HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 7

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 7

Upon hearing these words, Chu Jin’s face immediately darkened. She had confided her feelings to Chu Yu before, but now Chu Yu was still talking about discussing marriage with the Gu family, which meant she wasn’t going to help her.

Xie Yun, hearing this, thought Chu Yu hadn’t understood her meaning. She sighed and said, “Given the current state of the Gu family, how can we let Ajin suffer? My intention is, now that you’ve married into the Wei family, why not see if there’s a suitable match there?”

At present, the Wei family only had Wei Yun left unmarried. Wei Yun was already fourteen, and men typically got engaged and married between fifteen and seventeen. Chu Jin was only fifteen now, so waiting a year or two for Wei Yun wouldn’t be too long.

However, Wei Yun was such a good person that Chu Yu couldn’t bear to let her own younger sister ruin his life. So she showed a troubled expression and said, “This… Father probably wouldn’t allow it, would he?”

Chu Jianchang valued his promises highly. Since he had agreed with the Gu family, no matter what happened to them, he wouldn’t go back on his word.

When Chu Yu mentioned Chu Jianchang, Xie Yun showed an annoyed expression. “That old ox! You sisters don’t worry about him. I’ll take responsibility. Don’t be afraid of any consequences! Ayu, about Ajin’s marriage…”

As she was speaking, Chu Jianchang’s laughter could be heard from outside. Chu Jianchang entered with the brothers Chu Linyang and Chu Linxi. Chu Yu and the others quickly stood up to greet them. Chu Jianchang was very pleased to see Chu Yu and patted her shoulder, saying, “You look in good spirits!”

Of the two sisters Chu Yu and Chu Jin, Chu Yu had grown up following Chu Jianchang and Chu Linyang since childhood, spending almost her first ten years at the border. Chu Jianchang didn’t know how to raise a daughter, so he raised her like Chu Linyang. Chu Jin, on the other hand, had always stayed with Xie Yun in Huajing. Thus, despite being sisters, they had completely different personalities, and their parents’ attitudes towards them were entirely different.

Chu Jin was prone to crying and easily hurt, so Chu Jianchang didn’t dare to scold or even speak to her. But Chu Yu was different. In Chu Jianchang’s heart, this daughter was no different from his eldest son.

Chu Yu, having been solidly patted a few times, kept her face expressionless and smiled, saying, “Father has returned quite early today.”

“Knowing you were coming,” Chu Jianchang sat down in a chair. Chu Jin poured him tea, and as he drank it, he said, “I brought your elder brother along and came first.”

“Ayu.” Chu Linyang sighed, his eyes filled with some helplessness. “You’ve suffered injustice.”

Being a military officer himself, he naturally understood Wei Jun’s predicament. He didn’t blame Wei Jun but rather felt sorry for his sister who had married someone who, like himself, lived with his head on the line every day.

Chu Linyang and Chu Yu had a good relationship. He had looked after her since she was little. Unfortunately, Chu Linyang had died too early in his previous life, otherwise, Chu Yu wouldn’t have ended up in such a situation.

Hearing her eldest brother sigh, Chu Jin knew Chu Linyang was feeling sorry for him. Her heart felt both sour and warm. She said gently, “Marrying into the Wei family is a blessing that many young ladies in Huajing can only dream of. Ayu is happy about it.”

Seeing that his sister wasn’t as upset as he had imagined, Chu Linyang felt much more at ease. Chu Linxi leaned forward and asked Xie Yun, “Mother, what were you talking about just now?”

Xie Yun felt a bit awkward. In front of Chu Jianchang, she didn’t feel comfortable bringing up the matter of finding a new match for Chu Jin.

Chu Jin pursed her lips and didn’t say anything. Chu Yu, pretending to know nothing, smiled and said, “We were talking about Ajin’s marriage.”

