HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 127

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 127

That night was long.

In Chu Yu’s memory, they seemed to have made love recklessly, again and again. At the most intense moments, they would hold each other tightly, overwhelmed by pleasure. They breathed together, and kissed, feeling their breaths and bodies intertwine as if trying to meld into one another.

This is the most primal way humans express love. If you love someone, you want to desperately intertwine and merge with them, you’ll do anything to try to accept them, to envelop them.

Without any technique, the simplest rhythm of youth can bring joy and pleasure.

Afterward, they leaned against each other, foreheads touching, listening to the rain outside.

Chu Yu slowly told him about her past life, every detail she could remember, she described in great detail.

“So in your past life, you didn’t marry my brother.”

“Mm.” Chu Yu embraced him, speaking softly, “You must have hated me then.”

“Later, when I saw you,” Chu Yu said, somewhat embarrassed, “you were always so fierce.”

Wei Yun chuckled softly. Chu Yu frowned, “What are you laughing at?”

“Hearing about how I bullied you,” Wei Yun sighed, turning over to lie flat, looking at the ceiling with one hand behind his head. He smiled and said, “I feel like I’ve gotten my revenge, and it’s somewhat comforting.”

“What revenge?”

Chu Yu propped her head up with her hand, lying on her side to look at him. Wei Yun met her gaze, smiling as he said, “In this life, you always bully me, and I can’t bully you back. Thinking that I bullied you in the past life makes me feel much better.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu pushed him with her hand, displeased, “Hey, you’ve gotten bolder.”

“No, no,” Wei Yun quickly held her hand, lowering his head to kiss it. “I’m very timid in front of the First Madam.”

“Wei Huaiyu,” Chu Yu looked at him, saying languidly, “I didn’t realize you were so adaptable.”

Wei Yun smiled, “That’s because Madam has taught me well.”

Chu Yu couldn’t respond for a moment. She couldn’t figure out how, among the Wei family members who were all known for their unyielding nature, there could be someone like Wei Yun, so clever and cunning.

As she pondered this, Wei Yun gently rested his head on her chest, speaking softly, “A Yu.”


“I was wondering earlier how I would endure tonight when I returned.”

Chu Yu didn’t speak. She raised her hand to stroke his hair, listening as he continued, “But it’s good that you kept me here.”

Hearing his words, Chu Yu pressed her lips together before finally saying, “Hearing about me and Gu Chusheng, don’t you find it absurd?”

“What’s absurd about it?”

“That a person has already lived a whole lifetime, isn’t that absurd?”

Wei Yun was silent for a moment before finally saying, “Actually, there were signs of these things all along, weren’t there?”

As he spoke, he reached out to embrace her, “From when you married into the Wei family, foreseeing the Wei family’s misfortunes, and later, you’re only a year older than me, but I’ve always felt like a child in front of you. All these years, I’ve been trying to catch up to you. I’ve always hoped that in front of you, I wouldn’t forever be like a child. I’ve often wondered what exactly you’ve been through to be the way you are today – a twenty-one-year-old girl with so many wounds in her heart.”

He raised his hand, placing it over her heart. He looked at her, his expression devoid of any desire, “And later, in bed, you were so much more experienced than me, even though you had only been with me. I wondered about that too, but since you didn’t tell me, I didn’t investigate. So when I heard about it, I didn’t find it absurd. I just felt that it indeed made sense.”

“You don’t mind?”

“What should I mind?”

Chu Yu smiled, pressing her lips together, “I’m old. I’ve been married before.”

Wei Yun leaned against her, his voice gentle, “I don’t mind. I only feel sorry for you, fond of you, and regretful.”

“Sorry that you’ve walked such a difficult path, fond of you for still having that innocent heart, and regretful that I couldn’t accompany you on that path.”

Chu Yu listened, then lowered her hand and leaned into his embrace without speaking.

It rained all night. When Chu Yu woke up, it was already bright outside. She lazily called for someone to come in. Wan Yue and Chang Yue tidied up the room with expressionless faces. When Chang Yue went to fetch water, Wan Yue came forward and whispered, “Madam, did His Highness stay overnight yesterday?”

“Mm,” Chu Yu replied calmly, “What about it?”

