HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 108

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 108

Without hesitation, Wei Yun swung onto his horse and turned to charge towards the palace. Chu Jin quickly called out to stop him: “My Lord, bring a hunting dog. I placed a special scent on my sister.”

Wei Yun nodded. Shen Wushuang hurried to the back courtyard and had someone bring the smallest hunting dog. He then stuffed a bunch of medicine bottles into Wei Yun’s hands, saying, “You know how to use these. Take them!”

Wei Yun acknowledged with a word of thanks. He lifted the small hunting dog into his arms and turned to rush towards the palace.

Chu Jin followed behind Wei Yun, quickly explaining the situation. At the palace gates, Wei Yun calmly said, “Don’t come with me. Go wait at the Wei residence for news. If I’m not back by dawn, have my Second Sister-in-law gather everyone and take your Chu family to find Chu Lingyang immediately.”

Chu Jin hesitated, wanting to say she would go in with him, but she knew Wei Yun was right. If the person could be rescued, Wei Yun alone was enough. If not, her presence wouldn’t help.

She didn’t hesitate further and said through gritted teeth, “I’ll go back and wait for you!”

With that, Chu Jin turned her horse around and left with Han Min.

Wei Yun arrived at the palace gates and tossed his token to the guard, saying coldly, “Marquis Wei Yun has returned to the capital to attend the palace banquet.”

The guard was startled but quickly bowed, saying, “My Lord, please wait while I report your arrival.”

Wei Yun frowned, “There’s a palace banquet tonight, and I was invited. Why do I need to be announced to enter?”

As the guard was about to speak, Wei Yun laughed angrily, “I understand now. This isn’t about announcing me; it’s about putting me in my place. I’ve been away from Huajing for four years, and now even a lowly guard dares to make things difficult for me! I’ll go ask the Emperor myself whether this is His Majesty’s intention or your own!”

“Forgive me, My Lord…”

Wei Yun, having emerged from the battlefield, spoke with a chilling aura. He cracked his whip at his waist and charged into the palace on horseback, shouting, “Get out of my way!”

The whip sent the guard flying to the side. Wei Yun rode in with the small dog, then dismounted and quickly made his way to where Chu Jin and Chu Yu had last been separated. He put the dog down, let it sniff the scent Chu Jin had given him, patted its head, and said, “Go find.”

The well-trained dog ran off in one direction, with Wei Yun following close behind. Meanwhile, the guard ran to Princess Zhao Yue’s chambers to report. The Princess was pressing down on Zhao Yue’s head when she heard the announcement. She signaled to her lady-in-waiting, who opened the door and said in a low voice, “His Majesty is about to rest. What urgent matter is there?”

“Please inform the Princess that Marquis Wei Yun has returned and forced his way into the palace.”

Hearing this, the lady-in-waiting hesitated, then nodded, “You may go.”

She turned back, looked at the Princess, and signaled before saying, “The guard says a nobleman has come…”

Before she could finish, the Princess interrupted, “No matter who it is, send them all away! This is my precious time with His Majesty.” She lowered her head and whispered in Zhao Yue’s ear, “Isn’t that right, Your Majesty?”

Zhao Yue’s thoughts stirred. Disregarding everything else, he rolled over and pressed down on the Princess, laughing, “Yes, the Princess is right.”

While Zhao Yue was distracted, Wei Yun followed the small dog straight to the dungeon. The dog stopped in front of a fake mountain and barked furiously. Wei Yun rushed in, quickly feeling around until he found a protruding spot. Pressing it, he saw a door open. He jumped down immediately, only to be met with a spear thrust. Wei Yun dodged, looking up to see over a dozen men charging towards him.

Wei Yun raised his sword and slashed, single-handedly fighting more than a dozen men. In an instant, he had killed them all, leaving only one trembling before him. Wei Yun pointed his sword at him and said, “Open the door.”

The terrified guard, with Wei Yun’s sword at his back, fumbled for the keys and opened the great door.

