HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 118

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 118

Everyone present was stunned by these words. Wei Yun frowned and said coldly, “What does Song Shilan think our Wei family is?”

Those present shared Wei Yun’s sentiment. Although Song Shilan was born a concubine’s son, his value had risen significantly over the years. Now, with the world in chaos, Song Shilan held military power and ruled Qiong Province independently. Combined with his gentle personality and outstanding appearance, the fact that he remained unmarried due to his status as a concubine’s son had long attracted the attention of many officials and nobles. He was now a highly sought-after husband candidate, on par with Wei Yun.

Although Jiang Chun possessed both virtue and beauty, she already had an eleven-year-old child. Her family background wasn’t outstanding, and she was a concubine’s daughter. No matter how one looked at it, it seemed impossible for Song Shilan to seek her hand in marriage.

Moreover, Jiang Chun wasn’t eligible for marriage, being Wei Yun’s Second Sister-in-law. Proposing an alliance through her carried a hint of insult. Thus, everyone present cooled their expressions. Qin Shiyue pressed her lips together and said, “This is too much!”

Chu Yu watched as everyone became agitated. Seeing that Wei Yun was about to refuse, she couldn’t help but tug gently at his sleeve.

They were sitting side by side, and her small gesture was hidden by the table. Wei Yun turned his head and saw Chu Yu smiling as she said, “We should ask Second Madam about this matter.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun seemed to understand. He nodded and said, “Indeed, perhaps there are many details we don’t know.”

Changing the subject, Wei Yun inquired about news from the capital.

“As soon as Your Lordship left the capital, Zhao Yue issued an imperial edict, accusing Your Lordship of deceiving the emperor, committing treason, and spreading rumors to slander the current emperor. He declared that the whole country should condemn Your Lordship’s crimes,” Wei Qiu, who managed intelligence, summarized the most important information.

Wei Yun acknowledged this and then asked, “How many people have come to join us recently?”

“About three thousand, but the number of people coming to join us is increasing daily,” Wei Xia respectfully replied. “It seems that Madam’s arrangements have taken effect.”

This statement made everyone look at Chu Yu, who felt a bit embarrassed. “Wei Xia should explain,” she said.

“Over the years, Madam has managed many businesses, especially in densely populated areas that are sources of information. After Your Lordship’s incident, that very night, someone posted a blood-written notice on the bulletin board in the capital, detailing Zhao Yue’s various misdeeds over the years. It also claimed that the true Crown Prince of Qin had died years ago, and Zhao Yue killed Imperial Physician Shen to keep this secret, asserting that Zhao Yue is not of royal blood.”

“Afterward, Madam had people spread this news in taverns, gambling houses, brothels, and inns throughout the capital. She also had traveling theater troupes perform plays about Zhao Yue. At the same time, stories about how Zhao Yue harmed others to usurp the throne and his subsequent actions were compiled into tens of thousands of books, which Madam had prepared in advance. These are now circulating among the people. In places like Yan Province, they have been banned, but civilians still read them secretly.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun couldn’t help but smile.

Banning books often had the opposite effect—if Zhao Yue hadn’t banned them, the common people might not have been so eager to read them. Now that he had, it only gave the books more notoriety.

Rumors always spread faster than the truth, and it’s always easier to smear someone’s reputation than to clean it.

Suppressing his smile, Wei Yun turned to Wei Qiu: “Did you arrange the various omens as I instructed?”

“I’ve heard about it,” Tao Quan smiled. “A few days ago, some commoners asked me if I knew about the ‘Phoenix Falling on Jade Stone’ incident. I guessed it was Wei Qiu’s handiwork.”

“What is the ‘Phoenix Falling on Jade Stone’?” Chu Yu asked curiously.

Tao Quan respectfully replied, “In response to Madam, this is a miraculous stone that everyone is talking about. It’s said that a hunter entered the mountains to hunt. Exhausted, he rested by a river. When he opened his eyes, he saw a phoenix standing on a stone. The phoenix could speak human language and asked him what year it was. The hunter answered it was the fourth year of Yuan He.

The phoenix said, ‘No, it is the year of a dying country.’ The phoenix then asked who the current ruler was. The hunter answered it was the fourth generation of the Zhao family. The phoenix shook its head again and replied, ‘No, it is the one who brings calamity to the country.’ Then the phoenix let out a long cry and disappeared before the hunter’s eyes. The hunter went forward and took the stone home.

