HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 133

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 133

Yan Yunlang was a well-known playboy in Kun Prefecture. Born into the prestigious Yan family of Bai Prefecture, he was the eldest legitimate son. From a young age, he excelled in the four arts: qin, chess, calligraphy, and painting. At sixteen, he achieved the rare feat of passing all three imperial examinations. By twenty-three, he was appointed as the Governor of Bai Prefecture—an impressive resume indeed. Despite his talents, this gifted man showed little interest in an official career. In his duties, he merely fulfilled his obligations, but when it came to women, he was exceptionally attentive.

Yan Yunlang was famous for his saying: “Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs—none compare to the affairs of beautiful women.” He adored all beautiful ladies and treated every woman he knew, regardless of age, with great consideration. Yet, despite his reputation as a philanderer, no woman disliked him. Though Yan Yunlang was flirtatious, he was never vulgar. He cared for women’s hearts but rarely truly entangled himself with anyone.

When the invitation from the Wei family arrived, Yan Yunlang was just returning on horseback from the pleasure quarters. His sky-blue robe fluttered in the wind as women called out joyfully, throwing their handkerchiefs towards him. Yan Yunlang raised his hand, catching the handkerchief of the most beautiful woman. He gently sniffed it, then looked up at the girl, his eyes full of unspoken passion, causing her to blush instantly. Yan Yunlang laughed heartily but didn’t linger, riding back to the Yan residence.

As soon as he entered, his father, Yan Zhangxiu, rushed out anxiously, exclaiming, “Where have you been, reeking of rouge again?! Don’t you know what time it is? Prince Wei now controls Bai Prefecture. You’re not the big shot anymore. Please, restrain yourself a bit these days!”

“Father, you jest,” Yan Yunlang smiled as he walked into the room, allowing the maidservants to help him remove his clothes. He continued leisurely, “I’ve always worked under the Prince. As long as I do my job well, surely the Prince won’t concern himself with how many girls I fancy?”

“In the past, of course not. But now, the Wei family has sent an invitation!”

“Oh?” Yan Yunlang stepped into the bath behind the screen, asking nonchalantly, “What for?”

“Do you remember the First Madam of the Wei family, Wei Chu?”

Hearing this, Yan Yunlang paused. He had never met Chu Yu, but his admiration for her had never ceased. Years ago, when Bai Prefecture fell, he, as the Governor, was forced to lead the citizens in a long escape. When trapped in Yao City, he had planned to take his own life for the country. However, upon hearing that Chu Yu, a mere woman, had defended Fengling, he gritted his teeth and held Yao City. Since then, he had always wanted to meet Chu Yu, but her noble status in the capital made it impossible for him, a mere prefectural governor, to enter the capital without imperial permission. Controlling his emotions, he asked, “Why does Father mention her?”

“That Wei Chu is almost twenty-two now, still a widow. I hear her status in the Wei family is extremely high. If we could arrange a marriage with her, wouldn’t our relationship with the Wei family become even closer? So, I spent a fortune bribing one of the Wei family’s servants to help us make a connection. Now, the Wei family’s Old Madam has sent us an invitation. Can’t you guess what this means?”

Yan Yunlang remained silent as he dried himself with a towel. Seeing no response, Yan Zhangxiu hurriedly added, “Don’t worry about her being a widow. Let me tell you, I’ve made inquiries. The Wei heir died on the very day she entered the family. She’s still… untouched.”

“Stop this nonsense!”

Yan Yunlang’s towel flew from behind the screen, hitting Yan Zhangxiu in the face. “A woman of her caliber is not to be insulted like this.”

Stunned by the blow, Yan Zhangxiu then jumped up, cursing, “You little bastard, how dare you hit your father!”

“I may be a little bastard,” Yan Yunlang drawled, “but Father, what does that make you?”

“You… you…” Yan Zhangxiu couldn’t catch his breath, but he had always doted on Yan Yunlang. After a long pause, he only managed to say, “Behave yourself tomorrow!”

