HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 102

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 102

Chu Yu frowned slightly as she watched Gu Chusheng slowly open the box in his hand.

Inside the box was a small wooden pendant, threaded with a red string. Looking closely, one could see it was a tiny carving of Chu Yu.

This was the pendant Chu Yu had sent along with her letter to Gu Chusheng years ago. She had spent three years carving this pendant.

From when she was twelve to fifteen, she had loved him carefully and secretly, knowing he was her sister’s fiancé. She dared not speak or express her feelings, hiding her thoughts and pouring all her longing and emotions into this wooden pendant. Whenever she missed him, she would carve a little more.

Looking at the pendant now, Chu Yu couldn’t quite describe her emotions. It was as if she was suddenly seeing her younger self from many years ago.

“I thought I made myself clear last time,” Chu Yu said calmly, lifting her gaze from the pendant to look at the man before her. “Why have you come now to show me this?”

“No reason,” Gu Chusheng smiled, his voice hoarse. “I just wanted to remind you how much you once loved me. I was afraid you had forgotten.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu couldn’t help but mock, “What, does Lord Gu feel he’s lost face and has come specially to regain it from me? If that’s the case…”

“I’ve come to make a deal with you,” Gu Chusheng interrupted her, removing the emotion from his voice and regaining his calm composure. He finally resembled the man Chu Yu had known in her previous life.

Chu Yu gathered herself and looked up at him. “What kind of deal?”

Gu Chusheng put away the wooden box and returned to his seat, kneeling. “I’ve come to ask for the First Madam’s hand in marriage. This time, it’s not child’s play.”

Chu Yu frowned. Gu Chusheng stroked his wooden box and calmly said, “If the First Madam marries me, in the future, I, Gu Chusheng, will be at the Wei family’s disposal. What does the First Madam think?”

Hearing this, Chu Yu couldn’t help but laugh. “Why does Lord Gu need to do this? You’re now the Minister of Rites, a favorite of His Majesty…”

“I am now the Minister of Rites, and in the future, I will enter the Imperial Cabinet. Given time, I will become the Chief Minister. In the court, regarding provisions, troops, official ranks – if Wei Yun needs someone to handle these matters, he’ll need an ally, won’t he?” Gu Chusheng looked up at her. “Especially when he’s about to rebel.”

This time, Chu Yu didn’t speak.

With the words “about to rebel” spoken, Chu Yu understood that Gu Chusheng had come this time prepared to go all in. She was silent for a moment, then chuckled lightly. “And if I don’t agree, what will you do?”

“Now that Wang He has declared himself the King of An Lan in Lanzhou, His Majesty wants Wei Yun to go and suppress Wei Yun.”

“It was your idea.” Chu Yu stated confidently. Gu Chusheng played with the box containing the pendant, looking up with a smile. “Yes, it was my idea. But the young Marquis Wei should thank me.”


“Lanzhou is right next to Jing Province. The young Marquis finally has a chance to station troops directly around Jing Province. Shouldn’t he thank me?”

Chu Yu didn’t speak. She knew Gu Chusheng’s words wouldn’t be that simple. Gu Chusheng lowered his eyes, tapping the table as he spoke, “He can ask His Majesty for troops and provisions, and directly take Lanzhou. But for him to do this, His Majesty must give him troops and provisions, and allow him to develop. I can give the young Marquis the chance to attack Lanzhou, but I know exactly what the young Marquis is thinking. I can give him these things…”

As he spoke, Gu Chusheng looked up at her. He didn’t finish his sentence, but Chu Yu clearly understood his meaning.

What he could give, he could naturally take back, and not just take back – he would do everything in his power to make things difficult for Wei Yun.

Chu Yu looked at him silently for a long time, then finally chuckled lightly. “After all these years, you haven’t changed a bit.”

Gu Chusheng clenched his fist suddenly. He knew what she meant.

These many years she spoke of weren’t just the years from twelve to twenty in this life, but all the years added together from the previous life and this one.

In her heart, he had always been despicable and shameless.

But so what?

He stared at her and slowly spoke, “You forced me into this.”

