HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 31

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 31

When the Song family sent such an invitation, Wei Yun felt his heart tremble. He always felt that this divorce letter would cause trouble, but he couldn’t articulate what kind of trouble it might bring. He could only let it be.

After resting at home for a day, Wei Yun, accompanied by Chu Yu and Jiang Chun, went to Duke Huguo’s mansion two days later. Although the invitation was only for Wei Yun and Chu Yu, Chu Yu wanted to take Jiang Chun out to lift her spirits, so she brought her along to the Duke’s mansion.

The Song family, like the Wei family, were founding ministers and had a military lineage. Duke Huguo Song Zhao was on good terms with Wei Yun’s grandfather, and they had once campaigned together in the south and north, sharing a bond.

However, by Wei Zhong’s generation, the Song family’s descendants had adopted the frivolous trends of Huajing, excelling in court politics and power struggles, but lacking true skill on the battlefield. Seeing the Song family’s example, the Wei family sent their sons to the border at eight or nine years old to learn horseback riding and archery, following their elders from a young age to witness the brutality of the battlefield.

Over time, the two families only maintained some connection through Duke Huguo, with little else in common.

Out of respect for Duke Huguo, Wei Yun still had to show face. He had his steward prepare generous gifts, changed into formal attire, and then set out with Chu Yu and Jiang Chun.

As they were still in mourning, their attire couldn’t be too bright. All three wore plain clothes: Wei Yun in a wide-sleeved robe with subtle cloud patterns and a jade crown; Chu Yu and Jiang Chun in pure white brocade dresses with gold cloud patterns, jade hairpins, and pearl earrings. They looked dignified and proper, not disrupting the Duke’s banquet due to their mourning status.

The three arrived at Duke Huguo’s mansion and were led into the inner courtyard by servants. Chu Yu and Jiang Chun headed towards the women’s area, while Wei Yun was guided to the men’s courtyard.

The women’s banquet was set in a waterside pavilion. When Chu Yu and Jiang Chun arrived, many noble ladies were already present. Jiang Chun, rarely attending such occasions, felt somewhat nervous. Chu Yu patted her hand reassuringly, saying, “You needn’t be so tense. Just treat it like chatting with Xie Jiu and the others.”

Jiang Chun nodded, whispering, “I’m just afraid of losing face for the Wei family.”

“What’s there to fear?” Chu Yu smiled, glancing around. “The Wei family’s reputation is built on not doing unreasonable things. As long as we’re reasonable, we maintain our dignity.”

As they spoke, Chu Yu heard an excited call: “Sister!”

Chu Yu turned to see Chu Jin standing at the pavilion entrance, her face full of joy as she rushed over and eagerly grasped her hand, saying, “Sister, you’ve finally come! I was afraid you wouldn’t show up today.”

Chu Jin’s overly friendly manner gave Chu Yu goosebumps. She looked up and immediately understood. Song’s family’s First Madam was supporting the Song Old Madam as they approached. First Madam Song nodded to Chu Yu and said evenly, “Miss Chu.”

Hearing this address, both Jiang Chun and Chu Yu were taken aback. First Madam Song immediately realized she might have misspoken, frowning as she said, “You…” She didn’t know how to address Chu Yu, so she could only ask, “You haven’t returned to the Chu family?”

Chu Yu understood that Madam Song must have heard about Wei Yun signing the divorce letter.

She gave Chu Jin a meaningful look, then said, “From whom did Madam hear that I returned to the Chu family?”

Madam Song was at a loss for words, glancing discreetly in Chu Jin’s direction. Chu Jin stood behind Madam Song, lowering her eyes without speaking.

She probably didn’t know how to handle this situation, but she was used to feigning composure and intended to gloss over it.

Chu Yu didn’t want to deliberately cause trouble, so she smiled without saying more. First Madam Song chatted with her briefly before leaving with the others, telling Chu Jin to attend to Chu Yu, clearly already viewing Chu Jin as a half-daughter-in-law.