This time, Yan Yunlang obediently agreed, which surprised Yan Zhangxiu. But a well-behaved son was a good thing, so he glanced at the screen once more before leaving.

The next day, Yan Yunlang donned a purple formal robe and a jade crown. With his naturally handsome features, he looked every bit like the charming young nobleman.

He followed Yan Zhangxiu into the Wei residence, where they were led to the main hall by servants. Liu Xueyang sat in the place of honor, talking with Gui Mama. Yan Yunlang set aside his usual frivolous demeanor and respectfully greeted Liu Xueyang.

Though not as handsome as Gu Chusheng, Yan Yunlang was still quite good-looking. His proper demeanor, coupled with his smiling eyes, naturally endeared him to the elderly. Seeing that he wasn’t frivolous at all, Liu Xueyang was quite pleased and sent someone to summon Chu Yu.

Chu Yu wasn’t surprised when Liu Xueyang called her to receive guests. As the First Madam of the Wei family, she usually received important visitors. She inquired about the guests and found it strange: “Why has Old Madam suddenly invited them? Are the Yan and Wei families old acquaintances?”

No one could answer this question, so Chu Yu had to go herself. The weather was fair that day. Chu Yu wore a white inner robe with an outer blue robe embroidered with white flowers, covered by a fox fur coat. She casually put up her hair and went to the hall.

At that moment, Yan Yunlang was happily conversing with Liu Xueyang. He always knew how to charm women of all ages. Just as he was recounting an amusing tale from Kun Prefecture, a woman’s voice said, “Grandmother.”

The voice was steady and carried a hint of laughter. Yan Yunlang looked up and saw a woman entering the room.

The woman’s hands were tucked into her sleeves, her demeanor as clear and bright as the moon. Yan Yunlang had never seen such an open and forthright aura in any woman before. Yet, as she walked in, each step was of equal measure, her long skirt rippling with her movements—the most standard gait of capital nobility, elegant and graceful without the slightest flaw.

Clear as the moon, straight as a pine, steps like treading on a lotus, sleeves carrying a fragrant breeze.

As Yan Yunlang watched her approach, he recalled the image of the woman he had conjured in his mind when he heard her story while desperately defending Yao City.

He suddenly realized that this woman was even better than he had imagined.

Secretly adjusting his breathing, he saw Chu Yu look towards him with a slight smile. She bowed to him and Yan Zhangxiu, saying, “Lord Yan, Young Master Yan.”

Since it was a private banquet, Chu Yu didn’t use official titles.

Yan Zhangxiu and Yan Yunlang returned the greeting, and Chu Yu sat down.

Chu Yu didn’t speak rashly, but Yan Yunlang was eloquent, and Chu Yu didn’t want to embarrass anyone. Soon, the atmosphere became lively. Chu Yu found Yan Yunlang to be unexpectedly frank and quite endearing.

Seeing the two chatting well, Liu Xueyang said to Chu Yu, “It must be dull for you young people to sit here. A Yu, why don’t you show Young Master Yan around the garden?”

Chu Yu was enjoying the conversation with Yan Yunlang and candidly said, “Please, Young Master Yan.”

Yan Yunlang rose with a smile. Without the elders present, their topics of conversation became more diverse. Yan Yunlang was skilled at pleasing women and quickly found topics that Chu Yu enjoyed, asking questions along the way.

Wei Yun entered the residence, and as soon as he reached the entrance, one of Wei Xia’s people stationed in the household approached him and whispered, “Your Highness, the First Madam is showing Young Master Yan around the back garden.”

Wei Yun’s expression remained unchanged as he turned and headed straight for the back garden. When he found the two, they were standing by the waterside pavilion. Chu Yu was describing to Yan Yunlang the scene of sky lanterns in the sandy city of Northern Di. Wei Yun could hear Chu Yu’s voice as he walked along the corridor, her tone filled with longing: “That sight is truly beautiful…”

“Hearing the First Madam speak of it so, even I can’t help but feel moved,” Yan Yunlang smiled. “If I have the chance to visit the Northern Di in the future, I wonder if the First Madam could be my guide?”

