HomeEternal FragranceChapter 181: Spirit Stele (Part Two)

Chapter 181: Spirit Stele (Part Two)

The massive gate slowly opened, revealing a pitch-black interior. Li Fei felt as if countless hands were forcefully pulling her inside. This must be Sang Huajun’s Minor World, much larger than Immortal Cuixuan’s.

She frowned, glancing down. These immortals, already overwhelmed by the foreign tribes, were still trying to stop her. Wasn’t this courting death? She lightly tapped the giant gate, and instantly, the enormous Minor World dissolved into spiritual energy, which she completely absorbed.

Lei Xiuyuan quietly observed the brutal battle below for a moment before saying, “Within three-quarters of an hour, these foreign tribesmen will be annihilated. Too few White Tribe members came; the rest are just a motley crew.”

There were countless overseas tribes, but they varied in strength. The White Tribe, able to control the fierce beast Jiuying, was considered one of the most formidable and renowned. He could sense that deeper in the Eastern Sea Abyss, even more ferocious overseas tribes were lurking. Why weren’t they coming? Why were they staying so far away? Were those below just the vanguard?

Immortals continuously cast various spells to hinder them, but all turned into spiritual energy absorbed by Li Fei. Seeing her incessantly absorb spiritual energy, Lei Xiuyuan suddenly realized and immediately said, “Come here, stop absorbing spiritual energy.”

Just as he was about to embrace Li Fei, Immortal Cuixuan shouted harshly, “Jiang Li Fei! Lei Xiuyuan! If you don’t stop now, we’ll immediately execute your accomplices!”

Lu Li and Bai Li Gelin, trapped in the water-earth barrier, were promptly dragged out by the immortals. Palms brimming with immense spiritual energy pressed against the vital points on the back of their necks. With just a forceful release of spiritual energy, their meridians would shatter inch by inch, leading to an excruciatingly painful death.

Were they serious?! Cold sweat poured down Lu Li’s back as he scanned the surroundings, finally spotting Master Shen among the crowd. He and many Haipai elders looked displeased, but with Jiang Li Fei right before their eyes, absorbing spiritual energy for all to see, how could they easily let go?

As if sensing his disciple’s gaze, Master Shen hesitated before turning away dejectedly. This gesture made Lu Li’s heart sink completely.

He hadn’t understood these immortals’ obsession. Compared to life and death, all fragile emotions were meaningless. Yet, faced with the allure of unknown and immense benefits, even life and death seemed insignificant to them. Despite numerous immortals entangled with the foreign tribes and countless deaths, the remaining sect leaders and academy founders all fixated on Jiang Li Fei and her companions.

Lu Li stared blankly at the sky, darkened by the sea of fire. Jiang Li Fei and Lei Xiuyuan had stopped—for him and Gelin? His sunken heart suddenly began to race. If only he could speak, he would warn them that many immortals had been withdrawn earlier, likely hiding in ambush, waiting to deliver a fatal blow when they lowered their guard.

Immortal Cuixuan shouted again, “Come down immediately! I’ll count to five. If you still don’t move, I’ll kill this Haipai male disciple!”

The fingers on Lu Li’s neck suddenly tightened, making him feel as if his cervical vertebrae were about to snap. The pain blurred his vision as he heard Immortal Cuixuan counting. Just as he reached four, Li Fei’s cold voice rang out: “So eager to die!”

An enormous spiritual absorption force arose from nowhere. The immortals felt as if their skulls were about to be pierced open, as the spiritual energy within their bodies violently gushed out beyond their control, like a fierce waterfall. The absorption force grew stronger, and the white light surrounding Li Fei grew brighter. Immortals continuously collapsed, powerless, like fish out of water, struggling in vain, unable to inhale a trace of spiritual energy.

An unprecedented sense of satisfaction filled Li Fei. For the first time in her life, it seemed her internal spiritual energy was about to be fully replenished. Spiritual energy continued to pour in endlessly. The combined spiritual energy of thousands of immortals was indeed extraordinary. She even felt a hint of intoxication—the feeling of spiritual energy nearing fullness was so wonderful!

Sang Huajun, noticing her expression trending towards satisfaction, felt slightly relieved. He once again cast out his twin swords, Siming. The white-haired man appeared only for an instant before dispersing into spiritual energy in the air. The other immortals followed suit, casting out their divine weapons and allowing their weapon spirits to transform into large clusters of spiritual energy for Jiang Li Fei to absorb.

Immortal Cuixuan also cast out his last divine weapon. Let her absorb it! The sooner she’s full, the sooner the spiritual absorption will stop, and that’s when we can capture her alive.

As his divine sword traced a beautiful arc through the air, suddenly, the massive vortex-like spiritual absorption stopped. The weapon spirits, not yet transformed into spiritual energy, hovered bewildered in mid-air. A flash of golden light erupted, accompanied by countless clanging sounds. The weapon spirits instantly dispersed into smoke, and innumerable broken divine weapons rained down. The chaotic golden light abruptly solidified, revealing Lei Xiuyuan in his Yaksha true form.

Li Fei’s gaze, tinged with faint mockery, swept over Immortal Cuixuan’s ashen face. The remaining foreign tribesmen, stepping over countless powerless immortals sprawled on the ground, lunged toward these formidable immortals with ulterior motives. The crowd had no choice but to release Lu Li and Bai Li Gelin, channeling their remaining meager spiritual energy to engage in battle once more with the foreign tribes.

Li Fei suddenly pulled out the black booklet from her bosom and said coolly, “This is a record of various overseas sights and experiences compiled by my master, Immortal Qingcheng, over several decades. He has passed away, and my identity has been exposed. There’s no need to keep this hidden anymore. If my master were still alive, he would be more than willing to make its contents public. I’m following his wishes, letting you see it.”

