HomeFight For LoveFinal Chapter - Part One

Final Chapter – Part One

Hearing these words, Jiang Chun was taken aback. She silently looked at the young man before her. In truth, there wasn’t much difference in their ages; Song Shilan was even two months older than her. Yet, she already had a twelve-year-old child, while Song Shilan was still an unmarried young prince without even a concubine.

Jiang Chun lowered her eyes, gradually calming her suddenly racing heart. She didn’t possess Chu Yu’s passion and courage; she was just an ordinary woman who never placed her future on intangible emotions. So she calmly said, “Your Highness must be joking.”

“Let me in for a cup of tea?”

“It’s not proper.”

“Then let me talk to you in the courtyard.”

“We have nothing to discuss.”

“Then I’ll have to force my way in…”


“What are you doing?!”

A loud shout interrupted them. They both turned to see Wei Lingchun, who had just finished his martial arts practice, standing at the end of the corridor. He was still holding his long-tasseled spear, his long hair tied in a single bundle, sweat not yet wiped from his forehead. With the vigor of youth, he coldly asked, “Prince Song, what are you doing at my mother’s door?”

“Young Master,” Song Shilan took a step back and smiled at Wei Lingchun, “I came to have a word with your mother.”

“My mother doesn’t want to talk to you,” Wei Lingchun said coldly. “Please leave.”

Song Shilan remained silent. He glanced at Jiang Chun, then at Wei Lingchun, before smiling and bowing, “If Second Madam ever changes her mind and is willing to speak with me, I’ll be waiting respectfully at any time.”

Jiang Chun responded, “Farewell, Your Highness.”

As Song Shilan turned to leave, Jiang Chun seemed a bit weary. She turned and walked into the room, with Wei Lingchun following. He handed his red-tasseled spear to an attendant and wiped his sweat, saying, “I heard today that Song Shilan came to propose again. Grandmother is soft-hearted and was persuaded by him to keep the betrothal gifts. Everyone in the household is saying you’re going to get married.”

“Don’t listen to their nonsense,” Jiang Chun said, wringing out a handkerchief and handing it to Wei Lingchun. “Here, wipe your sweat.”

“Mother,” Wei Lingchun took the handkerchief and wiped his sweat, lowering his eyes, “Actually, I think Prince Song is quite a good person.”

Jiang Chun was slightly startled and frowned, “Why are you, a child, thinking about such things?”

“I’m not a child anymore,” Wei Lingchun said seriously. Jiang Chun turned back to see Wei Lingchun’s earnest gaze. “I heard that Seventh Uncle was my age when he followed Father to the battlefield. Seventh Uncle promised me that once I beat Uncle Wei Xia, he’d let me follow him to the battlefield.”

Jiang Chun’s heart skipped a beat. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn’t speak.

Wei Shu had fallen on the battlefield. Looking at her son’s face, which is so similar to Wei Shu’s, and hearing him talk about going to war, she couldn’t help but recall when Wei Shu left years ago. But she couldn’t stop him. Fighting on the battlefield seemed to be a path every Wei family member must take. If Wei Lingchun was unwilling, she would do everything to let her son abandon martial pursuits for scholarly ones. But over the years, Wei Lingchun had wholeheartedly followed in his father’s footsteps. She had seen his effort, so she dared not and could not say anything.

She remained silent, and Wei Lingchun smiled, “I know what Mother is worried about, but everyone is born with their mission. I think being able to protect others, even if it means dying on the battlefield, is something I wouldn’t regret. I’m only worried about Mother…”

“You don’t need to worry about me,” Jiang Chun said calmly. “I’m your mother. I don’t need a child worrying about me.”

“When I was little, Father secretly told me that although Mother seems tough, she’s actually like a young girl. He wanted me to take good care of you when I grew up, just like he did.”

Jiang Chun was slightly taken aback. Wei Lingchun continued, “Father once told me that if someday he unfortunately passed away and you met someone you liked, he hoped I wouldn’t be unhappy. Because he knew that even if you chose someone else, you would still love me and have loved him. It’s just that life has different stages. You loved him well while he was alive, and if you could move on well after he left, that would be his greatest wish.”

“Stop talking!” Jiang Chun suddenly raised her voice. But after doing so, she felt she had overreacted. She pressed her lips together, turned her head away, and after calming herself, slowly said, “I have no intention of remarrying. You focus on your martial arts training, follow your Seventh Uncle to the battlefield, and take good care of yourself. Don’t think about such inauspicious things.”

She looked up at him, “Did you study your military tactics today?”

“Mother,” Wei Lingchun sighed, “Do you not like Song Shilan?”


“Look at me and answer honestly,” Wei Lingchun looked at her seriously. “Do you not like Song Shilan?”

This time, Jiang Chun couldn’t bring herself to speak.

Wei Shu was right; life has different stages. Back then, she truly loved him well, and now she still cherished his memory. If she hadn’t met Song Shilan, this feeling might have lasted a lifetime.

But then there was Song Shilan.

He was completely different from Wei Shu, lacking Wei Shu’s simplicity and earnestness. As a concubine’s son who had risen to his current position, his inner thoughts and methods were incomparable to Wei Shu’s.

Yet, undeniably, such a person had his shining qualities, guiding one through the night, irresistibly drawing one closer, like a moth to a flame, inescapable.

She couldn’t lie anymore. Wei Lingchun sighed softly and stood up, saying, “Sixth Aunt is hosting a banquet in the back garden in four days. She invites you to attend.”

“I understand.”

“Then, Mother, I’ll take my leave.”


After Wei Lingchun left, Jiang Chun closed her eyes. She raised her hand to cover her forehead, and after a long while, let out a soft sigh.

Song Shilan’s visit this time was not only to see Jiang Chun but also to discuss trade with Bailing. Qiongzhou had few battles but plenty of grain and few soldiers, while Bailing was rich in minerals. With Han Xiu here, it was a major producer of weapons. Song Shilan had already agreed with Wei Yun that he would come specifically to check on the weapons they had ordered.

He stayed for a few days, and every day after returning from Han Xiu’s place, he would come to Jiang Chun’s door.

He was thick-skinned. When Jiang Chun wouldn’t let him into the courtyard, he would sit on the wall and recite love poems he had written loudly.

He was naturally handsome and eloquent. When he recited poems, many people gathered around, pointing and discussing. Jiang Chun felt embarrassed and had to let him into the courtyard.

So the poem recitations turned into playing the zither, playing the flute, sending flowers, sending hairpins…

He tried every method to court her. Everyone found it entertaining. Jiang Chun didn’t know how she felt; she was annoyed when she saw him, but when the courtyard was quiet, she felt lonely.

