need to go home and sleep.”

Song Hongyu didn’t expect Qiu Feng to refuse, and as she tried to persuade her, Deng Ligang signaled her to stop.

Back home, after washing up, Qiu Feng sat on her bed, counting the fifteen hundred yuan bills she earned that night. Playing with the diamond ring on her ring finger, she hoped the elegant man would develop a long-term supportive relationship with her. Immersed in this dream, she fell into a deep sleep. She slept until two in the afternoon, and before she was fully awake, Song Hongyu rang the doorbell.

Upon arriving in Luan City, Zhen Zhen took her first holiday to rest at home. At fifteen, she was at an age where she loved to sleep, so she slept from midnight until noon. The doorbell startled her awake, and she jumped out of bed, hurriedly dressing, only to remember it was a holiday and she didn’t have to go to work. She returned to bed and lay down again.

Qiu Feng was also awakened by the doorbell but was too lazy to open her eyes, pulling the quilt over her head. The doorbell stopped, but Zhen Zhen couldn’t fall back asleep. She got up, took a shower, and dried her hair with a blow dryer in front of the mirror. Remembering her argument with Qiu Feng, she realized she was partly at fault. So, she patiently crouched down and carefully wiped away the water stains. She polished the mirror and the sink until they shone like new.

The doorbell rang again. Zhen Zhen knew it wasn’t for her and ignored it. After three rings, Qiu Feng still hadn’t gotten up to answer the door. Zhen Zhen put down what she was doing and opened the door. Both she and the person outside were momentarily stunned. Song Hongyu hadn’t expected another young girl to be in the room. Zhen Zhen thought the woman before she was shrouded in gloom as if she had just come from a funeral.

“Who are you looking for?” she asked.

“Is Qiu Feng here?”

Hearing someone was looking for her, Qiu Feng ran out in her pajamas. Seeing it was Song Hongyu, she smiled. Zhen Zhen turned and went back to her room.

Song Hongyu said, “I called you, but you didn’t answer, so I had to come in person.”

“I unplugged the phone to avoid being disturbed while sleeping. Is there something you need?” Qiu Feng pulled her inside to sit down.

“Manager Liu is inviting you to a seafood feast tonight. He insisted I make sure you got the message.”

“Manager Liu is too kind,” Qiu Feng said, flashing a bright smile.

Song Hongyu lowered her voice and asked, “Who is that girl?”

Qiu Feng wanted to say she was a fellow villager but realized their accents were too different, so she said, “A relative of a friend, visiting Luan City, staying here temporarily.”

Song Hongyu said, “Don’t neglect her. Bring her along for dinner tonight.”

She left the restaurant’s address and room number before leaving.

Qiu Feng went to the bathroom to shower and saw that the sink and floor had been cleaned. She thought that arguing had its benefits. After her shower, she sat at the dressing table to do her makeup, hearing Zhen Zhen in the living room opening the fridge. She called out, “Don’t cook, come out to eat with me.”

Zhen Zhen was startled, thinking she had misheard, and walked over to the doorway to ask, “Why?”

Qiu Feng said, “Someone’s treating us. Why not take advantage of it?”

“Was it that woman who came earlier? I’m not going,” Zhen Zhen said firmly.

Qiu Feng turned her head, surprised, “What did she do to you?”

Zhen Zhen said, “She looks like she just crawled out of a morgue, all gloomy.”

“She didn’t do anything to you. You’re so young, why are you so harsh?”

“No need for provocation, it’s intuition! You hang around with people like that all the time, your senses have dulled.”

Qiu Feng disliked her rebellious attitude, grabbed her bag, and left her alone.

At the hotel’s private room, Song Hongyu, Deng Ligang, and Shi Bi were already there, along with a short, chubby man, Ji Dashun. Seeing such a beautiful woman enter, Ji Dashun’s eyes lit up.

Shi Bi came over and pulled Qiu Feng to sit beside him.

The food was quickly served.

Qiu Feng apologized, “I only have an hour, I have to work at the nightclub.”

Shi Bi asked, “How much do you earn a day?”

“Three hundred a day,” Qiu Feng replied.