“I forced you?” Chu Yu laughed mockingly. “How did I force you? I don’t want to marry you, don’t want to like you – is that forcing you?”

“Then you shouldn’t like anyone else!”

Gu Chusheng slammed his hand on the table, angrily saying, “I cherished you, pampered you, guarded you. You can dislike me, I’d even wait a lifetime for you, but you and Gong Sun Lan…”

“What business is that of yours?”

Chu Yu coldly interjected. “Who I marry is none of your concern. What right do you have to meddle? What relationship do we have that gives you the right to comment?”

“Yes,” Gu Chusheng, scolded by her, actually calmed down. He stared at Chu Yu and said calmly, “I have no right to interfere, no qualification to manage. That’s why I’ve come today to ask for this qualification! Chu Yu,” his expression was steady, “You have to marry someone anyway. Do you think you can find someone in this life who will treat you as an equal? Do you truly love Gong Sun Lan? I know what you look like when you love someone. You don’t love him. If you marry him, it’s only because he’s a retainer of the Wei family, he can help the Wei family, and by marrying him, you can stay with the Wei family. But I can do that too.”

Chu Yu was stunned by these words. Gu Chusheng stared at her earnestly, “If you’re willing to marry me, I can be adopted into your family, serve Wei Yun as my master, and become a retainer of the Wei family.”

“A Yu,” Gu Chusheng’s voice was tinged with bitterness, “You could try to like me again. I’m different now, truly. I was foolish in my youth and hurt you, but I can make it up to you slowly. You’ve seen what I’ve been like all these years. I can promise you anything except letting you leave.”

“Look,” Gu Chusheng took out the wooden pendant, his voice hoarse, “How exquisite and beautiful this pendant is.”

Just like her feelings, using all her beauty and passion, so beautiful that it was etched in his memory for life.

Listening to his words, Chu Yu suddenly felt weary.

If it weren’t for her previous life, faced with such a Gu Chusheng, she might not have refused.

She had no one she liked, marrying anyone would be the same, and now being able to be good to Wei Yun would be the best.

For some reason, the dream from last night suddenly flashed through her mind. She pinched her palm hard, using the pain to clear her thoughts. Seeing her uncertain expression, Gu Chusheng continued, “Don’t think too much about marrying me. It’s not about feelings. It’s just an exchange. I’ll ally with Wei Yun, I promise to help him overthrow Zhao Yue. In the future, I’ll help him stabilize the court and manage the people’s livelihood, while he can focus on protecting the people of Great Chu and achieving unprecedented merit. In my household, there will be no one else but you. I won’t force you to do anything you’re unwilling to do. We can even sleep separately if you wish. Just consider it as marrying someone for the sake of the Wei family. If you agree, I can give you a welcoming gift tonight.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu slowly looked up at him. The young man smiled in the night.

“Su Cha’s people are with me. Whether he enters the palace or comes to the Wei mansion tonight,” Gu Chusheng lowered his voice, “depends on the First Madam’s decision.”

Chu Yu remained silent. Gu Chusheng looked into her eyes and calmly said, “A Yu, I know your temperament. Once you give up on someone, you won’t look at them again, even if they’ve become what you hoped for, your best choice. But people are constantly growing. We spend our whole lives trying to make the best choices. Whether I am your best choice now, you know better than I do.”

“You liked me once,” Gu Chusheng’s voice was hoarse, “As long as you’re willing, you can like me a second time.”

Chu Yu’s thoughts stirred.

Gu Chusheng wasn’t wrong. He was indeed her best choice now.

She should get married now.

If she stayed in the Wei mansion any longer, she didn’t know what might happen. Wei Yun was young, but she was his elder. She had seen too much of this kind of youthful affection. Marrying early would cut off Wei Yun’s thoughts, and also prevent her from having any messy thoughts.

Marrying now, given Gu Chusheng’s nature, he would certainly not let anything happen to her. Gu Chusheng was the esteemed Minister of Rites and a favorite in Zhao Yue’s court. There were probably few who would dare to challenge Gu Chusheng’s marriage to her.