Just as Chu Yu was about to reply, Wei Yun lifted the curtain and entered. Both Yan Yunlang and Chu Yu looked over to see Wei Yun standing at the entrance with an unfriendly expression. Yan Yunlang was momentarily stunned but recovered quickly, smiling and bowing, “Your Highness.”

Wei Yun gave him a cold glance and nodded slightly before walking to Chu Yu’s side. He said coolly, “I’ve seen the Lantern Festival in the Northern Di before. If the Governor has any questions, he can ask me directly. I can even find a Northern Di native to be your guide and take you there personally.”

Yan Yunlang looked at Wei Yun standing behind Chu Yu, feeling somewhat confused.

He observed the two and felt something was off, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Fortunately, he was always good with words and smiled, saying, “That would be great. I hope Your Highness won’t find me troublesome then.”

“It’s no trouble,” Wei Yun replied coldly, then looked down at Chu Yu, his voice suddenly carrying a hint of warmth: “Where’s your hand warmer? Why didn’t you bring it out with you?”

With Yan Yunlang still present, Wei Yun’s sudden intimate inquiry made Chu Yu cough lightly before replying, “It’s fine, the weather is good today.”

She then turned to Yan Yunlang and said, “Young Master Yan, it’s quite cold after all. Shall we head back?”

“Of course,” Yan Yunlang looked at Chu Yu’s delicate frame, his eyes filled with tenderness. “Ladies are often sensitive to cold. First Madam should take good care of herself.”

“Wasn’t it to accompany you in the garden?” Wei Yun retorted.

Yan Yunlang couldn’t help but glance at Wei Yun again, feeling that the Prince was acting rather strange today. He looked away and sighed, gazing at Chu Yu with deep affection, “I’ve troubled the First Madam today.”

Chu Yu smiled back at him. She had never met a man like this before, whose eyes always seemed to be filled with water, appearing deeply in love with everyone he saw. She thought this must be what naturally amorous eyes looked like and couldn’t help but look a few more times. Wei Yun silently placed his hand on the sword hanging at his waist, not saying a word.

With Wei Yun’s arrival, the atmosphere became inexplicably tense. At first, Yan Yunlang still tried to converse with Chu Yu, but later, for some reason, everyone lost interest, and they returned to the main hall in silence.

Back in the hall, Liu Xueyang was surprised to see Wei Yun: “Your Highness, why have you returned?”

Upon seeing Liu Xueyang, Wei Yun smiled and respectfully approached, saying, “I heard Mother was hosting a banquet. Thinking that only women would be at home and unable to entertain properly, I rushed back specifically to host.”

This statement nearly made Liu Xueyang and Yan Zhangxiu choke. The Wei and Yan families were not old acquaintances, so Liu Xueyang hosting such a banquet was indeed somewhat improper. However, after years of war, many formalities had been abandoned. Moreover, Liu Xueyang intended to play a matchmaker, so she had already disregarded this particular custom. Wei Yun’s blunt statement surprised Chu Yu, making her realize that the Wei family was likely unfamiliar with the Yan family.

Chu Yu glanced at Liu Xueyang’s expression and understood the situation. She then looked up at Yan Yunlang, who was drinking tea. Noticing her gaze, he turned his head and arched his eyebrows slightly.

Chu Yu was momentarily stunned, suddenly finding this young man quite interesting.

After Wei Yun’s remark, Liu Xueyang could only awkwardly say, “It’s good that you came. You should chat more with Lord Yan…”

Wei Yun smiled and agreed, moving to sit at the table beside Chu Yu. He then initiated a conversation with Yan Yunlang.

However, no one was particularly interested in talking to Wei Yun today. After a brief exchange, Yan Zhangxiu took his leave, leading Yan Yunlang away.