Shi Bi immediately took out two thousand yuan for her. Qiu Feng hesitated whether to take it or not. Deng Ligang took out another stack of money and slapped it on the table, “Isn’t working as a hostess just for money? I’ll buy your shift tonight for five thousand.”

Qiu Feng looked at the two stacks of money, her hand hesitating. Song Hongyu picked up the money and stuffed it into Qiu Feng’s bag. Qiu Feng was silenced, embarrassed to mention leaving the table.

Song Hongyu asked, “Why didn’t that girl come?”

Qiu Feng said, “That kid is stubborn and very immature, she’d just cause trouble if I brought her.”

“We ordered so much food, it’s a shame if she doesn’t help eat it. Call her,” Deng Ligang said, taking out his phone.

Qiu Feng waved her hand, “Just pack the leftovers for her.”

Deng Ligang said, “Leftovers are insincere, call her.”

Qiu Feng took out her phone and dialed, but no one answered.

Qiu Feng relaxed, “She’s not home, don’t worry about her.”

Deng Ligang sent Song Hongyu to invite her, and Song Hongyu left immediately. Qiu Feng was puzzled as to why they were so interested in a child.

Zhen Zhen decided to treat herself today. She added a sausage and an egg to her noodles. Once cooked, she sat on the sofa with her bowl, eating and watching TV, when the doorbell rang. She opened the door to see Song Hongyu, and before she could speak, said, “Qiu Feng isn’t home.”

“I’m here to invite you,” Song Hongyu said.

“I already told her I’m not going.”

“It’s a seafood feast, a whole table full. It’s a shame if you don’t come.”

“I’m allergic to seafood.”

“We’ll order something else for you.”

“I’m not familiar with you, why insist I go?” Zhen Zhen asked.

“You’re a relative of Qiu Feng’s friend.”

“My friend has nothing to do with her, don’t feel guilty, enjoy your meal.”

Afraid Song Hongyu would persist, she locked the door and left. Song Hongyu tried to grab her, but Zhen Zhen dodged, “I told you I have things to do, no time for this.”

Frustrated, Song Hongyu returned to the seafood restaurant. Seeing her return alone, Deng Ligang knew it hadn’t gone well and dropped the subject.

After dinner, it was nine at night. The four walked back. Qiu Feng, holding Shi Bi’s arm, lagged, chatting happily.

Qiu Feng asked Shi Bi, “Why did your wife divorce you?”

“It’s complicated, but my studio is just ahead. Want to come up and chat?” Shi Bi invited sincerely.

Qiu Feng hesitated, and Shi Bi said, “What’s there to worry about? We’re just having tea with friends, I wouldn’t dare do anything with them around.”

With seven thousand yuan in her pocket, Qiu Feng was curious about this promising man’s work and living conditions.

She smiled, “Alright, just for a bit.”

The studio was a regular apartment on the top floor. Shi Bi made tea while Ji Dashun chatted with Qiu Feng. “You have a model’s figure, your clothes match your style perfectly. Wearing a wig?”

“You know how to compliment, it’s my hair,” Qiu Feng laughed.

Ji Dashun clicked his tongue, “So thick and lush, truly naturally beautiful.”

Deng Ligang poured beer into glasses, pushing one to Qiu Feng.

“I can’t drink more, I’ll get drunk,” Qiu Feng declined.

“What’s to fear? There’s a place to sleep. I’ll drink with you.”

Deng Ligang downed his beer in one go, showing the empty glass to Qiu Feng. Reluctantly, she drank hers too.

In the kitchen, Song Hongyu sliced fruit, listening to the sounds outside. Hearing a chair fall, she knew it was done. She put down the knife and walked out calmly.

When Qiu Feng awoke, she found herself tightly bound. Her phone, the money in her bag, her ID, and even her diamond ring, were all laid out on the coffee table. The three men and one woman on the sofa were nothing like their dinner personas.

Terrified, Qiu Feng asked, trembling, “What do you want?”

They didn’t answer. Qiu Feng screamed, “Help! Help!”

Deng Ligang kicked her in the stomach, making her writhe in pain. He handed her the phone, “Call Zhen Zhen, get her here.”