Chu Jin led Chu Yu to tour the garden. Jiang Chun, sensing some tension between the sisters, excused herself early. Chu Yu and Chu Jin walked along the corridor surrounding the lake, with Chu Jin maintaining her gentle demeanor, smiling as she introduced every flower and tree in the mansion to Chu Yu, clearly having visited many times to have such knowledge.

Chu Yu listened quietly, her mind blank. Since her rebirth, she had been like a tightly wound string, only recently beginning to relax. The Song family, being wealthy and powerful, had meticulously recreated the elegance of a Jiangnan water town in their courtyard. As Chu Yu strolled along the corridor, listening to Chu Jin’s unhurried introductions, she felt quite at ease. Seeing Chu Yu’s composed manner, Chu Jin couldn’t help but glance at her a few times. After holding back for a long while, she finally said, “Sister, don’t you want to ask me anything?”

Hearing this, Chu Yu came back to her senses, realizing Chu Jin had finally reached the main point.

Chu Jin had never been one to hold her tongue. As Chu Yu pondered her sister’s previous life, she realized that this was truly a crudely made woman.

She had cultivated a shoddy image of a talented lady, coveting immediate glory and benefits, stopping at nothing to achieve them. Vain, loving to show off, with little cunning but many schemes.

How did she lose to this woman in her previous life?

Chu Yu leaned against the corridor, quietly observing Chu Jin, reflecting on her previous life. As those frenzied, desperate memories surfaced, Chu Yu suddenly realized that while she now saw Chu Jin as short-sighted and lacking in grace, hadn’t she lost her way in her previous life?

Seeing the young Chu Jin quietly waiting for her answer, she realized that her previous life had truly become just that—a previous life.

So she smiled gently and said kindly, “If you want to tell me something, go ahead. If you don’t want to say it, I won’t ask.”

Chu Jin hadn’t expected this response from Chu Yu. She was taken aback, her eyes showing confusion.

Chu Yu observed this and said, “You look like you have more you want to ask me?”

Chu Jin didn’t speak. After a moment of silence, she asked, “Sister, do you still think about Brother Gu now?”

Hearing Gu Chusheng’s name, Chu Yu felt a bit dazed. She looked at Chu Jin curiously and asked, “Why do you ask?”

“Brother Gu is now in Kunyang, with no news. Aren’t you worried at all, sister?”

There was a reproachful look in Chu Jin’s eyes. In the past, if Chu Jin had spoken like this, Chu Yu would have started to reflect on herself. Or rather, Chu Jin wouldn’t have needed to say this; Chu Yu would have already been worrying about Gu Chusheng. However, Chu Yu no longer cared about Gu Chusheng. She smiled and said, “Gu Chusheng and I are neither relatives nor friends. You, as his former fiancée, aren’t worried, so why should I be?”

Hearing this, Chu Jin’s expression froze for a moment. After a while, she sighed and said, “Sister, you’ve truly changed a great deal.”


Chu Yu looked up, somewhat puzzled by Chu Jin’s words. Chu Jin continued, “When you married into the Wei family, you were still desperately trying to find Brother Gu two days before the wedding, writing to him to elope with you. Why did you change so much overnight?”

Hearing Chu Jin mention this, Chu Yu felt a bit guilty. She had indeed changed too quickly, arousing suspicion. As Chu Yu pondered for a reason, Chu Jin asked her, “Sister, can you tell me honestly, what made you change your mind and suddenly decide to marry into the Wei family?”


Chu Yu thought for a moment, slowly fabricating a reason: “At that time, Young Master Wei privately sent me a letter through someone. From the letter, I saw that the Young Master’s character was like jade, far superior to Gu Chusheng. After much consideration, I felt that Gu Chusheng was just a pretty face…”

Before she could finish, a light laugh came from nearby. Chu Yu instinctively cast a cold glance in that direction, plucking a leaf and flicking it towards the sound, angrily shouting, “Who’s there!”

The leaf cut through the branches, revealing a glimpse of cyan clothing behind them. Then Chu Yu saw someone lift the branches, exposing the banquet table behind. A helpless voice called out, “Sister-in-law.”