Finally, she coldly said to Song Shilan, “Prince Song, if you truly like me, why do you do these things that make me unhappy?”

Song Shilan was sitting on the windowsill reciting poems. The peach trees had already sprouted, with flower buds dotting the branches. Song Shilan put down his book, turned his head, and smiled, “If you’re truly unhappy, then I’ll leave. But Jiang Chun, if I leave, you’ll be the truly unhappy one.”

Jiang Chun was slightly taken aback. Song Shilan lowered his head and continued reciting, “How lovely is the virtuous maiden, a gentleman’s pursuit…”

Four days later, when Wang Lan hosted the banquet, Song Shilan was about to leave. Everyone treated this banquet as his farewell party, creating a lively atmosphere. Jiang Chun sat opposite Song Shilan, while Wang Lan had brewed wine for everyone and was busy hosting.

As everyone was talking, a report came from outside saying that General Shen You had arrived.

Wang Lan was slightly startled. Song Shilan smiled and said, “He’s probably here for me.”

Wang Lan lowered her eyes and responded softly. Song Shilan stood up and called out, “General Shen!”

Shen You saw the people in the courtyard, paused for a moment, his gaze quickly passing over Wang Lan, then acted as if he hadn’t seen anything. After respectfully greeting Liu Xueyang and others, he turned to Song Shilan and said, “Prince Song.”

Song Shilan smiled and pointed to a small table, “If you have a business, let’s sit and talk.”

Shen You didn’t have much to discuss. All military operations had been halted, and Wei Yun had led his troops to Kunzhou. Since Song Shilan had come to Bailing, Wei Yun had sent him to meet with Song Shilan.

After Song Shilan and Shen You exchanged information, they started drinking. Wang Lan and Jiang Chun sat together in silence, but with many children around, it didn’t feel awkward.

The wine Wang Lan had brewed was very sweet but had a strong aftertaste. By the time Song Shilan and Shen You finished their conversation, they found that everyone else was somewhat tipsy. Liu Xueyang then had people escort everyone back.

Jiang Chun was escorted back by her maid. She appeared to be still clear-headed, far from being drunk. However, when Song Shilan called out to her from behind, she felt that she might truly be intoxicated.

She saw him standing at the end of the corridor, calling out to her, “Second Madam, may I take you to see the peach blossoms?”

Jiang Chun didn’t respond, so Song Shilan added, “Or we could look at the stars.”

Jiang Chun remained silent. She looked at his smiling eyes, and for some reason, after a long while, she slowly said, “Either is fine.”

Song Shilan smiled and walked over, leading Jiang Chun to ride horses out of the estate to a mountain in the suburbs. They left their horses at the foot of the mountain and climbed to the summit. When they reached the top, the moonlight was bright, illuminating the contours of the mountains and rivers. Song Shilan pointed to a road in the distance, “After the sun rises, I’ll return to Qiongzhou along that road.”


“When I find another opportunity, I’ll come back to see you.”

“There’s no need…”

“Come, come down here.” Song Shilan reached for Jiang Chun. She hesitated for a moment but didn’t push him away. Following his lead, she jumped onto the rock in front and followed him to the edge of the largest rock at the front. Song Shilan patted the spot beside him and said to Jiang Chun, “Sit here. The view is good from here. You can watch the peach blossoms, the stars, or watch me leave, whichever you prefer.”

Jiang Chun didn’t speak. She sat quietly. He grasped her wrist, and noticing she didn’t resist, Song Shilan suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said, “Jiang Chun, has anyone ever read your palm?”


“Well then,” Song Shilan turned to look at her. In the moonlight, the young woman’s expression was cool and calm. She seemed to be fully aware of what she was saying and doing, yet at the same time, she seemed oblivious to everything. Song Shilan hesitated for a moment before finally saying, “Shall I read your palm for you?”


Jiang Chun lowered her eyes. Song Shilan slid his hand down and grasped Jiang Chun’s hand. Jiang Chun’s hand trembled as she opened it in Song Shilan’s palm. Song Shilan looked down at her pale white hand for a long time before slowly smiling.

“I know you’re drunk,” his voice was gentle as he looked up into her eyes, smiling, “But I’m still very happy. Jiang Chun, I think that in this lifetime, I’ll always be able to wait for you, right?”

Jiang Chun didn’t speak. She just quietly looked at him. She felt incredibly peaceful and calm inside.

Song Shilan closed her hand and said gently, “After I go back, I’ll write to you. Will you write back to me?”

“It’s alright if you don’t write back,” Song Shilan said seriously. “I’ll still write to you.”

“Song Shilan,” Jiang Chun finally spoke. She looked into his clear and gentle eyes and said seriously, “If you marry me, others will laugh at you.”

“If I don’t marry you,” Song Shilan smiled, “I’ll laugh at myself.”

“Jiang Chun, if I cared about others,” Song Shilan’s eyes held an indecipherable look, “How could I, a concubine’s son, have come this far?”

Every step he had taken was a dangerous path, a path of bones. What did others’ words matter to him?

Jiang Chun didn’t speak. She lowered her eyes and said softly, “Oh.”

“Jiang Chun,” Song Shilan asked curiously, “why do you like Wei Shu?”

Jiang Chun hesitated, her thoughts somewhat scattered. In the past, she wouldn’t have easily spoken about Wei Shu, but at this moment, she felt she had found great courage to recall his good qualities.

“I’m a daughter of a concubine. Before, no one had ever been kind to me. When I was about to marry, people said Wei Shu was a rough soldier and would surely beat me…”

“But when I first met him on our wedding day, I was so scared and nervous that I accidentally twisted my ankle. I thought everything would go wrong, but he picked me up and carried me in.”

Jiang Chun smiled. “No one had ever been so kind to me before. He was the first.”

Song Shilan listened quietly as she continued to speak of Wei Shu’s goodness. His kindness seemed endless, and she kept talking until dawn when she slowly began to sober up, and her voice grew softer. Suddenly, she remembered that no matter how good Wei Shu was, he was gone. Like morning dew that evaporates without a trace when the sun rises.

She suddenly lost interest and slowly got up, saying, “It’s time for you to go. Head back.”

As she spoke, she tried to move to the side, but the effects of the alcohol hadn’t fully worn off. She slipped and fell backward. Song Shilan quickly caught her and helped her up, asking, “Are you alright?”

Jiang Chun didn’t respond. Song Shilan noticed she was lightly lifting one foot. After a moment’s pause, he crouched down and said, “Let me carry you down.”