As the doors opened layer by layer, Wei Yun walked cautiously, his heart in chaos, fearing what he might see when the doors finally opened. For him, Chu Yu was the softest part of his heart; any touch or harm to her was ten or a hundred times more painful.

But he couldn’t retreat now. He could only walk step by step to the deepest part of the dungeon. Finally, he saw the stone door swing open violently. Gauze and red silk were entangled together, with Chu Yu’s clothes slipped down to her shoulders, and Gu Chusheng holding her tightly from behind.

The sound of the door crashing open brought a rare moment of clarity to Gu Chusheng and Chu Yu.

Seeing the scene inside, Wei Yun felt his heart and gall shatter. He charged in with his sword raised, shouting, “Gu Chusheng!!”

“Xiao Qi!”

As the cold wind rushed in, Chu Yu’s mind suddenly cleared somewhat. Her startled cry stopped Wei Yun’s action. Gu Chusheng hid behind her as Chu Yu said hoarsely, “He didn’t touch me…”

Wei Yun held his sword, trembling slightly. He dared not think too much. Pursing his lips, he raised his sword to cut through the iron chains on Chu Yu’s hands and feet. Without hesitation, he picked her up in his arms. Suppressing his anger, he turned to Gu Chusheng and said, “Do you want to stay here, or shall I take you out?”

Gu Chusheng lowered his head, hunched over and trembling as he gritted out, “Out!”

Wei Yun looked at the condition of the two, frowned slightly, and tossed a bottle of medicine to Gu Chusheng, “Take this yourself first.”

Then he lowered his head to feed a pill to Chu Yu in his arms. After that, he no longer paid attention to Gu Chusheng, carrying Chu Yu out with large strides. Gu Chusheng endured with all his might, supporting himself against the wall to stand up and painfully follow behind Wei Yun.

Wei Yun’s medicine quickly took effect. Gu Chusheng quickened his pace to keep up with Wei Yun, who was carrying Chu Yu and hurried out of the dungeon.

Chu Yu, held in Wei Yun’s arms, had taken a much stronger dose than Gu Chusheng. Wei Yun’s medicine could only allow her to retain enough reason to recognize who was holding her.

However, once she recognized him, it became even harder to control herself. Smelling Wei Yun’s scent, her mind kept replaying past events. Especially the time in Sha City when she had given him medicinal baths, massaged him and wiped his body…

She had touched every inch of his body and watched him grow from a youth to a young man.

Chu Yu bit her lip hard, keeping her eyes tightly shut, clutching Wei Yun’s clothes at his chest, her whole body trembling slightly.

Wei Yun didn’t notice her unusual state. He carefully avoided the soldiers with Gu Chusheng, arriving at where Gu Chusheng’s people were waiting. Gu Chusheng had arranged a carriage for their escape from the palace. Wei Yun scooped up the small dog, carried Chu Yu onto the carriage, and looked up at the sweating Gu Chusheng, saying, “I’ll remember this favor.”

Gu Chusheng, supported by others, weakly raised his head and spat out through gritted teeth, “Get lost!”

Wei Yun said nothing. He helped Chu Yu into the carriage, and it set off, driven by Gu Chusheng’s people. With Gu Chusheng’s token, they passed through unhindered.

Gu Chusheng’s carriage was fully equipped. Wei Yun took out a coat to put on Chu Yu and wrung out a cloth from the water basin nearby, intending to use cold water to make Chu Yu more comfortable.

However, when he turned around, he saw Chu Yu tightly gripping her clothes, wrapping them around her nearly naked body, her whole body trembling. She was biting her lower lip so hard it was bleeding. Wei Yun panicked and grabbed her chin, shouting angrily, “Let go!”

Forced to release her jaw, Chu Yu could only open her mouth, her delicate lips parting slightly. Knowing how unsightly she must look, she struggled to keep her eyes closed, unable to bear looking.

