HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 106

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 106

Wei Yun left Huajing and took Su Cha’s men past Tianshou Pass, heading towards Shu City, the capital of Kun Prefecture, only a three-day journey from Huajing at full speed. Bai Prefecture had always been Wei family territory. After the Northern Di pushed to Tianshou Pass, large forces were stationed in Kun Prefecture to repel the enemy. Four years later, Kun Prefecture was a mix of various factions, with the Chu, Song, Wei, Yao, Wang, and Xie families all having a presence there.

Wei Yun stopped at Shu City along the route of cities under his control and ordered Su Cha’s men to be taken away for interrogation. After being interrogated by Gu Chusheng, it was almost impossible for Su Cha’s men to have any physical evidence left. Now they could only hope for verbal confessions. He had Wei Qiu personally conduct the interrogations, then summoned all his trusted subordinates in Shu City.

He had sent word to Bai Prefecture before leaving the capital. Now Shen Wushuang, Qin Shiyue, Wei Qiu, Wei Xia, and others had all arrived in Shu City. After refreshing himself, Wei Yun entered the council hall. As soon as he entered, everyone present stood up. Wei Yun nodded and calmly said, “The original plan may need to be moved up.”

“Why?” Qin Shiyue frowned. Wei Yun replied directly, “When I escaped from Huajing, I was discovered by Gu Chusheng. Zhao Yue will certainly be on guard. We had originally planned to negotiate with Zhao Yue for troops and supplies by attacking the Wang family, but I’m afraid this goal can no longer be achieved. Since we can’t use this pretext to strengthen ourselves, thinking carefully, isn’t this a good opportunity?”

Everyone looked confused. Wei Yun walked to the sand table, gazing at the map of Da Chu, and slowly said, “The Wang family has already rebelled, but they lack a reason to openly raise their banner. We might as well give them this reason. Once they rebel, those with ambitions across the land will naturally follow suit. We can follow closely behind. When the fire spreads, Zhao Yue will need to put it out, starting with the Wang family. We can hide behind the Wang family. Once Zhao Yue destroys the Wang family, I’m afraid we’ll hardly have such a good opportunity again.”

“Then what reason does the Marquis think we should give the Wang family?” someone asked.

“The emperor is unrighteous,” Wei Yun sneered. “We punish on Heaven’s behalf.”

“We need to do four things in the coming days. First, Wei Xia will go create strange phenomena in various places, hinting that Zhao Yue’s bloodline is impure and that he is incompetent and tyrannical.”

Wei Xia bowed and said, “Yes, sir.”

“Second, after Wei Qiu finishes interrogating Su Cha’s men, have someone make copies of this evidence and send it to the Wang family. Tell them that I will fully support them in secret. Have them pass this evidence on to others. Wei Qiu will handle this when he returns.”

“Third, Wei Xia and Wei Qian, go to Chu Lingyang and Song Shilan respectively. Ask about their intentions and inform them that if they don’t rebel, they should focus all their efforts on resisting the Northern Di and not get involved in this matter. If they’re willing to join me in raising the banner, they can tell me what they want.”

“Fourth,” Wei Yun hesitated for a moment, but finally said, “I need to go to Huajing.”

“What are you going to do in Huajing?” Qin Shiyue frowned. Wei Yun placed his hand on the sand table, his expression calm as he spoke carefully, word by word, “To seek justice.”

Everyone looked surprised. Wei Yun going to Huajing to seek justice? What justice?

Wei Yun looked up at Shen Wushuang, “You’ll come with me.”

Shen Wushuang nodded, somewhat bewildered. Wei Yun then turned to Qin Shiyue, “Bring five thousand troops from Bai Prefecture, following our cities, and quietly reach Mount Chuyun outside Huajing. Watch for my signal flare. Once I launch it, start attacking the city. There’s no need to attack – just make a show of force with gunpowder. The bigger the commotion, the better. I’ll use the opportunity to escape from Huajing, and you’ll come to my aid.”

Qin Shiyue hesitated, but seeing Wei Yun’s steady gaze, he nodded without further comment. After Wei Yun answered a few more questions, he said to Shen Wushuang, “Come with me to take a look.”

Shen Wushuang nodded and followed Wei Yun. As they walked out onto the corridor, Shen Wushuang hesitantly asked, “Marquis, you must enter the capital… are you worried about the First Madam…”

Before he could finish, Wei Yun already understood Shen Wushuang’s meaning. He didn’t turn around or speak. Shen Wushuang sighed, thinking Wei Yun wouldn’t answer him. However, after a long while, Wei Yun suddenly spoke.

“I’m going to bring her back.”

“Hm?” Shen Wushuang looked up in surprise as Wei Yun continued, “I’m going to bring her back to my side.”