Qiu Feng shook her head, “We’re not on good terms, I can’t get her to come.” Deng Ligang slapped her hard, making her see stars. Before she could react, another slap followed. Blood trickled from her mouth. Desperately, Qiu Feng dialed. The phone rang, but no one answered. Zhen Zhen was asleep at home, the phone line still unplugged, silent as a grave. Deng Ligang sent Song Hongyu to knock on the door, but she couldn’t get it open.

The next morning, Song Hongyu searched the food street, looking for Zhen Zhen at each shop. Zhen Zhen was skewering kebabs at a barbecue stall when she saw Song Hongyu enter. She glanced at her, then lowered her eyes, continuing her work.

Song Hongyu said, “I searched the whole street to find you.”

“What do you want?”

“Qiu Feng drank too much last night, she’s still out cold at my place. I have to go out, can you help take her home?”

“I’m not as strong as you, you take her back, she has the keys.”

“I can’t manage her alone.”

“I worked hard to get this job, if I leave now, the boss will fire me.”

“You have no sense of kinship.”

“We’re just neighbors, nothing more.”

The more Song Hongyu pressed, the more stubborn Zhen Zhen became. Song Hongyu went out to make a call, then returned, “Qiu Feng wants to talk to you.” Annoyed, Zhen Zhen took the phone. Qiu Feng’s voice was slurred, as if still drunk.

“Zhen Zhen, please, come get me.”

Zhen Zhen wasn’t buying it, since when was she her sister? “I’m not your sister, get your boyfriends to do it.” She hung up and went back to work, ignoring Song Hongyu’s pestering. Frustrated, Song Hongyu left.

Zhen Zhen finished work late that day. Under the streetlights, she saw a short man pasting flyers on a utility pole. She glanced at him but didn’t look at the flyer, walking past. The short man was Ji Dashun. Seeing her leave, he angrily tore down the flyer.

Back in his car, he started the engine and checked the fuel gauge. The needle was empty. Ji Dashun headed to the gas station. Deng Ligang called, asking if he had caught the girl.

Ji Dashun said no, and Deng Ligang cursed him as useless, telling him to hurry back.

Ji Dashun said, “I’m getting gas.”

“You always get fifty at a time, can’t you fill it up?”

“Gas prices drop often, filling up is a waste.”

“You’re so stingy, hurry back!” Deng Ligang shouted.

Ji Dashun didn’t dare delay, skipping the gas and turning back.

Qiu Feng had given up her bank card’s PIN. Deng Ligang handed her the phone, “Call your dad, and have him transfer twenty thousand to your account.”

Qiu Feng couldn’t bear to ask her family for money, dialing slowly. Song Hongyu immediately pinched her with pliers, twisting hard. Qiu Feng screamed in pain, her father calling her name on the phone.

Through gritted teeth, Qiu Feng said, “Dad, I need twenty thousand, it’s urgent.”

Her father asked why. Following Shi Bi’s script, she said, “A friend has a business opportunity, 30% profit, can’t miss it!”

Her father started calculating, “You’ve sent us thirteen thousand, your mom’s surgery cost…”

Afraid Deng Ligang would learn how much she’d sent home, Qiu Feng hung up. Song Hongyu slapped her hard, her head hitting the wall, knocking her out.

The next morning, on her way to work, Zhen Zhen saw the short man pasting flyers again. This time, curiosity got the better of her. She stopped to read the flyer: the company was hiring, offering room and board, five hundred a month.

Intrigued, Zhen Zhen asked, “Are you in charge of pasting flyers?”

“There are many places to cover, they’re busy, I’m with the company,” Ji Dashun said.

“That’s a good deal,” Zhen Zhen mused.

“Recruiting, we need good conditions. Interested?” Ji Dashun asked sincerely.

“Can I apply without an ID?”

“If you pass the interview, that’s not a problem.”

Zhen Zhen’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

“Small matters, the company handles it.”

“What does the company make?”

“Gift boxes.”

Zhen Zhen was sold. She took a flyer to examine. It had a phone number but no address.

“Call first, the recruiter will give you the address,” Ji Dashun said.

