HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 5

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 5

When Wei Jun came out, everyone felt a bit awkward. Being chased out by one’s wife was not a dignified situation for anyone.

Chu Yu looked at Wei Jun. The young man before her was refined and gentle, more like a scholar than a military officer, just as she had imagined.

He was ordinary-looking, not as strikingly handsome as Wei Yun would be in the future, who would shock the entire Da Xuan. Yet, Chu Yu found herself particularly fond of him.

She looked at him quietly and said, gripping the reins, “Husband, do you remember what you promised me?”

Wei Jun remained silent. Chu Yu rode her horse to Wei Jun’s side, raised her hand to lower her veil, and leaned forward slightly.

“The Young Master once promised me that he would return to lift my veil.”

The people around who heard this were stunned. Wei Jun’s fingers trembled slightly. As he looked at the fiery woman before him, his heart felt as if it had been struck hard.

It was originally just an arranged marriage, merely fulfilling a responsibility, but at this moment, there were unexpected ripples of emotion.

He raised his hand, carefully, bit by bit, and lifted Chu Yu’s veil.

Chu Yu lowered her eyelids. The moment light re-entered her vision, she looked up at him.

Her bright eyes were like spring water. She smiled brilliantly.

“Husband,” she said softly, “From now on, my entire life is tied to you.”

Wei Jun didn’t speak, but his heart beat faster.

Chu Yu sat up straight and said calmly, “I am willing to follow my husband to battle.”

“Impossible,” Wei Zhong was the first to speak. “We of the Wei family have never allowed women on the battlefield!”

The Wei family had wives from military backgrounds, but indeed, none had ever been known to follow their husbands to the battlefield.

Chu Yu wanted to argue further: “Father-in-law, I have practiced martial arts since childhood and have even followed my father to battle before…”

“That was in the Chu family,” Wei Zhong frowned, then softened his tone a bit. “Ayu, I understand your desire to protect Jun’er, but men have their battlefield, and women have their inner chambers. If you truly care for Jun’er, go back and help your mother-in-law manage household affairs, and wait quietly for Jun’er’s return.”

Wei Zhong was a man with strong patriarchal views, which Chu Yu had heard about before. She glanced at the expressions of the soldiers around, and even Wei Jun showed disapproval.

She was prepared for this outcome and was merely testing the waters. So she took a deep breath and looked up at Wei Jun: “Very well, I’ll wait for my husband’s return.”

“Don’t worry…” Wei Jun was moved, his voice becoming a bit hoarse. He knew how dangerous the battlefield was, and while he had never thought much of it before, today he felt a bit uneasy. He lowered his head and said, “I will return safely.”

“Good,” Chu Yu nodded, looking at him earnestly. “Then remember, I’m waiting for you at home. You must protect yourself well. This battle should focus on defense, don’t pursue a fleeing enemy.”

Wei Jun was a bit confused, not understanding. Chu Yu stared at him and spoke again: “Promise me, no matter what happens this time, the Wei army will not pursue the remaining enemy forces.”

“Father wouldn’t do such a rash thing,” Wei Jun came to his senses and smiled. “You don’t need to worry so much.”

“Swear to me,” Chu Yu grabbed his sleeve, forcing him, and whispered, “If your father pursues the remaining forces in this battle, you must stop him.”

Wei Jun was a bit helpless, thinking Chu Yu was just overly worried. He raised his hand and said, “Alright, I swear I won’t let Father pursue the remaining enemy forces.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu felt relieved. She let go of Wei Jun’s sleeve and smiled, “Good, I’ll wait for your return.”

With that, Chu Yu decisively cleared the way and said to Wei Zhong, “Marquis, I’ve troubled you.”

Wei Zhong’s expression softened. Seeing his son marry such a devoted wife, he was quite satisfied.

He nodded and said to Wei Yun, “Little Seven, escort your sister-in-law back.”

Without waiting for Wei Yun’s response, he set off again.

Chu Yu watched Wei Jun leave. He hadn’t changed out of his wedding clothes yet, making him particularly eye-catching in the troops. Wei Yun accompanied her as they watched the Wei army depart. After they were far away, he said, “Sister-in-law, let’s go back.”

This time, his words lacked the usual playfulness and carried more respect.

Chu Yu turned to look at him, seeing the young man’s clear and gentle gaze. She calmly said, “Go after them, I don’t need you to escort me.”


