HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 117

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 117

When Chu Yu woke up the next day, she reached out to touch the space beside her, but the person was already gone. Wei Yun had quietly returned to his room. Seeing the space beside her, Chu Yu suddenly felt a sense of loss.

She suppressed this sudden surge of emotion, got up, and washed herself. Then, she heard Chang Yue enter and say, “First Madam, Sixth Madam has brought the six young masters to the main hall and requests your presence.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu was stunned and exclaimed in surprise, “She didn’t go to Kunyang?”

As soon as she said it, she realized that Chang Yue wouldn’t know about these matters. So she hurried to the main hall, which was filled with people. All six young masters had returned, and the room was buzzing with chatter.

When Chu Yu entered, she saw Jiang Chun carefully examining the calluses on Wei Lingchun’s hands. Wei Lingchun was now eleven years old, and his features vaguely resembled Wei Shu’s from years ago – square and handsome, looking steady and mature. Jiang Chun examined his hands with concern, “How much hardship did you endure out there? Why are there so many wounds on your hands?”

Beside them, Wang Lan, holding Wei Lingdong who was playing with a pinwheel, gently smiled and said, “On our journey, we encountered bandits. Thanks to Lingdong protecting us, we were safe. Lingdong’s martial arts are excellent, Second Sister can rest assured.”

Hearing this, Wei Lingdong’s face reddened. Wei Lingshu, who was massaging Liu Xueyang’s shoulders, quickly said, “That’s right, Big Brother is amazing!”

Wei Lingmo, who was massaging Liu Xueyang’s legs, chuckled, “Second Brother, you’re shameless, always praising Big Brother.”

Wei Lingshu turned to glare at Wei Lingmo, and the two brothers immediately started arguing. Wei Linghan knelt beside Wei Yun, respectfully listening to Wei Yun teaching him. When he heard his two brothers arguing, he looked up, somewhat puzzled.

The entire room was lively and warm. Chu Yu’s heart melted. She stepped forward to greet Liu Xueyang, then turned to Wei Yun and respectfully called out, “Marquis.”

Wei Yun was startled by her address, then quickly nodded and said, “Sister-in-law is here.”

“Ah Yu is very courteous,” Liu Xueyang smiled. “Look, she gave our Little Seven quite a fright.”

“We’re not like before now,” Jiang Chun said gently. “The outside world is watching us closely. Ah Yu is doing the right thing. If we, as a family, establish Little Seven’s position first, outsiders won’t look down on him.”

This resonated with Liu Xueyang, who nodded and said, “I agree. In the future, everyone should learn from Ah Yu.”

Chu Yu lowered her head and agreed, without saying more. Wei Yun glanced at her inconspicuously, pursed his lips, but ultimately said nothing.

Wang Lan had returned, and Liu Xueyang was delighted. She decided to take the whole family for a walk. The six young masters still had classes to attend. Although Wang Lan had been traveling, she never neglected the young masters’ education. So, only five people went out, led by Liu Xueyang towards the courtyard.

After these recent events, Liu Xueyang had been quite shaken and was noticeably weaker. Wang Lan and Jiang Chun supported her at the front, with Wang Lan softly recounting her experiences after leaving the city.

“After leaving the city, we initially planned to go to Kunyang, but we were still pursued on the road. We barely escaped, and then, due to our misfortune, we encountered bandits. Fortunately, Lingchun’s martial arts were excellent, and he led Lingshu and Lingmo, bringing me to Huai City. The three children were all injured, and I was at my wit’s end. In the end, we were fortunately rescued by Huai City soldiers. When we learned that the Huai City magistrate was one of Little Seven’s people, we stayed in Huai City to let the children recover.”

As she spoke, Wang Lan’s eyes reddened, “It was my fault for not taking better care of them…”

Seeing Wang Lan’s self-reproach, everyone rushed to comfort her. Chu Yu and Wei Yun walked behind, quietly listening. Chu Yu felt quite emotional; she had never imagined Wang Lan would come this far, and it had indeed been extremely difficult.

Chu Yu seemed lost in thought when she suddenly felt someone grasp her hand.

She abruptly turned her head to see Wei Yun standing beside her, his face calm as if nothing had happened.