Setting aside the events of her previous life, the current Gu Chusheng was indeed extremely good to her, even promising that they could live together with mutual respect after marriage. Though he was somewhat cold-hearted, he did value his promises. She could completely marry him and live her own life behind closed doors.

Most importantly, marrying him would give Wei Yun a solid ally. If he was willing to stand with Wei Yun, then the future Great Chu would be as strong as in her previous life.

No matter how she calculated it, for herself, for the Wei family, for Wei Yun, marrying Gu Chusheng seemed to be an extremely good choice.

But there was still some unwillingness in her heart. She lowered her eyes and remained silent.

Gu Chusheng waited quietly. After a long time, he finally heard her speak, “Lord Gu, even if I marry you, I might never like you for my entire life.”

Hearing this answer, Gu Chusheng smiled, his eyes filled with bitterness. “It’s alright.”

He looked up at her. “I can wait.”

“I might live separately from you.”

“That’s fine.”

“You can freely take concubines.”

“I won’t.”

“I will continue to accompany the Wei and Chu families.”

“I know.”

At this point, Chu Yu had no more words. After a long while, she lowered her eyes. “How did you find Su Cha’s people?”

“The day you entered the city, I noticed these people acting suspiciously at the city gate, so I had them arrested.”

Chu Yu nodded, understanding. Gu Chusheng had caught Su Cha’s people early on, which was why she and Wei Yun had been unable to find any leads despite their lengthy investigation. But Gu Chusheng hadn’t given her the people, likely preparing for today’s coercion since the moment he saw “Gong Sun Lan.”

Chu Yu chuckled softly, thinking this man truly calculated everything. On one hand, he spoke of deep affection, while on the other, he had long since prepared a cage.

“Fine,” she said, standing up. “Send the people over tomorrow. When the young marquis truly captures Lanzhou,” Chu Yu looked at him calmly, “You may choose a day to send the betrothal gifts.”

With that, Chu Yu turned to leave, coldly saying, “See the guest out.”

Gu Chusheng watched her enter her room, smiled slightly, and left with his people.

Chu Yu walked out, wearing an outer robe as she headed to her room. After walking for a moment, she suddenly remembered, “Has Mr. Gong Sun retired for the night?”

Hearing this, Changyue’s face showed difficulty. Seeing her expression, Chu Yu knew something was amiss and frowned, “What’s wrong?”

“Mr. Gong Sun probably hasn’t slept yet. Just now… he was standing outside the main hall…”

Hearing this, Chu Yu’s face changed dramatically. “He was standing outside and you didn’t stop him?!”

“He… he’s the young marquis,” Changyue stammered. “He told me not to say anything…”

“Nonsense!” Chu Yu shouted angrily. Changyue was so frightened she immediately knelt on the ground. Chu Yu had no time to deal with her and turned to Wanyue, “Go check where the young marquis is immediately!”


Wanyue received the order and turned to search. Chu Yu waited for a moment, while Changyue knelt on the ground, not daring to speak. After a while, Wanyue rushed back in anxiously, “Before Gu Chusheng left the mansion, the young marquis left with Wei Qian and more than a dozen guards!”

With Wei Qian and over a dozen guards, what Wei Yun intended to do was all too clear!

Chu Yu immediately turned, gritting her teeth, “Bring people and follow me to find Gu Chusheng!”

As she spoke, she led people carrying swords to rush out. Before leaving, she turned back and looked fiercely at Changyue, “You stay kneeling!”

Meanwhile, Gu Chusheng had left the Chu mansion and boarded his carriage, entering an alley.

He was in an exceptionally good mood, rarely having been this happy in all the years since his rebirth. The carriage hadn’t gone far when a guard rushed in, speaking urgently in a low voice, “Sir, a group of people is following us, with extremely high martial arts skills.”

Gu Chusheng opened his eyes and calmly asked, “How many? Can we resist?”

“Probably no fewer than fifteen, about the same as us.”

“Turn around,” Gu Chusheng said immediately. “Escort me immediately, send up a signal flare, and head towards the imperial palace!”