Zhen Zhen planned to sneak a call during work. She hadn’t gone far when Ji Dashun caught up, calling her back.

“I don’t have many left. I might as well give you a ride to the company,” he said sincerely.

Zhen Zhen replied, “I need to go to work first.”

Ji Dashun said, “Opportunity knocks but once. There are limited spots, and once they’re gone, they’re gone.”

“I must go to work. If your company doesn’t hire me and I lose this job, aren’t you just harming me?” Zhen Zhen expressed her concern.

“What do you do?” Ji Dashun asked.

“I skewer meat at a malatang shop.”

“You’re prettier than our company’s receptionist, young lady. Skewering meat is a waste of your talents. Our company isn’t far from here, just a ten-minute drive. I’ll take you right back after the interview.”

Zhen Zhen hesitated but still refused. She said, “I’ll just make a call during my break at work.”

Ji Dashun said, “We’re only hiring five people, and the company says six or seven have already applied.”

His words made Zhen Zhen pause. Ji Dashun said earnestly, “Come on, let’s go. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Ji Dashun’s car was a mess, with an indescribable odor. He glanced at Zhen Zhen through the rearview mirror and asked where she was from. Zhen Zhen avoided mentioning Xuecheng and said her home was in Manzhouli. When she asked him in return, Ji Dashun also avoided Xuecheng, saying he was from Goubangzi.

The fuel tank ran dry, triggering a warning sound, and the fuel gauge needle hit the bottom. Ji Dashun regretfully slapped his thigh and managed to drive into a gas station. He got out to refuel, casually locking the car doors. This action alerted Zhen Zhen, who tried to open the door from inside but couldn’t. The gas station attendant came to refuel and asked the owner to open the fuel tank. As the fuel tank opened, so did the car doors. Zhen Zhen pushed the door open, got out, and ran. The attendant was startled.

“She’s my niece. I caught her skipping school, and she’s afraid of getting a beating at home,” Ji Dashun said with an awkward smile.

His words resonated with the attendant, who said, “Kids these days are hard to manage. My son lied about going to school but stole money from home to go to an internet cafe.”

Ji Dashun, uninterested in small talk, filled half a tank and immediately drove off to chase Zhen Zhen. She ran swiftly, her hair blown back by the wind. Hearing a car approaching from behind, she immediately darted off the road, zigzagging until she hid behind a large tree, gasping for breath…

The car sound faded, but Zhen Zhen still didn’t dare move, lying with closed eyes in a pile of weeds. All around was silent. A bird flew past her. Zhen Zhen rolled over and slowly got up, walking back the way she came. Seeing Ji Dashun’s car parked in the distance, she didn’t dare approach and retreated behind a large tree, peeking out. Suddenly, a cold breeze brushed her ear, and a hard blow struck the back of her head. Zhen Zhen collapsed without a sound.

Receiving Ji Dashun’s call, Song Hongyu pushed a wheelchair down to the underground parking, waiting at the parking spot. Ji Dashun’s car entered the garage and backed into the space. He got out, opened the trunk, and carried the unconscious Zhen Zhen out, placing her in the wheelchair. Song Hongyu immediately put a hat on Zhen Zhen, covering her eyes, and used a blanket to hide her tightly bound hands and feet. They pushed Zhen Zhen into the elevator, which ascended to the first floor where a couple entered. They glanced at the sleeping girl in the wheelchair. Song Hongyu smiled at them, and the couple looked away.

With Zhen Zhen captured and no more worries, Shi Bi and Deng Ligang immediately entered their home. There was nothing valuable in Zhen Zhen’s room, just a carved walnut. They found 6,000 yuan, 5,000 Taiwan dollars, and an ID card in Qiu Feng’s room. The name on the ID was Zhou Xiaolan. This bank card was an important reason for them to enter this home.

Ji Dashun didn’t receive praise for bringing Zhen Zhen back but instead got a scolding. Deng Ligang berated him: “Six fingers scratching an itch, unnecessarily complicating things. If the fuel tank was full, would this mishap have happened? If you had let her call us herself, you wouldn’t have almost messed everything up.”

