HomeFight For LoveShan He Zhen - Chapter 96

Shan He Zhen – Chapter 96

Hearing the angry shout, Gu Chusheng’s expression remained unchanged. He turned his head and took a sip of tea.

“Dressed in plain clothes, wearing a silver-white mask, and shouting at guests in the Wei family home…” Gu Chusheng looked up with a smile. “It seems you hold quite some authority in the Wei household. Might you be Mr. Gong Sun, who should be in the Northern Border?”

Wei Yun remained silent, slightly furrowing his brow as he pondered how Gu Chusheng knew this identity.

Gong Sun Zhan was someone he had saved on the northern battlefield. Later, when he disobeyed Zhao Yue’s military orders and secretly went to Hexi to buy horses, he fell into an ambush. Gong Sun Zhan died protecting him, and he escaped back to White City under Gong Sun Zhan’s name. He never announced Gong Sun Zhan’s death, but instead turned him into an identity he used when traveling outside. He had been away from the capital for three years and had never returned to Hua Jing. How did Gu Chusheng know about Gong Sun Zhan?

Gu Chusheng noticed his displeasure and let out a cold laugh, “Mr. Gong Sun, no matter how much the Marquis favors you, you’re still just a commoner. I am the Minister of Rites, a third-rank official. How dare you shout at me here?! Kneel!”

As soon as Gu Chusheng said this, Wei Qian behind Wei Yun immediately drew his sword, and Gu Chusheng’s guards also drew their weapons. As the two sides faced off, Wei Yun calmly spoke, “The reason His Majesty promoted you to Minister of Rites at such a young age, despite opposition, must be because you’re someone who understands and observes etiquette.”

Gu Chusheng understood Wei Yun’s meaning.

Although Gong Sun Zhan’s rank wasn’t high, he was a retainer of the Marquis Zhenguo’s household. Now that he was standing in the Marquis Zhenguo’s mansion, a retainer protecting his master, telling him to leave was already polite.

Gu Chusheng’s expression changed slightly. He sighed and revealed a somewhat sad look, “Mr. Gong Sun, to be honest, I’m worried about Madam Wei.”

“My Wei family’s Madam has the Wei family to worry about her, and the Chu family to worry about her. What relationship do you have with Madam,” Wei Yun said with a cold smile, “that gives you the right to be concerned?”

“Mr. Gong Sun,” Gu Chusheng suppressed his anger, “Madam and I are old friends.”

“She’s married now.”

Wei Yun’s voice carried a chill: “I hope you’ll avoid suspicion.”

Gu Chusheng was infuriated by these words, his blood surging. He tightened his grip on the fan in his hand and laughed coldly, saying repeatedly, “Fine, fine, fine. You just keep blocking me like this. When something happens, I’ll see if you, a mere servant, can bear the responsibility!”

Wei Yun said nothing, his hands folded in his sleeves, and calmly said, “See the guest out.”

Hearing these two words, Gu Chusheng knew Wei Yun was determined to make him leave. He stared coldly at Wei Yun for a long time. After a while, he took a deep breath, abruptly turned, and left. After taking a few steps, he ultimately stopped and quickly said, “Yesterday, there was a big fire in the palace that killed Royal Consort Wang. His Majesty said Wang He, because of his daughter’s death, ordered guards to angrily execute over a hundred palace maids overnight. He summoned the Minister of Justice into the palace to thoroughly investigate this matter. This morning, His Majesty ordered people to surround the Wang family mansion.” Gu Chusheng paused, then said, “Although it’s unclear what exactly Madam did, you should tell her to prepare early.”

This time, Wei Yun didn’t make things difficult for Gu Chusheng. He respectfully bowed and said, “Thank you for the warning, Minister Gu.”

With that, he stepped forward to personally escort Gu Chusheng out of the mansion. Seeing him walk to his side, Gu Chusheng said coldly, “Why have you come to Hua Jing?”

“I am not under Minister Gu’s command. My comings and goings are none of your concern.”

Wei Yun didn’t answer directly. Gu Chusheng pondered without speaking. In his previous life, Gong Sun Zhan rarely appeared, but whenever he did, it was always followed by blood and carnage. Almost all of Wei Yun’s major life turning points were related to this person, who was always seated among the nobility. He thought for a moment, given their relationship, Gong Sun Zhan wouldn’t tell him any truth, so he nodded and didn’t ask further. After reviewing the major events that had happened recently, he looked up at Wei Yun: “Are you here to discuss peace negotiations with His Majesty?”

Wei Yun’s expression remained unchanged. Gu Chusheng thought he had guessed correctly and chuckled lightly, “I know your master doesn’t want to return to the capital. You can rest easy now. With the Wang family in trouble, His Majesty won’t summon you back for a while. If you were to return, he would fear you might take the opportunity to collude with the Wang family.”