“That’s right,” Chu Jianchang nodded. “Ajin and Chu Sheng are also of marriageable age. It was originally agreed that after you got married, we would arrange Ajin’s marriage with him. I’ll send someone to deliver a letter to Chu Sheng right away. Now that the Chu family has fallen on hard times, I’m afraid Chu Sheng, being proud, might worry that we’ll back out of the engagement and won’t take the initiative to bring it up.”

As he spoke, Chu Jianchang turned to Chu Linyang and said, “Linyang, you go…”


Chu Jin could hardly stand anymore. This was, after all, her marriage, a major life event. Even though she was usually patient, she couldn’t bear it any longer.

She fell to her knees in front of Chu Jianchang, her eyes instantly turning red. Crying, she said, “Father, I don’t want to marry! I don’t want to marry!”

Chu Jianchang was stunned. He was extremely afraid of women crying. In the past, he had no way to deal with Xie Yun’s tears, and now seeing Chu Jin cry made his head even bigger. He steeled himself and said, “Don’t kneel first, what’s wrong? Weren’t you quite satisfied with this marriage before?”

Chu Jin didn’t speak, just kept shaking her head with her head lowered.

Chu Jianchang pressed on, “What exactly is the matter? Has something happened with Gu Chusheng?”

Chu Jin spoke in a hoarse voice, finally saying, “Sister’s love, Ajin doesn’t want to snatch it away.”

Hearing this, Chu Yu spat out a mouthful of tea.

She had thought of a thousand reasons Chu Jin might give, but she never imagined she would drag her into it.

Chu Jianchang looked at her, and Chu Yu quickly waved her hands, “I didn’t, it’s not like that, I don’t have any feelings for Gu Chusheng.”

But these words weren’t convincing, after all, just a few days ago she had been making a fuss about eloping with Gu Chusheng.

Chu Jianchang hesitated, and Chu Jin continued to cry and plead, “Since Elder Brother Gu and Sister are in love, even if they can’t be together, Ajin doesn’t want to come between them…”

Chu Jianchang didn’t say anything. Chu Linxi was somewhat moved and spoke up, “Gu Chusheng likes Sister, Ajin must feel uncomfortable. Now that the Gu family is in such a state, and Gu Chusheng has shown his lack of integrity…”

Chu Yu put her teacup aside. Listening to Chu Jin push the blame onto her and Gu Chusheng, she pressed a handkerchief to the corner of her lips and slowly spoke, “Ajin, your thoughts have changed quite quickly.”

Hearing her speak, everyone looked at her. Chu Yu raised her eyes and smiled at Chu Jin, “If you don’t want to suffer hardships in the Gu family, just say so directly. Why bother with all these roundabout words?”

“Sister, what do you mean…”

Chu Jin looked bewildered as if she had no idea what Chu Yu was talking about.

Chu Yu sighed, her face showing some sadness, “Don’t you understand my feelings for Gu Chusheng? I used to dislike military officers and preferred civil officials. The reason I wanted to elope with Gu Chusheng was because you told me you didn’t want to suffer hardships with him in Kunyang. I felt sorry for you. You’ve grown up in luxury, how could you cope after marrying him?”

Hearing this, Chu Jianchang’s heart stirred.

Chu Jin had grown up in luxury, while Chu Yu had grown up enduring hardships with him. If Chu Jin didn’t want to suffer, Chu Yu could.

“Anyway, Gu Chusheng is a civil official. Our Chu family doesn’t break marriage agreements. It wouldn’t matter if I married him instead. After all, you’ve always longed for a high-status family, so you’d surely be happy marrying into the Wei family. But Gu Chusheng didn’t fancy me. I sent him money and a letter proposing to elope, but he sent it all back, saying he’d only love you for his entire life. You see, Gu Chusheng’s feelings for you are as clear as day.”

As she spoke, Chu Yu showed some sympathy, “Now that I’ve married into the Wei family, our Chu family’s engagement with the Gu family can’t be broken. Gu Chusheng is upright, handsome, and has a bright future. Although he’s a civil official and lacks some heroic spirit, everyone has their flaws, and it’s not a big deal. He’s liked you since childhood, you’ll have a good life. You should marry him!”