As he spoke, the sound of arrows came from outside. The guard immediately rushed out, riding the horse at full gallop. The signal flare burst open in the sky. Gu Chusheng sat in the carriage, lifting the curtain to look at the scene outside.

In the bloodred light, those assassins wore black night clothes with silver cloud patterns, with a round bead hanging at their waists, entangled with his people. He frowned slightly, recognizing this attire as belonging to the Wei mansion.

Could it be that Chu Yu had sent assassins after him?

He frowned, then immediately dismissed the idea. If Chu Yu wanted to make a move, she would have done so in the Wei mansion. Chu Yu wasn’t an impulsive person; in major matters, she had always been willing to sacrifice.

Now, the Wei family, the Chu family, and the common people were her weak points. Between a dead Gu Chusheng and a Gu Chusheng willing to be loyal to Wei Yun, she would know which to choose.

If it wasn’t Chu Yu, then who in the Wei family could mobilize secret guards to kill him now…

The carriage sped through the night, Gu Chusheng barely able to keep his body from shaking all over. Just as the name flashed through his mind, he heard a “thud” from outside, blood splattering on the carriage curtain. Then the horse cried out in pain, and the carriage suddenly crashed forward.

Gu Chusheng rolled with the carriage, his whole body thrown out and smashed to the ground. He raised his hand to cover his bleeding forehead, gasping as he looked up. In the moonlight, he saw a figure in white robes, wearing a white jade mask covering half his face, quietly watching him.

His attendants had already been beheaded and lay to the side, the horse with its legs cut off still screaming in pain. Gu Chusheng supported himself to stand up with difficulty, gritting his teeth, “Mr. Gong Sun, I made preparations before coming. If I don’t return today, my people will immediately inform His Majesty that Wei Yun is in Huajing, that I pursued and hunted Wei Yun, that Wei Yun escaped, and that I was killed by Wei Yun. The Wei mansion will be surrounded tonight. By then, even if Wei Yun doesn’t want to rebel, he’ll be forced to. Is your family’s marquis ready to rebel?!”

Wei Yun didn’t speak. He walked towards Gu Chusheng, drawing his sword from his waist. Gu Chusheng saw the heavy killing intent on him, suddenly feeling as if he was back in his previous life, just before being killed by Wei Yun.

He couldn’t help but clench his fist, feigning calmness as he sneered, “What’s this, Mr. Gong Sun? For the sake of jealousy, you’re willing to disregard the marquis’s great cause?”

Wei Yun remained silent. He walked towards Gu Chusheng, raising his sword to strike! At this moment, Gu Chusheng raised his hand, and thousands of flying needles shot from his sleeve toward Wei Yun! Wei Yun quickly retreated, raising his sleeve to block these poisoned needles. Gu Chusheng took advantage of this opportunity to turn and run. By the time Wei Yun shook off his sleeve and saw Gu Chusheng again, he had already run far away. Wei Yun, with a grim face, raised his sword and threw it directly at Gu Chusheng, while his whole body chased after the sword. Gu Chusheng only heard the wind whistling behind him. He struggled to roll on the ground to dodge, and at that instant, he saw the white-robed figure appear in front of him, holding the sword and thrusting it down at him.

Gu Chusheng’s pupils suddenly contracted, and then he heard a loud shout: “Stop!”

Another sword came whistling through the air, clashing hard against Wei Yun’s sword. The tip of Wei Yun’s sword deviated, stabbing into the wall, barely grazing Gu Chusheng’s cheek. The sword wind cut his face, and Gu Chusheng’s blood flowed down his cheek. Gu Chusheng breathed rapidly, looking at Wei Yun’s cold eyes.

By this time, Chu Yu had rushed to Wei Yun’s side. She pulled at him and said to Gu Chusheng, “You leave quickly.”

Gu Chusheng hurriedly got up, but Wei Yun’s sword reached out again. Chu Yu grabbed his hand, angrily saying, “You won’t even listen to me now?!”

“He forced you.”

Wei Yun coldly looked at Chu Yu. Chu Yu signaled to Gu Chusheng with her eyes, and Gu Chusheng, gasping, got up and staggered away, covering his wound.