With that, Wei Yun lifted the curtain and entered the room.

Meanwhile, Chu Yu was staying at home, playing chess with Jiang Chun.

“First Madam,” the housekeeper came to the door and bowed, “Lord Gu has come to request an audience again.”

“Don’t see him,” Chu Yu said decisively. The housekeeper, unsurprised, continued, “A message came from the palace. His Majesty summons you.”

“I’m bedridden and unable to have an audience with His Majesty.”

Chu Yu looked up, somewhat impatiently, “Haven’t I said all this before?”

The housekeeper’s expression remained unchanged as he continued to report, “The Princess Royal has also sent someone to invite you.”

“The same answer,” Chu Yu placed a chess piece, speaking calmly. “I’m not leaving the mansion. No need to say more.”

The housekeeper acknowledged and retreated. After he left, Jiang Chun looked up at her, “Zhao Yue has had troops surrounding the Wei Mansion for so long now. What does he want, summoning you to the palace day after day like this?”

“It can’t be anything good,” Chu Yu spoke indifferently. “This man’s methods are too vile and ruthless. It’s not wrong to stay away from him.”

Jiang Chun nodded, “I wonder when Xiao Qi will return.”

Chu Yu paused while holding a chess piece. After a moment, she sighed, “I almost hope he… doesn’t come back now.”

“What do you mean?” Jiang Chun looked up at her. Chu Yu placed the chess piece down and calmly said, “Now that Zhao Yue has directly surrounded the Wei Mansion with troops, he’s probably prepared to break ties with Xiao Qi. If I were Zhao Yue, once Xiao Qi entered Huajing, I wouldn’t let him leave. Letting a tiger return to the mountain…” Chu Yu looked up and sneered, “Would I be a fool?”

“If Xiao Qi doesn’t come…” Jiang Chun hesitated, “What should we do?”

“Wait,” Chu Yu said calmly. “Wait until the day Xiao Qi returns.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chun couldn’t help but smile, “What if we can’t wait?”

“You will,” Chu Yu looked at Jiang Chun, who was slightly startled. She saw the solemnity in Chu Yu’s expression and felt a warmth in her heart. Chu Yu spoke seriously, “Since I asked you to stay, I won’t let anything happen to you. If worst comes to worst…” Chu Yu pressed her lips together, “I’ll play the role of Princess Royal once.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chun was greatly alarmed. She quickly grasped Chu Yu’s hand, “A’Yu, there’s no need for that. It would be good for me to go down and accompany A’Shu. You… you should live well with Xiao Qi.”

“That’s still up in the air,” Chu Yu chuckled lightly. “Why are you thinking so far ahead?”

With that, Chu Yu put away the chess pieces and pulled Jiang Chun to her feet, “Let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s go eat.”

After lingering in the room for two more days, Chu Yu calculated the days. If Wei Yun was coming, he should arrive soon. She was practicing swordplay with Jiang Chun in the room when the sound of clashing weapons came from outside. Chu Yu frowned and then saw the housekeeper rush in hurriedly. He lowered his head, his usually calm tone tinged with anxiety, “First Madam, His Majesty has personally brought the imperial physicians.”

Chu Yu’s eyes turned cold.

Zhao Yue was the emperor after all. If he came personally, she couldn’t keep him outside. With Zhao Yue bringing imperial physicians, she knew what he was up to. She nodded and turned to instruct someone nearby, “Go find Gu Chusheng.”

Then she led Jiang Chun out to greet them. At the entrance, Zhao Yue was blocked by the Wei Mansion’s guards. His face was full of smiles. Chu Yu hurriedly came forward and knelt, saying, “This concubine is late in welcoming Your Majesty. Please forgive me!”

“I heard that the old Madam Wei has been unwell recently. I came specially to see her, and also to check if these guards are being hypocritical, not following my orders and treating the Wei Mansion harshly,” Zhao Yue said as he stood up, making a gesture to help Chu Yu up. “Rise.”

Chu Yu pushed his hand away and followed Zhao Yue inside. As soon as Zhao Yue entered the mansion, his guards followed behind. The two in the front suddenly drew their swords and beheaded the two nearest Wei Mansion attendants!

Blood sprayed like pillars, and screams erupted around them. Even Jiang Chun was startled and stepped back. It was Chu Yu who stood beside her and reached out to steady her, preventing her from losing composure.

“What is there to be afraid of?” Zhao Yue saw the shocked Wei family members nearby and said gently, “These two traitors just pointed their swords at me. Don’t they deserve to die?”

Zhao Yue looked up, staring at Chu Yu, “What do you think, First Madam?”

Chu Yu remained silent. Zhao Yue continued to ask, “First Madam, do you think pointing swords at the Son of Heaven is something that should be done?”