Jiang Chun remained silent. Song Shilan smiled and said, “You’re so awkward sometimes. When I first met you, you were much more straightforward and efficient.”

With that, Song Shilan swiftly pulled her onto his back and nimbly jumped up the mountain, cheerfully saying, “More comfortable than riding in a sedan chair, right?”

Jiang Chun didn’t speak. Leaning against his back, she suddenly felt as if she had returned to when she was fifteen.

She closed her eyes, listening to Song Shilan talking beside her. He spoke a lot, and some of it sounded a bit childish. As she quietly leaned against him, she suddenly felt that it wasn’t so difficult anymore.

She dozed off, and Song Shilan slowed his pace as he reached the bottom of the mountain. Hearing her even breathing behind him, he couldn’t help but smile.

“So stubborn,” he chuckled softly.

As he walked out of the forest, he saw the guards waiting by the horses. He was about to speak but stopped them with a look.

The guards had already packed everything and were waiting for him. He placed Jiang Chun in the carriage and covered her with a blanket. Looking at her sleeping profile, he said gently, “I’m leaving now. Remember to write to me.”

“When you’re home, go out and have fun sometimes. Don’t worry too much. You’re still young; don’t live like a lifeless old lady.”

As he spoke, he tucked her hair behind her ear and said softly, “Wei Shu treated you well, but I will treat you even better. He was kind to you because of his nature, and though my personality isn’t as good, I…” He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I like you.”

I like you, I’m willing to spoil you, willing to love you.

The sleeping woman’s eyes moved slightly, but she didn’t speak. Song Shilan chuckled softly and left the carriage.

Outside, the sound of horses galloping away could be heard. Jiang Chun slowly opened her eyes.

While White Ridge was peaceful, Wei Yun had already organized his troops in Kun Prefecture, waiting for Gu Chusheng and the Imperial Princess to signal. He would then immediately march on Hua Capital.

“Lord Gu has rescued Madam Gu but is now under house arrest by Zhao Yue. Madam Gu is recuperating in Lord Gu’s residence. Lord Gu says that Madam Gu is currently weak and needs rest. It’s not advisable to act rashly. He asks the Prince to be patient and wait until they have fully controlled Hua Capital before making further plans.”

The spy reported the news from Hua Capital. Wei Yun paused his writing and looked up, asking, “What exactly is Madam Gu’s condition?”

“It’s said that due to traveling while pregnant and Zhao Yue’s use of drugs on her, she needs treatment.”

Wei Yun lowered his gaze, suppressing the emotions in his eyes. He turned to the news from various parts of Bai Prefecture, asking, “What does the Imperial Princess say?”

“The Imperial Princess says that the Emperor has summoned Yu Linlang to the capital and has hardly seen her. He might have guessed about his poisoning. She’s unsure of Yu Linlang’s medical skills and asks the Prince to prepare for the worst. If necessary, lead the army into Tianshou Pass. Moreover, the Imperial Princess wonders if the Prince can find a way to kill Yu Linlang.”

Wei Yun paused for a moment upon hearing this, thought for a while, and then turned to say, “Call Shen Wushuang over.”

As he spoke, he lowered his head and continued reviewing the reports, asking, “Anything else?”

“News from Tu Suo,” the spy continued, “It seems Su Cha is mobilizing troops.”

“Mobilizing troops?” Wei Yun raised his head, frowning, “What for?”

But as soon as he asked, a thought flashed through his mind, and he urgently inquired, “When did Yu Linlang enter Hua Capital?”

“Half a month ago.”

“When was Tu Suo’s information sent?”

“Five days ago.”

Wei Yun fell silent. He calculated the time it took for the news to travel from Zhao Yue to the Northern Di, for Tu Suo to notice, and then for the information to return to Kun Prefecture. His face darkened as he formed a plan in his mind.

He had never hesitated to think the worst of Zhao Yue. It wouldn’t surprise him if Zhao Yue allied with foreign enemies when necessary; after all, it wouldn’t be the first time Zhao Yue had done such a thing. If he knew he was about to die, he might do anything without regard for consequences.

Su Cha had already been intimidated by them, and if it weren’t for the internal strife in Da Chu, he would have dealt with Su Cha long ago. Now, the Northern Di was relying on the standoff between Tu Suo and Su Cha. He had originally planned to deal with Zhao Yue before attacking Su Cha, but Su Cha probably knew his intentions. Therefore, Su Cha would spare no effort to help Zhao Yue, and Zhao Yue must have promised Su Cha something in return.

But now, with the Wei, Song, and Chu families united, and Qing Prefecture pacified, the military strength of the Xie family and Yan Prefecture alone, even with Su Cha’s help, might not be enough to overthrow them. So Zhao Yue would certainly try his best to incite foreign enemies…

As Wei Yun pondered, Tao Quan stroked his beard and asked, “What is the Prince thinking?”

“Teacher,” Wei Yun looked up at Tao Quan, “If you were Zhao Yue and wanted to ask for help now, who would you ask?”

Tao Quan smiled, “Zhao Yue’s enemies now are you, Song Shilan, and Chu Lingyang. Song Shilan is a fence-sitter, Chu Lingyang prioritizes the common people, and you have a blood feud with him. So the primary target would definitely be you, and I would certainly contact the Northern Di.”

Wei Yun nodded, “What else?”

“The relationship between Miss Chu and the Wei family is known to all, and Chu Lingyang values his family greatly. So to restrain Chu Lingyang, on one hand, Miss Chu has already been kidnapped, and on the other hand, Chen Kingdom must be incited to harass Luo Prefecture so that Chu Lingyang cannot leave.”

“If you want Chen Kingdom to harass Luo Prefecture, how would you do it?”

“Chen Kingdom and Luo Prefecture have been at war for many years and have a historical feud. Offer them great benefits.”

“Not enough.”

“Then what does the Prince think…” Tao Quan was somewhat confused.

Wei Yun’s gaze was sharp, “Chen Kingdom’s land is barren, mainly relying on dry rice and cattle for food. They have invaded several times due to famine in their country. This year, their production is average. If I were Zhao Yue and wanted Chen Kingdom to send troops, I would definitely distribute them to various locations and buy grain at high prices with lightning speed. When the top realizes there’s a grain shortage, offer great benefits to the king.”

Tao Quan remained silent. Wei Yun put aside the letter in his hand and stood up, “We can’t be slower than them.”

“The Prince means, if they buy grain at high prices, we’ll sell at low prices, ensuring Chen Kingdom’s grain supply…”

“Prince.” As they were speaking, Shen Wushuang entered, smiling, “I heard the Prince called for me?”