Ji Dashun said, “This girl is too slippery, hard to catch. If she didn’t make that call, we couldn’t have lured her here. No matter how well we planned, it would’ve been useless. Anyway, I brought the prize back home.”

Zhen Zhen woke up dizzy and confused, finding herself bound with tape and thrown on the floor, not understanding what had happened.

Ji Dashun turned her face, making her look to the side. Qiu Feng sat nearby, her features swollen and distorted, unrecognizable from her original appearance. Zhen Zhen was terrified and struggled to sit up. Song Hongyu approached, holding a stainless steel spatula. She grabbed Zhen Zhen’s hair and swung the spatula left and right, striking her face. Zhen Zhen was nearly knocked unconscious.

Song Hongyu cursed through gritted teeth, “I’ll teach you to be so arrogant! It took me twice as long to lure you in. You’ve ruined my short, flat, and fast rhythm.”

Zhen Zhen shouted angrily, “What did I ever do to you? If you’ve got the guts, untie me!”

Song Hongyu smirked, glancing at the three men standing in the room.

“Why look at me? I’m not as eloquent as you,” Ji Dashun said.

Deng Ligang stood up and said, “It’s been a while since I’ve beaten someone. My joints need oiling.”

He kicked Zhen Zhen, sending her flying. She could barely breathe from the pain.

“You’ve shown off your skills, and now you want to talk about fairness?” Deng Ligang was irritated. “I put in the effort to catch two people but only got one payday. I went out thinking I’d catch a tiger, but brought back a rabbit instead.”

“Not even as good as a rabbit, more like a chicken rib – tasteless to eat but a pity to throw away,” Shi Bi added.

Song Hongyu crouched in front of Qiu Feng: “The house isn’t yours?”

Qiu Feng shook her head.

Song Hongyu removed the gag from her mouth: “I beat you because you lied to me. It’s your reward. I did my research. Your business at the nightclub was the best, you must have made at least 500,000 yuan, right?”

Qiu Feng shook her head vigorously, saying, “I’ve only been in Luancheng for three months. Even if I had business every day, I couldn’t have made that much money.”

Ji Dashun, flipping through Qiu Feng’s bankbooks, said, “Construction Bank balance: 8,300 yuan. Bank of China balance: 4,470 yuan. Twenty thousand was transferred out just yesterday.”

Song Hongyu hit Qiu Feng hard with the spatula twice: “Why are your hands so itchy for money!”

She turned to Zhen Zhen, demanding bank cards and credit cards. Zhen Zhen said, “I don’t have any bank cards or credit cards.”

Song Hongyu used a thick needle to prick her fingertips. Zhen Zhen felt like her heart would explode from the pain. Ji Dashun taped her mouth shut so she couldn’t scream. Zhen Zhen thought she was going to die, thinking of her parents and home. Tears poured out like a broken dam.

Hong Xia completely broke down, not eating or drinking, wandering the streets. Zhen Yuling understood that as the family’s pillar, he couldn’t let his wife fall apart at this time. He stopped arguing with her and followed her every step. The couple visited the police station once a day. They could never have imagined that over three thousand kilometers away, their only daughter was enduring inhuman torture. Among the four demons, the bespectacled Shi Bi seemed to have a bit more humanity, gently advising Song Hongyu each time she violently beat Zhen Zhen. The more he advised, the more violent Song Hongyu became. The fifteen-year-old Zhen Zhen couldn’t withstand such brutal beatings and quickly became unrecognizable. She lay on the ground, barely breathing, with only one thought in her mind: I must survive, I must live!

Song Hongyu hated Zhen Zhen for causing her so much trouble. She tortured her vengefully, not allowing her to sleep for twenty-four hours. Whenever she dozed off, they would prick her with needles, pinch her with pliers, or slap her hard. Song Hongyu called this method “taming the hawk.”

Shi Bi reminded Song Hongyu, “Her small frame can’t withstand this kind of treatment. The boss is counting on her to get money from her family.”

Song Hongyu stood up and kicked Zhen Zhen hard: “She still won’t say where her family is from.”

Shi Bi helped Zhen Zhen sit up against the wall.