Wei Yun personally escorted the Yan father and son to the door, fulfilling all the proper etiquette. When he returned to the main hall, Chu Yu had already left, leaving only Liu Xueyang in the room. Liu Xueyang slapped the table angrily, saying, “You foolish child! You almost ruined your sister-in-law’s prospects!”

Wei Yun’s expression turned cold as he sat down next to Liu Xueyang, calmly asking, “I don’t know what matter Mother is referring to. What affair?”

“You seem intelligent, so how can you not understand? Why do you think I invited the Yan father and son today? It was to arrange a match for your sister-in-law!”

“A match?” Wei Yun scoffed, “With Yan Yunlang, of all people?”

“What do you mean ‘with Yan Yunlang, of all people’? I’ve taken a liking to Yan Yunlang. He comes from a noble family, he’s intelligent and ambitious, good-looking, and your sister-in-law likes his temperament. Tell me, what’s wrong with him?”

“Just his reputation as a rake is enough reason for me to prevent my sister-in-law from going to him!”

“You’re too picky! You’re always so critical! Can you find someone better? Back then, I said Gu Chusheng was good, but you said his status was too low. Now he’s a Grand Secretary of the Cabinet, and you still don’t approve of him. Tell me, who do you deem worthy? How old is your sister-in-law now? In a few more years, it will be dangerous for her to bear children. I’ve been asking you to keep an eye out for someone for years, and you haven’t found a single prospect! Do you intend for your sister-in-law to remain a widow for life?!”

Wei Yun pressed his lips together, saying nothing. Liu Xueyang’s eyes filled with tears, “Xiao Qi, I know you favor your brother, but one can’t be without conscience. A Yu has been good to the Wei family. You can’t possibly intend for her to remain a widow for life.”

“Mother, that’s not my intention…” Hearing Liu Xueyang’s sobs and realizing her good intentions, Wei Yun softened, saying with some resignation, “But we can’t act rashly out of desperation. I’m looking for someone suitable for my sister-in-law. Please don’t search randomly. This Yan Yunlang is not a good man. You can’t push my sister-in-law into a fire pit.”

“What do you mean ‘push her into a fire pit’? What man in this world doesn’t have a fling or two? Yunlang has never caused any scandals. Compared to those pampered young nobles, he’s quite well-behaved. You think everyone is like you, as chaste as a young lady. Oh, forget about your sister-in-law, let’s talk about you…”

The topic shifted to Wei Yun, and he found himself subjected to another lecture from Liu Xueyang. Wei Yun listened numbly, realizing that over the years, Liu Xueyang’s ability to scold people had become increasingly formidable.

By the time he returned to his room that night, Wei Yun was mentally and physically exhausted. He lay on the bed, too tired to move. Chu Yu, lying on her side and propping up her head, couldn’t help but laugh, “Why do you look so defeated? Did Mother lecture you?”

“Women obsessed with matchmaking are terrifying.” Wei Yun turned to face her, pulling her into his arms with displeasure, “Let’s find something for Mother to do. Don’t let her fixate on our marriage affairs all day.”

“What else can the elderly think about if not these things?” Chu Yu stroked his hair, softly comforting him. Wei Yun remained silent for a while, seeming somewhat upset. Chu Yu looked down at him, “What’s wrong? Upset by Mother-in-law’s words?”

“I heard,” Wei Yun hesitated for a moment before finally saying, “that you had a nice chat with Yan Yunlang.”

“Mmm.” Chu Yu recalled the young nobleman from earlier that day and couldn’t help but smile, “He’s quite an interesting person.”

Wei Yun said nothing, but his arms tightened around Chu Yu. She was a bit puzzled, “Hmm?”

Wei Yun buried his face in her chest, saying softly, “Am I not good at talking?”

“What do you mean, not good at talking?” Chu Yu was confused.