Chu Yu remained silent. Zhao Yue was pressuring her, essentially demanding that she take a stance.

Jun Beiyue pondered for a moment, then knelt down and calmly said, “Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. Pointing a sword at you indeed warrants death. However, these two men are loyal servants protecting their master. Although they’ve committed a capital offense, it was for my sake. Your Majesty, those two sword strikes earlier were misplaced.”

“Misplaced?” Zhao Yue’s eyes turned cold. Jun Beiyue kowtowed, exposing her slender neck. “Your Majesty, those two strikes should have been aimed at Jun Beiyue.”

“As their master, I failed to guide them properly, leading to this grave error. Those two guards were merely being loyal, albeit in the wrong manner. It was all for my sake. Your Majesty, please direct your sword here.”

Zhao Yue remained silent. Jiang Chun stood nearby, her hands trembling beneath her sleeves. She was terrified, for if Zhao Yue were to behead Jun Beiyue right here, she wouldn’t know what to do.

However, after quietly gazing at Jun Beiyue for a moment, Zhao Yue smiled. “Madam Jun jests. How could I behead you over such a trifling matter? You mentioned feeling unwell yesterday, but today you seem quite healthy.”

“I’ve recovered.”

“Since you’ve recovered, tomorrow is the Beginning of Winter. I’m hosting a palace banquet. I trust Madam Jun can attend?”

“Rest assured, Your Majesty,” The guards’ blood spread to Jun Beiyue’s feet. “I will certainly come to the palace tomorrow.”

Zhao Yue chuckled softly. He looked at Jun Beiyue and said gently, “Madam Jun, your temperament is too fierce. Sometimes, as a woman, it’s better to be gentle. The overly rigid breaks easily, and it’s particularly painful. I greatly dislike seeing dogs walking upright. When I do, I have people use hammers to shatter their spines, leaving them unable to even crawl. Madam Jun,” Zhao Yue crouched down, placing his hand lightly on Jun Beiyue’s back. His fingers rested right on her spine.

His hand gently touched it as he spoke softly, “Do you understand?”

Just as he finished speaking, the sound of a horse’s neigh was heard, followed by Gu Chusheng’s voice: “Your Majesty!”

Hearing Gu Chusheng, Zhao Yue raised his head, stood up, and withdrew his hand. He smiled and said, “Minister Gu?”

Gu Chusheng dismounted quickly and hurried to pay his respects. Zhao Yue made a gesture of helping him up. “I’ll take my leave now. Minister Gu, have a good talk with Madam Jun.”

With that, Zhao Yue waved his hand and said, “I’m leaving.”

After seeing Zhao Yue off, Gu Chusheng came to Jun Beiyue’s side.

Jun Beiyue was still kneeling on the ground, blood spreading beneath her. Gu Chusheng stood for a moment, then lowered himself and grasped her hand. He said hoarsely, “Get up. I’m here now. Don’t be afraid.”

Jun Beiyue didn’t speak. She raised her eyes and looked at him quietly.

Her gaze was calm, with a hint of scrutiny. Gu Chusheng held her hand, which was covered in sticky blood.

Jun Beiyue smiled faintly, her voice mocking: “Satisfied?”

“I don’t understand what you mean,” Gu Chusheng replied calmly.

Jun Beiyue straightened up. “Beat with a stick, then offer a date. Did you think I would be grateful to you?”

Gu Chusheng suddenly realized what she meant. “You think I asked him to come?!”

“Wasn’t it you?” Jun Beiyue looked at him steadily.

Gu Chusheng’s chest heaved violently. “A Yu, I would never let anyone humiliate you like this.”

Jun Beiyue let out a soft snort, ignoring him as she stood up and turned to leave. Gu Chusheng hurried after her, anxiously saying, “A Yu, I didn’t. I…”

“Gu Chusheng,” Jun Beiyue stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him. “What will happen at tomorrow’s palace banquet?”

Gu Chusheng was taken aback for a moment, then he firmly stated, “Nothing will happen.”

“Oh?” Jun Beiyue smiled lightly. “Really?”

Gu Chusheng saw the mockery in her smile and slowly clenched his fist.

“Jun Beiyue,” he began seriously, “don’t look at me like that.”

“How should I look at you?” Jun Beiyue laughed. “Wasn’t it you who had Wei Yun attack the Wang family? Wasn’t it you who had Zhao Yue surround the Wei mansion? Wasn’t it you who informed Zhao Yue?”

“It was me,” Gu Chusheng replied calmly. “But with all I’ve done, have I ever hurt you? Jun Beiyue,” he closed his eyes, somewhat wearily, “I only want to have you, not destroy you.”

“How is this any different from destroying me?!”