She held the black booklet in her right hand and opened her left palm towards the ground. Everyone felt a violent tremor in the earth, almost impossible to stand steady against. An unbelievably massive surge of spiritual energy howled forth. To their shock, people realized that this immense spiritual energy was being molded into a tangible form by an invisible giant hand, slowly piling up from the ground like snow-white stones.

The concept of spiritual energy taking physical form was unheard of. How much spiritual energy would this require? And what level of spiritual energy control? The white light surrounding Jiang Li Fei was rapidly diminishing, indicating that the spiritual energy she had nearly filled herself with earlier was now being released even faster. The white structure of spiritual energy on the ground had already been built to half a person’s height, about five feet wide, resembling an unfinished stone stele.

In the distance, countless waves of spiritual energy were racing towards them—the immortals who had been withdrawn earlier, sensing the massive spiritual energy disturbance, were all rushing back. Their spells arrived before they did, swiftly eliminating the remaining foreign tribesmen in the blink of an eye.

Sect Leader Guiyuan caught sight of Lei Xiuyuan hovering in mid-air, and his expression immediately darkened. He harbored a deep grudge against this Yaksha. Earlier, unaware of Lei Xiuyuan’s true identity and impressed by his talent, praised by the elders of Wuyue Hall, he had made a decision favoring Lei Xiuyuan when he conflicted with Qin Yangling. This led to Elder Zhengxu taking Qin Yangling out of the sect, ultimately resulting in their tragic deaths.

Moreover, the divine beast Golden-Winged Dapeng, which he had tamed and nurtured for several hundred years, had nearly died at Lei Xiuyuan’s hands. Due to its severe injuries, he had to leave the Dapeng in the sect to recover. Without its keen eyesight, these two had been able to come and go unpredictably.

Thinking of this enraged him, and Sect Leader Guiyuan let out a cold snort. He cast out his fly whisk, releasing countless small black spheres, ignoring the attempts to stop him as he soared into the air like a great bird. Another black light orb was slowly condensing in his palm—this was his ultimate technique as a sect leader, called “Blindness.” Anyone touched by this orb, no matter how powerful an immortal, would instantly be plunged into total darkness, all five senses blinded. Unless one had an extremely strong will, just a few hours in this state would drive them mad.

Last time, he had refrained from using this spell out of a desire to capture the Yaksha alive. Five hundred years had passed, and the once-feared Yaksha had diminished greatly, no longer a cause for terror. Today, he would personally avenge this great enemy of the Central Plains immortals.

The black light orb in Sect Leader Guiyuan’s hand suddenly expanded, splitting open like a flower bud about to bloom. Seeing Lei Xiuyuan advance rather than retreat, he was momentarily delighted and flung out his fly whisk. Those countless soft strands once again attempted to ensnare him like a flower.

Unexpectedly, there was a blur of movement, and Lei Xiuyuan, who had been several zhang away, suddenly appeared before him, moving so fast that he couldn’t react at all. A flash of golden light and Sect Leader Guiyuan gasped in shock as the black light orb in his palm was silently shattered into fragments.

The crowd of immortals cried out in alarm. Some threw their treasures, others cast spells, but none could touch even a hair of that golden light. The Yaksha’s movements were subtle yet swift, nimbly avoiding the clashes of spiritual energy, his coming and going as swift as the wind. His agile form reminded everyone of the nightmare from five hundred years ago.

Wasn’t the Yaksha supposed to be much weaker? How could this be called weak?! He seemed even more formidable than five hundred years ago!

Sect Leader Guiyuan was grabbed by the collar and effortlessly thrown to the ground. Witnessing Lei Xiuyuan’s divine might, everyone secretly panicked, casting questioning glances at Immortal Cuixuan. Although there were many sect leaders present, only he knew the Shengluo Great Spell. Why wasn’t he using it?

Immortal Cuixuan’s face was ashen as he shook his head dejectedly. He lacked Immortal Qingcheng’s talent; successfully casting the Shengluo Great Spell once out of ten attempts was already a miracle. He had tried over twenty times just now but failed to activate it even once. He could only watch helplessly as the sect leader was humiliated.

Just as the crowd was in chaos, a tremendous “dong” resounded. The massive spiritual energy disturbance gradually subsided, and a snow-white spiritual energy stele, four to five zhang tall, stood erect in the center of the small town. Li Fei’s face showed a hint of fatigue as she surveyed the scene before saying, “The overseas information you want to know is there for you to see.”

She clasped the black booklet in her palm, and everyone saw characters rapidly appear on the spiritual stele, stroke by stroke. Each line was bold and vigorous, the calligraphy sharp and extraordinary—unmistakably Immortal Qingcheng’s handwriting.

The characters were inscribed incredibly fast. In no time, nearly half the stele was covered. Initially, people approached with about 80% caution, not daring to look closely. However, after reading just a few lines, countless immortals were deeply captivated. Some even disregarded everything else, soaring up to read from the top of the stele to the bottom, not missing a single word.

This spiritual energy stele seemed to be made of white stone, extremely hard and smooth. Although it was spiritual energy condensed to its ultimate form, it couldn’t be used by others. Some of the overseas records on it were similar to rumors they had heard, but much more specific. Most of it was unheard of, captivating hearts and minds. The immortals read and sighed, praising as they went.

Once all the contents of the booklet had been inscribed, Li Fei tucked the black booklet back into her bosom and turned to fly towards the East Sea. Immortal Cuixuan called out many times from behind, but he couldn’t recapture the attention of the others whose minds had long been absorbed by the stele’s text.

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