He asked in a gentle tone, “You haven’t eaten all day. Are you thirsty and hungry?”

Zhen Zhen lifted her swollen eyelids to look at him without speaking. Shi Bi got a cup of water from the water dispenser and handed it to Zhen Zhen, who drank it all in one go.

Shi Bi said, “Money can’t buy life, life is more valuable. Why don’t you call your parents? If they transfer 50,000 yuan, we’ll let you go home.”

“My family doesn’t have money,” Zhen Zhen said.

Shi Bi looked at her, his eyes full of pity: “Then I really can’t help you.”

Tears fell from Zhen Zhen’s eyes.

Shi Bi said, “You’re only fifteen, you think the whole world is yours. Reality is much crueler. Without money, this world won’t even bother to look at you. You’re your parents’ only child. For you, they’ll borrow money from everywhere. Once the 50,000 yuan is in the account, you can go home safely. If you die in this house, to be honest, your parents won’t even see your remains.”

Zhen Zhen stopped crying and looked up at him, asking in a hoarse voice, “Will you kill me?”

Shi Bi said, “We won’t use a knife, it splatters blood. We use an iron rod. One rod, one person on each end, press down, and the cervical vertebrae snap. While the body’s still soft, we’ll carry it to the bathtub and dismember it.”

Zhen Zhen shuddered, closed her eyes tightly, and covered her ears with her hands.

Shi Bi grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from her ears.

He said, “Your short hair is easy to deal with. Her long hair will be cut with scissors, bundled into braids, and left at the door of a hair salon. Someone collecting hair will take it away. The bones will be crushed into pieces with wire cutters. Pieces as small as fingernails will be thrown into rivers, lakes, or seas. If that’s not possible, we’ll leave the bone fragments at restaurants or bone soup shops, and someone collecting bones will take them away. It’s a silent operation method, no sound can be heard outside. No sound, no blood, leaving no trace. Do you want to disappear from this world like this?”

His tone was gentle, but the content was cruel. Zhen Zhen broke down, hugging her head and shaking uncontrollably.

“A wise person doesn’t suffer immediate losses. You’d better call home,” Shi Bi handed the phone to Zhen Zhen.

Zhen Zhen dialed the number, following Shi Bi’s instructions to put it on speakerphone. The phone barely rang once before Zhen Yuling quickly picked up: “Zhen Zhen? Is that you, Zhen Zhen?”

The rapid-fire questions made it almost impossible for Zhen Zhen to interject. Hong Xia grabbed the phone, crying and shouting, “Zhen Zhen! Zhen Zhen! Where are you? Tell Mama quickly!”

Zhen Zhen was in tears but tried hard not to cry out. Following the script Shi Bi had given her, she said, “I was playing around with someone and accidentally pushed her down the stairs. She hit her head and is still unconscious. They want 80,000 yuan for medical fees, or I’ll have to go to prison.”

Zhen Yuling became anxious upon hearing this and asked, “Where are you now? I’ll bring the money right away.”

Before Zhen Zhen could answer, Shi Bi covered her mouth and hung up the phone. Shi Bi noticed that the phone number had Xuecheng’s area code, which alarmed him. He realized they had broken Deng Ligang’s rule about not touching anything from Xuecheng.

Zhen Yuling felt the call was very suspicious and suspected something terrible had happened to his daughter. He immediately reported it to the police. The Criminal Investigation Department took over the case, and I immediately arranged for Zhen Zhen’s home phone to be tapped.

When Deng Ligang learned that Zhen Zhen was from Xuecheng, he was stunned for a moment and then said, “I did say we shouldn’t touch anything from Xuecheng, but since we’ve already broken the rule, we must squeeze out a barrel of oil. Otherwise, this misstep won’t be worth it. Tell the girl to keep calling home for money.”

The Zhen family received a second call. Zhen Zhen’s voice on the phone was calm as she gave her parents a bank card number and told them to transfer money immediately. I immediately deduced that this child wasn’t just playing around and accidentally hurt someone. There was an 80-90% chance she had been kidnapped.