“If you go back and forth, you’ll waste too much time catching up with them. You’ll need to conserve your energy when you reach the front lines, don’t waste it on this.”

Wei Yun hesitated. Chu Yu looked in the direction Wei Jun had left.

She had done all she could. Wei Jun had promised her not to pursue the remaining enemy forces, so there shouldn’t be any problems…

But she still felt somewhat worried. Although it was just a brief encounter, she was very satisfied with Wei Jun. Even if they weren’t married, she would have liked him as a friend.

She turned her head to look at Wei Yun. Wei Yun had survived in her previous life, so he must have his methods. She looked at him seriously and said, “Wei Yun, promise me one thing.”

“Sister-in-law, please instruct me.”

Wei Yun saw Chu Yu’s expectant gaze and responded instinctively, without even asking what he was agreeing to. Chu Yu’s words carried a hint of pleading: “Take good care of your brother, and make sure you both return home safely.”

If something unexpected were to happen, at least… this fourteen-year-old boy wouldn’t be the only one to return, alone bearing the future storms of blood and violence.

Hearing this, Wei Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

“Don’t worry, sister-in-law,” he said proudly. “You might think my big brother looks like a scholar, but he’s very strong.”

Chu Yu wanted to say more, but Wei Yun quickly added, “But I will protect big brother well, guard him on the battlefield. If he loses even a strand of hair, I’ll offer my head!”

Wei Yun patted his chest, making promises, clearly having great confidence in his brother.

Chu Yu wanted to smile but still felt worried.

She thought for a moment and finally said, “Go then. But remember,” her face turned serious, “This time, the Wei family must focus on defending the city. Don’t pursue a fleeing enemy!”

Wei Yun nodded in confusion, rode a few steps, and then couldn’t help but stop. He turned back to look at Chu Yu: “Sister-in-law, why do you keep emphasizing this point?”

Wei Yun was perceptive. Wei Jun thought Chu Yu was just overly worried, but Wei Yun instinctively felt it was more than that.

Chu Yu wasn’t good at lying. After a moment of silence, she slowly said, “I had a nightmare.”

“In the dream… you pursued the remaining enemy forces and were defeated at Baidi Valley. The entire Wei family… only you returned.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun’s face immediately darkened.

Saying such things before going to battle was considered a bad omen. He wanted to get angry, but the woman’s expression stopped him.

Her expression was full of sorrow as if this had happened. So he swallowed the words of rebuttal stuck in his throat and said stiffly, “Dreams are often the opposite of reality. Don’t overthink it.”

With that, he turned and went after his father and brothers.

He looked back occasionally and saw the plain stretching to the horizon. Behind the woman stood the tall city walls. The earth and sky carried the unique withered yellow of autumn. The woman in red robes on horseback stood alone on that faded yellow plain.

She seemed to be bidding farewell, yet also waiting.

Her thin face had clear features, and her long, narrow eyes contained calmness and tranquility.

In his life, he had seen countless women, but never had one been so stunningly beautiful, falling into his eyes and striking straight to his heart.

After seeing off the last member of the Wei army, Chu Yu rode back to the Wei mansion.

Upon returning to the Wei mansion, the steward saw her arrival and anxiously said, “Young Madam, you’ve finally returned. The Madam asked you to go see her.”

“I’m sorry,” Chu Yu nodded, dismounting. She said to the steward, “Please inform the Madam that I’ll be there shortly.”

The steward had been dissatisfied with Chu Yu, never having seen such an unconventional bride. But Chu Yu’s apology was sincere, which made him feel better. He respectfully said, “Don’t worry, Young Madam. Please freshen up first.”

With that, the steward arranged for someone to lead Chu Yu back to her bedroom. After briefly familiarizing herself, Chu Yu changed into a light blue dress and followed the servant to Madam Wei’s room.

Madam Wei’s given name was Liu Xueyang. She was Wei Zhong’s wife and the birth mother of Wei Jun and Wei Yun.

Among the seven children of the Wei family, two were born to the main wife: the heir Wei Jun, and the seventh son Wei Yun. The remaining five were: the second son Wei Shu and the fifth daughter Wei Ya from the second wife Madam Liang; the third son Wei Qin, the fourth son Wei Feng, and the sixth son Wei Rong, all born to the third wife Madam Wang.