Without the pain to distract her, her breathing became more rapid. Wei Yun saw her closed eyes and slightly parted lips, as an unknown fragrance filled the air. He felt his thoughts starting to waver uncontrollably. His breathing grew heavy as he gripped the cloth tightly, not daring to move.

Chu Yu raised her hand, trembling as she wrapped her arms around his neck and sat on his lap. With a tearful voice, she said, “A’Yun…”

That single word made Wei Yun feel as if an electric current had shot up from the base of his spine, numbing his entire mind. He dared not move or speak, only allowing her to cup his face and lower her head to kiss his lips.

Her tongue carried the bitter taste of medicine, soft yet playful. Wei Yun had no time to consider what that bitterness might be; he could only clench his fists, using every last bit of his reason to keep himself from responding.

She’s not willing, he repeatedly told himself. He couldn’t take advantage of her like this.

Yet he couldn’t bear to push away such soft sweetness. Reason and desire wrestled within him. He could only allow her to embrace and kiss him, but when she tried to go further, he held her hands and said hoarsely, “Be good, don’t move.”

Disguised as Gu Chusheng, they successfully left the palace. Halfway through their journey, Wei’s family members caught up and replaced the carriage driver.

By the time they reached the Wei residence, Wei Yun felt the thread of reason in his mind was about to snap. Shen Wushuang had been waiting by the carriage and calmly said, “My Lord, please alight.”

Wei Yun didn’t speak. He closed his eyes, and after a long while, he managed to calm his breathing. He pulled Chu Yu down, wrapped her well in his clothes, and strode directly into the residence.

Shen Wushuang only needed to smell the fragrance lingering in the air to change his expression immediately. He told the steward, “Clear out everyone. No one is allowed near the Marquis’s room.”

He then hurried after Wei Yun, saying, “I fear you might be poisoned. Water has been prepared in your room. Take her down first, and I’ll prepare medicine for you.”

Wei Yun felt as if he were on the brink of madness, sweat dripping from his forehead. He struggled to tear his gaze away from Chu Yu and turned to Shen Wushuang, responding with a faint “Mm.”

Shen Wushuang escorted Wei Yun into the room before heading off to prepare medicine. Wei Yun, holding Chu Yu, made his way directly to the hot spring pool in his room. He had recently moved to the main courtyard of the Marquis’s residence, and his room featured a perfectly square hot spring pool, filled with water that flowed in from outside, enough for four or five people to bathe simultaneously.

Gently, Wei Yun laid Chu Yu down in the water and turned to leave. However, Chu Yu grasped his hand tightly, her voice hoarse as she pleaded, “Don’t go.”

Wei Yun faced away from her, his entire body trembling.


He managed to speak with great difficulty, “I can’t…”

Chu Yu’s voice quivered with unshed tears, “Don’t go…”

Wei Yun shuddered violently; nothing terrified him more than Chu Yu’s tears. Taking a deep breath, he returned to her side, forcing a smile, “Alright, I won’t leave.”

Yet, his rationality was on the verge of collapse. Sitting in the pool, the water did nothing to quell his rising panic. Chu Yu embraced him, softly kissing the droplets of water on his face, her voice barely above a whisper, “A Yun… do you know… I’ve been waiting for you…”

Her words ignited a fire in his mind, and Wei Yun’s heart raced. He looked up at Chu Yu, his voice hoarse, “Waiting for me… for what?”

But even as he asked, he already knew the answer. Before he left, she had said that when he returned, she would tell him what he needed to know. At this moment, her declaration of waiting for him made him wonder what exactly she had been waiting for.

Unable to restrain himself, he reached out and embraced her, his voice rough, “What are you waiting for?”

Chu Yu remained silent, kissing him to silence his questions. Wei Yun held her tightly, cautiously exploring her mouth with his tongue. The soft sensation overwhelmed his reason, and he could no longer contain himself. He surged from the water, striding to the bed, and pushed her down.

“A Yu, I’ll ask you just one thing,” he said earnestly, looking into her eyes, “Do you like me?”