Wei Yun didn’t speak. He turned his head and looked at Shen Wushuang, saying, “I want to ask for your help.”


“To kill someone.”

Wei Yun’s words made Shen Wushuang pause. Wei Yun calmly said, “Zhao Yue is certainly seeking medical help everywhere now. Disguise yourself and go to treat Zhao Yue. He’s a very suspicious person, so don’t use any tricks when you go. Treat him well, then use the pretext of a consultation to see Yu Linlang.”

“Yu Linlang?”

Shen Wushuang raised his voice, “She went to treat Zhao Yue?”

“Yes,” Wei Yun’s voice was cold, “She can’t cure Zhao Yue. When you see her, if you can persuade her to change sides, that’s best. If not,” Wei Yun leaned in, “Send her on her way properly.”

“How do I come back?”

Shen Wushuang hesitated. Wei Yun didn’t speak. He looked up at Shen Wushuang, “Take a signal flare with you. When the time comes, send out your hiding place, and my people will come to pick you up.”

“However,” Wei Yun hesitated for a moment, “I can’t guarantee 100%…”

Before he could finish, Shen Wushuang understood and thought for a moment before smiling, “Alright.”

He said, “If I can’t make it out, I’ll make sure Zhao Yue’s life pays for mine.”

“Try to come back.”

“We’ll see how it goes.”

Shen Wushuang shrugged nonchalantly. He then said, “I’ll go and prepare the commonly used medicines in the army. I’ll set off tomorrow morning.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun suddenly remembered something and called out to him, “Are there any medicines that are absolutely necessary for the army?”


Shen Wushuang was taken aback. Wei Yun continued, “Are there any medicines that are essential and indispensable for the army?”

“Of course,” Shen Wushuang smiled, “There’s one basic medicine specifically used to stop bleeding, and it can also prevent infections and plagues. Most importantly, it’s cheap. You know most medicines for the army are expensive…”

“Do you know about the medicine situation in Chen Kingdom’s army?”

“It’s not hard to guess,” Shen Wushuang quickly replied, “This kind of basic medicine is usually produced in their own country. Once it’s transported long distances, it becomes expensive, and military funds can’t afford it. Chen Kingdom has a medicine called Frost Red, which is equivalent to our…”

“How much do they produce each year?”

Wei Yun quickly asked about this medicine. Although Shen Wushuang didn’t know why Wei Yun was asking this, he still answered honestly.

After listening to Shen Wushuang’s explanation, Wei Yun nodded. Seeing that Wei Yun didn’t speak, Shen Wushuang said, “Then I’ll be going?”


Wei Yun responded. As Shen Wushuang reached the door, he suddenly called out to him, “Wushuang,” Shen Wushuang turned back to see the young man looking at him seriously, saying, “Take care.”

Shen Wushuang paused, then waved his hand, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

After saying this, Shen Wushuang hesitated and finally said, “Wei Yun, actually, sometimes people shouldn’t be too good or think too much about others. Be a little selfish, say what you want, do what you want, don’t just tolerate and indulge. If you’re too good to people for too long, they won’t cherish it and will think it’s what you’re supposed to do.”

Wei Yun hadn’t expected Shen Wushuang to say such things. Shen Wushuang thought for a moment and said, “I think when you were young and dared to stab a knife into the table even with your broken leg, you seemed more human.”

“Alright,” he waved his hand, “That’s enough reminiscing. Your big brother is leaving.”

With that, Shen Wushuang waved and turned around, “Don’t call me again, I’m really leaving.”

Wei Yun remained silent this time. He quietly watched as Shen Wushuang turned his back and left. When Shen was out of sight, Tao Quan asked, “Does Your Highness have a plan?”

“We’ll sell grain,” Wei Yun turned back and said, “When Zhao Yue starts selling grain, we’ll exchange our grain for frost red, and when that’s gone, we’ll exchange for horses.”

“Your Highness means that we’ll counterbalance with grain so Chen Kingdom won’t lack food. If Chen still decides to go to war, they’ll be short on medicine and horses. Once the war starts, their army will inevitably collapse soon after.”

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

“But if Chen Kingdom discovers…”

“That’s why we need to act quickly,” Wei Yun said decisively. “As soon as Zhao Yue makes a move, we’ll act immediately. We’ll bribe officials and trade on the black market. By the time the news reaches the Chen Emperor, it’ll be too late for him.”

“But…” Tao Quan furrowed his brow, “We’ve just experienced a major disaster, and we still have to fight against the Northern Di. I’m afraid our grain…”

“We’ll write to Chu Linyang. We’ll contribute a portion, along with Chu Linyang’s share. Most importantly, we’ll borrow grain from Xining.” Wei Yun’s words stunned Tao Quan. Xining was separated from Da Chu by Chen Kingdom, indeed too far away.

After a moment’s thought, Tao Quan realized, “Does Your Highness mean to go to Xining to borrow grain?”


Wei Yun spoke coldly, “I must go to Xining to discuss the plan to attack Chen with him.”

Xining had been at war with Chen Kingdom for years. Going to Xining to borrow grain and then inciting them to attack Chen was no easy task.

However, Wei Yun had already decided. He stood up and said, “Tell Wei Qiu to prepare. We’ll set out tonight. Master Tao,” Wei Yun turned to look at Tao Quan seriously, “After I leave, you’ll be in full charge of military affairs. Shen You will guard Bai Prefecture against the Northern Di, Qin Shiyue will hold Yan Prefecture, and you’ll arrange the rest of the generals.” Saying this, he took a step back and bowed, “I entrust this to you.”

“Your Highness,” Tao Quan hurried to help Wei Yun up, “This is my duty. There’s no need for such formality.”

“The journey to Xining is uncertain,” Wei Yun said calmly. “If I don’t return, I hope Master Tao will manage the overall situation for me, ensure the First Madam returns safely, and let her choose the heir. No matter what, please assist them well.”

“Rest assured, Your Highness,” Tao Quan said seriously. “I understand.”

Wei Yun nodded, discussed with Tao Quan for a while longer, then sent two letters detailing all his plans to Chu Linyang and Song Shilan. By then, Wei Xia had packed everything and was waiting for Wei Yun along with Wei Qiu.

After bidding farewell to Tao Quan, Wei Yun set off towards Xining, traveling day and night.

Along the way, Wei Yun sent messages by carrier pigeon, inquiring about grain prices in Chen Kingdom everywhere. At the same time, he directed people to transport grain to the locations of Chen Kingdom’s secret agents but held off on selling.