When he had it cut open, there was indeed a beautiful piece of jade inside. On the jade were sixteen small characters in the ancient Zhou script, reading ‘The star of calamity brings disaster to the country, heaven’s punishment is approaching, the Vermilion Bird in the north will protect and prosper forever.'”

Tao Quan spoke with a beaming smile. Wei Yun clapped his hands in praise, “Well done!”

The Vermilion Bird in the north, protecting and prospering forever—the Vermilion Bird was the Wei family’s emblem, making the implication quite clear.

Chu Yu listened as Wei Yun’s arrangements were discussed, and then heard them begin to deliberate on where to establish the capital.

Kun Province was too mixed, with various factions carving out their territories, which was ultimately unsuitable. After Wei Yun and Chu Yu conferred with the others, they finally decided to hold the coronation ceremony at Bailing in Bai Province and move the entire household there.

Bailing was in Bai Province, which was under the Wei family’s complete control. It wasn’t too far from Kun Province, allowing for both offense and defense. Moreover, it was already the provincial capital of Bai Province and quite prosperous.

By the time everything was settled, it was already late at night. Everyone dispersed, leaving only Chu Yu and Wei Yun in the room. Wei Yun dismissed the servants and stood up, walking to the door.

He looked at the starry sky outside, his back to Chu Yu, and calmly asked, “Ayu, if I lose this battle, what will you do?”

“You won’t lose.”

“But if I do?”

Chu Yu didn’t speak for a long time. Finally, she slowly said, “Then I’ll continue fighting this battle for you.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun laughed heartily. He turned around and quietly gazed at the woman sitting gracefully by the candlelight.

Her posture was dignified and composed. Though her frame seemed so delicate, it was as if she could support the entire landscape of Da Chu.

Wei Yun looked at her and couldn’t help but ask again, “And if we win this battle, what will you do then?”

“We still have five cats at home,” Chu Yu said flatly. Wei Yun was slightly taken aback, not expecting her to mention this. Chu Yu continued, “I’ll raise them until they die of old age.”

What more is there to a peaceful world than raising cats and playing with birds?

Satisfied with this answer, Wei Yun stepped forward and embraced her.

“How fortunate am I? How did I ever meet someone like you?” he said gently.

Chu Yu felt her face grow warm but didn’t respond, remaining silent.

After a moment, Wei Yun escorted her back to her room. On the way, he suddenly remembered, “What’s going on between Second Sister-in-law and Song Shilan?”

“Your Second Sister-in-law told me about this. Four years ago, I had her deliver a message to Song Shilan. She first went to visit her friend, but unexpectedly, the city was occupied by the Northern Di at that time. Song Shilan, knowing she was in the city, forcibly took the city for your sake. During the attack, Achun took an arrow for him and recuperated at his place for half a month.”

Wei Yun nodded. Four years ago, the situation was too chaotic, and he couldn’t pay attention to many things. Chu Yu continued, “Afterward, Song Shilan has been pursuing her persistently. It’s been almost five years now. His words are just old wine in a new bottle. You should just listen and not take it seriously. How could someone as shrewd as Song Shilan make such a significant decision for a woman?”

Chu Yu narrowed her eyes, “You’ll see, before long, he will surely declare himself king as well.”

After all, with the world in such chaos, Song Shilan taking advantage of the situation was just his style.

Wei Yun nodded and then asked, “What does Second Sister-in-law think?”

“Well,” Chu Yu thought for a moment, suddenly remembering how Jiang Chun had been trying to play matchmaker for her before. She coughed lightly and looked up at Wei Yun, “When you hold your coronation ceremony in Bai City, invite Song Shilan over. Feelings can be nurtured. Let Achun spend some time with him.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun frowned, seemingly displeased.

Chu Yu was puzzled. “What’s wrong? You seem unwilling?”

“I just find it strange,” Wei Yun said, his hands tucked into his sleeves, giving Chu Yu a cool glance. “One after another, why are they all fixated on the women of our Wei family?”

Hearing this, Chu Yu burst into laughter.

“If none of them were interested in us,” Chu Yu mused, “wouldn’t that mean your brothers have terrible taste?”

This statement pleased Wei Yun greatly. He nodded, “The taste of our Wei family is naturally excellent.”

Saying this, he turned his head to look at her with a half-smile, “For example, my Ayu is excellent indeed.”

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