Chu Yu was startled, only then realizing that behind the dense foliage, Wei Yun and a large group of young men were having a banquet. They were all elegantly dressed youths, not many, but from their attire, they seemed to be from prominent families. They probably knew each other already and had found a separate place to catch up at the Song mansion.

The Song mansion’s garden was ingeniously designed, with spaces visually separated by rocks and trees. Those unfamiliar with the garden wouldn’t know that such intricate arrangements existed within the small courtyard.

Chu Yu turned her gaze to Chu Jin, realizing she must have calculated that Wei Yun and the others would be having their banquet here when she led her on this lake tour. Bringing up their past was just a ploy to reveal Chu Yu’s attempt to elope with Gu Chusheng before her marriage, in front of everyone.

In truth, Chu Yu wasn’t trying to hide this. She wouldn’t deny things she had done or erase people she had loved. If she did something, she was prepared to face the consequences and wouldn’t try to conceal it. But Chu Jin’s calculating nature still angered her greatly.

Fortunately, she had just said that she married into the Wei family out of admiration for Wei Jun. If she had said something wrong earlier, with Wei Yun listening here, what would he have thought?

As various thoughts flashed through Chu Yu’s mind, Chu Jin, upon seeing Wei Yun, hurriedly bowed to the group and said, “I didn’t know the young masters were here. We’ve been rude. This girl will take her sister and leave now…”

“Why leave?” a voice came from behind the group. Chu Yu looked up to see a young man in blue robes. He looked only three or four years older than Wei Yun and was quite handsome, but there was an air of decadence about him that made people dislike him. He walked out from the crowd, lifted the branches with his hand, and looked at Chu Yu with a frivolous gaze, saying, “Come, come, Miss Chu, this way.”

“Who are you?” Chu Yu frowned.

The man smiled and said, “I am Song Wenchang.”

Song Wenchang was the Song family’s heir apparent, betrothed to Chu Jin.

Seeing Song Wenchang’s mocking expression, Chu Yu understood that the Song family’s special invitation today was probably Song Wenchang’s way of seeking revenge for Chu Jin.

Chu Yu frowned, thinking that the Wei family shouldn’t stir up more trouble now. She decided to swallow this insult and said, “As a member of the Wei family, it’s not appropriate for me to linger here. I’ll take my leave now.”

“Why so formal, Miss Chu?” Song Wenchang smiled and said, “Wei Yun has already given you a divorce letter. It’s time for Miss Chu to seek a new husband. Miss Chu is a spirited lady who would fearlessly pursue her love. Now…”

“You saw it?”

Before Song Wenchang could finish, a cold young voice interrupted him. Everyone looked toward the source and saw Wei Yun sitting in a wheelchair, quietly looking at Song Wenchang.

His expression was very cold.

In fact, except when facing his family members, Wei Yun’s expression was always stern and cold. However, at this moment, that coldness was different from usual. It was like a hungry wolf eyeing its prey, ready to pounce at any moment.

Song Wenchang suddenly felt a bit uneasy, but when his gaze fell on Wei Yun’s wheelchair, his expression improved a bit. He smiled and said, “What do you mean by ‘saw it’? Little Seven, are you still protecting her? She was about to elope with your brother on the eve of your wedding…”

“I’m talking about the divorce letter,” Wei Yun said, pushing his wheelchair towards Chu Yu. A young man in green robes nearby saw this and hurried forward to help Wei Yun navigate around the branches, onto the jade stone path, and pushed him to Chu Yu’s side.

Hearing Wei Yun’s words, Song Wenchang finally realized what he meant. He instinctively looked at Chu Jin. This information had been shared by Chu Jin when she was negotiating her engagement with the Song family. At that time, the Wei family hadn’t announced it yet, and First Madam Song was concerned about Chu Yu’s relationship with the Wei family. Chu Jin had personally brought the divorce letter for First Madam Song to see.