By now, Zhao Yue had made his move, and grain prices in Chen Kingdom began to soar. Wei Yun, having laid out the entire transport network across Chen Kingdom, finally arrived in Xining. He submitted his credentials and requested an audience with the Xining Emperor. However, after a day of waiting, there was no response from the other side.

Wei Xia grew restless. He stood up and said, “Your Highness, what does this Xining ruler mean? Keeping us waiting here for a whole day…”

Wei Yun remained silent, his eyes closed and hands tucked into his sleeves, seemingly deep in thought.

Wei Qiu let out a cold laugh, “It’s obvious. Xining doesn’t want to get involved and has no intention of meeting us.”

“He probably knows we’re here as envoys,” Wei Xia said, somewhat frustrated. “If we could at least get a meeting, it would be fine, but if we can’t even see him, what can we do? We don’t have much time…”

“I’ve heard,” Wei Yun slowly opened his eyes, “that tomorrow is the Spring God Festival. The ruler will be visiting the Goddess Temple.”

Wei Xia and Wei Qiu were taken aback. Wei Xia hesitantly asked, “Your Highness means…”

“I’ve made contact with someone today. I’ll infiltrate the Goddess Temple. Tomorrow, you lead people to storm the mountain gate and create a disturbance at the front. I’ll take advantage of the chaos to take the Xining ruler hostage,” Wei Yun’s eyes turned cold as he spoke, “If he doesn’t want to talk, we’ll make him have no choice but to talk!”

While Wei Yun was preparing everything in Xining, people in Bai Prefecture and Qiong Prefecture began falling ill one after another.

At first, it was just one or two people, but the illness spread quickly.

Wei Qingping was the first to realize something was wrong. On her way back from Qing Prefecture, when she reached Bai Prefecture, someone asked her to visit a village.

“We don’t know what happened. Overnight, everyone fell ill.”

The village head, coughing, led Wei Qingping forward. It seemed like a common cold, and the people around didn’t pay much attention. Wei Qingping, wearing a face mask soaked in medicinal herbs and gloves, kept her distance from everyone as she followed the village head.

She was well aware that an epidemic could break out at any time after an earthquake, and had always been very cautious when practicing medicine. The village head described the symptoms of everyone to her, but when they reached the village and Wei Qingping saw the people lying in a shed, she felt a sense of panic.

The initial symptoms were coughing, diarrhea, and high fever that wouldn’t subside…

These symptoms were eerily similar to the epidemic she had first discovered in Qing Prefecture. However, she and Gu Chusheng had handled it very well at that time. By all logic, if an outbreak were to occur, it should have been in Qing Prefecture.

Moreover, according to the village head, it could kill an adult in less than ten days. This speed was much faster than in Qing Prefecture.

Most importantly, if it was indeed a variant of the Qing Prefecture epidemic…

So far, there was no treatment available.

Wei Qingping’s heart clenched as she listened to the groaning sounds throughout the shed. She stepped forward and used a wooden stick to lift the blanket covering a patient. The sight of wounds oozing with pus and rotting flesh was exposed before Wei Qingping’s eyes, and her face changed drastically!

It was the epidemic from Qing Prefecture…

However, it hadn’t broken out in Qing Prefecture. It had broken out in Bai Prefecture, in a city originally far from Qing Prefecture, downstream of Jiang Bai City’s water source!

Wei Qingping’s face turned pale. She looked at the wailing people on the ground. A patient crawled over, trying to grab her skirt. She quickly stepped back, and the people around her also sensed something was wrong. They asked with confusion, “Princess?”

Wei Qingping composed herself. She calmly turned and said, “Immediately set up checkpoints and seal off the village. From today on, no one who has entered this village is allowed to leave!”


Everyone suddenly looked up. Wei Qingping spoke calmly, “Don’t be afraid. I’m not leaving. I’ll stay here too. I’ll treat you until you survive, or until I die.”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Wei Qingping raised her voice, “Hurry! Seal off the village, set up checkpoints for communication with the outside. The checkpoint staff cannot have contact with the outside world. We’re not sure about the mode of transmission yet. I’ll write a list of medicinal herbs now. Have people from outside quickly transport the herbs here…”

Wei Qingping spoke with composure, and seeing her demeanor, everyone gradually calmed down. However, in places where people couldn’t see, her hands were constantly shaking.

The outbreak had already spread beyond the point of control, but as a doctor, she had no choice.

She was now everyone’s support. She could only bear it, could only stand tall.

She returned to the medical hut and quickly began writing prescriptions and listing isolation supplies. She instructed her medical apprentice to distinguish between those who were infected and those who might not be infected yet, then taught those who weren’t infected how to prevent infection.

After the lockdown began, the soldiers who hadn’t entered initially became their only communication channel. Wei Qingping didn’t allow them to have contact, so she had a door built at the checkpoint where both sides would leave items for exchange. All outgoing items had to be strictly disinfected with medication before they could leave, and those receiving items had to use gloves to touch them.

Wei Qingping wrote down the needed medicines, isolation methods, and her experiences from Qing Prefecture. She then wrote down the specific situation clearly, requesting Wei Yun to investigate the situation across Bai Prefecture and the cause of infection, and to announce a state-wide lockdown.

After doing all this, she watched the messenger about to leave. After a moment’s hesitation, she finally said, “Also, tell General Qin Shiyue.”

The messenger stopped in his tracks. Wei Qingping’s voice trembled slightly, “Everyone has their own responsibilities. I am a doctor, he is a soldier. He should do his own job and not come looking for me. If he dares to come, I will never respect him again in this lifetime.”

The messenger pressed his lips together and nodded, “I understand.”

After Wei Qingping’s letter was sent out, Tao Quan received it and immediately began giving orders. After the various cities in Bai Prefecture reported their epidemic situations, Tao Quan suddenly realized that this epidemic was spreading along the river!

The battle where Zhao Yue recklessly took Su Bai flashed through his mind, and Wei Yun’s conversation with him before he left echoed.

“Zhao Yue’s enemies now are you, Song Shilan, and Chu Linyang…”

If the Northern Di were to tie up the Wei family, and Chen Kingdom were to tie up the Chu family, what about Song Shilan?!

Would Zhao Yue really leave Song Shilan alone?

The longest stretch of the Jiang Bai River wasn’t in Bai Prefecture, but in Qiong Prefecture and Hua Prefecture!

Tao Quan suddenly stood up and shouted, “Someone! Someone! Send a message to Prince Song for me!”

Tao Quan’s message was sent by carrier pigeon, with more than ten pigeons sent out simultaneously to ensure it reached Song Shilan’s hands.