“Minister Gu is overthinking,” Wei Yun finally spoke, his voice neither warm nor cold. “You should think more about what advice you’ll give His Majesty to cover up the Wang family incident. Surely Minister Gu doesn’t believe,” Wei Yun looked up at Gu Chusheng, “that those hundred-plus palace maids were killed by Wang He?”

Gu Chusheng’s expression changed slightly. Wei Yun smiled lightly and raised his hand, “Minister Gu, please.”

After seeing Gu Chusheng off, Wei Yun returned to the long corridor. After walking a few steps, he saw Jiang Chun standing at the door, smiling and bowing to him, “Mr. Gong Sun.”

Wei Yun hurried forward and respectfully performed a deep bow befitting a retainer: “Second Madam.”

“Mr. Gong Sun must be tired from your long journey and should be resting. However, the Old Madam heard of your arrival and, missing the Marquis too much, wants to call you over to ask you some questions to ease her longing for her son.”

Wei Yun felt a twinge of sadness in his heart and cupped his hands, saying, “It’s my honor that the Old Madam thinks so highly of me.”

With that, Jiang Chun led Wei Yun toward the inner courtyard. Arriving at the door, Jiang Chun asked Wei Yun to wait while she had a servant announce their arrival to Liu Xueyang. After a while, the servant led Jiang Chun and Wei Yun in. Wei Yun saw Liu Xueyang sitting in the main seat, quietly observing him.

In the three years he had been away, Liu Xueyang’s hair had turned white. She looked at him carefully, and Wei Yun lowered his eyes, suppressing all his emotions, and respectfully bowed to Liu Xueyang.

Seeing his movement, Liu Xueyang quickly asked him to rise. Wei Yun raised his head and saw tears in Liu Xueyang’s eyes. He was stunned and couldn’t help but ask, “Why is the Old Madam grieving?”

“Forgive me for embarrassing you,” Liu Xueyang wiped the corner of her eye with a handkerchief. “Your eyes, sir, look just like my son’s.”

Wei Yun said nothing. For a moment, he almost wanted to confess his identity to Liu Xueyang.

However, reason held him back.

Liu Xueyang had never been good at keeping secrets. His presence in Hua Jing absolutely could not be leaked, even slightly. He couldn’t be so rash.

So he could only comfort her, “We should have the young Marquis return soon.”

“Nonsense,” Liu Xueyang smiled. “With the Northern Di still undefeated, if he hurriedly returns only to leave again, it’s better not to come back at all. I’ve gotten used to it…”

Liu Xueyang’s voice carried a hint of sadness: “His father spent his whole life on the battlefield, and now he’s the same. I’ve long since gotten used to it.”

“Old Madam…”

“Speaking of which,” Liu Xueyang turned her gaze to look at Wei Yun, “I heard it was you who saved A Yu.”

Wei Yun nodded, “I happened to encounter Madam.”

“You serve under the Marquis in a civilian role, right?”

“Yes,” Wei Yun continued to play the role of Gong Sun Zhan, “I am the Marquis’s strategist.”

Liu Xueyang nodded, “Civilian roles are good, less risky. In a few years when there’s not much fighting, come back to Hua Jing, and I’ll have the Marquis find you an official position.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Old Madam,” Wei Yun bowed, “I am deeply grateful.”

Liu Xueyang smiled in response, looking Wei Yun up and down with increasing delight. She asked him many questions about his affairs in the north and invited him to stay for a meal.

Wei Yun sat properly next to Liu Xueyang as she chatted with Jiang Chun: “Did Gu Chusheng come again today?”

“Yes,” Jiang Chun sighed, “but he’s still an outsider after all, so I didn’t let him visit.”

“When A Yu is better, tell her to let him come and see her again.”

Liu Xueyang said this calmly. Wei Yun’s hand holding the chopsticks paused slightly. He looked up at Liu Xueyang, his eyes filled with confusion. Jiang Chun noticed the question in Wei Yun’s eyes and smiled, “Don’t be surprised, Mr. Gong Sun. The Old Madam is thinking of matchmaking Minister Gu and the First Madam.”

“My spirits are getting worse,” Liu Xueyang sighed lightly, smiling bitterly, “Now that the most difficult times have passed, I’m not worried about Xiao Qi. Ling Chun is now nine years old and seems very sensible. The Second Madam here also has support. All things considered, A Yu is the only one in the entire household that I’m worried about. She’s so young now, and her relationship with A Jun is pure and without children. We of the Wei family have wronged her. I must live to see her marry a good family, see her have children, and live well. Only then can I rest easy.”

Hearing this, Wei Yun tightened his grip on the chopsticks, lowering his eyes.

His hand was trembling slightly, so he forced himself to stop this trembling.

Beside him, Jiang Chun hadn’t noticed his unusual behavior and instead tried to persuade Liu Xueyang: “Mother-in-law, don’t talk nonsense. You’re destined for a long life. A Yu’s marriage can’t be rushed. She and Gu Chusheng have a knot in their hearts, but since Gu Chusheng is sincere, it’s only a matter of time. Don’t worry.”