Jun Beiyue suddenly raised her voice. “Taking away everything I like, destroying everything I cherish, breaking my spine inch by inch until I crawl before you – how is this any different from destroying me?!”

“I didn’t!”

Gu Chusheng burst out. Jun Beiyue looked at him silently. Gu Chusheng felt a surge of bitterness. He closed his eyes and said hoarsely, “Nothing will happen tomorrow. I swear on my life. A Yu,” he slowly opened his eyes, “trust me this once.”

Jun Beiyue looked at him quietly. After a long while, she smiled faintly and said, “Alright.”

With that, she turned and entered the mansion. Jiang Chun hurried forward to support her, anxiously asking, “What should we do? Tomorrow you…”

“It’s fine,” Jun Beiyue’s eyes turned cold. “I’ve already angered Gu Chusheng. He won’t let Zhao Yue make a move tomorrow.”

Tears welled up in Jiang Chun’s eyes. “When will Xiao Qi return…”

Jun Beiyue was slightly startled. Supported by Jiang Chun, her hand trembled slightly.

She suddenly realized how much she missed Wei Yun.

When dependence on someone becomes a habit, one suddenly becomes aware of their helplessness.

Meanwhile, Shen Wushuang followed behind Wei Yun, anxiously saying, “Young Marquis, please slow down. A little earlier or later doesn’t matter.”

Wei Yun didn’t listen. He looked up at the sun, whipped his horse hard, and shouted, “Faster!”

As storm clouds gathered over the capital, a thousand miles away in Luozhou, at the Chu mansion, Chu Lingyang held a letter in his hand. Looking at Wei Xia before him, he calmly said, “Your Marquis has made up his mind?”

“He has,” Wei Xia respectfully replied. “Regardless of Young Master Chu’s intentions, it won’t affect the Marquis’s decision. We’re here to inquire about your attitude, that’s all.”

“What about my sister?” Chu Lingyang raised his eyes to look at Wei Xia. “You’re rebelling. Do you want my sister to become a traitor too? Wei Yun can rebel if he wants, but send my sister back!”

Hearing this, Wei Xia was taken aback, then somewhat embarrassedly said, “Madam Jun… might need to continue being the First Madam at the Marquis’s mansion?”

“Preposterous!” Chu Lingyang roared. “My sister has been more than kind to your family. Do you expect her to tend to a memorial tablet for the rest of her life?!”

“Not a memorial tablet, not a memorial tablet,” Wei Xia hastily waved his hands. “She’ll be the real First Madam, a new First Madam.”

This left Chu Lingyang confused. “What do you mean by a new First Madam?”

“Well, the Young Master is gone,” Wei Xia stammered, “and our Young Marquis still needs a First Madam, doesn’t he?”

Chu Lingyang understood now. He kicked out at Wei Xia. “Is your Wei family never satisfied?!”

As Wei Xia was being chased and beaten, he kept shouting, “Young Master Chu, please calm down! Our Young Marquis is sincere…”

While Wei Xia was being beaten, Wei Qian’s situation was much better.

In Rongcheng, the capital of Huazhou, Song Shilan sat on his high seat, reading the letter Wei Qian had brought. After a moment, he looked up and slowly smiled. “The Young Marquis’s ambitions are not small.”

Wei Qian felt uneasy. Facing a smiling tiger like Song Shilan always made him feel nervous.

He awkwardly said, “The Marquis doesn’t necessarily need Young Master Song to respond, but hopes that Young Master Song can remain neutral…”

“Neutral?” Song Shilan laughed. “The Marquis helped me in the past. How could I not repay that debt? The Marquis has a great talent for governing. I’m willing to follow him.”

Hearing this, Wei Qian was slightly stunned, not expecting Song Shilan to have such an attitude. However, Song Shilan then changed his tone: “But to ally with the Marquis, mere words are not enough. We need to write a pledge, don’t we?”

“What… what kind of pledge?”

“Since ancient times, alliances between nations and families have been sealed with marriages. Unfortunately, the Marquis has no daughter. However, I’ve observed that the Wei family’s Second Madam Jiang is well-educated and virtuous. I’m willing to take the Second Madam as my wife in the position of First Madam. What does the Young Marquis think of this?”

“What?!” Wei Qian suddenly looked up.

Song Shilan smiled. “Would the young general kindly convey these words to the Second Madam as well?”

“Say… say what…” Wei Qian was completely dazed, stumbling over his words.

Song Shilan put down the letter in his hand and said gently, “Tell the Second Madam, if she’s willing to marry me, I’ll go through fire and water for the Wei family. If she’s not willing…”

“What if she’s not willing?”

Song Shilan thought for a moment, then laughed. “What a pity it would be to miss out on such a good man as myself.”

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