At this time, Song Shilan was inspecting Taiping City. Many people in Taiping City had recently contracted the same illness. Because most of these people drank river water, officials believed someone had poisoned the upstream water. To reassure the people, Song Shilan came to investigate the matter.

However, when he arrived in Taiping City, Song Shilan discovered that the situation was a hundred times more serious than what the officials had reported. The magistrate of Taiping City had already fled, leaving Song Shilan no choice but to personally take charge while waiting for the new magistrate to arrive.

He had always been hands-on, inspecting the situation daily and occasionally helping the officials, which earned him a high reputation among the people.

Qiong Prefecture and Hua Prefecture were coastal areas, far from the inland, and thus rich in resources and rarely affected by war. The local customs were simple, and life was affluent. Even in times of heavy military presence, when Song Shilan came, the people could still smile at him through their pain.

Song Shilan loved this feeling. He wrote to Jiang Chun every day, describing the beauty of Qiong Prefecture, and then asking her when he could marry her and bring her to Qiong Prefecture.

Jiang Chun rarely replied to his letters, but Song Shilan enjoyed writing them nonetheless, finding joy in the activity every day.

On that day, the spring sun was just right. The deputy officer followed Song Shilan as he inspected the people and officials among the crowd. Seeing Song Shilan’s smiling face, the deputy couldn’t help but ask, “Did you write to the Second Madam again yesterday?”

“How did you know? *cough*…”

Song Shilan coughed twice, then looked up, unable to hide his smile. “This time she will surely reply to me.”

“Your Highness seems to be coughing often lately.”

“Probably caught a cold.” Song Shilan said absent-mindedly. The deputy thought for a moment, then continued, “What did Your Highness write?”

“I told her,” Song Shilan chuckled, “I told Wei Linchun that I am his real father.”

The deputy was stunned and stuttered, “This… this… Second Madam Wei…”

“Your Highness, Your Highness!”

A guard rushed in hurriedly, holding a letter, “News from Bailing!”

“So quick?”

Song Shilan was taken aback, but he immediately realized that the timing was off. This couldn’t be a letter from Jiang Chun. His face darkened as he quickly took the letter from the guard’s hand.

He opened the letter and his expression changed drastically.

It was a message from Tao Quan about the epidemic, along with methods for isolation and inspection.

He stared blankly at the paper. The deputy beside him asked, “Your Highness?”

“Give the order…” Song Shilan lowered his voice and turned to those behind him, “Anyone with coughing, fever, diarrhea, bloodshot eyes, or skin ulcers must stay in the city. Those with arm injuries absolutely cannot leave the city. Everyone else must leave immediately and move to the Song family village in the suburbs. They can only resume normal activities after a month of observation with no issues. Everything in the city will be handled according to this paper.”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but the person who received the order took the paper from Song Shilan’s hand and immediately said, “Yes,” before turning to arrange everything.

“Your Highness?!”

After everyone left, the deputy hesitantly spoke up. Song Shilan, controlling his emotions, lowered his eyes and handed another copy of the letter to the deputy, “Give this letter to Fourth Young Master Song Shirong. Tell him to fully cooperate with Chu Linyang and Wei Yun’s arrangements from now on. We must spare no effort to overthrow Zhao Yue. The Song family has chosen this path, and we cannot turn back now.”

“Your Highness, what’s going on…”

“This is a plague.”

Hearing this, the deputy was stunned. Song Shilan looked up at the deputy and said, “From today on, send the uninfected people out according to the household registry. If you’re not infected, leave quickly.”

“Then we should let the doctors…”

He looked at the deputy seriously, “There is no cure for this plague.”

The deputy was slightly taken aback, then nodded, “Alright. Then, Your Highness, I’ll escort you out.”

Hearing this, Song Shilan didn’t speak. After a moment, he slowly smiled.

“I can’t leave.”

“Your Highness?”

The deputy looked up, his face showing shock. Song Shilan raised his hand and rolled up his sleeve.

There was a small wound on his arm, like an abrasion, seemingly ulcerated.

The deputy stared blankly at Song Shilan, but Song Shilan’s face was as if nothing had happened. He lowered his sleeve and calmly said, “After you leave, let Song Shirong take charge. Immediately establish close communication with Tao Quan. Wei Qingping is with them and will spare no effort to find ways to stop the epidemic. We’ll follow Bai Prefecture’s lead. If other places have situations similar to Taiping City, deal with them immediately in the same way. It’s better to wrongly isolate a hundred than to let one infected person go.”

“Your Highness…” the deputy lowered his head, his voice trembling, “If you don’t say anything, no one will know…”

“I know.” Song Shilan’s voice was calm. He tucked his hands into his sleeves and walked towards the city gate. “My life is no more precious than anyone else’s. I was born the son of a songstress, a concubine’s child. I’ve come far enough already.”

“Your Highness!” The deputy raised his voice, “What about the Second Madam?!”

“You go out,” the deputy said anxiously, “I’ll escort you out. I’ll take care of you alone. If I get infected, I’ll die with you. We absolutely won’t infect others. I’ll take you to find Wei Qingping, she must have a way…”

“If she has a way, I can live long enough to wait for her,” Song Shilan said calmly. “If she doesn’t, even if I leave, there’s no solution.”

“Moreover,” Song Shilan looked up at the deputy, “As soon as I leave, I become a walking source of infection. Do you know how the epidemic spreads? You don’t. If even my breath can infect others, then my leaving would harm others.”

“Brother,” Song Shilan smiled, “One should be content with life…”

“You haven’t married the Second Madam yet, you don’t have an heir,” the deputy said anxiously, “You can’t give up…”

“I’m not giving up.”

Song Shilan looked up at the city gate, where people had quickly gathered. Soldiers were confronting the crowd, shouting, “One at a time! One at a time!”

Song Shilan looked at them and said softly, “I haven’t married her, and she doesn’t love me enough yet. I don’t have children, nor do I have any relatives I’m particularly attached to. Actually, this might be for the best.”

“I came into this world clean, and I’ll leave unencumbered. If you really want to save me,” Song Shilan’s gaze fell on the deputy, his voice steady, “then go out and find Wei Qingping and other doctors. Do everything possible to save everyone. If everyone is saved, I’ll be saved.”

The deputy stared blankly at Song Shilan. Song Shilan raised his hand to pat the deputy’s shoulder, but after a moment, he lowered it and turned to walk towards the crowd.

The news of the city lockdown had thrown the crowd into complete panic. People seemed to vaguely sense something, and many shouted, “Why won’t you let us out?!”

“Are you trying to lock us in here to die? Are you abandoning us?!”

“You want us to die! You want us to die!”