Song Wenchang’s hesitation was evident to Wei Yun and Chu Yu. Wei Yun positioned himself in front of Chu Yu, fiddling with the ring on his finger as he stared at Song Wenchang, slowly saying, “I never wrote this divorce letter. Chu Yu is now the First Madam of the Wei family, managing our household. How dare you spread such slanderous rumors?!”

Wei Yun raised his voice, his face showing anger. Song Wenchang wanted to say something but fumbled for words. Realizing he was in the wrong, he didn’t dwell on this topic and instead said, “I won’t mention the divorce letter, but her attempt to elope with Gu Chusheng is true, isn’t it?”

At these words, the others looked at Song Wenchang with scrutiny. Wei Yun laughed coldly and asked, “Whether my sister-in-law attempted to elope or not, what business is it of yours?”

Song Wenchang’s expression froze. Wei Yun continued, “My family was aware of my elder sister-in-law’s pre-marital affairs. That’s why my elder brother specifically wrote a letter, which I delivered as a messenger, to establish this union. If my family doesn’t make an issue of it, who are you to comment?!”

“The frontlines are in crisis, and the nation’s fate hangs in the balance. You, Song Wenchang, as the heir of Duke Huguo, instead of thinking about how to serve the country, are only concerned with women’s affairs. Has your Song family become so effeminate that you’ve lost all semblance of manhood?!”

These words stunned everyone present. Song Wenchang realized he had lost his composure but still felt some reluctance. As he was about to speak, Chu Jin intervened with a hoarse voice, “Young Master, please say no more.”

Everyone turned to look at Chu Jin, who had reddened eyes and a wronged expression. She said, “Ajin knows the Young Master is doing this for Ajin… Young Master’s affection, Ajin remembers it in her heart, but the matter between Ajin and her sister… let it be.”

Her words were vague, inviting speculation. Everyone realized the reason behind Song Wenchang’s loss of composure; there was a backstory here.

She had given Song Wenchang a way out, and he took it, saying stiffly, “Let it be. Now that you’re betrothed to me and she’s married, such things won’t happen again. I won’t pursue this matter further.”

As he spoke, Song Wenchang waved his hand, “You can go back…”

“What won’t you pursue?” Wei Yun coldly interrupted. Song Wenchang had found an exit, but Wei Yun didn’t want to give him this easy way out.

He looked coldly at Chu Jin, “You’re my sister-in-law’s younger sister?”

“This humble one is Chu Jin.”

“Speak clearly,” Wei Yun faced her with a stern expression, “What is there between you and my sister-in-law that makes the Young Master Song want to stand up for you?”

“It’s just family matters,” Chu Jin sighed, “Private affairs between sisters, not worth mentioning to outsiders.”

“If it’s not worth mentioning to outsiders, why did you and Young Master Song humiliate my elder sister-in-law in front of so many people?!” Wei Yun suddenly raised his voice, “She is now the First Madam of the Wei family. By acting this way, do you think the Wei family is easy to bully?! Either don’t provoke us or since you’ve provoked us today, explain yourself clearly. If my elder sister-in-law has truly wronged you, our Wei family will surely compensate you. But if you can’t explain it today, I’ll consider it as you slandering my elder sister-in-law’s reputation. I, Wei Yun, repay kindness with kindness and grudges with grudges. Don’t think this matter will just pass!”

Chu Jin seemed frightened by Wei Yun, her eyes watering as she showed a terrified expression. Song Wenchang’s anger flared up. He stepped forward, shielding Chu Jin, and angrily said, “You can speak, but why are you yelling at her?!”

Wei Yun’s expression remained unchanged as he stared intently at Chu Jin, “Crying, you think crying will make everything okay? Do you think crying will erase those insinuating, insulting words? You slap someone’s face and cry when they retaliate? Do you think I won’t slap your face just because you’re crying? I’m telling you now, if you have a reason, say it. The Wei family is not unreasonable. If you don’t have a reason, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

“What will you do if you’re impolite?!” Song Wenchang was thoroughly enraged, “Even if Chu Jin is in the right, and even if she’s not, what can you do? Do you think your Wei family is still what it used to be?! If it weren’t for His Majesty’s mercy, do you think you’d still be standing here talking? Your Wei family lost seventy thousand troops, you should have been executed and your clan exterminated…”

“Young Master, mind your words!” The young man who had been pushing Wei Yun’s wheelchair suddenly raised his voice. Song Wenchang turned to look at him and said, “Who do you think you are? What right do you have to speak?!”