Wan Yue pressed her lips together, holding back for a while before finally saying, “His Highness only left at daybreak.”

“Mm.” Chu Yu nodded, not particularly surprised. Wan Yue came closer, anxiously saying, “Madam, if the Old Madam finds out…”

“Then what?” Chu Yu looked up. Wan Yue was taken aback. Chu Yu calmly said, “If she finds out, then she finds out. What am I afraid of?”

Wan Yue was silent for a moment before finally saying, “Since Madam has made her decision, this servant won’t say any more.”

Chu Yu heard the annoyance in Wan Yue’s voice and couldn’t help but smile. She turned to look at her, “What’s wrong? Are you angry?”

“Madam is playing with her reputation.”

“Reputation?” Chu Yu chuckled lightly, “You think I care about reputation?”

If she had cared about reputation, how could she have eloped and run away from her wedding back then?

Wan Yue was stunned for a moment. After a while, she bowed deeply and said, “Wan Yue will follow Madam’s lead.”

“Why are you being so formal?” Chu Yu raised her hand to pat Wan Yue’s head, “Get up.”

After washing up, Chu Yu left her room and went to the main hall to have breakfast with everyone.

As soon as she entered, she saw Wei Yun sitting at the head table. He was talking with Liu Xueyang beside him. When he saw Chu Yu come in, he looked up, his eyes filled with an undisguisable bright smile.

Chu Yu smiled, bowed to Liu Xueyang, then greeted Wang Lan and Jiang Chun before taking her seat. Jiang Chun looked at Chu Yu and put some food on her plate, saying, “A Yu looks different today, radiant. There must be some good news.”

“There’s no particularly good news,” Chu Yu said gently, “It’s just that the weather is nice today, so I’m in a good mood.”

Jiang Chun smiled without saying anything. She looked up at Wei Yun, and shook her head, with a somewhat resigned expression.

After finishing the meal, Wei Yun looked up at Chu Yu and said to her, “Is sister-in-law going to see off the guests today?”

“Most of the guests are leaving today.” Chu Yu smiled and turned to look at Jiang Chun sitting beside her, her expression teasing, “I wonder if A Chun would like to join us?”

“You go ahead,” Jiang Chun said calmly, “What does it have to do with me?”

Chu Yu clapped her hands, smiling, and looked up at Wei Yun, “Alright, Your Highness, let’s go. Young Master Song is also leaving today, let’s go see him off.”

Jiang Chun’s expression remained unchanged. Wei Yun smiled somewhat helplessly, got up to bid farewell to Liu Xueyang, and then followed Chu Yu out of the room.

Chu Yu walked briskly, looking to be in a good mood. Wei Yun reached out to hold her hand, saying gently, “Don’t be reckless, be careful not to fall.”

“I’m a grown woman,” Chu Yu looked up at him, “How could I fall?”

Wei Yun looked at her with a smile, “I’m just finding an excuse to hold your hand, is that okay?”

“I think it’s fine.”

Chu Yu nodded, letting him hold her hand, not pulling away.

Wei Yun pressed his lips together without speaking, holding her hand as they got into the carriage. Only then did he remember, “Do you think Second Sister-in-law will come to see people off?”

“Do you know why she’s not coming?”

Chu Yu rested her chin on her hand, “Because she knows Song Shilan will go find her.”

Wei Yun was stunned for a moment. After a while, he sighed, “You women, your thoughts are truly hard to fathom.”

As they were talking, Jiang Chun, after chatting with Liu Xueyang for a while, came out of the room with Wang Lan. Just as they reached the long corridor, she heard a soft call, “Second Madam.”

Jiang Chun turned her head to see a young man in green at the end of the corridor. He wore a cloak with a fox fur collar and a crown on his head. His smile was faint and gentle, like the autumn sun, bright but not ostentatious.

Jiang Chun stared at him for a moment before finally lowering her head respectfully and saying, “Young Master Song.”

Song Shilan walked up to Jiang Chun, quietly observing her for a moment. After a long while, he finally said, “I’m leaving.”

“Mm.” Jiang Chun responded without saying much. Song Shilan looked at her and slowly smiled.