The path was narrow, and Wei Yun was tall. With the two of them walking side by side, they were squeezed together, their sleeves brushing against each other, concealing their joined hands beneath.

Chu Yu frowned, trying to gently pull away, but Wei Yun found new ways to hold onto her. One trying to escape, the other trying to catch, they engaged in a battle of wits under their sleeves while maintaining smiles on their faces, appearing completely at ease.

Behind them were the maids Chang Yue and Wan Yue, so Chu Yu wasn’t too worried. But Liu Xueyang was right in front, and with Wei Yun pulling and tugging at her like this, her heart was in her throat, fearing that those in front might turn around.

After this tug-of-war for half the journey, Chu Yu finally couldn’t bear it anymore. She suddenly used force, slapping Wei Yun’s hand with a “pa” sound. The three women in front turned their heads at the noise, only to see Wei Yun covering his hand while Chu Yu stood woodenly to the side. Seeing Liu Xueyang’s concerned gaze, Wei Yun smiled with difficulty and said, “There was a mosquito.”

Wang Lan was curious, “It’s already autumn, are there still mosquitoes?”

“There are,” Wei Yun said seriously. “Especially big ones.”

“Then let’s go back,” Liu Xueyang sighed. “I’m feeling a bit tired too.”

With Liu Xueyang speaking up, everyone decided not to continue their walk. Wang Lan and Jiang Chun supported Liu Xueyang back to her room. Wei Yun glanced at Chu Yu and smiled, “I’ll escort Sister-in-law back.”

Chu Yu nodded without saying much. As the two walked along the corridor, Wei Yun, seeing no one around, turned to her with a smile, “Sister-in-law, today’s mosquito bite was particularly painful.”

Chu Yu smiled lightly without responding. When they reached Chu Yu’s courtyard, Wei Yun tried to follow her in, but Chu Yu slammed the door shut with a “bang”. Wei Yun was stunned for a moment. Seeing Chang Yue and Wan Yue watching him, he felt a bit embarrassed, coughed lightly, and turned to leave.

By nightfall, Chu Yu had added two big locks to her window and slept peacefully.

In the middle of the night, she heard a rustling sound from outside. Chu Yu opened her eyes to see someone at the window trying to pick the lock with a piece of wire.

After a while, the person finally realized it was locked and, after a pause, finally left.

Seeing him leave, Chu Yu turned over, her feelings mixed. She felt relieved, yet a bit sad. However, not long after, she heard rustling from above her head.

Curiously, she poked her head out and saw Wei Yun’s eyes peeking through the roof tiles.

Chu Yu: “…”

Seeing her, he quickly moved a few more tiles aside, revealing his ingratiating smile.

Chu Yu understood that if she didn’t let him in tonight, the roof might not survive. She got up with a stern face, unlocked the window, then stood where Wei Yun could see her. She pointed at the window and gestured for him to put the tiles back. Wei Yun understood and obediently replaced the tiles. Soon after, he slipped in through the window.

After entering, before Chu Yu could get angry, he went over and hugged her, immediately saying, “I was wrong.”

His ability to be both stubborn and yielding made it hard for Chu Yu to stay angry.

“What did you do wrong?” she asked.

“Next time, I won’t tease you in front of Mother,” Wei Yun said in a muffled voice. “I’ll listen to you and be a secret lover who can’t be seen in the light.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu couldn’t help but laugh.

She looked up at him and said gently, “Didn’t you say you’d wait for me?”

Wei Yun was taken aback. He pondered her words for a moment before finally saying, “I was too impatient.”

Chu Yu sighed, not saying more. They returned to the bed, lying down and talking intimately for a while. Seeing Wei Yun getting drowsy, Chu Yu couldn’t help but ask, “Little Seven.”


“In your four years away, did you see any pretty girls?”

“Mm,” Wei Yun answered casually.

Chu Yu’s heart tightened. She moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him, and asked in a low voice, “Who was the prettiest?”

“You, of course,” Wei Yun replied without thinking. He frowned and mumbled, “Ah Yu, let’s sleep, I’m so tired…”

“Besides me?” Chu Yu persisted.

Wei Yun felt too tired to think clearly. He struggled to analyze what she was asking and finally said, “Wei Qingping?”

Hearing this, Chu Yu was suddenly stunned.

Wei Qingping was none other than Princess Qingping herself.

