HomeFeng Ying Ran Mei XiangChapter 14: The Handsome Man

Chapter 14: The Handsome Man

An Jiu and Mei Jiu reached a consensus: to survive in a place, one must follow its rules. They agreed not to act rashly until they uncovered the secrets of the Mei family.

That evening, Mei Jiu followed Wenui to Tingsong Courtyard.

Built along the mountainside, the courtyard’s foundation was two to three zhang higher than the surrounding area. A stream flowed down the mountain, forming a small waterfall as it encountered a cliff, cascading into a cold pond below with a rushing sound.

True to its name, Tingsong Courtyard was home to many ancient pines with sturdy trunks. Perhaps due to the pines near the cold pond, the chilly water emitted a faint pine scent, refreshing and invigorating.

“Since the young master hasn’t moved in yet, I’ve dismissed the nearby servants. My lady can bathe here directly,” Wenui instructed the maids to place bathing items on the stone table by the shore.

Noticing thick cotton quilts, Mei Jiu asked curiously, “Why are there quilts?”

“My lady, feel the water temperature,” Wenui smiled.

Mei Jiu approached the pond’s edge. Before even bending down, she felt the cold air hitting her face. She could only imagine how it would feel to immerse herself completely!

“It’s more comfortable to bathe at noon. Since you missed that, you’ll have to grit your teeth and bear it. Just stay in for a quarter of an hour,” Wenui said while helping Mei Jiu undress. “They say this cold pond has body-cleansing effects. Most people can’t even get such an opportunity. It would be best if you could stay for an hour, my lady.”

Wearing only an undergarment, Mei Jiu sat at the pond’s edge, slowly lowering her foot. As soon as her toes touched the water, she jerked back.

An Jiu said, “Can you do it? If not, I’ll take over!”

After a moment’s hesitation, Mei Jiu replied, “Alright, you do it.”

“Think about how you feel just before falling asleep, completely relaxed,” An Jiu instructed.

An Jiu had only controlled Mei Jiu’s body while she slept or was unconscious. She didn’t know their sensations were linked.

An Jiu speculated that even if she controlled Mei Jiu’s body, the intense stimulation upon entering the water would likely cause Mei Jiu to instinctively try to regain control. She wanted to use this opportunity to practice contesting control of the body with Mei Jiu.

Feeling Mei Jiu’s body gradually relax, An Jiu immediately attempted to control the limbs.

At first, the body’s response was sluggish, but after a few movements, it became more natural.

An Jiu paused for a moment, concentrating on preparing for Mei Jiu’s potential fierce resistance when touching the water.

“My lady, please enter the water,” Wenui urged.

Ignoring her, An Jiu slowly lowered her foot to the water’s surface.

The bone-chilling cold transmitted from her toes. Mei Jiu unconsciously shuddered and reflexively retracted her foot, her consciousness directly affecting the body.

An Jiu lost control of the body again. It seemed that as long as Mei Jiu was awake and conscious, it would be difficult to contest control with her.

“Relax again,” An Jiu said.

“Oh,” Mei Jiu responded, still tired and easily relaxing again.

An Jiu regained control of the body.

However, Mei Jiu soon reclaimed control.

Even the strongest willpower couldn’t overcome this innate right? An Jiu refused to accept defeat. Her life had never included the word “retreat”!

After four or five attempts, An Jiu couldn’t find a way to control the body. Meanwhile, Mei Jiu became increasingly alert, making it harder to achieve that relaxed state from mind to body.

Wenui stood nearby, initially anxious during the first few attempts, almost wanting to push Mei Jiu into the pond. But upon noticing the Fourteenth Lady’s determination and tenacity in trying to enter the water, she decided to observe Mei Jiu’s character and refrained from urging further.

Two-quarters of an hour had passed. Just as Wenui was about to offer help, she saw Mei Jiu return to the pond’s edge. As the moon rose, her eyes reflected the pond’s mysterious light. As she gazed at the water surface, it seemed as if she would not retreat half a step even if faced with a mountain of blades or a sea of fire. Wenui halted, thinking that if Mei Jiu couldn’t enter this time, she would have to help.

However, the scene before her was reassuring—the Fourteenth Lady was slowly immersing her legs in the water.

Meanwhile, Mei Jiu was enduring immense mental pressure. The water was so cold it numbed her feet, feeling like stepping on sharp blades. Yet she could only be controlled like a puppet, forced into the water against her will.

The bone-chilling cold seeped into every part of her body. An Jiu had an idea and focused her mental energy on feeling the pain in every part of her body.

For most people, distracting oneself is a good method to alleviate physical pain. However, the ubiquitous pain allowed An Jiu to sense every inch of this body’s existence.

The physical suffering intensified, and she remained vigilant against Mei Jiu’s sudden resistance. Even in the ice-cold water, her forehead was covered in sweat.

Initially, entering the water felt like being cut by knives all over, but after a while, An Jiu noticed a warm sensation spreading throughout her body. The water now felt like a gentle spring breeze, softly soothing her aching skin.

After what seemed like an eternity, Wenui’s voice finally reached An Jiu’s ears, “My lady, an hour has passed. You mustn’t stay any longer.”

An Jiu rose from the water and walked directly to the table, wrapping herself in a thin quilt.

These simple actions caught Wenui’s attention. Before entering the water, Mei Jiu had seemed shy while undressing, but now she emerged from the water boldly naked. Wasn’t such a drastic change in such a short time strange?

Wenui took a dry towel to help An Jiu dry her hair, her voice tinged with joy, “My lady stayed in the pond for a full hour. This is the best time to have some medicinal soup for warmth and nourishment. Shall we return to your chambers?”