“That’s true,” Liu Xueyang smiled and looked up at Wei Yun, “Mr. Gong Sun, I consider you as one of our own. What do you think of Gu Chusheng? He’s not bad, right?”

Wei Yun couldn’t speak. His entire heart was trembling. He feared that if he opened his mouth, there would be something unusual, so he could only respond softly, “Mm.”

“Gu Chusheng is truly a good child,” Liu Xueyang turned to look at Jiang Chun. “Look at the people in Hua Jing who have met him, who doesn’t say he’s good? Although they had some unpleasantness when they were young – I heard Gu Chusheng rejected her, right? But when men are young, how many of them know their hearts… Now look at him, so young yet already the Minister of Rites. His future in the cabinet is assured, and his conduct is considered upright. Most importantly, he’s sincere.”

“You’re right,” Jiang Chun smiled. “Now A Yu just has a knot in her heart. Once that’s untied, it’ll be fine. I see Gu Chusheng as someone with perseverance. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. You don’t need to worry too much, it’s only a matter of time.”

Hearing this, Liu Xueyang finally cheered up. She smiled and told Jiang Chun some amusing stories about Gu Chusheng after he became the Minister of Rites. The two of them discussed how to matchmake Chu Yu and Gu Chusheng in the future, while Wei Yun listened numbly beside them.

After finishing the meal mechanically, Wei Yun could no longer bear it. He stood up and respectfully took his leave.

After he left, Liu Xueyang looked in the direction Wei Yun had gone and sighed, “It’s a pity his background is too low.”

Jiang Chun smiled, “How can a true talent be confined? Mother-in-law, even the great strategists of old were once commoners. Birth doesn’t matter; what’s important is sincerity.”

Liu Xueyang was silent for a moment before finally saying, “It depends on A Yu. As long as she’s happy, that’s what matters.”

While Liu Xueyang and Jiang Chun were chatting, Wei Yun walked to the long corridor.

Wei Qian followed behind. Wei Yun was walking very quickly, and Wei Qian hurriedly chased after him, asking with some concern, “Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Wei Yun didn’t speak. He turned through several corridors before finally stopping. He suddenly turned back and said coldly, “Investigate.”

Wei Qian was stunned. Wei Yun looked into the distance: “Investigate everything Gu Chusheng has done in recent years, all his interactions with the First Madam. I want to know every word they’ve said and everything they’ve done.”

“M-Master?” Wei Qian hadn’t reacted and asked with some surprise, “Why are you investigating the First Madam?”

Wei Yun didn’t speak. He gave Wei Qian a cold look, took off the token at his waist, and threw it over, saying coldly, “When you return to White City, go to Wei Qiu yourself to receive punishment.”

Wei Qian held the token, feeling confused. What had he done wrong?

However, he didn’t dare say more and quickly took the token to carry out his orders. Wei Yun went straight to Chu Yu’s door.

Chu Yu was still unconscious, so he couldn’t go in. He sat at the stone table in the courtyard and had a maid set up a chessboard and pieces for him to play against himself.

He made each move very slowly, with great difficulty, his mind filled with what Jiang Chun and Liu Xueyang had just said.

She would marry someone sooner or later, but no one thought that person would be him. Even Jiang Chun, who knew his feelings, hadn’t thought that one day he would return and want to marry this person.

He pressed his lips tightly together, frustration and helplessness surging up together. Although three years had passed, he still felt as if there was no difference between himself and the past.

He placed the chess pieces one by one. As the sun reached its zenith, there came an announcement from outside.

“First Madam,” the steward hurriedly entered. Wei Yun looked up to see the steward approach Chu Yu’s door, anxiously saying, “Quickly inform the First Madam, that an imperial edict has arrived from the palace. His Majesty summons the First Madam to the palace!”

Wei Yun furrowed his brow. He stood up, hearing Chu Yu’s cough from inside the room.

Everyone stood at the door waiting for Chu Yu’s orders. Even though she was ill, everyone’s pillar of support was still this person.

Just from this scene alone, Wei Yun felt he had glimpsed how Chu Yu had supported this vast Wei household during the three years he was absent.

A dense pain suddenly surged in his heart. All the jealousy and anger from before seemed to disappear with this pain. He stood outside the door, hearing Chu Yu’s weak yet dignified voice from inside.

“Where is Mr. Gong Sun?”

He clasped his hands in front of him and replied calmly, “Madam, I am here.”

Mini Scene:

Jiang Chun: I think Gu Chusheng could marry A Yu.
Wei Yun: I disagree!
Jiang Chun: I believe Master Gongsun could marry A Yu.
Wei Yun: I agree.

(After the marriage)
Jiang Chun: Contestants voting for themselves? Xiao Qi, you can’t do that…

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