After hearing my analysis, Zhen Yuling and Hong Xia’s legs went weak. I advised Zhen Yuling to use the excuse of borrowing money from various sources to transfer 5,000 yuan at a time, once a day, to stall the kidnappers. The bank quickly reported back that the money transferred by the Zhen family was being withdrawn from ATMs in Luancheng. Learning from experience, I immediately led a team to fly to Luancheng.

Yang Bo asked me on the plane, “Is it okay for us to just fly like this?”

I replied, “We must learn from our previous experience. We need to act first and be strong. I’ll take responsibility when we report back to the leaders.”

“Where did this funding come from?” he inquired.

“I borrowed it from my wife. I’ll reimburse her when we get back.”

“You’re clever, marrying a wife who earns good money.”

I sighed and said, “When my wife married me, she married a money pit. I still have many reimbursement receipts that haven’t been processed yet.”

Our group of four followed the crowd out of the airport and rushed to the bank without delay. The staff pulled up the withdrawal video, and to our surprise, the person making the withdrawal was Ji Dashun! We were as excited as if we’d won a million yuan lottery. These bastards, who had vanished without a trace for years, had finally resurfaced! In the past, we were in the open while they were in the shadows, but now I knew who we were chasing.

Every drop of oil had been squeezed out of Qiu Feng, but Song Hongyu wasn’t satisfied. Pointing at a number in Qiu Feng’s phone book, she asked, “Who is this?”

Qiu Feng, barely breathing, answered, “My ex-boyfriend.”

Song Hongyu said, “Ask him for money.”

“He’s married. I can’t get anything from him.”

Song Hongyu kicked her, and Qiu Feng had no choice but to dial the number. The script was the same as before: she had a good business opportunity but needed 20,000 yuan for cash flow. The ex-boyfriend immediately refused. Under Song Hongyu’s fierce glare, Qiu Feng said even 10,000 would do. The ex-boyfriend still refused. Song Hongyu held up five fingers, indicating 5,000 yuan. The ex-boyfriend simply hung up. As Qiu Feng put down the phone, Song Hongyu leaped onto her, beating her sensitive areas like her breasts with the stainless steel spatula. She hit so hard that the spatula twisted into a spiral. Qiu Feng was in agony, kneeling on the ground and wailing for mercy.

Deng Ligang said, “Don’t hit vital areas. How can we get money if she’s dead? Are you jealous because I slept with her?”

Song Hongyu looked up at him hatefully: “Whether you slept with her or not, I want to beat her to death! Vinegar hurts the stomach, and I naturally don’t like to eat it.”

“Your mouth says you don’t eat it, but your hands aren’t idle,” Deng Ligang said with a smirk.

Song Hongyu retorted, “You think I’m not doing enough?”

She grabbed a hammer handle and swung it, hitting Qiu Feng’s right temple. Qiu Feng clutched her head and rolled on the ground.

Deng Ligang pulled Qiu Feng up, blood flowing from her head. Shi Bi tore an old shirt to bandage her wound. Zhen Zhen trembled all over, looking at Song Hongyu in terror.

Song Hongyu pointed at Zhen Zhen and cursed, “This is a lesson, you little bastard. If you dare to hide things and play tricks in front of me, I’ll chop you up bit by bit!”

Qiu Feng’s phone rang, displaying the name Qi Wei. He was a client Qiu Feng had served before, known to be a manager at an advertising company in Wuhan. Deng Ligang forced Qiu Feng to ask him for money on the phone. The man noticed Qiu Feng’s weak voice and asked if she was sick. Qiu Feng said, “I’ve run into some trouble. I opened a hair salon in Beijing and paid the deposit, but can’t keep up with the follow-up payments. Brother, can you help me? I’ll pay you back when I get through this.”

Qi Wei asked how much she needed. Song Hongyu mouthed “fifty thousand” to Qiu Feng. Qi Wei said, “I don’t have that much. How about twenty thousand?”

Qiu Feng immediately agreed and gave him her bank card number. The twenty thousand yuan was quickly transferred, allowing Qiu Feng to have a bowl of rice porridge. Zhen Zhen only got half a bowl because her family had sent too little money.

Bored, Song Hongyu tricked Qiu Feng, saying, “The money your father promised to send never came. Ask him again.”