Chu Yu stepped forward and raised her hand to wipe away Chu Jin’s tears, “Don’t cry anymore, okay?”

After hearing this explanation, everyone understood the situation. Chu Jianchang’s expression wasn’t good. After holding back for a long time, he finally said, “I was wondering why Ayu, who never had any interaction with Gu Chusheng, suddenly wanted to elope. Chu Jin, who taught you to be such a person who craves enjoyment and curries favor with the powerful?!”

Chu Jianchang had always trusted Chu Yu. Not only did Chu Yu have the letter Gu Chusheng had returned saying he liked Chu Jin, but even without it, Chu Jianchang wouldn’t have doubted Chu Yu.

Hearing Chu Jianchang’s words, Chu Jin decided to go all out and burst into loud sobs, “I’m just a girl, and marriage is a lifelong affair. Don’t you know the current situation of the Gu family? You let Big Sister marry into the Wei family, while I have to marry Gu Chusheng. How biased can you be?! Big Sister can be the heir’s wife, while I have to marry a ninth-rank county magistrate. Father, we’re both your children, you…”

“Chu Jin!”

Chu Jianchang was enraged by Chu Jin’s words and shouted, “What nonsense are you spouting?!”

“You look down on Gu Chusheng and won’t let Big Sister marry him, so why should I marry him?!”

Chu Jin no longer tried to hide her feelings, her eyes full of resentment, “I won’t marry! Even if you want me to die, I won’t marry!”


Chu Jianchang slammed the table as he stood up, angrily saying, “Take her to the Buddha Hall! Don’t let her out until she’s reflected on her behavior!”

As he spoke, servants came to drag Chu Jin away. Xie Yun wanted to say something but was stopped by Chu Jianchang’s glare. Xie Yun was still afraid of Chu Jianchang and swallowed her words, watching with eyes full of pity as Chu Jin was dragged away.

After Chu Jin left, Chu Yu stayed for dinner. Chu Jianchang seemed very tired and after chatting with Chu Yu for a bit, he went to sleep.

Seeing that it was late at night, Chu Yu asked Xie Yun for Chang Yue and Wan Yue to come over, and said, “Mother, I’ll take these two maids back with me.”

Xie Yun frowned, looking at the two girls standing behind Chu Yu.

The two girls were slender and tall, one quite pretty and the other very gentle-looking. Standing behind Chu Yu, they looked particularly outstanding.

Xie Yun felt a bit uneasy, “The maids given as dowry are usually not very good-looking…”

“I don’t have anyone I can use over there,” Chu Yu sighed. “The maids there are all much more talented and beautiful. Yet the Wei heir doesn’t even have a single concubine, which shows his upright character. I’ve been used to Chang Yue and Wan Yue since I was little, and they have some martial arts skills. With them around, I’ll be able to do many more things.”

Hearing this, Xie Yun felt a bit more at ease. Seeing Chu Yu’s worried expression, she couldn’t bear to refuse and said, “Alright then.”

Having obtained the two maids, Chu Yu said goodbye and prepared to leave. Xie Yun saw her to the door, and before Chu Yu got into the carriage, she couldn’t help but say, “About Ajin’s matter, please help her out a bit.”

Chu Yu nodded and sighed, “Don’t worry, Mother. Although she doesn’t understand things, I’ll still help her. But the Wei family is unlikely. They have high standards, and Wei Yun is the most favored young master of this generation. He’s likely to marry a princess. I’ll look at other noble families and if there’s a suitable match, I’ll keep Ajin in mind.”

Hearing that Wei Yun might marry a princess, Xie Yun gave up the idea. They couldn’t compete with a princess, no matter who they were up against.

She looked up at Chu Yu, her heart full of gratitude, “I always thought you didn’t understand things, but now… Ayu, you’ve grown up.”

Chu Yu’s expression stiffened for a moment. These words reminded her of what this mother had done in her previous life.

