HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 30

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 30

Chu Yu remained silent, standing quietly beside him.

Sensing the warmth at his side, Wei Yun slowly calmed down.

He felt as if a giant beast had been planted in his heart, tearing and roaring, restless to break free. Yet, the warmth beside him constantly reminded him, pulling him out of the darkness.

He gradually settled down, glancing at the night outside before addressing Chu Yu, “Sister-in-law, you should go to sleep. It’s already late.”

Chu Yu acknowledged and walked towards the door. At the threshold, she paused, turning back to look. The young man sat in his wheelchair, gazing up at the moonlight. His plain white robe shimmered in the moonlight, making him appear like an otherworldly immortal, out of place in this mortal realm.

Chu Yu had always known Wei Yun was handsome. Even when he was called the Living King of Hell, women who admired him lined up from Huajing to Kunyang and beyond. Yet, she never imagined he had been this striking since his youth.

Returning to her room, Chu Yu tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She thought of the Wei family in her previous life.

In her past life, she had run away from her arranged marriage to find Gu Chusheng when the Wei family was at its peak. When she heard of the Wei family’s downfall, she didn’t know the details. At that time, the Great Chu was in turmoil. Kunyang, where she was, was a crucial route for grain and fodder transport, and also the second line of defense against the Northern Di after the fall of Baicheng. So, she had no time to do anything for the Wei family before rushing to the battlefield.

A month later, Wei Yun was sent to the battlefield to rebuild the Wei family army, fighting against the Northern Di for two full years.

During these two years, Gu Chusheng perfectly controlled the supplies, provisions, and military equipment in the rear, providing Wei Yun with the strongest support. Wei Yun, in turn, fought the Northern Di’s stronghold, trampling their imperial court and finally avenging his blood debt.

After this war, Wei Yun and Gu Chusheng returned to the capital together, beginning their era of civil and military cooperation. It was only then that Chu Yu could find time to look back at the Wei family, but by then, she could no longer help them. Under Wei Yun’s leadership, the Wei family had already restored their glory. Anything she might say at that point would seem like mere opportunism.

Not having helped the Wei family in their time of need had been a knot in Chu Yu’s heart. But in her previous life, she had been consumed by love, slowly wearing herself down, and this knot had gradually faded with time.

However, looking back on this life, Chu Yu felt some regret. How much must Wei Yun have suffered back then?

Without contact, one could only admire a hero from afar. But once you get to know them, and realize they’re a living, breathing person, it’s hard not to feel for them.

Chu Yu drifted off to sleep in the middle of the night, lost in these thoughts. Early the next morning, Jiang Chun arrived at her quarters and had someone announce her. After washing up, Chu Yu walked out to see Jiang Chun already waiting. She smiled as she approached, “Why are you here so early today?”

“The five young masters have returned. They got up early to practice martial arts, so I rose to accompany them for their morning lessons before coming here,” Jiang Chun explained, standing up to greet Chu Yu.

Chu Yu invited her to have breakfast together. As she served Jiang Chun some food, she asked, “Is it about the five young masters that you’re here?”

“Indeed,” Jiang Chun took a sip of goat’s milk and dabbed her lips with a handkerchief before explaining, “Now that their mothers have left, it’s just the two of us looking after them. I was thinking, you already have to manage the household affairs and finances, which is troublesome enough. Why don’t I take care of the five young masters? I’m already Lingchun’s mother, and I care for him daily. Taking care of a few more won’t be a problem.”

“That sounds good,” Chu Yu nodded, then remembering that Liu Xueyang was now at home, she asked, “Have you discussed this with Mother-in-law?”

“I have,” Jiang Chun replied. She had always been clever, managing well under Madam Liang’s supervision. Now, dealing with the more careless Liu Xueyang was even easier for her.

“Mother-in-law said her health isn’t good, and she gave you the family seal when she left. She said you should manage the household from now on, and that I should just come and ask you.”

Liu Xueyang had told Chu Yu this when she returned, and now repeating it to Jiang Chun seemed to confirm the decision. Chu Yu didn’t refuse. With the numerous affairs in the household, it indeed wasn’t suitable for Liu Xueyang, who was in poor health, to handle them. She nodded and said, “Very well. From now on, the five young masters will be in your care. Except for major matters like schooling, you can make decisions on your own.”