Frightened, Qiu Feng quickly called her father: “Dad, please send me money quickly, remember to send fifty thousand.”

Qiu Feng’s father became anxious and said, “We spent forty thousand from our savings on your mother’s medical treatment, and we’ve already sent you the remaining ninety thousand. There’s no money left in our account. Where can we borrow another fifty thousand? Don’t be greedy for that 30% pure profit anymore.”

Qiu Feng said, “Dad if you still want me to live…”

Song Hongyu snatched the phone and hung up, then slapped Qiu Feng.

The Luancheng police force was fully mobilized, cooperating with the Xuecheng Public Security Bureau to solve the case. All vehicles impounded by traffic police in the city these past few days were put to use. There were eighty ATMs available in the city area, with eighty cars, each carrying three police officers, guarding the machines.

As banks would shut down all counters and ATMs for the New Year, I immediately notified the banks that if anyone tried to withdraw money using this card, they should confiscate it and direct the person to the counter. For three whole days, there was no activity. Ji Dashun, responsible for withdrawals, was as cunning as a prairie dog. Seeing cars and people guarding each ATM from afar, he immediately retreated and reported the situation to Deng Ligang.

He said, “I’ve been to all the usable ATMs, and cars and people are guarding each one. Did these two families report to the police?”

Deng Ligang’s eyes scanned Qiu Feng’s face. Song Hongyu went over and kicked her: “Your family dared to call the police?”

Qiu Feng shook her head vigorously: “It’s not my family, definitely not my family.”

Deng Ligang’s gaze settled on Zhen Zhen’s face. The fifteen-year-old girl looked delicate and frail as if she could be snapped in two, but she was tough inside.

Deng Ligang pointed at Zhen Zhen’s nose and cursed, “Your parents have conspired with the police to trap me. In a moment, I’ll use pliers to pull out your teeth one by one, and let them see who’s tough!”

Zhen Zhen trembled all over, looking pitifully towards Shi Bi. Shi Bi immediately stood up and left.

Deng Ligang leaned close to her face and said, “Now you’re trying to act like an innocent flower? Weren’t you so tough before? Let me tell you, anyone who falls into my hands only gets weaker day by day. That’s an unshakeable iron law.”

An hour later, the Zhen family’s phone rang. Deng Ligang spoke through gritted teeth: “You’ve got some nerve, daring to send police to watch under my nose. Since you dared to report the case, I have no choice but to kill your daughter.”

Zhen Zhen’s parents were startled to hear the criminal’s voice. After the other party hung up, they realized what had happened and became frantic. Gu Jing, responsible for monitoring, immediately dialed my number.

I was at the entrance of a bank, watching an ATM. Faced with Deng Ligang’s direct challenge, anger immediately surged to my head. I asked for a paper cup of ice from a cafe waiter and crunched on it. The fire in my head slowly subsided. Criminals kidnap and kill for money, and there was still sixty thousand yuan left in the card the Zhen family had been sending money to. The lead couldn’t have been cut off so easily.

Deng Ligang decided to act decisively. He told Shi Bi to take Qiu Feng and Zhen Zhen to the bathroom. They didn’t understand what he was planning.

Deng Ligang said, “When a person is born, the first thing they do is bathe. Before taking their last breath, the final thing is to cleanse the body. Run the water and let them soak well, to wash away the bad luck.”

Hearing this, Qiu Feng began to cry. Seeing her cry, Zhen Zhen knew something was wrong and felt very scared, but she bit her lip hard to keep from crying.

Shi Bi led Qiu Feng and Zhen Zhen into the bathroom, turned on the hot and cold water taps, and filled the bathtub. Then he untied them and said, “There are towels on the rack. Have a comfortable bath, and we’ll send you home when you’re clean.”

Hearing the words “send you home,” Qiu Feng knew the end had come and began to wail. Zhen Zhen understood the true meaning of “going home,” and tears streamed down her face. Shi Bi sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching them cry.

He sighed and said, “Women talk about feelings, men talk about logic. Your gathering in this room today has both chance and inevitability. Don’t blame fate; every step you’ve taken was your own choice.”

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