She closed her eyes, let out a light sigh, shook her head, and entered the carriage.

The carriage swayed back and forth. Chang Yue and Wan Yue sat on either side of the carriage. After a long while, Chang Yue brought tea to Chu Yu and asked in a low voice, “Is the First Young Lady planning to find a good family for the Second Young Lady?”

She had always disliked Chu Jin, but when speaking to Chu Yu, she only thought Chang Yue was overly concerned. But Chang Yue still couldn’t help but speak up.

Chu Yu smiled. Of course, she couldn’t let Chu Jin marry Gu Chusheng. Gu Chusheng was a formidable figure. What if he unexpectedly rose to great heights?

As Chu Yu pondered, her gaze fell on Chang Yue’s face. Listening to Chang Yue speak ill of Chu Jin, she felt a hint of unease in her heart.

In her previous life, it was because of this very mouth that Chang Yue had been beaten to death by Chu Jin.

Looking at Chang Yue, Chu Yu suddenly remembered those years.

In the cold winter, she knelt outside Gu Chusheng’s study, with Chang Yue’s screams not far away.

She listened to the sound of the cane falling on Chang Yue’s body, desperately kowtowing to Gu Chusheng.

She had been injured on the battlefield and found it extremely difficult to conceive. The doctor said it was related to the martial arts she had practiced. To get pregnant, Gu Chusheng had stripped away her martial arts.

So at this moment, when Gu Chusheng had taken Chu Jin as his concubine when Chu Jin was managing the household and beating Chang Yue for disobedience, all she could do was kneel there, powerless.

She had never regretted it.

Loving Gu Chusheng, doing everything for Gu Chusheng, she had never regretted any of it. She had chosen this path herself. She had loved someone with all her heart, and when she no longer loved him, she could leave with dignity.

Until the moment Chang Yue was beaten and she was powerless to help, she finally regretted it.

Her love should have been her affair. No one else should have been implicated because of it.

So she cried and begged him.

“Gu Chusheng, I was wrong,” she said. “Please spare Chang Yue. I agree to divorce, I’ll give the position of the official wife to Chu Jin, I’ll leave with Chang Yue and Wan Yue, and I won’t bother you anymore. I was wrong…”

“I’m sorry, I was wrong to like you. Please let me go.”

“Please let me go…”

She cried as she knocked her head on the floor, blood seeping out.

Gu Chusheng finally stepped out, draped in his official robes, and looked down at her with cold, detached eyes.

“Just a servant. Is she so important?”

His voice was as chilling as an iceberg, as cold as winter snow.

“A servant is enough to make you and me part ways?”

He smirked and shouted, “Absurd!”

She sobbed uncontrollably, reaching out to him. “Please, I’ll agree to whatever you want. Gu Chusheng, considering how many years I’ve been with you…”

“Stop using those years as leverage against me!” Gu Chusheng roared. “I never forced you to endure hardship with me. You chose this yourself!”

That night, Gu Chusheng did not save Chang Yue. In the end, it was Gu Chusheng’s mother who came to the rescue. But Chang Yue’s injuries were too severe; despite enduring the whole night with a high fever, she didn’t survive.

The winter was too cold. Chu Yu held Chang Yue’s body until noon. She remained silent and did not cry, simply holding Chang Yue’s lifeless form. Wan Yue, trembling, called out to her, “Miss…”

Wan Yue, like Chang Yue, refused to call her “Madam.”

She looked up at Wan Yue, trembling for a long time before finally saying, “Let’s go…”

And so she left, carrying Wan Yue and Chang Yue’s bodies, departing from Huajing.

She feared that if she stayed, she might not even be able to protect Wan Yue.

Recalling those past events, Chu Yu closed her eyes and reached out, pulling Chang Yue into an embrace.

Chang Yue blinked in confusion, “Miss?”

Chu Yu didn’t speak, her voice choked, “Chang Yue, I’m here.”

This time, she would not sever her limbs. This time, she would protect you well.

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