“Mm,” An Jiu responded.

Wenui kept her head lowered, thinking to herself that while the voice was the same, the tone was entirely different. Strangely, though it was the same person, she now dared not look up directly…

The other maids seemed to sense this atmosphere too, not daring to breathe loudly as they walked. The night was cold and silent, with only the rustling of fabric breaking the quiet.

Back in the room, Wenui ordered the medicinal soup to be served.

An Jiu lowered her head and quietly drank the soup.

Wenui pondered how to engage her in more conversation to better understand her condition.

As soon as An Jiu put down the bowl, Wenui eagerly handed her a handkerchief, “Shall I tell my lady about the things to pay attention to tomorrow?”

An Jiu paused for a moment, then yawned, covering her mouth. When she opened her eyes again, the sharp look was gone from her watery eyes. She said in a somewhat coquettish tone, “Can’t we discuss this while getting dressed tomorrow morning? I’m very sleepy now and afraid I won’t remember.”

Wenui was stunned, watching as An Jiu climbed into bed. She managed a dazed, “Alright.”

“That was close! How did you know Wenui had seen through us?” Mei Jiu asked.

An Jiu, slightly fatigued after two hours of intense concentration, replied, “The difference between a fool and a genius is obvious. You think everyone else is as blind as you!”

“Can’t you speak without mocking others?” Mei Jiu complained.

An Jiu ignored her, focusing on regaining her energy.

Mei Jiu, also tired from the ordeal, closed her eyes and gradually drifted off to sleep.

In the depths of the night, their two souls’ dreams intertwined.

Mei Jiu sensed extreme cold from the fragmented images, devoid of sunlight, floral scents, or hope—only constantly dying people and bodies covered in wounds.

An Jiu, in turn, saw a mundane yet peaceful and tranquil life.

The next day, as the sky was just beginning to brighten, Wenui called for Mei Jiu to wake up.

An Jiu didn’t rush to take control of the body. She knew last night’s victory was just a small step and not complete dominance. To avoid arousing Mei Jiu’s suspicion, she had to hide her ambitions until she found a way to drive Mei Jiu out or control this body at will.

A maid came to help Mei Jiu with her hair while Wenui explained the protocol for today’s ceremony of becoming a disciple.

It was quite simple: kowtow and offer tea. As for opening the ancestral hall and worshiping the ancestors, that was mostly others’ responsibility. Mei Jiu only needed to kowtow, burn incense, and follow her master throughout the ceremony.

In most wealthy families, only the primary wives could participate in ancestor worship, and daughters couldn’t enter the ancestral hall to burn incense. However, the Mei family treated everyone equally, distinguishing only between legitimate and illegitimate children, not between males and females.

“Sister,” Mei Ruhan greeted them as soon as they left the room, her bright smile infectious.

Seeing Mei Ruhan reach out to link arms, Mei Jiu suddenly remembered An Jiu’s warning and quickly avoided the gesture.

Mei Ruhan’s hand fell empty. She laughed awkwardly, “Let’s walk together.”

Mei Ruhan had been in an excellent mood these past two days. She had gone from being a courtesan to becoming a legitimate daughter of a wealthy family, all thanks to Mei Jiu. She felt immensely grateful and wanted to develop a good relationship with Mei Jiu. However, since their return, Mei Jiu had been avoiding her at every turn. She wondered what was going on.

She decided to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Mei Jiu.

Tingsong Courtyard was only a short distance from the ancestral hall. As they walked, the atmosphere was somewhat tense. Mei Ruhan tried to start a conversation, “Sister, didn’t an elder confirm yesterday that he would take our cousin as a disciple? Why did they suddenly say he wasn’t chosen?”

This wasn’t the best topic to bring up.

Mei Jiu stiffened, stammering, “Is… is that so? I don’t know.”

Mei Ruhan sensed the awkwardness but pretended not to notice Mei Jiu’s nervousness. She quickly changed the subject, “By the way, sister, how long did you stay in the cold pond?”

“About an hour, I think,” Mei Jiu answered, feeling a bit guilty. At the time, it seemed all her senses had been occupied by An Jiu, and apart from the initial shock of entering the water, she had hardly felt any pain.

Mei Ruhan looked at her in astonishment, “Sister, you’re amazing! I nearly fainted after less than the time it takes to burn an incense stick.”

Mei Ruhan had experienced cold and endured freezing temperatures when she worked as a kitchen maid, but the cold pond water was entirely different from winter ice water. That kind of bone-chilling cold seeping into one’s marrow didn’t numb a person; the pain remained sharp and clear throughout.

Mei Ruhan exclaimed excitedly, “It was very uncomfortable while in the water, but today I feel completely refreshed. That spring water is truly beneficial. Sister must have gained a lot from staying in for an hour. I congratulate you!”

“I hadn’t noticed until you mentioned it, but I do feel refreshed and energized today,” Mei Jiu replied.

Seeing that Mei Jiu was finally willing to converse normally with her, Mei Ruhan was about to seize the opportunity to chat more when Wenui interjected, “Young ladies, we’re approaching the ancestral hall. Please maintain silence.”

Mei Ruhan could only reluctantly comply.

As the group descended the stairs, they saw a man in plain clothes lying on a horizontal branch of an ancient ginkgo tree, his ink-black hair and plain garments cascading down like flowing clouds.

Hearing their footsteps, the man turned over. His dark hair half-covered his clear eyes. As he smiled, his bright eyes sparkled, revealing neat, white teeth.

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