“Years ago, when I told Second Madam I was leaving, you bowed to me and wished me a safe journey. Now when I tell Second Madam I’m leaving, you just respond with an ‘mm’. Are you reluctant to see me go?”

“You jest,” Jiang Chun’s voice was flat, “If you have no other business, I’ll go back to take care of Ling Chun.”

“Second Madam,” Song Shilan suddenly called out to stop her. Jiang Chun frowned and looked up, only to see the young man’s smiling face, “I am now twenty-seven years old.”

“Why is Young Master telling me this?”

“If I don’t get married soon, I’m afraid I’ll become a laughing stock.”

“That has nothing to do with me either.”

“Second Madam,” he raised his hand and gently grasped Jiang Chun’s hand. Jiang Chun trembled slightly, wanting to pull her hand back, but Song Shilan suddenly tightened his grip.

“I’ll wait for you for another year,” Song Shilan raised his head, his face smiling but his eyes full of bitterness, “A person’s patience has its limits. If I still can’t wait for you,” his voice grew hoarse, “I might not be able to wait any longer.”

Jiang Chun’s hand was held by him. After a long while, she slowly spoke, her voice hoarse, “If you can’t wait anymore, then don’t wait.”

“Young Master,” she smiled bitterly, “A Shu treated me very well.”

“I will treat you even better than he did.”

“You don’t understand,” Jiang Chun shook her head, “He never wronged me, I can’t betray him.”

“But he’s already dead.”

Song Shilan gripped her hand tightly, “It’s not you betraying him, it’s this world that has betrayed him! No one should spend their entire life mourning someone’s death! Even if you live as a widow for the rest of your life, he won’t come back to life. Do you understand?”

Jiang Chun didn’t speak. Her face was pale. Song Shilan moved closer to her, his voice cold, “Jiang Chun, if I were him, if I cared for you, seeing you live like this, I wouldn’t be able to rest in peace even in death. We military men fight all our lives just to ensure you can live well and peacefully. We bury our lives on the battlefield, and in the end, is it just for you to waste your life like this?”

“Young Master…” Jiang Chun’s voice trembled, “Please let go!”

Song Shilan didn’t speak. He stared at her for a long time before finally chuckling softly. He released her hand and calmly looked at her, “One year.”

His voice carried a chill, “One year. If you don’t marry me, I’ll ask to marry Wei Qingping.”

With that, he turned and left. Jiang Chun, her body trembling, gripped her hand. She bit her lip hard and closed her eyes.

Meanwhile, Chu Yu and Wei Yun had played half a game of chess in the carriage before arriving at the city gate.

They bid farewell to the departing guests, just as they had welcomed them upon arrival.

By evening, Chu Yu saw Gu Chusheng’s carriage approaching from afar. Gu Chusheng’s carriage stopped in front of her. He rolled up the curtain and silently looked at Chu Yu and Wei Yun.

The two stood side by side, smiling at him. Wei Yun took a gift from beside him and handed it to Gu Chusheng, smiling as he said, “Lord Gu, have a safe journey.”

His smile was similar to Chu Yu’s, equally calm and composed, with a hint of warmth. Over time, the two of them had become more and more alike. Now, standing side by side, both wearing light blue clothes, they seemed to blend into one.

Gu Chusheng silently looked at them for a long time. Finally, he spoke in a hoarse voice, “A Yu, say something to me.”

“Lord Gu,” she took the gift from Wei Yun’s hand and held it up in front of Gu Chusheng, “Have a safe journey.”

Gu Chusheng listened to her words, looking at the smiling woman before him. His eyes reddened as he spoke, “But I don’t know how to proceed from here.”

“I’m not good enough. I can’t do well,” he continued.

“What should I do?” Tears fell as he gazed at her. “After being devoted for so many years, what do you expect me to do?”

Chu Yu remained silent, watching him quietly. After a long while, she finally said, “Chusheng, there are still many things in this world waiting for you to accomplish. Remember the future? Natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, and endless wars. If you truly care for me,” she smiled gently, “do even better in this life than you did in the last. That would be enough.”

“What’s the point?” he asked softly. “If you’re not by my side, what meaning does it have?”

“Gu Chusheng,” Wei Yun smiled, “Just go and do it. If you can’t become the person she likes, at least don’t become someone she dislikes.”