The young man smiled slightly, his expression calm, “I may not be anyone important, but I believe that the incident at Baidi Valley is still suspicious. Regardless, the Wei family is the backbone of the Great Chu. Those who perished from the Wei family are all heroes. Young Master, you should think thrice before speaking.”

As he spoke, the young man’s expression carried a warning, “For your own sake, and the Song family’s sake.”

Chu Yu looked up at the young man. Among the group, he was dressed most plainly in a cyan robe and white shirt, with an openwork jade crown. His appearance suggested he wasn’t of noble birth. He looked no more than seventeen or eighteen, seemingly about the same age as Gu Chusheng. His features were delicate and elegant, with a touch of heroic spirit. He should have been like a jade-like young man, but standing next to Wei Yun, his brilliance was inevitably dimmed.

Chu Yu looked at him for a while, feeling he was somewhat familiar. After much thought, she finally remembered that this was Song Shilan, who later entered official service as a son of a concubine but ultimately inherited the position of Duke Huguo and became the pillar of the Song family.

In her previous life, after Song Wenchang followed his father to the battlefield and died there, it was Song Shilan who came forward to request military service. Song Shilan was quite talented and on good terms with Gu Chusheng. When she was with Gu Chusheng in Kunyang, they had frequent interactions with Song Shilan. Later, after returning to Huajing, Song Shilan refused to enter the capital, always stationing troops in Qiong and Hua provinces, never returning.

Later, when Gu Chusheng and Wei Yun were locked in fierce competition, this young master never took a stance, spending his days sightseeing in Qiong province, which became a famous anecdote.

In her previous life, when Chu Yu saw Song Shilan, it was after nearly ten years had passed. She didn’t recognize him at first, and only after a long while did she recall who he was, causing her to look at him a few more times.

Song Wenchang, prompted by Song Shilan’s reminder, finally regained some clarity. Realizing he had spoken too harshly, he stepped back and said, “I spoke without thinking just now. I hope Young Marquis Wei can forgive me.”

Wei Yun calmly looked at him, “Besides asking for my forgiveness, is there anything else?”

While Wei Yun was talking with Song Wenchang, Chu Yu secretly glanced at Song Shilan a few times. Song Shilan noticed Chu Yu’s gaze and turned to look at her with a smile. Caught peeking, Chu Yu felt somewhat embarrassed and turned her head away. Song Shilan, not expecting Chu Yu to be embarrassed, was taken aback for a moment before lowering his head with a smile.

This interaction didn’t escape Wei Yun’s notice. He glanced at Song Shilan but didn’t say anything, continuing to address Song Wenchang, “Regarding my sister-in-law’s matter, do you and Chu Jin have anything else to say?”

“Young Marquis, one should be lenient when possible,” Song Wenchang frowned, “I won’t dwell on this matter with you anymore. Please don’t be so aggressive.”

“So, you can’t justify, and now you’re lecturing me about benevolence, is that it?” Wei Yun gave a cold laugh, “Fine, since you have no justification, then accept your punishment. Apologize to my sister-in-law!”

“Alright,” Song Wenchang trembled with anger, “I won’t argue with you. I’ll apologize. I apologize to this First Madam Wei who bullied her younger sister since childhood, deliberately seduced her sister’s fiancé, and attempted to elope with her sister’s fiancé before the wedding…”

Before he could finish, Song Wenchang felt a chill at his neck, as if someone had grabbed his collar. He was suddenly lifted into the air and thrown into the nearby lake.

Everyone was shocked. They saw Wei Yun, pale-faced, supporting himself with one hand on the wheelchair armrest, while the other pressed against his chest as he coughed violently.