“I came to discuss this with you,” Jiang Chun’s eyes showed concern, “The Wei family has always prioritized martial arts over generations. They learn poetry and literature for fun, not as a requirement. Being literate is enough. But now… I don’t want Lingchun to follow in Second Young Master’s footsteps.”

Mentioning Wei Shu, Jiang Chun’s eyes filled with tears. She quickly dabbed them with her handkerchief and smiled, “Excuse me.”

Chu Yu didn’t comment, pretending not to notice Jiang Chun’s emotional moment. She only said, “I will discuss this with Little Seven. However, each child has their nature, and we shouldn’t force them. For now, let’s arrange martial arts in the morning and literary studies in the afternoon. When they’re past ten, we can reassess based on their talents. You can’t stop those who love studying, and you can’t confine those who want to be generals. In the future, even if one of them wants to be a carpenter, that would be perfectly normal.”

“You’re right,” Jiang Chun sighed, “It’s all fate.”

After discussing the children’s matters, Chu Yu rose and went with Jiang Chun to the back courtyard to see the young masters.

The eldest of the five young masters was Jiang Chun’s son, Wei Lingchun, who was only six years old. He stood in the courtyard, swinging a small wooden sword up and down.

The three children of Zhang Han, Xie Jiu, and Yao Jue were born around the same year and were named Wei Lingshu, Wei Lingmo, and Wei Linghan. These three children were only four years old, following behind Wei Lingchun, completely carefree and playful, unaware of the seriousness of life.

The youngest child, Wei Lingdong, was born to Wang Lan and was only two years old. Wang Lan, heavily pregnant, sat in the long corridor, watching the maids teach Wei Lingdong how to walk. The child was desperately trying to crawl towards Wang Lan, making her giggle.

Chu Yu and Jiang Chun stood in the shadows of the long corridor, watching the autumn sunlight gently illuminating this scene. Chu Yu couldn’t help but sigh softly, “Do they know about their parents?”

“They know,” Jiang Chun sighed, “But except for Lingchun, who is a bit more sensible, the others don’t understand. They still think their parents will come back to play with them after a while.”

“Then Lingchun…” Chu Yu bit her lip, but Jiang Chun’s eyes showed pride, “He cried in my arms all night. After I told him I wouldn’t abandon him, he hugged me and said not to be afraid, that he would grow up to be even stronger than his father and protect me in the future.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu looked at the child in the courtyard who, though visibly tired, still diligently swung his sword following his master’s instructions. She couldn’t help but feel moved.

“They’ve given up a lot,” she couldn’t help but say.

Jiang Chun understood what she meant and sighed, “Each has their fate. They’re all still young and will eventually remarry. You know Zhang Han and Wang Lan’s personalities, they’re easily swayed and will do whatever their families say. Wang Lan is one thing, but Zhang Han’s family has already found a path for her. There’s a minor official who has admired her since before she was married, and now he’s offering his entire fortune as a betrothal gift. Her family thinks it’s for her good.”

Chu Yu nodded, and Jiang Chun continued, “As for Xie Jiu and Yao Jue… they were famous throughout Huajing even before they married. They’re both good at planning for themselves. Xie Jiu also told me that she had originally planned to leave early, but has dragged it out until now. The longer she stays, the less she wants to leave.”

People always make concessions to themselves. If they delay further, they might feel that just staying with the children isn’t so bad after all. But she and Yao Jue had always aspired to be at the top of society since their youth. How could they allow themselves to retreat like this? Now that the Wei family has settled down, they have no reason to stay. If they wait a few more years to have children, they might be too old.

Marrying into power and nobility – back then, marrying into the Wei family was because even their concubine-born sons had military achievements. No one dared to look down on them outside, and their power was at its peak.

Even if moved by those feelings, reason remained. After that night of drinking, all emotions should have been sealed away in the heart.

Some pursue fame for a lifetime, some pursue love, some pursue power, and some pursue glory and wealth.