Liu Xueyang came from a scholarly family. Due to her poor health, she didn’t manage many affairs. Wei Zhong’s mother, the old lady Qin, didn’t handle minor matters, only dealing with major decisions. Thus, the household management fell to the second wife, Madam Liang.

Before marrying into the Wei family, Xie Yun had briefed Chu Yu thoroughly about the Wei family’s affairs. Regarding Liu Xueyang, she only said, “This Madam has a weak personality, is easily swayed, and has never shown much temper. You don’t need to pay too much attention to her. Instead, you should focus on pleasing Madam Liang, who manages the household affairs.”

A new daughter-in-law pleasing her mother-in-law was the way of survival in the inner courtyard. Xie Yun had spent her whole life navigating this, so her advice to Chu Yu wasn’t wrong.

However, Chu Yu, who had grown up mostly by Chu Jiancha’s side, didn’t particularly like Xie Yun’s approach.

Liu Xueyang was her mother-in-law, the legitimate first lady of the Wei family. No matter how much respect Chu Yu showed to Madam Liang, she could only show more to Liu Xueyang.

Moreover, who said Liu Xueyang had a weak personality?

Years later, when Wei Yun was imprisoned and soldiers came to seal off the Wei mansion, they insulted the Wei family’s women. The Wei women either left or fled, with Madam Liang having long disappeared with money and valuables. Even the most chaste wife of Wei Shu, Lady Jiang, only chose to commit suicide. Only this First Madam took up a sword and killed a soldier, leading to her being mistakenly killed by soldiers, which finally alerted the Emperor.

Although sacrificing one’s life might seem foolish, for a fragile woman from a scholarly background to take up a sword and kill, who could say she was weak?

Chu Yu admired and respected Liu Xueyang. She tidied her clothes and stood respectfully at Liu Xueyang’s door, waiting for the servant to announce her.

After a while, the servant led Chu Yu into the room. Chu Yu didn’t raise her head. After entering, she meticulously bowed to the person on the couch and respectfully said, “Daughter-in-law greets Mother-in-law.”

A weak female voice came from above: “You seem to follow the rules. How did you end up doing such an outrageous thing?”

Chu Yu didn’t speak. Liu Xueyang was helped to sit up.

As she moved, she began to cough lightly. A maid beside her routinely came forward to offer her a handkerchief. After coughing for a moment, Liu Xueyang looked at Chu Yu and said helplessly, “Being in a military family, war is common. I know you’re upset about facing war right after your wedding, but this is the fate of us Wei family women. Our Wei family men protect the country, and we who can’t fight on the battlefield should stay in the inner chambers, waiting for our husbands to return. We can’t selfishly hinder our husbands from going to the front lines to fight for the country. Do you understand?”

Hearing this, Chu Yu understood that Liu Xueyang probably thought she had gone to stop Wei Jun from going to the battlefield.

So Chu Yu responded, “Mother-in-law is right. That’s exactly what I think. I have some martial arts skills, so I wanted to follow the Young Master to the front lines to assist in whatever way I could.”

Hearing this, Liu Xueyang’s expression improved considerably. She sighed, “I misunderstood you. It’s admirable that you have such intentions. However, fighting is still men’s business. As women, we must maintain the household and continue the family line.”

As she spoke, she beckoned, and a woman about the same age as Liu Xueyang came forward, presenting a box to Chu Yu.

“This is a welcoming gift,” Liu Xueyang’s voice softened considerably, and her gaze towards Chu Yu carried tenderness. “You’ve entered our Wei family. Serve Chengyan well, and I won’t mistreat you.”

Chengyan was Wei Jun’s courtesy name. Wei Jun was now 24 years old, but due to his engagement to the Chu family, he had been waiting for Chu Yu to come of age. Hearing this, Chu Yu sincerely replied, “Mother-in-law, please rest assured.”

Liu Xueyang scrutinized Chu Yu. Chu Yu kept her eyes lowered, allowing her to look for a long time. Finally, she heard the person above say, “Go and rest well.”

Chu Yu responded and respectfully took her leave.

After leaving, she stood in the courtyard of the Wei family and let out a heavy sigh.

She took out the jade pendant in her hand, thinking of Wei Jun.

This person is a good man, right?

She thought languidly—

This life will surely turn out better, right?

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