Chu Yu didn’t respond, clinging to him, her teeth clenched in silence. Yet her tear-filled eyes locked onto him, all her emotions compressed within, her stubbornness masking the tenderness beneath as if admitting this would be an unforgivable act.

Seeing her expression, Wei Yun couldn’t help but smile. But as he smiled, a pang of bitterness crept in. He felt like a devout believer who had traversed a thousand miles in the desert, finally receiving the favor of the divine. He had spent a lifetime seeking this moment.

His eyes misted, making the figure before him blur. He raised a trembling hand to caress her face, while his other hand slowly began to part her clothing.

“A Yu,” he whispered, kissing her, “I like you too.”

Chu Yu shivered slightly, his movements slow yet resolute.

As their breaths mingled, Wei Yun hoarsely asked, “Does it hurt?”

Chu Yu bit her lip, remaining silent. Wei Yun leaned down to kiss her forehead, repeatedly murmuring, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”

Finally, Shen Wushuang arrived with the medicine, but as he reached the door, he heard the sounds from within.

He froze momentarily, then lowered his voice, muttering, “Bastard!”

After saying that, he turned and strode away, but as he reached the courtyard entrance, unease crept in, prompting him to sit down and stew in his frustration.

The dog that had returned with Wei Yun from the palace lay beside Shen Wushuang, lazily glancing up at him. Shen Wushuang snorted coldly and turned his head away, feeling inexplicably mocked by the animal.

The sounds from the room continued until just before dawn. Shen Wushuang took a sullen sip of the bitter medicine.

It was truly bitter.

When Chu Yu awoke, the sun was already high in the sky. As she moved slightly, she sensed something was amiss with her body. She opened her eyes wide, only to see the young man’s pale chest before her. Struggling to lift her head, she was met with Wei Yun’s handsome face. She froze, unable to move, as the events of the previous night exploded in her mind.

Noticing her awakening, Wei Yun slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at Chu Yu’s dazed expression and, without a word, leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Chu Yu remained stiff, not daring to move. Wei Yun grabbed some clothes from the side, casually putting them on before lifting the blanket and stepping barefoot onto the floor.

Covering most of her body with the blanket, Chu Yu watched as Wei Yun walked a short distance away to pick up a sword. He then approached her, holding the sword horizontally before her.

“This sword was given to me by my brother.”

Wei Yun looked at her, his phoenix eyes serious and calm as he spoke, “I do not regret what happened today. You can either kill me or marry me.”

As he spoke, he pushed the sword slightly closer to her, his voice steady, “Madam Wei, you choose.”

Mini Scene: Wei Yun’s Dominant Version Begins

When Chu Yu awoke, the sun was already high in the sky. As she moved slightly, she sensed something was amiss with her body. She opened her eyes wide, only to see the young man’s pale chest…

Startled, Chu Yu quickly sat up, covering her chest with the blanket. “Who are you?!”

Wei Yun opened his eyes, frowning. The previous night, this woman had been so passionate, and now she pretended to be innocent, which irritated him.

He smirked coldly, “Woman, have you forgotten how you threw yourself into my arms last night?”

Chu Yu was momentarily stunned, and then the memories of last night flooded back…

It was the day she was engaged to Gu Chusheng, and then Chu Jin had given her a drink…

Yes, it was Chu Jin! Chu Jin was trying to ruin her!

Feigning calm, she stood up hurriedly, dressing herself. She placed a thousand coins on the bedside and sneered, “This is my payment for your services. Take it and never come looking for me again!”

With that, Chu Yu strode out of the room, full of bravado. Wei Yun glanced at the thousand coins labeled as “payment” on the bedside and smirked coldly. He took out his phone and dialed his secretary. “Hey, find out who the woman was in Room 304 last night.”

After hanging up, Wei Yun thought with a mix of coldness and lingering desire,

“Woman, I’m not done with you yet. Do you think you can just walk away after provoking me? You won’t escape until I’m satisfied!”

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