In this world, everyone has their pursuits.

Chu Yu nodded, not asking any more questions. She watched the children in the courtyard and soon saw a figure in plain white enter her view.

When the children saw the person arrive, they rushed over excitedly, shouting, “Little Uncle! Little Uncle is here!”

“In the past, Little Seven always liked to play with them, bringing candies every time he came,” Jiang Chun said with a light laugh beside her. “They love it so much… Huh?”

Before she could finish, Jiang Chun showed a puzzled expression. Wei Yun stood there, but this time he didn’t bring any candies. The children’s faces showed disappointment. He seemed to say something and patted the head of Wei Lingmo, who was hugging his leg.

Wei Lingchun, holding a small wooden sword, said something to Wei Yun. Wei Yun raised an eyebrow, then nodded, letting the children disperse. He then picked up a wooden sword from the side and stood in the middle, casually assuming a stance with the sword tip touching the ground, presenting an almost perfect defense.

Jiang Chun let out a surprised “Ah!” and felt her heart tighten. Then she saw Wei Lingchun charging towards Wei Yun with his sword. Wei Yun casually raised his hand and deflected Wei Lingchun away.

Wei Lingchun, unwilling to give up, grabbed his sword and charged again.

This went on repeatedly, with Wei Yun allowing him to attack while giving instructions. Wei Lingchun’s grip on the sword became steadier with each attempt, his thrusts more forceful.

Jiang Chun knew Wei Yun was teaching Wei Lingchun, but seeing Wei Lingchun in this state made her heartache. She decided to excuse herself from Chu Yu, thinking out of sight, out of mind and hurriedly left.

Chu Yu leaned against a pillar in the long corridor, watching Wei Yun repeatedly defeat Wei Lingchun. During this process, without realizing it, a smile appeared on Wei Yun’s face.

He hadn’t smiled like this for a long time. Since returning from the frontlines, it wasn’t that he never smiled, but each smile was mixed with too many emotions – gentle, bitter, with a hint of sudden maturity’s harshness.

However, in this afternoon sunlight, watching Wei Lingchun get up time and time again, Wei Yun himself was like a child, slowly breaking into a smile. That smile was clean and clear, with a youthful air.

After countless attempts, Wei Lingchun finally lay on the ground, unable to get up. Wei Yun, holding his sword, leaned against a tree and said with a smile, “Lingchun, you’re not up to it. Come on, get up again! Didn’t you say you’d beat me today? Come on.”

His voice wasn’t soft, and Chu Yu, standing nearby, heard it. Somehow, she felt an itch in her hands.

So she stepped out from the shadows and said with a smile, “Let me fight in place of Lingchun.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun turned around in surprise and saw Chu Yu walking out from the dark corner. She took off her outer robe and handed it to Wan Yue while tying her hair up high with a hair band. Then she took a sword from the weapon rack and stood in front of Wei Yun.

Wei Yun looked at the seemingly frail young woman in front of him and finally reacted after a while, saying with difficulty, “Um, Sister-in-law, how about I admit defeat…”

Before he could finish, he heard a “Please advise,” followed by a sword thrusting towards him like a white snake. Wei Yun retreated in fright, not daring to counterattack.

However, Chu Yu’s sword was domineering and fierce, the sword wind causing fallen leaves to fly. The children on the side clapped and cheered. Wei Yun was chased around the courtyard by Chu Yu. As Chu Yu’s lightness skill was not as good as Wei Yun’s, he ran while begging for mercy: “Sister-in-law, I was wrong. I won’t bully Lingchun and the others in the future. Please stop…”

Chu Yu felt both angry and amused. After chasing for quite a while, she finally felt exhausted. She leaned on her sword, panting, while Wei Yun cautiously approached with tea, carefully saying, “Sister-in-law, would you like some water?”

Chu Yu looked up at him, angrily snatching the water from his hand and gulping it down. Then she raised an eyebrow at him: “You’ve been holding back all this time. Do you look down on me?”

“How could I?” Wei Yun said with a bitter face. “I’m afraid of you. I might dare to lay hands on others, but how could I dare to touch you, my esteemed sister-in-law?”

