HomeFeng Ying Ran Mei XiangChapter 16: Exceptionally Gifted

Chapter 16: Exceptionally Gifted

“No need to deny it,” Elder Zhi said with a carefree smile. “Killing one or two people is something our Mei family can take responsibility for.”

Mei Jiu didn’t agree with Elder Zhi’s disregard for human life, but she couldn’t contradict her senior.

“I examined the bow you used,” Elder Zhi’s eyes gleamed. “To kill a second-rank martial artist with an ordinary bamboo bow can be described as ‘exceptionally gifted’! Come and find me tomorrow after school. Your maid knows the way.”

“Yes,” Mei Jiu responded uneasily. She remembered fainting at the time, and when she woke up, she felt as if someone else had controlled her body. Besides An Jiu, there was no one else.

The family head and other elders left the ancestral hall. Mei Jiu and Mei Ruyan stepped aside to respectfully see off the elders.

After they had gone, Mei Ruyan turned to Mei Jiu and said, “Sister, you hit the mark every time that day.”

“I…” Faced with an eyewitness, Mei Jiu couldn’t deny it. If she didn’t shoot that arrow, who did? She couldn’t tell others about the wandering soul in her body!

Mei Jiu thought of the densely packed memorial tablets in the ancestral hall and involuntarily associated them with the “curse.” She couldn’t help but feel her scalp tingle.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Wen Cui shared some good news, “From today on, both young ladies can move freely within the mansion.”

“Really?” Mei Ruyan was overjoyed. She tugged at Mei Jiu’s sleeve, “Sister, let’s go for a walk. We’ve been cooped up in the room for days, it’s stifling.”

Mei Jiu wasn’t very interested, but she couldn’t resist Mei Ruyan’s persistence and nodded.

“Wen Bi, where are some interesting places?” Mei Ruyan turned to ask.

“By the lake,” Wen Bi replied.

Wen Cui explained, “The chrysanthemums by the lake are in full bloom, and there are crabs in the lake. It’s the season for eating crabs. We can have servants catch some, and you two can enjoy warm yellow wine and steamed crabs in the waterside pavilion.”

“Is that okay?” Mei Ruyan, having just entered the family, was afraid of appearing too presumptuous and displeasing others.

Wen Cui said, “Young Miss will soon learn that our family isn’t as strict as other wealthy households. We indulge in food and entertainment. Whatever the young masters and misses want, as long as it can be bought, the family never stints on money. A few crabs are nothing!”

Mei Jiu and Mei Ruyan were secretly amazed.

An Jiu coolly remarked, “Since they’re destined to die young, might as well enjoy life to the fullest while they can!”

Mei Jiu’s newly raised interest immediately vanished. She asked Wen Cui, “The family can’t always indulge us like this, right?”

“Of course not. Although there are few rules at home, the clan school is very strict,” Wen Cui replied. She first instructed a young maid to prepare steamed crabs and flowers, then continued, “Anyway, both young misses will attend the clan school eventually. Let me briefly explain some things so you have an idea.”

The two nodded, listening as they walked. Wen Cui said, “Young Miss has taken an elder as her master, but that’s just being registered under that elder. After entering the clan school, you’ll be taught by other teachers. Only when you’ve built a solid foundation will the elder truly teach you skills. It usually takes at least a year.”

“The clan school doesn’t have many rules usually, but there’s a test every month. If you fail, you get one chance to retake it. If you fail again, you’ll be punished.”

“Ah!” Mei Ruyan quickly asked, “What do they test? What kind of punishment?”

Wen Cui reassured her, “If you study diligently with the teachers, you won’t fail. As for punishment… I’m not very clear, but I heard once that the sixth young master failed one of the six arts and was locked in a dark room for a month.”

Mei Jiu started listening attentively, but when she glanced at the nearby buildings, An Jiu kept commanding her to look around.

There were many buildings around, some looking newer, some older. The surrounding vegetation was maintained, but An Jiu’s superior vision could see dust on the door handles from afar, definitely not signs of habitation. “Ask Wen Cui what these houses are used for.”

Mei Jiu also found it strange, so she asked as instructed, “Wen Cui, is no one living in these houses?”

Mei Jiu’s sudden question startled Wen Cui. She only vaguely replied, “These houses were once inhabited.”

Mei Jiu immediately imagined the numerous memorial tablets piled up in the ancestral hall and shuddered in fear.

Because of this question, neither Mei Jiu nor Mei Ruyan had the heart to listen to Wen Cui talk about other matters.

A cool breeze blew by the lake.

A large patch of golden chrysanthemums on the shore reflected the sky and water. Four small islands of varying distances could be seen in the lake, giving a sense of “picking chrysanthemums beneath the eastern fence, leisurely gazing at the southern mountains.”

A waterside pavilion was built on the shore, where seven or eight maids were busy steaming crabs. The faint fragrance mixed with the cool breeze, lifted one’s spirits.

It was a bit cool in the pavilion. Steam rose from the kettle on the stove, warming a white jade wine pot.

Wen Cui and Wen Bi helped the two sit on swan-neck chairs by the railing. Two maids brought a table and placed it in front of them, while other maids began to set out appetizers and crab-eating utensils.

Mei Ruyan had learned many etiquettes and skills in the brothel. She was very serious and never fell behind in anything, but she never imagined that one day she would be able to enjoy these things herself, rather than serving others.

Tears welled up in Mei Ruyan’s eyes as she murmured, “Having you as my sister is the luckiest thing in my life.”

Mei Jiu was moved and gently patted her hand. If the Mei family were just an ordinary large family, she could have said “Don’t worry, you won’t suffer anymore.” But the Mei family was full of strange things, including the “early death curse.” She didn’t know how to respond.

After a moment of silence, Mei Jiu asked, “You know our family has a curse, right?”

Mei Ruyan nodded, “I just found out last night.”

“Aren’t you afraid? You… after all, you’ve been entered into the family registry.” Mei Jiu wanted to say that although she wasn’t truly of Mei’s blood, she was officially registered in the family, but considering the many people around, she kept her words vague.

“Sister,” Mei Ruyan smiled, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world. For me, as long as I’m not a lowly person, I accept even if it means a short life! Some people can live to be a hundred, but can’t escape mediocrity. I’d rather live thirty years to the fullest.”

An Jiu looked at the girl before her, no more than thirteen or fourteen, yet able to say such words! She thought about how she had lived nearly thirty years without such profound reflections on life!

Mei Jiu knew that by “lowly person,” she meant a prostitute. “If you can think like that, I’m relieved. I was afraid I had harmed you.”

“I will only be grateful to you, sister,” Mei Ruyan said.

Wen Cui and Wen Bi, who were present when they met the old lady, knew that Mei Ruyan wasn’t truly of Mei’s blood, so they didn’t find their conversation strange.

“You two seem quite cheerful,” Mo Sigui’s voice suddenly came from above.

The two were startled and quickly looked up. Mo Sigui was crouching on a roof beam, leaning down to look at them, chewing something.

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