HomeFeng Ying Ran Mei XiangChapter 385: A Difficult Problem

Chapter 385: A Difficult Problem

An Jiu’s words were sincere, but as an “older person,” Chu Dingjiang instinctively trusted his experience more.

Things taken to extremes will reverse themselves. Investing too much emotion and attention into one thing often yields far less happiness than expected, so it’s best to maintain a balanced perspective.

Recognizing his excessive concern, Chu Dingjiang kept himself busy, raising various small animals on the island and planting a large vineyard.

As leisurely days passed on the island, the outside world remained tumultuous.

In just one month, Chu Dingjiang received three imperial edicts from the Emperor. The consequences of continued defiance were predictable.

Meanwhile, Wu Lingyuan’s matter had been settled. Initially, Hua Rongtian recommended Wu Lingyuan for a county magistrate position in Jiangzhe. However, Wu Lingyuan boldly requested to be sent to Hejian, impressing the Emperor greatly. The Emperor even took time from his busy schedule to write a calligraphy piece for Wu Lingyuan:

“Strong grass is known in fierce winds.”

With such praise, as long as Wu Lingyuan returned alive, he would certainly be highly valued.

Others resented his cunning but dared not voice their thoughts. After all, going to that place meant facing the Liao cavalry head-on, risking one’s life! Who else dared to volunteer for such a post?

The position of county magistrate in Hexi County, Hejian, had been vacant for over three months. Once Wu Lingyuan’s request was approved, he had to assume office within a month.

This departure meant An Jiu would have to accompany him.

Chu Dingjiang, constrained by imperial edicts and responsible for the Mei clan’s affairs, couldn’t leave immediately. He could only remain in Bianjing.

An Jiu, who had been feeling bored, suddenly felt a strong sense of reluctance at the impending separation. Before leaving, she repeatedly urged him to join them in Hejian once he finished his affairs.

Mo Sigui quickly packed his belongings, bringing Wei Yuzhi and the two tigers along with An Jiu as they headed north.

Chu Dingjiang supported Mo Sigui going along but was displeased about Wei Yuzhi accompanying them. He added this to his grievances against Mo Sigui.

However, he wasn’t worried about Wei Yuzhi pursuing An Jiu, knowing Wei Yuzhi wasn’t one for romance. Once his health improved, he would surely leave.

Wu Lingyuan was the most disadvantaged in this situation.

It wasn’t until the day of departure that he realized there was no “large contingent” protecting them as rumored. There was only An Jiu, Sui Yunzhu, Li Qingzhi, Mo Sigui, and a seemingly weak scholar. While a small, elite team might be ideal for an assassination mission, they were supposed to be a visible flag of authority. With such a configuration, he strongly doubted their ability to survive against the Liao cavalry without fleeing.

Despite his doubts, Wu Lingyuan felt indebted to An Jiu. As the saying goes, “A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.” Why not risk his life to gamble alongside her? Moreover, if they won this high-stakes gamble, he stood to gain absolute benefits.

Hexi County wasn’t at the northernmost point of the Great Song, but compared to Pingbei County, it lacked the natural barrier of the Yellow River. It bordered the Liao state, with vast plains stretching as far as the eye could see, making it a prime target for Liao cavalry raids.

The group traveled day and night, arriving discreetly in Hexi County.

The sights and experiences along the way brought no good news. Wu Lingyuan couldn’t help but sigh. Upon entering the county office to assume his post, his unease grew! The office was extremely desolate, with most yamen runners over 45 years old. Not only was there no county magistrate but also no county constable or deputy magistrate. Only a clerk was acting in their stead. The county’s storehouse had been looted empty by Liao raiders a year ago, without a single copper coin left.

Wu Lingyuan could hardly believe that this was a county of the great Song Dynasty, reduced to such a sorry state!

Mo Sigui was even more dissatisfied, throwing quite a tantrum until Wei Yuzhi mentioned that a batch of medicinal herbs would be sent in a couple of days, which finally cheered him up.

The next day, before Wei Yuzhi’s herbs arrived, more than ten people escorted several carts of medicinal herbs and daily necessities. Upon inquiry, they learned it was Chu Dingjiang’s order.

Mo Sigui felt quite clever for following two wealthy patients, as it made things so much easier.

After breakfast, they sat in the main hall, waiting until late morning for the county clerk to arrive.

The Hexi County clerk shared the same surname as Wei Yuzhi. Looking at his thin, slightly hunched figure and wrinkled face, it was hard to believe he was only 38 years old.

Wu Lingyuan had barely spoken when the clerk launched into a lament, “In my younger days, I was handsome and spirited. It’s only after years in this place that I’ve become like this…”

Seeing him about to go off on a tangent, Wu Lingyuan quickly interrupted, “Let’s discuss the county affairs first.”

Clerk Wei placed a nearly falling-apart county gazette on the table. “My lord, the room storing official documents and files was burned down by Liao bandits. The county constable died a tragic death last year. It was horrific… I was hiding under the desk and saw the constable’s intestines spilling out with my own eyes…”

He paused to dab at his eyes with his sleeve.

Seeing him digress again, Wu Lingyuan redirected, “My condolences, Clerk Wei. Please tell me about the public affairs of the past year…”

“Oh,” Clerk Wei continued, “The city’s civilians were also captured by the Liao bandits. Fortunately, General Ling launched another attack on Liao that year, rescuing many people. This past year, I’ve been focused on resettling and providing relief to the civilians.”

He glanced up cautiously, “The county granary is also… empty.”

“Good heavens, what kind of godforsaken place is this!” Mo Sigui finally couldn’t hold back. “Does this mean I’ll have to eat herbs to avoid starving?”

Wu Lingyuan remained silent for a long while before saying, “I’ll take a look around first. Clerk Wei, please organize the affairs of the past year and report to me tomorrow.”

Wu Lingyuan had also realized that Clerk Wei was reluctant to let him smoothly take over Hexi County. Without a magistrate, constable, or deputy, this small territory remained his domain.

Clerk Wei readily agreed.

However, Wu Lingyuan didn’t hold any hope for his promises. Since this was a place where even the system had been destroyed, he only needed to establish a new framework, without needing to understand the previous way of doing things in detail. But to gain a foothold, he couldn’t underestimate the local powers.

After noon, Wu Lingyuan, accompanied by Sui Yunzhu, Li Qingzhi, and An Jiu, went out for a tour.

“A scene of devastation” was the most apt description for Hexi County. There were few people on the streets, with only a handful of shops open for business. Many door panels and walls bore burn marks from past fires. The wide stone-paved streets and buildings on both sides hinted at the area’s former prosperity.

Sui Yunzhu sighed, “If even the city is in such a state, the surrounding villages must be in even worse condition.”

An Jiu felt troubled. Reorganizing the Dragon Guard required people first and foremost. Without even a regular population, how could they cultivate an elite force?

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