Hearing this, Chu Yu couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Seeing Chu Yu laugh, Wei Yun finally let out a sigh of relief and quickly offered a handkerchief, saying, “Sister-in-law, here, wipe your sweat. Are you tired from the fight?”

Chu Yu threw the sword back onto the weapon rack and took the wet cloth from his hand. As she wiped her sweat and walked inside, Wei Yun obediently followed behind. Chu Yu glanced at him. She was sweating, with moisture on her eyelashes. When she looked over, her eyes seemed to contain autumn waters, enough to make one’s bones soften.

However, Wei Yun didn’t understand what it meant for autumn waters to be alluring at that time. When Chu Yu looked at him, he felt something rush from his fingertips to his heart, making him stunned for a moment.

He quickly lowered his head, not daring to look more. Chu Yu wiped her face as if she were wiping a table and slowly said, “Little Seven, after moving around, do you feel happier?”

“Yes,” Wei Yun answered honestly. “Looking at Lingchun and the other children makes me feel full of vitality.”

Chu Yu laughed lightly and looked at the clouds in the distance where they met the sky. Suddenly, she felt an infinite hope: “Things will get better.”

Wei Yun followed Chu Yu’s gaze and softly replied, “Mm.”

As the two chatted and walked towards the dining hall, they saw the housekeeper approaching with an invitation. Seeing Chu Yu, the housekeeper bowed with a smile and said, “Young Madam, Marquis, this is an invitation from the Song family. The day after tomorrow is the birthday of the Duke Protector of the State. The Song family specially invites the Marquis and Young Madam to attend.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu felt puzzled.

Although Wei Yun had been released, the Wei family indeed only had Wei Yun left, who had no real power. Why would the Song family invite them now? More importantly, why did they specifically name her to attend?

Not only Chu Yu, but Wei Yun also found it strange. He took the invitation and found it was divided into two parts, one for him and another for Chu Yu. So he frowned and asked the housekeeper, “Do you know why they specifically want the Young Madam to go?”

“The messenger explained,” The housekeeper seemed to have anticipated this question and had already inquired about it from the Song family’s people. He quickly said, “The Young Master of the Song family is now engaged to the Second Miss Chu. They said the Young Madam is from the Chu family, so they sent a separate invitation.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun frowned, and the housekeeper also found it strange, saying, “But it’s odd. The Young Madam is the Young Madam of our Wei family. How can she be from the Chu family?”

Chu Yu didn’t respond to the housekeeper’s words. She nodded and said, “We understand. You may go now.”

The housekeeper acknowledged and withdrew, leaving Chu Yu and Wei Yun in the long corridor. Chu Yu casually put the invitation into her sleeve. Wei Yun lowered his head guiltily, watching Chu Yu adjust her sleeve. She looked up at him with a meaningful smile and said, “Did you enjoy signing the divorce papers?”

“I was wrong.”

Wei Yun wished he could kneel and apologize immediately. He hurriedly said, “It’s my fault, Sister-in-law. Bring the divorce papers, I’ll burn them right away. I’ll go to Uncle and Aunt Chu immediately to explain everything clearly…”

“Return them to you?” Chu Yu raised an eyebrow. “You want back something that’s already in my hands?” Chu Yu suddenly flung her sleeve and turned around, “Dream on!”

Wei Yun: “…”

My sister-in-law still has quite a temper.

No, she’s always had quite a temper.


(Many years later)

Wei Yun: “I, Wei Yun, am the Northern King who kills without blinking, second only to one person and above ten thousand others. There’s no one I fear in this world, nothing I’m afraid of!”

Chu Yu: “Wei Yun.”

Wei Yun: “Sister-in-law, what are your orders?”

Chu Yu: “Kneel.”

Wei Yun: “Alright, Sister-in-law. This time, would you prefer I kneel on the washboard or durian?”

Everyone: “Didn’t you say there’s no one you fear, nothing you’re afraid of?”

Wei Yun: “Didn’t I say I’m second only to one person?”

Everyone: “Damn it, that one person isn’t supposed to be the Emperor?!”

Wei Yun: “The Emperor? Never feared him.”

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