Everyone was screaming. At that moment, Song Shilan shouted, “Everyone!”

All eyes turned to him. Song Shilan jumped onto a nearby drum platform and addressed the crowd, “Everyone, I am Song Shilan.”

“Prince Song?”

“Prince Song is here too!”

“Prince Song, you’re here? You must uphold justice for us!”

“Everyone,” Song Shilan said calmly, “To be honest with you all, this illness is indeed a plague. The plague is spreading fiercely. Bai Prefecture and Qiong Prefecture are doing everything they can to diagnose and treat it. We will never abandon the people. The city lockdown is only to prevent infecting more people. After the lockdown, the court will not abandon everyone. Food, medicine, and doctors will continue to enter the city normally.”

“Easy for you to say,” a citizen shouted, “Once you leave the city and close the gates, what will happen to us?! You talk about not infecting more people, but don’t the officials and nobles leave when they’re sick? It’s only us poor commoners who suffer!”

With these words, the crowd became agitated. Song Shilan listened quietly. After a moment, he rolled up his sleeve.

The ulcerated wound on his hand appeared before everyone. His expression remained calm as he said, “I’m not leaving.”

Everyone was stunned. Song Shilan’s voice was steady, “I’ve already contracted the plague. I will stay here with everyone. As long as I can stand, I will do my best to take care of those who need care. I’m here as your guarantee. My Song family will never abandon a single citizen who shouldn’t be abandoned.”

“I’m the same as all of you. I want to live too. I have someone I love. I want to marry her. I’ve already sent the betrothal gifts and prepared her wedding clothes. I’m just waiting for her consent.” Song Shilan smiled. Everyone stared at him, able to see the tenderness in his eyes. “I will live to get out of here, and so will all of you. I beg everyone, please line up orderly. Let your loved ones, friends, all those who should leave, leave. Those who remain, stay with me in Taiping City. We will wait for doctors and herbal medicines. When we survive and leave the city, let’s all go to Bailing together to propose marriage.”

“I don’t think staying means death, and neither should you.”

No one spoke. Song Shilan stood at the high point and called to his deputy, “Li Yuan.”

Li Yuan didn’t move. Song Shilan raised his voice, “Li Yuan!”

“I’m here, sir!”

Li Yuan shouted with red eyes. Song Shilan’s voice softened, “Come forward.”

Li Yuan approached Song Shilan, his body trembling. Song Shilan rolled up his sleeve. His arm was clean, without a single scar. Song Shilan looked into his eyes. Li Yuan stared at Song Shilan, tears in his eyes. Song Shilan smiled, “A man shouldn’t cry.”

“Go now.”

Song Shilan released him and said calmly, “Stay outside, deliver the message, and go see the Fourth Young Master after a month of observation. Don’t wander around.”

With Song Shilan and Li Yuan taking the lead, the crowd finally organized themselves. They lined up by household, according to the household registry names, and left one by one.

Many who were already diagnosed didn’t come forward. Those who tried to sneak out were pushed back.

After a day of this, finally, no one was left in line.

The gates of Taiping City slowly closed. Song Shilan watched the setting sun outside the city gate. He couldn’t quite describe the feeling, but that sun seemed particularly red, like the color of blood, falling on people’s hearts, adding to their despair.

He coughed lightly and returned to the government office with the guards who had stayed behind.

There was still an unsent letter in the office. He glanced at it and couldn’t help but smile.

Meanwhile, far away in Bailing, Jiang Chun finally became a bit anxious after not receiving letters from Song Shilan for several days.

But she couldn’t show it on her face, so she casually went to ask Wei Linchun, “Is everything still alright in Qiong Prefecture?”

Wei Linchun, who was now working with Tao Quan, heard this and evasively replied, “It’s… it’s fine.”

Jiang Chun sensed something was wrong. She frowned and straightened up, “Has something happened?”

“No,” Wei Linchun smiled awkwardly, “Everything’s fine, going smoothly.”

Jiang Chun didn’t say anything, but after a moment, she called Qian Yong over. Qian Yong was straightforward. Jiang Chun sighed and said, “General Qian, about Prince Song’s matter… you know about it, right?”

“Huh?” Qian Yong looked surprised, “How do you know? Who told you?!”

“Don’t hide it from me anymore,” Jiang Chun revealed a sorrowful expression. “I’ve pretty much figured it out. I just want to know if his current situation requires the Young Prince to intervene?”

“Please don’t be too upset.” Qian Yong sighed, “This plague is all heaven’s will. The Princess is already looking for ways to cure the epidemic. Prince Song is a good man, surely heaven will protect him…”

“Plague?!” Jiang Chun raised her voice, “Are you saying Song Shilan contracted the plague?”

“Yes,” Qian Yong looked confused, “Weren’t you talking about him locking himself in Taiping City?”

Jiang Chun fell silent. She gripped the armrest and said hoarsely, “You’re saying he locked himself in Taiping City?”

“Yes, the disaster in Taiping City is severe now,” Qian Yong said casually, “Prince Song heard he was infected, so he simply closed the city and is waiting to die inside with the people. He says he’s waiting for the Princess to find a cure, but in this situation, what cure could there be? It’s just dragging on day by day…”

As Qian Yong rambled on, Jiang Chun had no response. Seeing her lost and dazed, after a long while, he finally said, “Um… Second Madam, should I… leave first?”

Jiang Chun gave a low acknowledgment. Qian Yong hesitated for a moment, then retreated.

She sat in the room, motionless, from afternoon until night, just sitting quietly.

When Wei Lingchun returned and heard that Jiang Chun had been sitting in the room all day, he hesitantly opened the door.

Moonlight poured in, and by its glow, he saw his mother sitting in the chair. She wore white, her hand supporting her forehead, like a statue maintaining that posture for a long, long time.

Neither spoke. After a while, Wei Lingchun slowly said, “Don’t be sad. Uncle Song is a fortunate man. He’ll be fine.”

Jiang Chun remained silent. Wei Lingchun moved to light a lamp but heard Jiang Chun suddenly say, “Don’t light it.”

Wei Lingchun stopped, standing in the darkness with his back to Jiang Chun. He didn’t know what to say. No matter how precocious, he was still just a child. After a long time, he slowly said, “Mother, you didn’t actually like Uncle Song that much. When someone dies, there will always be another. It’s alright.”

“Don’t like…”

Hearing this, Jiang Chun let out a low laugh. She raised her head, and in the moonlight, her face was streaked with tears, though it wasn’t clear how long she had been crying. She looked at Wei Lingchun and asked in return, “Don’t like?”