Gu Chusheng remained silent, lowering his gaze. Wei Yun continued with a smile, “Lord Gu, life is still long. Wait a few more years, and who knows? Things might take an unexpected turn for the better.”

“Your Highness jests,” Gu Chusheng replied with a bitter smile. He raised his head, looking at Chu Yu, and finally reached out to take the letter from her hand.

“A Yu,” Gu Chusheng called her name, gazing at her, but the rest of his words remained unspoken. He stared silently into her clear eyes for a long time. Finally, he closed his eyes and sighed softly, “This world… will be as you wish.”

With that, he lowered the curtain and leaned back into the carriage.

He held the small box Chu Yu had given him, containing some local specialties from Bai Ling. He opened it, looked at the contents for a long time, then tucked it into his sleeve.

As the carriage moved a few steps, Wei Yun suddenly remembered something and called out to Gu Chusheng, “Lord Gu!”

Wei Yun caught up with the carriage, jumped on, and lifted the curtain, speaking in a low voice, “I have a question for Lord Gu.”

Gu Chusheng looked tired but still replied, “Please, go ahead.”

“Do you know whom I married in my previous life?”

“Wei Qingping.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun finally understood why Chu Yu had been so sensitive about Wei Qingping earlier. Wei Yun frowned and asked, “Why did I marry her?”

“She was carrying Qin Shiyue’s child. Qin Shiyue died on the battlefield trying to save you. To protect her reputation, you claimed the child as yours and married her.”

Wei Yun furrowed his brow, “How did Shiyue die?”

“It was in a battle against the Northern Di. It shouldn’t happen in this lifetime.”

Wei Yun felt relieved and nodded. He then asked, “Is there anything else I should be aware of?”

“In a month, there will be a major earthquake in Yuan City of Qing Province. The aftershocks will spread to Luo Province, affecting millions of people.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun’s brow furrowed deeply. Gu Chusheng calmly said, “I will handle this matter. You just need to be prepared.”

“Thank you,” Wei Yun bowed. Gu Chusheng nodded without saying more. As Wei Yun jumped off the carriage, Gu Chusheng called out to him.

“Wei Yun,” Wei Yun turned back, and Gu Chusheng spoke with difficulty, “Be good to her.”

“I know.”

“She has a quick temper. Be patient with her and don’t take offense. She speaks without thinking sometimes.”

“I know.”

“She likes sweets but always restrains herself, afraid others will think her delicate. Buy her some often.”


“She has a cold constitution and may have difficulty conceiving. Take good care of her health and don’t let her get hurt.”

“I’ve been nurturing her health for years now.”

At this point, Gu Chusheng suddenly realized that perhaps Wei Yun had been doing far better than he had imagined.

His advice seemed out of place now. He pressed his lips together, feeling as if he had no right to interfere. After a long pause, he said hoarsely, “Good… I’m relieved then.”

Finally, he waved his hand tiredly, “You may go.”

Wei Yun nodded and turned to leave. He returned to Chu Yu’s side, and as she watched the carriage disappear into the distance, she chuckled softly, “What did he tell you?”

“He said,” Wei Yun smiled, “that you like sweets.”

Chu Yu blushed and mumbled, “He’s talking nonsense.”

Chu Lingyang and Song Shilan left in the morning, and the Prince of Wei departed in the afternoon, leaving Wei Qingping in the city. As Wei Qingping was accustomed to wandering, no one found it strange. After Gu Chusheng left, the grand ceremony finally concluded.

Bai Ling returned to its previous routine. Zhao Yue organized a large army, ready to enter the palace at any moment. Wei Yun was busy deploying troops, while Chu Yu took care of Wei Qingping. Every day, she would go out with Wei Qingping to provide free medical treatment. At noon, they would dine at a restaurant, and at night, they would find a small alley. If they came across good wine, the two would drink in the wine shop until midnight, then support each other back home.

Chu Yu always knew her limits with alcohol and rarely got drunk, but Wei Qingping was different.

With a low tolerance but a high fondness for alcohol, Wei Qingping was always carried back by Chu Yu. Sometimes when they drank too late, Wei Yun would come with Qin Shiyue, and Qin Shiyue would carry Wei Qingping back.