“I feel,” Wei Yun admitted reluctantly, “that I might not be as good at making you happy as he is.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu chuckled lightly, “What nonsense are you talking about? Your Wei family is known for being upright, and you’re the most eloquent of them all.”

Wei Yun listened, feeling that something was off about her compliment. But by now, Chu Yu had caught on and embraced him, asking, “Jealous?”

Wei Yun remained silent. Chu Yu lowered her hand, snuggling into the blanket, and slipped her hand under his clothes, laughing, “Really jealous?”

“Be serious,” Wei Yun caught Chu Yu’s hand, saying earnestly, “Promise me you’ll stay away from him in the future.”

“Why are you being so petty?” With her hand restrained, Chu Yu raised her foot to tease him. Wei Yun blushed, saying softly, “Don’t fool around, I’m being serious.”

Seeing that Wei Yun was about to get angry, Chu Yu finally stopped her movements and said seriously, “Alright, alright, I’m just teasing you. Don’t worry, even if you didn’t say it, I would keep my distance from him in the future.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun finally felt somewhat reassured. He released her hand, placing it back where it was.

“Okay,” he leaned down to kiss her lips, his voice husky, “Now we can be unserious.”

Chu Yu: “…”

She knew it, what an act he was putting on.

Wei Yun, having been worn out by Liu Xueyang’s scolding during the day, didn’t get too carried away at night and fell asleep after they finished.

The couple retired early, and around midnight, Chu Yu vaguely heard the sound of a pigeon. She opened her eyes groggily to see a pigeon perched on the window, with a scented note tied to its foot.

Chu Yu found the pigeon strange. She got up and removed the note, and the pigeon flew away. Looking down, she saw it was a love poem, beautifully composed with excellent calligraphy. The signature was a small swallow, also well-drawn.

The scent on the note was unique, clearly specially made with great care. Chu Yu lowered her head to smell it and couldn’t help but smile.

Having lived two lifetimes, this was the first time she had been pursued in such a manner. At this moment, Wei Yun noticed that Chu Yu hadn’t returned to bed and raised his head to see her smiling down at a piece of paper.

Wei Yun was instantly awake. He hurriedly walked to Chu Yu’s side, his gaze falling on the paper in her hand. He couldn’t help but ask anxiously, “What’s this?”

Then he saw the love poem and the swallow signature.

Wei Yun calmed down at this point. Chu Yu looked up at him, saw his icy expression, and quickly waved her hand, saying, “It has nothing to do with me, a pigeon just delivered it.”

“I know,” Wei Yun said with a cold smile, “This scoundrel truly lives up to his reputation.”

“Never mind him,” Wei Yun picked Chu Yu up and carried her back to bed, “It’s cold outside, let’s go back to sleep.”

Chu Yu agreed and didn’t think much of it, falling asleep quickly. After Chu Yu fell asleep, Wei Yun lay awake. Finally unable to resist, he got up and threw the note into the fire to burn it.

After burning the note, he still felt somewhat aggrieved. Looking at Chu Yu’s sleeping form, he couldn’t bear to wake her. So he turned away, giving Chu Yu the cold shoulder for the rest of the night.

The sleeping Chu Yu was completely unaware of Wei Yun’s one-sided cold war. By the time she woke up the next morning, Wei Yun had already unilaterally ended this cold war.

Wei Yun thought to himself, that this was probably the most impressive cold war he had ever waged since he and Chu Yu had been together.

He calculated that it had lasted a full three hours!

Short Play

Wei Yun: I started a terrible war last night. I decided to give you the cold shoulder. I wouldn’t speak a word to you or pay you any attention. You do your thing, I do mine.

Chu Yu: What? How come I don’t know about this?

Wei Yun: You were asleep.

Chu Yu: When did this war start?

Wei Yun: After you fell asleep.

Chu Yu: When did it end?

Wei Yun: Before you woke up.

Chu Yu: …

Was there any point to this, my friend?

Wei Yun: QAQ(a crying face) What else could I do besides indulging in a bit of fantasy?

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