Chu Yu looked up at Wei Yun and calmly said, “Come back with me first and we’ll talk.”

“I kill him, and you can’t bear it?”

“Come back with me!”

Chu Yu pulled at him, her face stern. Wei Yun pressed his lips together, being dragged by her back towards the Wei mansion. Footsteps were heard approaching; Gu Chusheng’s people had finally arrived. A guard anxiously said, “Sir…”

Gu Chusheng waved his hand, covering his forehead, “Let’s go back.”

After Gu Chusheng left, Wei Yun finally spoke, “What are you afraid of? He forces you like this, does he think I’m dead? Do I need his help? I…”

“Wei Yun!” Chu Yu finally couldn’t bear it anymore. She suddenly turned back, raising her voice, “Do you know what you’re doing? He’s a third-rank minister, the Minister of Rites. If you just kill him like this, are you afraid Zhao Yue doesn’t have enough leverage against you?!”

“I know my limits.”

“What limits do you know?” Chu Yu said coldly. “Since he dared to come today since he told me about Su Cha’s matter, he’s not afraid of me taking action. He’s always been cautious about his life, would he dare to come without assurance? If he doesn’t return tonight, the Wei mansion will immediately be surrounded. Once it’s discovered you’re in Huajing, do you think you can still go back?”

“I’ll kill him and take you all away immediately.”

Wei Yun’s voice was calm. Chu Yu laughed angrily, “Take us away, where to? Rebel like Wang He? Are you prepared, have you got your evidence? If you don’t have a sufficient reason, Wei Yun, do you know what you’ll be called? A traitor, a rebel! Just like Wang He, everyone will come after you! You say you know your limits, is this what you call limits? You’re just being childish! Have you thought about your family, have you thought about the Wei mansion? If you cared about us even a little, you wouldn’t have done such a thing tonight!”

“Then what should I do?” Wei Yun looked up. “Watch him force you to marry him and applaud?”

Hearing this, Chu Yu was slightly stunned. She looked into the young man’s eyes as he said, “I said before that I wouldn’t let anyone bully you again. I wasn’t lying to you.”

“Back then, I was powerless,” his voice was hoarse. “But do you think I’m still powerless now?”

“Little Seven…” Chu Yu was a bit flustered. “I didn’t feel like I was being bullied.”

Wei Yun was stunned for a moment. After a while, he smiled with difficulty, “You still like him?”

Chu Yu remained silent. She pressed her lips together and finally said, “Little Seven things in this world aren’t just about liking or not liking. I’m not being forced to marry him. I hope to marry someone I can respect as an equal, and if my marriage can have some value, that’s even better.”

“Then have you thought about me?” Wei Yun’s voice trembled as he clenched his fists. His eyes were filled with hot tears, and he controlled his volume, afraid that his emotions would burst out uncontrollably. He said hoarsely, “You say I don’t put you, don’t put the Wei mansion in my heart, but have you put me in your heart?”

“Little Seven,” she sighed softly, “I’m doing all this for your good.”

“What do you mean for my good?!”

Wei Yun suddenly stepped forward, forcing Chu Yu to take a step back. Chu Yu looked at him approaching and couldn’t help but feel a bit panicked. Wei Yun, however, didn’t notice her expression at all and raised his voice, “Is using your marriage to exchange for an ally for my good? Or is marrying Gu Chusheng to have him pave the way for me for my good? Who do you think you are, and who do you think I am? What do you think my feelings for you are? Let alone not treating you as a sister-in-law, even if I did treat you as a sister-in-law, my Wei family wouldn’t do such a thing!”

This barrage of words left Chu Yu stunned and at a loss for words. Wei Yun approached her, forcing her against the wall. He looked down at her and said seriously, “Chu Yu, let me tell you, if you want what’s best for me, you only need to do one thing.”

“Like me.”

His voice was hoarse, “Like me, stay with me, that’s the best thing for me. If you can’t do these things, then do another thing—”

“Live better.”

He turned his head away, tears welling up in his eyes, “Hide behind me, be the Miss Chu for a lifetime.”

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