One day, Chu Yu and Wei Qingping drank a particularly sweet wine that turned out to be unexpectedly strong. Even Chu Yu couldn’t handle it, and they ended up staying in the small tavern until midnight. When Wei Yun returned and found Chu Yu missing, he went straight to the tavern with Qin Shiyue. Qin Shiyue carried Wei Qingping back, while Wei Yun went to persuade Chu Yu, who was sitting by the window, “A Yu, let’s go home.”

Chu Yu looked up and saw Wei Yun. Without a word, she took a sip and then offered the wine to him, “You drink too.”

Wei Yun sighed helplessly, took the wine jar, and had a sip. Then he said, “I’ve drunk. Shall we go home now?”

Chu Yu reached out her hands, “I want you to carry me.”

Wei Yun couldn’t help but laugh. He stepped forward and half-squatted, “Alright, I’ll carry you back.”

Chu Yu jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck, and happily asked, “Am I heavy?”

“Not at all,” Wei Yun shook his head, “Not as heavy as my sword.”

He carried her downstairs. The moonlight was bright as he walked on the bluestone pavement. Chu Yu lay on his back, mumbling, “I have a little white horse that runs very fast and is very powerful!”

“I see,” Wei Yun patiently responded to her words. Suddenly, Chu Yu remembered something and straightened up, grabbing Wei Yun’s collar. She squeezed her legs and shouted, “Little white horse, giddy up!”

Wei Yun: “…”

So, it turned out he was the little white horse.

“Wei Yun,” Chu Yu lowered her head and hugged him, “Are you angry?”


Wei Yun smiled, and Chu Yu turned her head, giving him a serious kiss, “I kissed you, so don’t be angry!”

“Not enough,” Wei Yun said seriously, “You need to kiss me again.”

So Chu Yu thought for a moment and kissed him again, blinking, “Not angry now?”

Wei Yun turned his head, looking at the girl’s bright eyes, and lifted his head to press his lips against hers, exploring with his tongue and entwining it with hers.

Chu Yu lowered her head, kissing him earnestly, carefully tracing his lips with the tip of her tongue, causing the man carrying her to breathe more heavily. He carried her home, kissing her again and again along the way. When they finally reached the bed, Wei Yun, his voice hoarse, said softly, “One more kiss, and I really won’t be angry anymore.”

The next morning when Chu Yu woke up, she felt a headache and body aches.

She felt that last night’s wine had been quite strong.

Rubbing her head, she washed up, then drank tea while reading the latest news from informants across the country.

“So Song Shilan has also declared himself king…” She frowned, then saw many more messages about self-proclaimed kings. Holding her tea, she felt a mix of anxiety and complexity.

Meanwhile, in the capital, Zhao Yue threw a report to the ground, “One after another, are they all rebelling?”

The Princess Royal sat nearby, drinking her pregnancy-nurturing medicine, and calmly said, “Your Majesty, why get angry? Subdue one, and the others will lose heart.”

“Don’t worry about these things,” Zhao Yue waved his hand. “I’ll handle it. You take good care of the child.”

The Princess Royal said nothing, smiling as she finished her medicine. Zhao Yue turned to Zhang Hui beside him and said coldly, “Have all the consorts in the palace been sent away?”

“They have,” Zhang Hui said softly. “Consort Yao cried and didn’t want to leave, but she was sent away too.”

“We can’t have a second incident like Consort Wang’s.”

Zhao Yue spoke coldly, and Zhang Hui lowered his eyes, bowing in acknowledgment. Zhao Yue walked to the Princess Royal’s side, kneeling beside her. He placed his hand on her belly, full of affection, and said, “I hope it’s a prince.”

“It will be,” the Princess Royal said gently. “He will be the crown prince.”

In the late autumn of the fifth year of Yuanhe, due to heavy taxes, continuous wars, and people’s livelihoods in dire straits, Marquis Wei Yun was forced to raise an army and declared himself King of Ping. He issued “Ten Letters of Accusation” against the emperor, shaking the entire country, with various lords responding.

At once, the Song clan of Qiong Province, the Chu clan of Luo Province, and the Wang clan of Hua Province all declared independence. Nearly a hundred others raised armies, and chaos began to spread across the land.

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