“Is it that all of you think I don’t like him, you all assume I don’t like him?” She stood up and approached Wei Lingchun. “Does even he think that I really hate him, that I don’t like him?!”

“Yes,” she didn’t know who she was talking to, her voice hoarse, “I do hate him. I hate why such a good person had to appear, had to tell me he liked me, had to give me such a beautiful, such a joyful future. I hate him, and I hate myself even more. What am I? From a small family, born of a concubine. Your father’s love was already enough. I should remember him for a lifetime, cherish him forever. What right do I have, what face, to fall for another man?!”

“In this life,” she choked up, looking at Wei Lingchun, “In this life, I should just guard your father’s memorial tablet, guard the Wei family, guard you, watch you grow up, marry, have children, and after a hundred years, go to see your father. That’s all my life should be. So why did he have to appear, and what right do I have?! If I married him, how could I face your father, and how could I face you?! And he’s such a good man, why should he have to settle for a woman like me?!”

“I hate him, I hate myself, I hate that I can’t let go, can’t bear to part, can’t break it off, can’t leave. I hate that even at this moment…” She paused, staring at Wei Lingchun, slowly saying, “Even at this moment, I don’t dare to go find him.”

Wei Lingchun said nothing. He quietly looked at Jiang Chun for a long time, then reached out and embraced her.

The youth’s embrace was warm. His arms were still slender but strong, with the lean strength typical of martial artists. Jiang Chun was slightly startled, then heard Wei Lingchun slowly say, “Mother, I want you to be happy.”

Jiang Chun stood dumbfounded, bent over in Wei Lingchun’s embrace. “Father feels the same as I do. We both want you to be happy. When people die, they’re gone. Even in the next life, it has nothing to do with this one. After you die, you don’t need to go see Father, because no one can meet anyone. Don’t pin your life on such vague things after death.”

“Mother,” he said gently, “I’ve grown up. You can go do everything you like, just as you’ve done for me. I know you don’t want me to go to the battlefield, but you still support me. I’m the same.”

As he spoke, he tightened his arms, tears welling in his eyes. “I very much want Mother to always be by my side. I also very much want Mother to be the Second Madam of the Wei family for life. But more than you being a perfect mother, I want you to be a happy mother.”

Wei Lingchun closed his eyes. “I’ve had enough of you restraining yourself in the name of loving me.”

Jiang Chun said nothing. Embraced by her child, listening to his young yet straightforward words, she felt countless emotions flooding over her. She leaned on him and began to sob loudly.

“I want to go find him…”

“Then go find him.”

“I want to see him, I want to be with him…”

“Then go be with him!”

“I like him…” Jiang Chun cried out hoarsely, “I truly like him!”

Wei Lingchun supported Jiang Chun, gritting his teeth as he spoke, “Then go like him!”

Young people always have a courage and persistence that surpasses adults.

If you want to find someone, then go find them; if you want to see someone, then go see them; if you want to be with someone, then go be with them; if you want to like someone, then go like them.

That fervor spread from Wei Lingchun to Jiang Chun, bit by bit.

She cried unrestrainedly until she was exhausted. By daybreak, she spoke with difficulty, “Lingchun, I’m not a good mother.”

“No,” Wei Lingchun calmly replied, “I’m very lucky to be your son. You’re very brave, braver than many mothers I’ve seen.”

Jiang Chun said nothing. A moment later, she straightened up.

She called for a maid to come in and help her wash up. Then she went to find Tao Quan. With the epidemic so severe, Bailing had a group of physicians specifically researching it. After carefully learning everything about the epidemic, Jiang Chun noted down the necessary herbs and equipment, as well as the latest prescription developed by the physicians. Then, taking weapons, she left Bailing.

Before leaving the city, Wei Lingchun came to see her off. Jiang Chun sat on her horse, looking at this young man who was already nearly as tall as her. She leaned down, tidied his hair, and said gently, “Mother is going to find the person she likes. From now on, you’ll have to take care of yourself. Can you do that?”

“I can.” Wei Lingchun smiled, “Don’t worry. When Seventh Uncle was my age, he was already an important figure.”

Jiang Chun smiled. She gazed at him intently for a long time, then slowly said, “I will do well as Jiang Chun. Wei Lingchun, I also hope you can be a good Wei Lingchun.”

“In this life,” she raised her hand to her heart and said gently, “Mother always hopes you can live freely and boldly, not violating heavenly principles, not betraying your heart.”

“Don’t worry, Mother,” Wei Lingchun said seriously, “I will.”

“Lingchun,” Jiang Chun took a deep breath, “Giving birth to you was truly the best thing I’ve done in this life. Even though I initially thought you were quite ugly.”

Wei Lingchun was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed, “Mother!”

Jiang Chun laughed heartily but said no more. She spurred her horse and galloped out of Bailing.

She rode day and night, finally arriving at the foot of Taiping City. As the sun was setting, Song Shilan climbed up to the city gate. Now, their communication with the outside world relied on a basket lowered from the city wall by rope, where people outside would place needed supplies.

Song Shilan would come up to the city wall every day to check the situation outside. That day, he saw a young woman in blue clothes with her hair tied back, driving a carriage swiftly along the official road.

“Qingjiu,” Song Shilan smiled at his guard, “Has my illness worsened? Look at that girl over there.” He raised his hand, pointing towards Jiang Chun in the distance, and said gently, “Doesn’t she look like my Achun?”

Qingjiu said nothing. He looked up in the direction indicated. The girl was racing towards them. Song Shilan coughed lightly and said, “But it can’t be her. With Achun’s personality, always restraining herself, how could she do something like this? Even if she were to come, she should be escorted by the Wei family troops, sending an official visiting card…”

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a woman’s voice call out loudly, “Song Shilan!”

Song Shilan was slightly stunned. The woman stopped her carriage, dismounted, looked up at him, and said seriously, “Song Shilan, open the city gate!”

This call finally woke Song Shilan up. He opened his eyes wide, staring dumbfounded at the woman below the city wall.

She was still the same as always, calm and composed, with a reassuring steadiness in her demeanor.

She stood alone with her carriage at the foot of the city wall, quietly looking up at him.

In that instant, his heart pounded like a drum.

It was a lie to say he didn’t care, a lie to say he had no attachments, a lie to say all his composure while waiting for death alone in this city was real.

He was, after all, a man who came from humble beginnings. How could he have so much concern for the world? He hadn’t yet won her, hadn’t yet achieved so much. He too would toss and turn at night, mocking the injustice of fate.

But when this woman appeared at the foot of the city wall, appeared before his eyes, he finally felt that it was worth it.

Everything he had done in this life, this journey through the world, was worth it.

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