So they had already met. Where? How?

Countless thoughts jumbled in her mind, and Chu Yu felt a bit panicked. She suddenly regretted asking this question. What was the point of asking?

She had countless questions she wanted to ask but feared that asking would only hurt herself. She took a deep breath and turned away from Wei Yun.

She stared at the window, repeatedly telling herself it was nothing, just a single meeting, what did it matter?

However, after tossing and turning, she finally couldn’t resist and turned Wei Yun back towards her.

Wei Yun was somewhat exasperated and pleaded softly, “My dear Ah Yu, what are you doing?”

“You’re not allowed to think she’s beautiful,” Chu Yu said seriously, looking at him.

Wei Yun opened his eyes hazily, seeming to understand a bit.

Looking at the woman’s serious yet somewhat childish face in the night, he listened as she continued, “Wei Yun, let me tell you, it’s okay if you like someone else in the future, it’s fine if you don’t want to be with me anymore, but remember this: you absolutely cannot lie to me. If you like me, then like me. If you like someone else, then like them. But when you do like someone, you must tell me immediately, understand?”

“I’ve told you,” Wei Yun couldn’t help but smile. “What will you do?”

“Nothing,” Chu Yu pretended to be calm. “If you don’t like me anymore, I’ll stop liking you.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun was no longer sleepy. He looked at her with a smile, “So you like me now?”

Chu Yu was slightly stunned, feeling as if she had been trapped in some strange loop. Wei Yun burst out laughing and pulled her into his arms, “My silly girl, you’re jealous, aren’t you?”

“I’m not!” Chu Yu pushed him away, but Wei Yun laughed and didn’t let go, holding her firmly in his arms. He comforted her, “Alright, alright, I won’t tease you anymore. Don’t worry, I don’t like Wei Qingping, and I don’t like anyone else.”

“I only like you, just you alone.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu felt somewhat reassured, but still maintained a cold face without speaking. Wei Yun found this version of Chu Yu incredibly adorable. After thinking for a moment, he said seriously, “Actually, I think the Princess Consort is quite pretty too.”

Chu Yu: “…”

Wei Yun was puzzled, “Why aren’t you jealous now?”

Chu Yu let out a cold laugh, pulled up the blanket, and closed her eyes, “Go to sleep!”

The next morning, when Chu Yu woke up early, Chang Yue came in and said, “Madam, the Marquis asks you to go to the council hall.”

Chu Yu’s face remained impassive as she nodded, but inwardly she wondered when he had left this morning.

Lost in thought, she arrived at the council hall to find it full of people. Wei Qiu, Wei Xia, Wei Qian, and others had returned. Besides these people and Qin Shiyue and Shen Wushuang, there were several unfamiliar faces at the table. As soon as she entered, everyone stood up and greeted her, “First Madam.”

Chu Yu nodded, and Wei Yun stood up, saying, “Sister-in-law, please sit here.”

Following Wei Yun’s instructions, Chu Yu sat down to his left. Wei Yun introduced the people to her.

“This is my master, the scholar Tao Quan.”

Wei Yun introduced an elderly man who appeared to be in his fifties, with an otherworldly air and impressive bearing. Chu Yu quickly paid her respects. She had heard of this man before; the late Emperor Chunde had invited him to join the court three times, but he had declined each time.

“This is General Chen Ze of the Left…”

After Wei Yun had introduced everyone to her, he turned to Wei Qiu, Wei Xia, and Wei Qian, “You’ve asked around, how did each family respond? Tell us.”

As he spoke, he looked at Wei Qiu. Wei Qiu calmly said, “The Wang family said they are willing to stand with the Marquis.”

Wei Yun nodded and looked at Wei Xia. Wei Xia smiled with difficulty, “Young Master Chu didn’t say much, just that he’d wait and see. However, Young Master Chu did say… um, perhaps the First Madam should go back…”

“Wei Qian,” Wei Yun directly interrupted Wei Xia and looked at Wei Qian. Wei Qian swallowed hard, not daring to speak. Wei Yun frowned, “Cat got your tongue?”

Wei Qian steeled himself, closed his eyes, and said, “Young Master Song said he wants to form a marriage alliance with our family. He wants to marry our Second Madam, and he’ll agree to anything!”

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