As Song Wenchang struggled in the water, Chu Yu, looking panicked, helped Wei Yun sit down. She took out a small bottle from her sleeve and said to the rapidly coughing Wei Yun, “My Lord, please hold on. Why did you act so impulsively?!”

As she spoke, Chu Yu held the small bottle under Wei Yun’s nose. Wei Yun inhaled from the bottle and gradually caught his breath. As his coughing subsided, he looked up and met Chu Yu’s reddened eyes. His heart skipped a beat, and he instantly became flustered. Just as he was about to say something, Chu Yu said with a wronged expression, “Let them slander me if they want. I don’t care about it happening once or twice. Why did you have to harm yourself for this, my Lord? His Majesty rejected your request to go to the frontlines because he hopes you’ll recover well and serve the country again. There’s no need for you to be so upset over these unreasonable people, my Lord!”

These words, spoken with tears in her eyes, confused the onlookers. They weren’t sure who was right or wrong between the sisters. However, Wei Yun felt relieved. Chu Yu was telling blatant lies with her eyes wide open, probably knowing what she was doing. She wasn’t crying because she was scared by his condition.

He sighed, looking at Chu Yu’s reddened eyes, and slowly said, “Sister-in-law, don’t cry anymore. I’m fine.”

Then he raised his head and cupped his hands towards everyone, saying, “I’m not feeling well, so I’ll take my leave now. Please continue enjoying yourselves, and don’t let my presence spoil the mood.”

Seeing Wei Yun’s condition, no one dared to stop him. At this moment, Song Wenchang was still splashing in the water, with Chu Jin anxiously calling for people to rescue him. Seeing this, Song Shilan stepped forward and made a “please” gesture to Wei Yun, saying, “I’ll escort the Young Marquis.”

Wei Yun nodded, looking quite tired. He looked up and said to a nearby maid, “Please ask the Second Madam of the Wei family to meet us at the front gate.”

The maid acknowledged and left. Song Shilan led the way for Chu Yu and Wei Yun towards the exit. Chu Yu pushed Wei Yun’s wheelchair as she heard Song Shilan apologizing to Wei Yun, “My elder brother is usually impulsive. I hope the Young Marquis can forgive him.”

“This is a matter between me and the Young Master, unrelated to the Song and Wei families. The Second Young Master need not worry,” Wei Yun understood Song Shilan’s intention and directly said, “I suppose the Second Young Master and the Young Master don’t get along well?”

“We’re usually fine,” Song Shilan looked over with an ambiguous smile, his words carrying hidden meaning, “But with the Marquis here, it’s different.”

It was already winter, yet Song Shilan still held a folding fan, looking particularly refined and elegant.

He used the fan to lift a drooping branch nearby and said carefully, “I heard the Young Marquis entered the palace some days ago.”

“The Second Young Master is well-informed,” Wei Yun said coldly, “For you to know about this one’s late-night palace entry, eavesdropping on His Majesty… I fear even multiple heads wouldn’t be enough to pay for such an offense.”

“The Marquis’s words are too harsh,” Song Shilan remained calm, “I merely enjoy acquainting myself with various people. How could that be considered eavesdropping on His Majesty? I know some people in the palace and heard about the Marquis’s visit. I also happen to know some people at the frontlines and heard about Yao Yong abandoning the city.”

“Yao Yong abandoned the city?!” Chu Yu exclaimed suddenly, her first thought being about the local civilians. Although Wei Yun had briefly mentioned his conversation with the Emperor upon his return, mentioning Yao Yong’s weakness at the frontlines, he didn’t mention the abandonment of the city. Therefore, hearing this news so abruptly, Chu Yu was greatly shocked.

Understanding Chu Yu’s concern, Wei Yun quickly added, “He evacuated the civilians before abandoning the city…”

Before he could finish, Song Shilan let out a light chuckle.

“How could he have had such consideration?” Song Shilan’s tone was full of mockery and disdain, “If it weren’t for that Kunyang County Magistrate called Gu Chusheng, the civilians of Bai City would have long since become ghosts under Northern Di blades.”

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